12 research outputs found

    The common dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus linnaeus, 1758 (Perciformes, Coryphaenidae) in the marine waters of Iraq

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    First record of the common dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus from the Iraqi marine waters is reported in the present study. One adult specimen (762 mm total length) was caught from the waters surrounding the Khor Abdullah within the Iraqi marine territory. It is a new ichthyofaunal record for the area

    Conservation of the S10-spc-α Locus within Otherwise Highly Plastic Genomes Provides Phylogenetic Insight into the Genus Leptospira

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    S10-spc-α is a 17.5 kb cluster of 32 genes encoding ribosomal proteins. This locus has an unusual composition and organization in Leptospira interrogans. We demonstrate the highly conserved nature of this region among diverse Leptospira and show its utility as a phylogenetically informative region. Comparative analyses were performed by PCR using primer sets covering the whole locus. Correctly sized fragments were obtained by PCR from all L. interrogans strains tested for each primer set indicating that this locus is well conserved in this species. Few differences were detected in amplification profiles between different pathogenic species, indicating that the S10-spc-α locus is conserved among pathogenic Leptospira. In contrast, PCR analysis of this locus using DNA from saprophytic Leptospira species and species with an intermediate pathogenic capacity generated varied results. Sequence alignment of the S10-spc-α locus from two pathogenic species, L. interrogans and L. borgpetersenii, with the corresponding locus from the saprophyte L. biflexa serovar Patoc showed that genetic organization of this locus is well conserved within Leptospira. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of four conserved regions resulted in the construction of well-defined phylogenetic trees that help resolve questions about the interrelationships of pathogenic Leptospira. Based on the results of secY sequence analysis, we found that reliable species identification of pathogenic Leptospira is possible by comparative analysis of a 245 bp region commonly used as a target for diagnostic PCR for leptospirosis. Comparative analysis of Leptospira strains revealed that strain H6 previously classified as L. inadai actually belongs to the pathogenic species L. interrogans and that L. meyeri strain ICF phylogenetically co-localized with the pathogenic clusters. These findings demonstrate that the S10-spc-α locus is highly conserved throughout the genus and may be more useful in comparing evolution of the genus than loci studied previously

    Salt Dependence of the Tribological Properties of a Surface-Grafted Weak Polycation in Aqueous Solution

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    The nanoscopic adhesive and frictional behaviour of end-grafted poly[2-(dimethyl amino)ethyl methacrylate] (PDMAEMA) films (brushes) in contact with gold- or PDMAEMA-coated atomic force microscope tips in potassium halide solutions with different concentrations up to 300 mM is a strong function of salt concentration. The conformation of the polymers in the brush layer is sensitive to salt concentration, which leads to large changes in adhesive forces and the contact mechanics at the tip–sample contact, with swollen brushes (which occur at low salt concentrations) yielding large areas of contact and friction–load plots that fit JKR behaviour, while collapsed brushes (which occur at high salt concentrations) yield sliding dominated by ploughing, with conformations in between fitting DMT mechanics. The relative effect of the different anions follows the Hofmeister series, with I − collapsing the brushes more than Br − and Cl − for the same salt concentration

    The relationship between total length and length & width of the in Otolith of three sparid fish species collected from Iraq waters

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    The relationships of the fish total length and measurement of the otolith (length and width) was computed for the sparid species, Acanthopagrus bifasciatus, A. arabicus and Sparidentex hasta collected from the marine waters of Iraq at the North West part of the Arabian-Persian Gulf. Fish total length-Otolith length and width equations showed positive allometric growth. The coefficient of determination was R2= 0.939, 0.954 and 0.878 for A. bifasciatus, A. arabicus and S. hasta for Tl-OL relationship respectively. The results display that assessments of body size of the species through biometric examines of otoliths are consistent

    A study of the nanostructure and efficiency of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells based on a conducting polymer

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    In this work the nanostructure and efficiency of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells based on a conducting polymer have been investigated. A conducting polymer has been used as a solid-state electrolyte in the dye-sensitized solar cells. The polymer used in this study is a form of polythiophene synthesized in aqueous media. The obtained polymers were in two different structures: nanoparticles and networks. The structure of the synthesized polymers has been investigated using transmission electron microscope (TEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). Furthermore, the optical and electrical properties of the synthesized polymers have also been considered. Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells (SSDSCs) have been successfully constructed using these two polymers in addition to the linear poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). The photovoltaic characteristics of the assembled solar cells showed a good performance under annealing at 100 °C when using the network structure of polythiophene with a conversion power efficiency of 0.83%, while the nanoparticles polythiophene achieved 0.15% efficiency compared to 5.6 × 10−5% when using P3HT

    HDL Phospholipids, but Not Cholesterol Distinguish Acute Coronary Syndrome From Stable Coronary Artery Disease

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    Background Although acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality, relationships with biologically active lipid species potentially associated with plaque disruption/erosion in the context of their lipoprotein carriers are indeterminate. The aim was to characterize lipid species within lipoprotein particles which differentiate ACS from stable coronary artery disease. Methods and Results Venous blood was obtained from 130 individuals with de novo presentation of an ACS (n=47) or stable coronary artery disease (n=83) before coronary catheterization. Lipidomic measurements (533 lipid species; liquid chromatography electrospray ionization/tandem mass spectrometry) were performed on whole plasma as well as 2 lipoprotein subfractions: apolipoprotein A1 (apolipoprotein A, high‐density lipoprotein) and apolipoprotein B. Compared with stable coronary artery disease, ACS plasma was lower in phospholipids including lyso species and plasmalogens, with the majority of lipid species differing in abundance located within high‐density lipoprotein (high‐density lipoprotein, 113 lipids; plasma, 73 lipids). Models including plasma lipid species alone improved discrimination between the stable and ACS groups by 0.16 (C‐statistic) compared with conventional risk factors. Models utilizing lipid species either in plasma or within lipoprotein fractions had a similar ability to discriminate groups, though the C‐statistic was highest for plasma lipid species (0.80; 95% CI, 0.75–0.86). Conclusions Multiple lysophospholipids, but not cholesterol, featured among the lipids which were present at low concentration within high‐density lipoprotein of those presenting with ACS. Lipidomics, when applied to either whole plasma or lipoprotein fractions, was superior to conventional risk factors in discriminating ACS from stable coronary artery disease. These associative mechanistic insights elucidate potential new preventive, prognostic, and therapeutic avenues for ACS which require investigation in prospective analyses

    SARS-CoV-2: An Overview of Virus Genetics, Transmission, and Immunopathogenesis

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    The human population is currently facing the third and possibly the worst pandemic caused by human coronaviruses (CoVs). The virus was first reported in Wuhan, China, on 31 December 2019 and spread within a short time to almost all countries of the world. Genome analysis of the early virus isolates has revealed high similarity with SARS-CoV and hence the new virus was officially named SARS-CoV-2. Since CoVs have the largest genome among all RNA viruses, they can adapt to many point mutation and recombination events; particularly in the spike gene, which enable these viruses to rapidly change and evolve in nature. CoVs are known to cross the species boundaries by using different cellular receptors. Both animal reservoir and intermediate host for SARS-CoV-2 are still unresolved and necessitate further investigation. In the current review, different aspects of SARS-CoV-2 biology and pathogenicity are discussed, including virus genetics and evolution, spike protein and its role in evolution and adaptation to novel hosts, and virus transmission and persistence in nature. In addition, the immune response developed during SARS-CoV-2 infection is demonstrated with special reference to the interplay between immune cells and their role in disease progression. We believe that the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak will not be the last and spillover of CoVs from bats will continue. Therefore, establishing intervention approaches to reduce the likelihood of future CoVs spillover from natural reservoirs is a priority