62 research outputs found

    A note on representation of references

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    We consider a class of relations which includes irreflexive preference relations and interdependent preferences. For this class, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for representation of the relation by two numerical functions in the sense of a < x if and only if u(a) < v(x)

    A note on representation of references.

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    We consider a class of relations which includes irreflexive preference relations and interdependent preferences. For this class, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for representation of the relation by two numerical functions in the sense of aPreference; Continuous representation; Pseudotransitivity; Biorders;

    Una nota sobre la representación numérica de relaciones de preferencia

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    En esta nota se estudia la existencia de representación de una preferencia < definida en un espacio topológico X mediante dos funciones reales u y v, continuas en X de modo que x < y si o sólo si u(x) < v(y). Generalizamos al easo pseudotransitivo un resultado de P.K. Monteiro relativo a preórdenes completos para obtener, en el marco de los espacios topológicos conexos por arcos, condiciones necesarias y suficientes para la existencia de representación

    Elastic Image Registration with Applications to Proteomics

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    Elastic Image Registration of 2-D Gels for Differential and Repeatability Studies

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    One of the main applications of electrophoretic 2-D gels is the analysis of differential responses between different conditions. For this reason, specific spots are present in one of the images, but not in the other. In some other occasions, the same experiment is repeated between 2 and 12 times in order to increase statistical significance. In both situations, one of the major difficulties of these analysis is that 2-D gels are affected by spatial distortions due to run-time differences and dye-front deformations, resulting in images that are significantly dissimilar not only because of their content, but also because of their geometry. In this technical brief, we show how to use free, state-of-the-art image registration and fusion algorithms developed by us for solving the problem of comparing differential expression profiles, or computing an "average" image from a series of virtually identical gels

    Informática y tecnologías emergentes

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    Nuestro entorno se va transformando por cambios que se producen con el avance de las tecnologías con un fuerte impacto en nuestra vida cotidiana. En este contexto ¿Qué son las Tecnologías Emergentes? “Tecnologías emergentes (TE) son innovaciones en desarrollo que como su nombre lo dice en un futuro cambiarán la forma de vivir del ser humano brindándole mayor facilidad a la hora de realizar sus actividades, conforme la tecnología vaya cambiando estas también irán evolucionando logrando complementarse con la tecnología más moderna para brindar servicios que harán la vida del hombre mucho más segura y sencilla.” Por lo tanto decimos que una TE es el producto que se obtiene al renovar la tecnología que ya antes se ha desarrollado con el fin de obtener mayores beneficios, esto está acompañado de un elevado margen de incertidumbre. La clave para utilizar al máximo las TE será saber cómo integrarlas de manera efectiva en los productos, procesos o servicios que impactan en nuestra calidad de vida para hacerlos cada vez más personalizados y eficientes. Este Proyecto de I+D+i es continuación de proyectos anteriores. Se propone identificar, contextualizar, evaluar, desarrollar y aplicar herramientas informáticas usando TE, las cuales tendrán un impacto en contextos heterogéneos.Eje: Innovación en Sistemas de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    18S rRNA is a reliable normalisation gene for real time PCR based on influenza virus infected cells

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    Background: One requisite of quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) is to normalise the data with an internal reference gene that is invariant regardless of treatment, such as virus infection. Several studies have found variability in the expression of commonly used housekeeping genes, such as beta-actin (ACTB) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), under different experimental settings. However, ACTB and GAPDH remain widely used in the studies of host gene response to virus infections, including influenza viruses. To date no detailed study has been described that compares the suitability of commonly used housekeeping genes in influenza virus infections. The present study evaluated several commonly used housekeeping genes [ACTB, GAPDH, 18S ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA), ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, beta polypeptide (ATP5B) and ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex, subunit C1 (subunit 9) (ATP5G1)] to identify the most stably expressed gene in human, pig, chicken and duck cells infected with a range of influenza A virus subtypes. Results: The relative expression stability of commonly used housekeeping genes were determined in primary human bronchial epithelial cells (HBECs), pig tracheal epithelial cells (PTECs), and chicken and duck primary lung-derived cells infected with five influenza A virus subtypes. Analysis of qRT-PCR data from virus and mock infected cells using NormFinder and BestKeeper software programmes found that 18S rRNA was the most stable gene in HBECs, PTECs and avian lung cells. Conclusions: Based on the presented data from cell culture models (HBECs, PTECs, chicken and duck lung cells) infected with a range of influenza viruses, we found that 18S rRNA is the most stable reference gene for normalising qRT-PCR data. Expression levels of the other housekeeping genes evaluated in this study (including ACTB and GPADH) were highly affected by influenza virus infection and hence are not reliable as reference genes for RNA normalisation