105 research outputs found

    Combining shock barometry with numerical modeling: insights into complex crater formation – The example of the Siljan impact structure (Sweden)

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    Siljan, central Sweden, is the largest known impact structure in Europe. It was formed at about 380 Ma, in the late Devonian period. The structure has been heavily eroded to a level originally located underneath the crater floor, and to date, important questions about the original size and morphology of Siljan remain unanswered. Here we present the results of a shock barometry study of quartz-bearing surface and drill core samples combined with numerical modeling using iSALE. The investigated 13 bedrock granitoid samples show that the recorded shock pressure decreases with increasing depth from 15 to 20 GPa near the (present) surface, to 10–15 GPa at 600 m depth. A best-fit model that is consistent with observational constraints relating to the present size of the structure, the location of the downfaulted sediments, and the observed surface and vertical shock barometry profiles is presented. The best-fit model results in a final crater (rim-to-rim) diameter of ~65 km. According to our simulations, the original Siljan impact structure would have been a peak-ring crater. Siljan was formed in a mixed target of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks overlaying crystalline basement. Our modeling suggests that, at the time of impact, the sedimentary sequence was approximately 3 km thick. Since then, there has been around 4 km of erosion of the structure

    Geological, multispectral, and meteorological imaging results from the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover in Jezero crater

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    Perseverance’s Mastcam-Z instrument provides high-resolution stereo and multispectral images with a unique combination of spatial resolution, spatial coverage, and wavelength coverage along the rover’s traverse in Jezero crater, Mars. Images reveal rocks consistent with an igneous (including volcanic and/or volcaniclastic) and/or impactite origin and limited aqueous alteration, including polygonally fractured rocks with weathered coatings; massive boulder-forming bedrock consisting of mafic silicates, ferric oxides, and/or iron-bearing alteration minerals; and coarsely layered outcrops dominated by olivine. Pyroxene dominates the iron-bearing mineralogy in the fine-grained regolith, while olivine dominates the coarse-grained regolith. Solar and atmospheric imaging observations show significant intra- and intersol variations in dust optical depth and water ice clouds, as well as unique examples of boundary layer vortex action from both natural (dust devil) and Ingenuity helicopter–induced dust lifting. High-resolution stereo imaging also provides geologic context for rover operations, other instrument observations, and sample selection, characterization, and confirmation

    Combined neutron and x-ray tomography—a versatile and non-destructive tool in planetary geosciences

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    With several upcoming sample return missions, such as the Mars Sample Return Campaign, non-destructive methods will be key to maximizing their scientific output. In this study, we demonstrate that the combination of neutron and X-ray tomography provides an important tool for the characterization of such valuable samples. These methods allow quantitative analyses of internal sample features and also provide a guide for further destructive analyses with little to no sample treatment, which maintains sample integrity, including minimizing the risk of potential contamination. Here, we present and review the results from four case studies of terrestrial impactites and meteorites along with their analytical setup. Using combined X-ray and neutron tomography, a Ni-Fe silicide spherule, that is, projectile material, was located within a Libyan Desert Glass sample and the distribution of hydrous phases was pinpointed in selected impactite samples from the Chicxulub IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 drill core and the Luizi impact structure, as well as in the Miller Range 03346 Martian meteorite

    Massive variceal bleeding secondary to splenic vein thrombosis successfully treated with splenic artery embolization: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Splenic vein thrombosis results in localized portal hypertension called sinistral portal hypertension, which may also lead to massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Symptomatic sinistral portal hypertension is usually best treated by splenectomy, but interventional radiological techniques are safe and effective alternatives in the management of a massive hemorrhage, particularly in cases that have a high surgical risk.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe a 23-year-old Greek man with acute massive gastric variceal bleeding caused by splenic vein thrombosis due to a missing von Leiden factor, which was successfully managed with splenic arterial embolization.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Interventional radiological techniques are attractive alternatives for patients with a high surgical risk or in cases when the immediate surgical excision of the spleen is technically difficult. Additionally, surgery is not always successful because of the presence of numerous portal collaterals and adhesion. Splenic artery embolization is now emerging as a safe and effective alternative to surgery in the management of massive hemorrhage from gastric varices due to splenic vein thrombosis, which often occurs in patients with hypercoagulability.</p

    Exceptionally Preserved Cambrian Trilobite Digestive System Revealed in 3D by Synchrotron-Radiation X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy

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    The Cambrian ‘Orsten’ fauna comprises exceptionally preserved and phosphatised microscopic arthropods. The external morphology of these fossils is well known, but their internal soft-tissue anatomy has remained virtually unknown. Here, we report the first non-biomineralised tissues from a juvenile polymerid trilobite, represented by digestive structures, glands, and connective strands harboured in a hypostome from the Swedish ‘Orsten’ fauna. Synchrotron-radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy enabled three-dimensional internal recordings at sub-micrometre resolution. The specimen provides the first unambiguous evidence for a J-shaped anterior gut and the presence of a crop with a constricted alimentary tract in the Trilobita. Moreover, the gut is Y-shaped in cross section, probably due to a collapsed lumen of that shape, another feature which has not previously been observed in trilobites. The combination of anatomical features suggests that the trilobite hypostome is functionally analogous to the labrum of euarthropods and that it was a sophisticated element closely integrated with the digestive system. This study also briefly addresses the preservational bias of the ‘Orsten’ fauna, particularly the near-absence of polymerid trilobites, and the taphonomy of the soft-tissue-harbouring hypostome
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