274 research outputs found

    Perceived Ability to Practice in Disaster Management Among Public Health Nurses in Aceh, Indonesia

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    Background: The increasing number of disaster events around the world has challenged every country to develop better disaster-management strategies. As a part of healthcare system, public health nurses (PHNs) should be involved in caring for people in disasters. Currently, there is no known study whether PHNs of Aceh, Indonesia, working with community people who are at high risk of confronting natural disasters, are able to perform their roles and functions regarding disaster management. Methods: 252 PHNs from twenty-seven public health centers in Aceh were studied during November to December 2010 to evaluate their perceived ability to practice regarding disaster management at each disaster phase: preparedness, response, and recovery phase. The perceived ability to practice was assessed by using the 30-statement, five-point Likert-scale (0-4) of Public Health Nurses' Perceived Ability to Practice Regarding Disaster Management Questionnaire (PHNPP-DMQ). The composite scores of each phase and the total score were calculated and transformed to percentage for ease of presentation across disaster phases.Results: Overall, the PHNs' perceived ability to practice regarding disaster management in Aceh was at a moderate level (M=74.57%, SD=13.27). The highest mean score was for the recovery phase (M=78%), and the lowest mean score was in the preparedness phase (66.15%).Conclusion: The finding of this study evokes challenges to the local government of Aceh province to further prepare PHNs to increase their ability in disaster management

    Pengaruh Economic Value Added (Eva), Profitabilitas, Kebijakan Dividen dan Pertumbuhan Penjualan terhadap Harga Saham (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Bei Periode 2011-2013)

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    This study conducted to analyze the effect of variable Economic Value Added (EVA), Profitability, Dividend Policy, and Sales Growth to the Stock Prices on manufactur industies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2011 - 2013. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling and number of samples used is 100 from manufactur industries. Variables used in this study are variable Economic Value Added (EVA), Profitability (ROE), Dividend Policy (DPR), and Sales Growth as an independent variable; Stock Prices as an dependent variable; and Firm Size as an control variable. The analysis technique used are multiple linier regression. The result showed that Economic Value Added (EVA) has positive and not significantly impacted the stock prices. Profitability (ROE) has positive and significant impact to the stock prices. Dividend Policy (LnDPR) has negative and significant impact to the stock prices. Sales Growth has negative and not significantly impacted the stock prices Meanwhile Firm Size (LnAsset) has positive and significant impact to the stock prices


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    Pemanfaatan pelayanan antenatal care adalah pelayanan kesehatan bagi ibu hamil yang dilakukan minimal 4 kali kunjungan selama kehamilan. Maksud dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memganalisis hubungan pendidikan dan pendapaan keluarga terhadap pemanfaatan pelayanan antenatal care dan dilaksanakan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tuminting Kota Manado pada bulan Agustus – Oktober 2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kuantitatif dengan metode survey analitik dan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu ibu hamil 9 bulan dan ibu pasca melahirkan ≤12 bulan. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan yaitu 86 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan diolah menggunakan SPSS dengan perhitungan chi-square pada tingkat kemaknaan 95% (α = 0,05). Dan didapatkan uji statistik dari masing-masing variabel bebas yaitu pendidikan (p value  = 0,000), pendapatan keluarga (p value = 0,582). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pendidikan dengan pemanfatan pelayanan antenatal care di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tuminting Kota Manado dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara pendapatan keluarga dengan pemanfatan pelayanan antenatal care di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tuminting Kota Manado. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan, Pendapatan Keluarga, Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Antenatal Care ABSTRACTThe utilization of antenatal care services is a health service for pregnant women which have to do with commitment at least 4 times visit during pregnancy. The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship between education and family income towards antenatal care services and was carried out at Tuminting Community Health Center in Manado in August - October 2019. The method used in this research was analytical survey and cross sectional methods. The population in this research were 9 months pregnant women and postpartum woman ≤12 months. The number of samples used were 86 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, this research used a questionnaire and was processed using SPSS with chi-square calculation at a significance level of 95% (α = 0.05). And obtained from the statistics of each independent variable of education (p value = 0,000), family income (p value = 0.582). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between education and utilization of antenatal care services at Tuminting Health Center in Manado City and there is no relationship between family income and utilization of antenatal care services at Tuminting Health Center in Manado City.  Keywords : Education, Family Income, Utilization of Antenatal Care Services

    Analisa Manajemen Risiko Pada Industri Kecil Rotan Di Kota Malang

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    Risiko akan selalu dihadapi oleh pelaku usaha karena adanya ketidakpastian yang tidak dapat diprediksi yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian. Begitu juga usaha kecil menengah (UKM) yang memiliki latar belakang modal yang kurang begitu kuat, menyebabkan risiko yang berakibat pada gangguan operasional, kerugian finansial dan bahkan akan mengarah pada kebangkrutan. Walaupun risiko beragam, namun risiko dapat dideteksi lebih awal sehingga dapat diantisipasi dampak yang mungkin timbul. Pengelolaan risiko agar risiko tersebut tidak menjadi suatu penggangu biasanya disebut dengan manajemen risiko (risk management). Kebanyakan industri kecil jarang melakukan pengelolaan risiko dan melakukan manajemen strategi dalam bisnisnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi risiko beserta sumber risiko, melakukan penilaian terhadap risiko yang kemungkinan muncul dan melakukan analisa terhadap strategi yang akan dilakukan oleh industri kecil dalam menangani ataupun mengelola risiko tersebut di industri rotan di kota Malang dengan menggunakan analisa SWOT, risk matrik. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa risiko supply dan risiko pemasaran berada pada zona merah (high) sehingga dibutuhkan respon resiko seperti kerjasama dan dukungan dari berbagai unsur dan instansi, supplier dan distributor dan pemerintah.

    Торакоскопическая лобэктомия при внутрилегочной секвестрации легкого

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    Thoracoscopic lobectomy in intrapulmonary lung sequestration.Торакоскопическая лобэктомия при внутрилегочной секвестрации легкого

    Evolutionary approaches to signal decomposition in an application service management system

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    The increased demand for autonomous control in enterprise information systems has generated interest on efficient global search methods for multivariate datasets in order to search for original elements in time-series patterns, and build causal models of systems interactions, utilization dependencies, and performance characteristics. In this context, activity signals deconvolution is a necessary step to achieve effective adaptive control in Application Service Management. The paper investigates the potential of population-based metaheuristic algorithms, particularly variants of particle swarm, genetic algorithms and differential evolution methods, for activity signals deconvolution when the application performance model is unknown a priori. In our approach, the Application Service Management System is treated as a black- or grey-box, and the activity signals deconvolution is formulated as a search problem, decomposing time-series that outline relations between action signals and utilization-execution time of resources. Experiments are conducted using a queue-based computing system model as a test-bed under different load conditions and search configurations. Special attention was put on high-dimensional scenarios, testing effectiveness for large-scale multivariate data analyses that can obtain a near-optimal signal decomposition solution in a short time. The experimental results reveal benefits, qualities and drawbacks of the various metaheuristic strategies selected for a given signal deconvolution problem, and confirm the potential of evolutionary-type search to effectively explore the search space even in high-dimensional cases. The approach and the algorithms investigated can be useful in support of human administrators, or in enhancing the effectiveness of feature extraction schemes that feed decision blocks of autonomous controllers

    Shift-Volatility Transmission in East Asian Equity Markets

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    This paper attempts to provide evidence of "shift-volatility" transmission in the East Asian equity markets. By shift-volatility, we mean the volatility shifts from a low level to a high level, corresponding respectively to tranquil and crisis periods. We examine the interdependence of equity volatilities between Hong-Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and the United States. Our main issue is whether shift-volatility needs to be considered as a regional phenomenon, or from a more global perspective. We find that the timing/spans of high volatility regimes correspond adequately to years historically documented as those of crises (the Asian crisis and the years following the 2008 crisis). Moreover, we suggest different indicators that could be useful to guide the investors in their arbitrage behavior in the different regimes: the duration of each state, the sensitivity of the volatility in a market following a change in the volatility in another market. Finally, we are able to identify which market can be considered as leading markets in terms of volatility

    The design and function of birds’ nests

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    All birds construct nests in which to lay eggs and/or raise offspring. Traditionally, it was thought that natural selection and the requirement to minimize the risk of predation determined the design of completed nests. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that sexual selection also influences nest design. This is an important development as while species such as bowerbirds build structures that are extended phenotypic signals whose sole purpose is to attract a mate, nests contain eggs and/or offspring, thereby suggesting a direct tradeoff between the conflicting requirements of natural and sexual selection. Nest design also varies adaptively in order to both minimize the detrimental effects of parasites and to create a suitable microclimate for parents and developing offspring in relation to predictable variation in environmental conditions. Our understanding of the design and function of birds’ nests has increased considerably in recent years, and the evidence suggests that nests have four nonmutually exclusive functions. Consequently, we conclude that the design of birds’ nests is far more sophisticated than previously realized and that nests are multifunctional structures that have important fitness consequences for the builder/s