64 research outputs found

    Limbah Bubur Kertas Untuk Papan Beton

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    This paper is aimed to understand the properties of concrete panel containing paper sludge as sand replacement. The control mixture is composed without paper sludge. The other mixtures were produced by replacing the coefficient of sand content, gradually by 0.25, so that the total are 12 mixtures. All the sand for the final mixture was replaced by paper sludge. The mixtures were produced using mechanic mixes to achieve homogenous mixtures before cast in 200 mm x 100 mm x 50 mm steel frame. After 21 hours keep in the steel frame, the samples were then cured in water for 3 days, followed by water sprayed twice a day, for 24 days. The results of the test indicated that the concrete panel containing paper sludge is lighter then the control mixture, higher water absorbtion and higher thermal coefficient. Two types of sand replacement comply with S11-0797-83 in term of water content. However, no types of modified mixture comply with S11-0797-83 in terms of density and flexural strength

    An Overview of Teaching Listening in Islamic Tertiary Level of Education

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    The ultimate aim of this paper is to depict listening activities in teaching Basic Listening designed by lecturers in an EFL classroom observation of Islamic tertiary level of education in Indonesia. Qualitative methods, used to collect and analyze data gained from observation and interview. The result showed that the lecturer designed various activities in teaching Basic Listening in the EFL class, which they were set up in three stages: pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening. The activities in the pre-listening were aimed at generating students\u27 interest, activating student\u27s prior knowledge, and trying to anticipate any difficult vocabularies. The while-listening stage is to invite students to be involved at listening through various physical movements, such as story telling, dialogue, listening to songs, and drama. The post-listening stage is to internalize what they have heard with other language skills and to check students\u27 comprehension

    Rasio Pajak Optimal Dan Tingkat Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesiatahun 1970-2008

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    Many economists have stated that the government through its either fiscal policies or monetary policies has an important role in supporting economic growth of a country. As the consequence of government's role in the development process, the size of the government – measured as the ratio of total spending to GDP also expanded along with the economic development. This is the fact faced by any country in the world. However, the growth of government's size implies higher taxation, and thus, it sometimes become a bad sign for the whole economy. The higher tax collected by the government the more productive source taken by the government from the private sector. If positive impacts of government spending cannot exceed negative impact caused by the lost of productive source of private sectors deadweight loss of economy will appear. By assuming that government runs balanced budget in which all of the government expenditure is financed by tax revenue, so the growth maximizing tax ratio can be estimated. This rate measures the ratio of tax revenue to GDP that is needed to achieve the high and stable growth rate.        The main objective of this study are to find the growth maximizing tax ratio for Indonesia and to analyze whether Indonesia has achieved this optimum point, or has been operating below it or contrary above it. The regression result show that the growth maximizing tax ratio for Indonesia is 14,64%


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    Abstract: The objective of this research is to improve grade V students understanding of freedom association by cooperative learning Jigsaw type and audio visual media. The research was held in two cycles in each which consisted of planning, taking action, observation and reflection. The result shows that cooperative learning Jigsaw and audio visual media type can improve grade V students’ understanding of freedom association in SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten. Based on the research, it can be concluded that cooperative learning Jigsaw type and audio visual media can improve grade V student’s understanding of freedom association material in SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten academic year 2011/2012. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatkan pemahaman materi kebebasan berorganisasi melalui pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw dan media audio visual pada siswa kelas V. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, dengan tiap siklus terdiri atas perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw dan media audio visual dapat meningkatkan pemahaman materi kebebasan berorganisasi pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa model kooperatif tipe Jigsaw dan media audio visual dapat meningkatkan pemahaman materi kebebasan berorganisasi pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Kata kunci: Model jigsaw, kebebasan berorganisasi, media audio visual

    Sistem Informasi Data Base Multi-node Pemantauan Pergeseran Tanah Berbasis SMS Gateway Dan Berorientasi Visual Pada Komputer

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    Makalah ini membahas tentang sistem informasi data base multi-node pemantauan pergeseran tanah berbasis sms gateway dan berorientasi visual pada komputer. Pergeseran tanah merupakan salah satu faktor terjadinya tanah longsor. Terjadinya tanah longsor banyak menelan korban baik secara material maupun jiwa, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu sistem peringatan dini (early warning system) untuk dapat menekan dan meminimalisir jatuhnya korban bencana, diharapkan sistem ini dapat memberikan langkah-langkah untuk menghadapi bencana tanah longsor sebelum terjadi. Tujuan penelitian adalah merancang sistem informasi data base multi-node pemantauan pergeseran tanah berbasis sms gateway dan berorientasi visual pada komputer. Sistem pengukuran dari unit pantau ke data kolektor terintegrasi dengan perangkat lunak, data pengukuran yang tersimpan akan digunakan sebagai pengambil keputusan terhadap akumulasi besarnya pergeseran tanah yang terjadi sehingga ancaman bahaya tanah longsor dapat diketahui secara dini oleh masyarakat maupun pihak yang berwenang. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran dan pengujian sistem diperoleh hasil dari alat serta sensor menunjukkan unjuk kerja sistem yang baik, sistem ini menggunakan metode multi node dan dapat menampilkan Perubahan besar pergeseran tanah serta grafik Perubahannya pada durasi waktu tertentu, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi peringatan dini terjadinya tanah longsor. Hasil informasi tertampil di PC dalam format teks yang berupa nilai hasil pemantauan pergeseran tanah dan pada alat pantau terdapat tiga kondisi keadaan dalam mendeteksi adanya pergeseran tanah dengan batas ambang bawah yang berbeda, nilai ambang batas bawah untuk kondisi SIAGA=100mm, WASPADA=180mm, dan AWAS=250mm, waktu respon rata-rata SMS sekitar 5 detik tergantung kualitas sinyal dan trafic data dari suatu provider oleh pengguna

    The Mobilization of Using Cultures and Local Government's Political-Economy Goals in Post-Reformation Banyuwangi

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    This article deals with an ethnic identity-based-power through the mobilization of Using cultures in Banyuwangi under local government policies in post-Reformation. By juxtaposing Foucauldian discourse, Gramscian hegemony, and political economy perspective, we discuss some cultural projects conducted by two Banyuwangi regents in post-Reformation periods, Samsul Hadi (2000-2005) and Abdullah Azwar Anas (2010-2015 and re-elected for 2016-2021 period). With different emphasized aspects, both of them created programs, which incorporated and mobilized Using cultures for accomplishing their political economy goals. Samsul legalized Using cultural expression, such as a local dance and language, as the way to strengthen the dominant-ethnic identity and reach consensus for his political authority. In more sparkling activities, Anas has transformed Using identity into various carnival programs, which, in one side, have supported tourism industry and, in other side, have helped him in gaining consensus for his hegemonic position. However, in the context of real cultural empowerment, those programs have not given positive effect for the cultural worker in the grass root

    Perbandingan Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia pada Harian Jawa Pos dan Kompas

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    Penggunaan bahasa dalam penyampaian berita pada harian Jawa Pos dan Kompas berbeda. Perbedaan tersebut bisa terjadi berkaitan dengan penerbitan pers yang memiliki segmen pasar tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan bahasa Indonesia di bidang leksikon dan konstruksi kalimat dalam rubrik politik dan ekonomi pada harian Jawa Pos dan Kompas dengan menggunakan metode komparatif. Berdasarkan analisis data, bahasa Kompas cenderung menggunakan kata kajian, kata baku serta penyampaian kesantunan bahasa yang lebih baik dibandingkan Jawa Pos. Sebaliknya, Jawa Pos cenderung menggunakan kata-kata yang sederhana, mengalir (hampir serupa dengan bahasa tutur), serta memiliki penyampaian kesantunan bahasa yang lebih rendah dibandingkan harian Kompas. Kompas lebih banyak menggunakan kalimat panjang (kalimat majemuk) dibandingkan Jawa Pos. Penggunaan bahasa Indonesia oleh harian Kompas lebih sesuai untuk khalayak pembaca kelas sosial menengah ke atas. Begitu sebaliknya, penggunaan bahasa Indonesia oleh harian Jawa Pos lebih sesuai untuk khalayak pembaca kelas sosial menengah ke bawah
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