474 research outputs found

    Investigación mineralógica de arenas de aluvión en la provincia de Cáceres (Ríos Búrdalo y Burdalillo)

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    Se han estudiado aluviones recogidos en los ríos Búrdalo y Burdalillo, afluentes del Guadiana, provincia de Cáceres, iniciándose con este trabajo una serie de investigación mineralógica de arenas de aluvión en la Península Ibérica. Por los resultados obtenidos del análisis mineralógico podemos definir estos aluviones como ilmeníticos

    Investigación mineralógica de arenas de aluvión en la provincia de Cáceres (Ríos Búrdalo y Burdalillo)

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    Se han estudiado aluviones recogidos en los ríos Búrdalo y Burdalillo, afluentes del Guadiana, provincia de Cáceres, iniciándose con este trabajo una serie de investigación mineralógica de arenas de aluvión en la Península Ibérica. Por los resultados obtenidos del análisis mineralógico podemos definir estos aluviones como ilmeníticos

    El paisaje eólico de la llanura aluvial de San Juan (Llanura Manchega Central)

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    [Resumen] El campo dunar de la Llanura aluvial de San Juan, esta caracterizado por la presencia dedunas arcillosas, limosas o limo-arcillosas. Morfologicamente, son dunas de tipo parabólico y otras con aspecto "cónico", "transverso" o "longitudinal", construidas por paleovientos efectivos que provenían del W y SW. Finalmente, se discute la edad y origen de estos complejos dunares.[Abstract] The dunes of the San Juan alluvial plain consists most characteristically of clayey, silty, and clayeysilty dunes, which morphologically are most commonly of parabolic type , but dome-shaped, transverse and linear dunes are present as well. These were built up by effective winds coming from the Wand SW. Finally, both the age and genesis of these dunes is discússed

    Correlation between impact factor and public availability of published research data in information science & library science journals

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    Trabajo presentado a la 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, celebrada en Estambúl (Turquia) del 29 de junio al 4 de julio de 2015.Scientists continuously generate research data but only a few part of them are published. If these data were accessible and reusable, researchers could examine them and generate new knowledge. Currently, the barriers to data sharing are phased out and public research organizations are demanding ever more insistently that publications resulting from publicly funded projects and data that support them should be published in open (Savage & Vickers, 2009). The purpose of this work is: a) to analyse policies concerning open availability of raw research data in journals in the Information Science & Library Science (ISLS); and b) to determine whether there is a correlation between the impact factor and policies of these journals concerning storage and reuse of scientific data.This work has benefited from assistance by the National R+D+I of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government (CSO2012-39632-C02-01) and Prometeo Program for excellent research groups of Generalitat Valenciana (GVPROMETEO2013-041).Peer Reviewe

    Design of a Bubble Reactor for Altitude Simulators Used to Humidify a Combustion Air Stream by Means of CFD Multi-Phase Models

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    [EN] In this paper, a procedure for the design of a bubble reactor which allows the control of the humidity of a gas stream used as combustion air is presented. This reactor is designed to be used as a component of an altitude simulator test facility for the optimization, homologation and calibration of new hybrid engines. The design has been carried out by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) multi-phase models and validated against the experimental data obtained from the developed prototype. A discussion about the adequate mesh topology and cell size is presented, as well as a comparison between the two available models for the air-water interphase. Lastly, a validation of the CFD results using experimental data shows that the model that should be used is the multi-regime interaction model, from which the final design for the bubble reactor was obtained.This research has been partially supported by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia through project PAID-01-18.Serrano, J.; Gil, A.; Quintero-Igeño, P.; Tabet-Aleixandre, R.; Gómez, J. (2021). Design of a Bubble Reactor for Altitude Simulators Used to Humidify a Combustion Air Stream by Means of CFD Multi-Phase Models. Applied Sciences. 11(1):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11010295S11511

    The lack of stability of the impact factor of the mathematical journals

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    Trabajo presentado a la 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, celebrada en Estambúl (Turquia) del 29 de junio al 4 de julio de 2015.Although the 2-year Thomson-Reuters Impact Factor (IF) has become a usual tool for measuring the scientific productivity of all fields of the natural sciences (see Aleixandre-Benavent, Valderrama Zurián, & González Alcaide, 2007), its behavior in the particular case of the journals of pure mathematics (the area MATHEMATICS in the thematic directory of Thomson-Reuters) is far from being stable when its values in consecutive years are considered. If we consider the changes of the values of the IF of a given journal in the last decade, it can be easily seen that the variation of the values is surprisingly high if we compare with other disciplines. Mathematical journals seem to have the worst behavior regarding the time stability both of the IF and the position in the IF list.This work has benefited from assistance by the National R+D+I of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government (CSO2012-39632-C02-01) and Prometeo Program for excellent research groups of Generalitat Valenciana (GVPROMETEO2013-041).Peer reviewe

    Entre la vivienda principal y la secundaria: la movilidad residencial y su contribución a la calidad de vida de los jubilados madrileños

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    Mejorar las condiciones de vida de las personas mayores se ha convertido en un reto en las sociedades occidentales. Las personas cada vez viven más años, en mejores condiciones económicas y materiales, lo cual les permite viajar y cambiar más de lugar de residencia (de forma temporal o definitiva).Con esta aportación se pretende determinar qué elementos de la CdV están en la base de movilidad en personas de más edad y cómo la movilidad influye en la percepción global de la CdV. El objetivo es conocer qué ha supuesto la movilidad residencial en personas jubiladas y cómo ha influido en los distintos ámbitos/dimensiones de su vida.La metodología utilizada ha sido cualitativa y los resultados se han obtenido de la realización de veinte entrevista en profundidad a personas que han desarrollado movilidad tras su jubilación desde la ciudad de Madrid hacia otros lugares de España.Investigación realizada con financiación aportada por la Fundación Mapfre, y tambien en el marco del proyecto "Cambios residenciales, envejecimiento saludable y mejora de la calidad de vida en la vejez", financiado por el IMSERSO (Ref. 46/2006)Peer reviewe

    Grape must profiling and cultivar discrimination based on amino acid composition and general discriminant analysis with best subset

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    CITATION: Petrovic, G., Aleixandre-Tudo, J. L. & Buica, A. 2019. Grape must profiling and cultivar discrimination based on amino acid composition and general discriminant analysis with best subset. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 40(2):10.21548/40-2-3373, doi:10.21548/40-2-3373.The original publication is available at http://www.journals.ac.za/index.php/sajevThe present study aimed to elucidate the amino acid profile of a number of grapevine cultivars relevant to the South African wine industry using 738 grape must samples obtained during the 2016 and 2017 harvests.  Proline and arginine were found to be the most abundant amino acids, with an average of 697.69 mg/L for proline (range 33.22-3445.43 mg/L) and 388.35 mg/L for arginine (range 13.56-1616.56 mg/L) across all vintages, regions, and cultivars. At the other extreme, ornithine (2.01 mg/L), glycine (3.28 mg/L), methionine (3.64 mg/L) and lysine (3.91 mg/L) were found to have the lowest concentrations, both in terms of the overall average, as well as per cultivar. Furthermore, the data were used to demonstrate how characteristic the amino acid profile is of a particular group (red or white) or cultivar. Cultivars were predicted based on their average amino acid concentrations using general discriminant analysis (GDA) and the best subset principle. For white musts, Chardonnay showed the highest prediction accuracy (100%), and Pinotage (75%) for red cultivars. Overall, the white cultivars included in this study were more accurately distinguished from one another (75.6%) compared to the red (60.1%). This predictive ability was subsequently compared to the accuracy of predicting cultivars based on only the arginine and proline concentrationsas well as the ratio between the two. The use of only these amino acids as well as the addition of the proline/arginine ratio as a predictor variable did not offer satisfactory discriminatory power between either white or red cultivars.https://www.journals.ac.za/index.php/sajev/article/view/3373Publisher's versio

    The Impact Factor as a measuring tool of the prestige of the journals in research assessment in mathematics

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Research evaluation following peer review. The version of record Antonia Ferrer-Sapena, Enrique A. Sánchez-Pérez, Fernanda Peset, Luis-Millán González, Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent; The Impact Factor as a measuring tool of the prestige of the journals in research assessment in mathematics. Res Eval 2016; 25 (3): 306-314 is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/reseval/rvv041The (2-year) Impact Factor of Thomson-Reuters (IF) has become the fundamental tool for analysing the scientific production of academic researchers in a lot of countries. In this article we show that this index and the ordering criterion obtained by using it are highly unstable in the case of mathematics, to the extent that sometimes no reliability can be assigned to its use. We explain the reasons of this behaviour by the specific properties of the mathematical journals and publications, attending mainly the point of view of the researchers in pure mathematics. Using the Journal Citation Report list of journals as a source of information, we analyse the stability in the position of the mathematical journals-the so-called rank-normalized impact factor-compared with journals in applied physics and microbiology during the period 2002-12. Due to the lack of stability of the position of the journals of mathematics in these lists, we propose a 'cumulative index' that fits better the characteristics of mathematical journals. The computation of this index uses the values of the IF of the journals in previous years, providing in this way a more stable indicator.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) [CS02012-39632-C02 to A.F.S, F.P., R.A.B.] and [MTM2012-36740-C02-02 to E.A.S.P.].Ferrer Sapena, A.; Sánchez Pérez, EA.; Peset Mancebo, MF.; Gonzalez, L.; Aleixandre-Benavent, R. (2016). The Impact Factor as a measuring tool of the prestige of the journals in research assessment in mathematics. Research Evaluation. 25(3):306-314. https://doi.org/10.1093/reseval/rvv041S30631425