99,995 research outputs found

    Self stabilizing sonic inlet

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    An inlet suitable for a turbine engine in a STOL, VTOL or CTOL aircraft is described. A circumferentially extended slot is provided in the inner surface of the air inlet at the windward side and downstream of the throat region. The slot communicates with a circumferential plenum chamber formed in the front of the air inlet just behind the lip. Circumferentially extending rows of apertures are provided on the lip establishing two sets of apertures spaced circumferentially away from the slot in opposite directions. The slot removes the boundary layer from the critical portion of the diffuser to minimize or eliminate flow pressure loss or separations resulting from diffusion or tuning. The apertures are in a region of low static pressure on the lip of the inlet and serve as a source of suction to cause air flow into the slot

    Self-Configuring Universal Linear Optical Component

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    We show how to design an optical device that can perform any linear function or coupling between inputs and outputs. This design method is progressive, requiring no global optimization. We also show how the device can configure itself progressively, avoiding design calculations and allowing the device to stabilize itself against drifts in component properties and to continually adjust itself to changing conditions. This self-configuration operates by training with the desired pairs of orthogonal input and output functions, using sets of detectors and local feedback loops to set individual optical elements within the device, with no global feedback or multiparameter optimization required. Simple mappings, such as spatial mode conversions and polarization control, can be implemented using standard planar integrated optics. In the spirit of a universal machine, we show that other linear operations, including frequency and time mappings, as well as non-reciprocal operation, are possible in principle, even if very challenging in practice, thus proving there is at least one constructive design for any conceivable linear optical component; such a universal device can also be self-configuring. This approach is general for linear waves, and could be applied to microwaves, acoustics and quantum mechanical superpositions

    Antlions of Hispaniola (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae)

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    Twelve extant species of antlions are known from Hispaniola including four new species (Eremoleon petrophila, Eremoleon phasma, Purenleon nunezi, Purenleon woodruffi) and one new genus (Peruveleon). Five New World species are transferred into Peruveleon resulting in new combinations: Peruveleon bruneri (Alayo), Peruveleon camposi (Banks), Peruveleon dolichogaster (Navás), Peruveleon dorsalis (Banks), Peruveleon indiges (Walker). Vella fallax haitiensis Smith is considered a new synonym of Vella eggerti Esben-Petersen. Descriptions and records for the species are provided as well as keys to the adults and larvae. The larvae of eleven species were found and reared.Se documentan doce especies de Myrmeleontidae de Hispaniola incluyendo cuatro especies nuevas (Eremoleon petrophila, Eremoleon phasma, Purenleon nunezi, Purenleon woodruffi) y un género nuevo (Peruveleon). Cinco especies son transferidos al género Peruveleon resultando nuevas combinaciones: Peruveleon bruneri (Alayo), Peruveleon camposi (Banks), Peruveleon dolichogaster (Navás), Peruveleon dorsalis (Banks), Peruveleon indiges (Walker). Vella fallax haitiensis Smith es considerado como un sinonimo nuevo de Vella eggerti Esben-Petersen. Se proporcionan descripciones y registros para las especies y claves para los adultos y larvas. Las larvas de once especies fueron descubiertas y asociadas con adultos

    A new species of Stenorrhachus McLachlan from Chile (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae) with biological notes

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    A new species of Stenorrhachus (McLachlan), S. chilensis (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae), is described from Chile with biological observations of Stenorrhachus walkeri (McLachlan). A key to the two species is provided as well as diagnoses of the adults and of the larva of Stenorrhachus walkeri.Se describe una especie nueva de Stenorrhachus (McLachlan), S. chilensis (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae), de Chile con notas biológicas sobre Stenorrhachus walkeri (McLachlan). Se da una clave para las dos especies además descripciones de los adultos y de la larva de S. walkeri

    Certain transformations and summations for generalized hypergeometric series with integral parameter differences

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    Certain transformation and summation formulas for generalized hypergeometric series with integral parameter differences are derived

    Clausen's series 3F2(1) with integral parameter differences and transformations of the hypergeometric function 2F2(x)

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    We obtain summation formulas for the hypergeometric series 3 F 2(1) with at least one pair of numeratorial and denominatorial parameters differing by a negative integer. The results derived for the latter are used to obtain Kummer-type transformations for the generalized hypergeometric function 2 F 2(x) and reduction formulas for certain Kampé de Fériet functions. Certain summations for the partial sums of the Gauss hypergeometric series 2 F 1(1) are also obtained

    The cave mouth antlions of Australia (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae)

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    Larvae of thirty one species of antlions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) belonging to eleven genera live in the protection of cave mouths or large rock overhangs in Australia. New taxa proposed here include the following three new genera: Australeon, Newleon, Speleon. The following twelve new species are described: Froggattisca kakadu; Froggattisca rennerensis; Newleon fragilis; Speleon cavernicolus; Speleon pilliga; Speleon yallingup; Stenoleon xanthopsis; Xantholeon cavernicolus; Xantholeon kakadu; Xantholeon newi; Xantholeon pallens; Xantholeon pentlandensis. Two cave species are transferred into a new genus becoming new combinations: Australeon illustris (Gerstaecker), Australeon manselli (New and Matsura). The small non-cave species previously placed in Stenoleon Tillyard are transferred to Bandidus Navás, becoming B. gradostriatus (New), B. copleyensis (New), B. grandithecus (New), and B. navasi (New), new combinations. All known species of six genera (Stenoleon Tillyard, Xantholeon Tillyard, Eophanes Banks and three new genera) are known only in cave mouths. Also, species of Heoclisis Navás, Froggattisca Esben Petersen, Glenoleon Banks, Heoclisis Navás and Myrmeleon Linnaeus contain species living in cave mouths. Two main types of caves are found in Australia; those with loose organic material and those with loose inorganic material. The cave habitat is divided into four zones and several subzones. Many species are restricted to one zone or another but species of Stenoleon may overlap zones. Discussions of the species and some of their biological requirements are provided. One new parasite record is given, an undetermined species of Echthrobacella Girault (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) reared from the larvae of Speleon yallingup Miller and Stange. Diagnoses or descriptions are given for all of these cave species including distributional data. Keys to the cave mouth inhabiting antlions of Australia (adults and larvae) are provided including a revised key to the Xantholeon Tillyard.Se documentan treinta uno especies en once géneros de Myrmeleontidae que viven en las entradas de cuevas en Australia y representan mas especies que en cualquier otra parte del mundo. Se describen tres genéros nuevos, Australeon, Newleon, y Speleon y doce especies nuevas: Froggattisca kakadu; Froggattisca rennerensis; Newleon fragilis; Speleon cavernicolus; Speleon pilliga; Speleon yallingup; Stenoleon xanthopsis; Xantholeon cavernicolus; Xantholeon kakadu; Xantholeon newi; Xantholeon pallens y Xantholeon pentlandensis. Dos especies son transferidas en un nueva género resultando en dos combinaciones nuevas: Australeon illustris (Gerstaecker) y Australeon manselli (New and Matsura). Tambien, cuatro especies en el género Stenoleon Tillyard son transferidas al género Bandidus Navas, resultando en cuatro combinaciones nuevas: B. gradostriatus (New), B. copleyensis (New), B. grandithecus (New) y B. navasi (New). Hay dos tipos de cuevas en Australia, unas con detritus orgánicos y otras con detritus principalmente inorgánicas. En algunas cuevas existen cuatro principales zonas de habitación. Todas las especies de cinco géneros (Eophanes Banks, Stenoleon Tillyard, Xantholeon Banks y tres nuevos géneros) están restringidas a las cuevas. Se da un registro nuevo para un parásito, Echthrobacella Girault (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) criada de Speleon yallingup Miller and Stange. Se presentan diagnoses o descripciones para todas las especies incluyendo datos sobre distribucion. Se presentan claves para los adultos y larvas de las especies que viven dentro de las cuevas en Australia, incyudendo una clave revisada del genero Xantholeon
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