769 research outputs found

    Применение технологий управления знаниями в гостиничном бизнесе

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    Знания - чрезвычайно важный фактор развития человеческого потенциала, а в условиях организации он превращается в весьма значимый ресурс, связанный с персоналом. В статье рассматриваются вопросы применения технологий управления знаниями в современных экономических условиях. Проанализировано понятие "управление знаниями". Определены основные препятствия к извлечению знаний и технологии, обеспечивающие процесс управления знаниями в гостиничном предприятии.Knowledge is an extremely important factor in the development of human potential, and in terms of organization it becomes a very significant resource, I swear with the staff. The article deals with the use of control technologies in modern economic conditions. The concept of "knowledge management" is analyzed. There are identified the main obstacles to the extraction of knowledge and technology that ensure the process of management in a hotel enterprise

    Ethics roundtable: 'Open-ended ICU care: Can we afford it?'

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    The patient is a 27-year-old previously healthy male with a diagnosis of viral encephalitis with a lymphocytic pleocytosis on cerebrospinal fluid examination. For 3 months, he has been in status epilepticus (SE) on high doses of barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and ketamine and a ketogenic feeding-tube formula. He remains in burst suppression on continuous electroencephalography (EEG). He is trached and has a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) feeding tube. He has been treated several times for pneumonia, and he is on a warming blanket and is on vasopressors to maintain his blood pressure. His vitals are stable and his lab work is within limits. The sedation is decreased under EEG guidance every 72 hours, after which he goes back into SE and heavy sedation is resumed. The latest magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows edema but otherwise no obvious permanent cortical damage. The family wants a realistic assessment of the likely outcome. The neurologist tells them the literature suggests the outlook is poor but not 100% fatal. As long as all of his other organs are functioning on life support, there is always a chance the seizures will stop at some time in the future, and so the neurologist recommends an open-ended intensive care unit (ICU) plan and hopes for that outcome. © 2010 BioMed Central Ltd

    Boundary intensification of vertical velocity in a β-plane basin

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2005. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 35 (2005): 2487-2500, doi:10.1175/JPO2832.1.The buoyancy-driven circulation of simple two-layer models on the β plane is studied in order to examine the role of beta in determining the magnitude and structure of the vertical motions forced in response to surface heating and cooling. Both analytical and numerical approaches are used to describe the change in circulation pattern and strength as a consequence of the planetary vorticity gradient. The physics is quasigeostrophic at lowest order but is sensitive to small nonquasigeostrophic mass fluxes across the boundary of the basin. The height of the interface between the two layers serves as an analog of temperature, and the vertical velocity at the interface consists of a cross-isopycnal velocity, modeled in terms of a relaxation to a prescribed interface height, as well as an adiabatic representation of eddy thickness fluxes parameterized as lateral diffusion of interface displacement. In the numerical model the lateral eddy diffusion of heat is explicitly represented by a resolved eddy field. In the plausibly more realistic case, when the lateral diffusion of buoyancy dominates the diffusion of momentum, the major vertical velocities occur at the boundary of the basin as in earlier f-plane studies. The effect of the planetary vorticity gradient is to intensify the sinking at the western wall and to enhance the magnitude of that sinking with respect to the f-plane models. The vertical mass flux in the Sverdrup interior exactly balances the vertical flux in the region of the strong horizontal transport of the western boundary current, leaving the net flux to occur in a very narrow region near the western boundary tucked well within the western boundary current. On the other hand, if the lateral diffusion of heat is arbitrarily and unrealistically eliminated, the vertical mass flux is forced to occur in the interior. The circulation pattern is extremely sensitive to small net inflows or outflows across the basin perimeter. The cross-basin flux determines the interface height on the basin’s eastern boundary and affects the circulation pattern across the entire basin.This research was supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation OCE-9901654 (JP) and OCE-0240978, and Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-03-0338 (MAS)

    Статистична оцінка фізико-механічних характеристик суглинків для прогнозу зсувонебезпечності схилів

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    Визначення фізико-механічних характеристик просадкових лесових ґрунтів та м’яких глинистих порід є важливим елементом інженерно-геологічних вишукувань, наприклад при оцінці стійкості природних схилів і техногенних укосів. Використання методів теорії ймовірностей і математичної статистики дає можливість більш вірогідно і науково обґрунтовано визначити розрахункові характеристики міцнісних властивостей м’яких глинистих порід для оцінки стійкості схилів і укосів

    Split-domain calibration of an ecosystem model using satellite ocean colour data

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    The application of satellite ocean colour data to the calibration of plankton ecosystem models for large geographic domains, over which their ideal parameters cannot be assumed to be invariant, is investigated. A method is presented for seeking the number and geographic scope of parameter sets which allows the best fit to validation data to be achieved. These are independent data not used in the parameter estimation process. The goodness-of-fit of the optimally calibrated model to the validation data is an objective measure of merit for the model, together with its external forcing data. Importantly, this is a statistic which can be used for comparative evaluation of different models. The method makes use of observations from multiple locations, referred to as stations, distributed across the geographic domain. It relies on a technique for finding groups of stations which can be aggregated for parameter estimation purposes with minimal increase in the resulting misfit between model and observations.The results of testing this split-domain calibration method for a simple zero dimensional model, using observations from 30 stations in the North Atlantic, are presented. The stations are divided into separate calibration and validation sets. One year of ocean colour data from each station were used in conjunction with a climatological estimate of the station’s annual nitrate maximum. The results demonstrate the practical utility of the method and imply that an optimal fit of the model to the validation data would be given by two parameter sets. The corresponding division of the North Atlantic domain into two provinces allows a misfit-based cost to be achieved which is 25% lower than that for the single parameter set obtained using all of the calibration stations. In general, parameters are poorly constrained, contributing to a high degree of uncertainty in model output for unobserved variables. This suggests that limited progress towards a definitive model calibration can be made without including other types of observations

    Autoantibodies to aS1-Casein Are Induced by Breast-Feeding

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    Background: The generation of antibodies is impaired in newborns due to an immature immune system and reduced exposure to pathogens due to maternally derived antibodies and placental functions. During nursing, the immune system of newborns is challenged with multiple milk-derived proteins. Amongst them, caseins are the main constituent. In particular, human aS1-casein (CSN1S1) was recently shown to possess immunomodulatory properties. We were thus interested to determine if auto-antibodies to CSN1S1 are induced by breast-feeding and may be sustained into adulthood. Methods: 62 sera of healthy adult individuals who were (n = 37) or were not (n = 25) breast-fed against human CSN1S1 were investigated by a new SD (surface display)-ELISA. For cross-checking, these sera were tested for anti Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antibodies by a commercial ELISA. Results: IgG-antibodies were predominantly detected in individuals who had been nursed. At a cut-off value of 0.4, the SDELISA identified individuals with a history of having been breast-fed with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 92%. Under these conditions, 35 out of 37 sera from healthy donors, who where breast-fed, reacted positively but only 5 sera of the 25 donors who were not breast-fed. The duration of breast-feeding was of no consequence to the antibody reaction as some healthy donors were only short term breast-fed (5 days minimum until 6 weeks maximum), but exhibited significant serum reaction against human CSN1S1 nonetheless. Conclusion: We postulate that human CSN1S1 is an autoantigen. The antigenicity is orally determined, caused by breastfeeding, and sustained into adulthood

    Інженерна комп’ютерна графіка

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    Розглянуто відомості про систему тривимірного моделювання КОМПАС-3D при виконанні практичних завдань, побудову тривимірних моделей деталей і складальних одиниць машин та обладнання, будівельних споруд, а також про випуск асоціативних креслеників, розробку специфікацій, експлікацій, інших текстових документів

    Engineering and geological features of soils fundamentals buildings and engineering networks of the Dnipro city

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    The analysis of engineering and geological properties of soils both in the natural state and under the influence of human economic activity is performed in the work. The researches from the point of view of conditions of construction and operation of buildings and constructions of engineering infrastructure of the city of Dnipro are proved. As a result of the analysis of specific geomorphological zones, specific examples of violations of the operation of buildings on subsidence soils, a number of measures are proposed for maintenance and operation of buildings and structures located in areas composed of subsidence soils, on the example of specific areas exposed to past man-made events. An analytical assessment of the ecological catastrophe on the territory of the Topolya 1 railway in 1997 is provided. The paper considers a principled approach to the principles and conditions of operation of buildings and structures on specific subsidence soils of the city of Dnipro.В роботі виконано аналіз інженерно-геологічних властивостей грунтів як в природньому стані, так і під впливом господарської діяльності людини. Доведені дослідження з точки зору умов будівництва і експлуатації будівель та споруд інженерної інфрастуктури міста Дніпро. Внаслідок аналізу конкретних геоморфологічних зон, конкретних прикладів порушень умов експлуатації будівель на просідальних грунтах, пропонується ряд заходів по утриманню і експлуатації будівель і споруд, розташованих на територіях, складених просідальними грунтами, на прикладі конкретних районів, які піддавалися в минулому негативним подіям техногенного характреру. Надається аналітична оцінка екологічної катастрофи на території ж/м "Тополя -1" у 1997 році. В роботі розглядається принциповий підхід до принципів і умов експлуатації будівель і споруд на специфічних просідальних грунтах міста Дніпро

    Subseasonal Forecasting with an Icosahedral, Vertically Quasi-Lagrangian Coupled Model. Part I: Model Overview and Evaluation of Systematic Errors

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    The atmospheric hydrostatic Flow-Following Icosahedral Model (FIM), developed for medium-range weather prediction, provides a unique three-dimensional grid structurea quasi-uniform icosahedral horizontal grid and an adaptive quasi-Lagrangian vertical coordinate. To extend the FIM framework to subseasonal time scales, an icosahedral-grid rendition of the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (iHYCOM) was developed and coupled to FIM. By sharing a common horizontal mesh, airsea fluxes between the two models are conserved locally and globally. Both models use similar adaptive hybrid vertical coordinates. Another unique aspect of the coupled model (referred to as FIMiHYCOM) is the use of the GrellFreitas scale-aware convective scheme in the atmosphere. A multiyear retrospective study is necessary to demonstrate the potential usefulness and allow for immediate bias correction of a subseasonal prediction model. In these two articles, results are shown based on a 16-yr period of hindcasts from FIMiHYCOM, which has been providing real-time forecasts out to a lead time of 4 weeks for NOAAs Subseasonal Experiment (SubX) starting July 2017. Part I provides an overview of FIMiHYCOM and compares its systematic errors at subseasonal time scales to those of NOAAs operational Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2). Part II uses bias-corrected hindcasts to assess both deterministic and probabilistic subseasonal skill of FIMiHYCOM. FIMiHYCOM has smaller biases than CFSv2 for some fields (including precipitation) and comparable biases for other fields (including sea surface temperature). FIMiHYCOM also has less drift in bias between weeks 1 and 4 than CFSv2. The unique grid structure and physics suite of FIMiHYCOM is expected to add diversity to multimodel ensemble forecasts at subseasonal time scales in SubX