577 research outputs found

    Relaci?n entre el modelo pedag?gico social constructivista, y las pr?cticas pedag?gicas de los docentes de la instituci?n educativa INEM Manuel Murillo Toro de la ciudad de Ibagu?

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    202 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa presente investigaci?n tuvo como objetivo establecer las caracter?sticas del modelo social constructivista que se evidencia en las pr?cticas pedag?gicas de los docentes de la instituci?n educativa INEM Manuel Murillo Toro de la ciudad de Ibagu?; para ello, se emple? una metodolog?a de tipo mixto (cualitativo y cuantitativo), mediante la aplicaci?n de diferentes instrumentos que incluyeron, encuestas a docentes y directivos de la instituci?n, el an?lisis documental, as? como la observaci?n directa a las clases de algunos docentes . Dentro de los resultados obtenidos se puede evidenciar que existe un nivel de incoherencia entre los planteamientos institucionales y las pr?cticas de ense?anza y aprendizaje que llevan a cabo los docentes. As? mismo, se recomienda a la instituci?n dise?ar estrategias con las cuales se logre una mayor apropiaci?n del modelo pedag?gico; esto, mediante un seguimiento constante y pertinente a los procesos que permiten la materializaci?n de sus componentes.The objective of this research was to establish the characteristics of the constructivist social model that is evident in the pedagogical practices of the teachers of the educational institution I NEM Manuel Murillo Toro of the city of Ibagu?; To this end, a mixed-type methodology (qualitative and quantitative) was used, by means of the application of different instruments that included, surveys to teachers and managers of the institution, the documentary analysis, as well as the direct observation to the classes of some teachers. Among the results obtained, it can be seen that there is a level of incoherence between the institutional approaches and the teaching and learning practices carried out by the teachers. The institution is also encouraged to design strategies to achieve a greater appropriation of the pedagogical model; This, through constant and pertinent monitoring of the processes that allow the materialization of its components. Keywords: Constructivist social pedagogical model, pedagogical practices, teaching-learning, didactic strategies, components, follow-up

    Propuesta did?ctica para contribuir en los procesos de socializaci?n en el marco de la c?tedra de la paz para el grado preescolar del colegio Mar?a Montessori

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    60 p. Recurso Electr?nicoActualmente, en nuestro pa?s vemos la necesidad de cambiar nuestro discurso por unos m?s conciliadores e inclusivos, con modos de interacci?n comunicativa que contribuyan a moldear la din?mica social con pr?cticas colectivas dial?gicas, no beligerante, que impulsen a nuestro pa?s hacia nuevas formas de ser y de hacer. Para esto, necesitamos contar con escenarios trascendentes en la formaci?n del sujeto como la educaci?n, pues aqu? es posible negociar relaci?n de sentido argumentadas que promuevan la convivencia conforme. Por lo descrito, el presente proyecto de investigaci?n, busca acercarse a los procesos de socializaci?n en el nivel preescolar o jard?n de ni?os, acondicionando sus espacios en ambientes l?dico-did?cticos, para que los ni?os desarrollen sus aprendizajes de manera significativa, teniendo como derrotero la c?tedra de la paz. Igualmente, resaltamos la importancia de ramificar estos procesos de socializaci?n hacia la familia, teniendo en cuenta que es el primer referente de aprehensi?n del mundo y por tanto el veh?culo primario de valores, actitudes y creencias. As? mismo, interpelar el rol de los maestros como protagonistas en la comprensi?n de la realidad e incidir en los procesos de trasformaci?n social a trav?s de los procesos de socializaci?n. Entendiendo la actual coyuntura del pa?s y el rol de la educaci?n, este trabajo se orienta hacia la tarea del sistema educativo respecto que implica plantear nuevos m?todos para articular el tema de los valores con los dem?s saberes. Exhortando a los docentes a contribuir en el desarrollo de competencias en los estudiantes, que aborden la dimensi?n del ser y del saber hacer; proyectando a los educandos como ciudadanos, que tengan principios democr?ticos y pac?ficos. As? mismo, en pro del compromiso social con la humanidad, que es la paz, el sistema educativo debe promover desde los primeros a?os de aprendizaje estos valores; por lo que el docente tendr? que ser un orientador humanista y sensible ante los conflictos que nos demanda el mundo contempor?neo; as?, exige del maestro compromiso y la pr?ctica dentro del aula valores como el respeto, la solidaridad, la cooperaci?n y la paz; con inclusi?n y tolerancia a la diferencia; atendiendo a formas de aprendizaje, niveles de comprensi?n, contexto y el rol social. Adem?s, para evidenciar la importancia de implementar la c?tedra de la paz, es imperativo saber educar bajo este concepto; implica sembrar transformaciones sociales reales y con sentido, ya que es trabajar en las personas desde un marco educativo, con intenci?n formativa; teniendo en cuenta la formaci?n en valores como eje transversal, integrado a las metodolog?as que se manejan en el preescolar, con escenarios l?dicos, para que los ni?os experimenten situaciones que proporcionen aprendizajes para la vida. Considerado el cruce de argumentos que dan mayor comprensi?n sobre la raz?n de ser de la paz en el marco educativo, en la etapa inicial de la formaci?n; se espera con esta propuesta generar reflexi?n en torno a los m?todos pedag?gicos y did?cticos; oxigenar el rol del maestro como gu?a de los educandos y recuperar el contexto familiar.At present, in our country we see the need to change our discourse by some more conciliatory and inclusive, with modes of communicative interaction that contribute to mold the social dynamics with collective, non-belligerent collective practices that will propel our country towards new forms of being and of doing. For this, we need to have transcendent scenarios in the formation of the subject as education, because here it is possible to negotiate a relationship of meaning, arguing that promote the coexistence according. As described, the present research project seeks to approach the processes of socialization in the preschool or kindergarten level, conditioning their spaces in ludicdidactic environments, so that children develop their learning in a significant way, having as a course the Chair of peace. Likewise, we emphasize the importance of branching these processes of socialization towards the family, considering that it is the first reference of apprehension of the world and therefore the primary vehicle of values, attitudes and beliefs. Also, to question the role of teachers as protagonists in the understanding of reality and influence the processes of social transformation through the processes of socialization. Understanding the current conjuncture of the country and the role of education, this work is oriented towards the task of the educational system with regard to the need to propose new methods to articulate the theme of values with other knowledge. Encouraging teachers to contribute to the development of competencies in students that address the dimension of being and know-how; Projecting the learners as citizens, having democratic and peaceful principles. Likewise, for the social commitment to humanity, which is peace, the education system must promote these values from the earliest years of learning; So the teacher will have to be a humanist and sensitive advisor to the conflicts that the contemporary world demands; Thus, it demands from the teacher commitment and practice within the classroom values such as respect, solidarity, cooperation and peace; With inclusion and tolerance to difference; Attending to forms of learning, levels of understanding, context and social role. In addition, to demonstrate the importance of implementing the chair of peace, it is imperative to know how to educate under this concept; Implies to plant real and meaningful social transformations, since it is to work in the people from an educational framework, with formative intention; Taking into account the training in values as a transversal axis, integrated to the methodologies that are managed in the preschool, with playful scenarios, so that the children experience situations that provide learning for life. Considered the crossing of arguments that give greater understanding on the raison d'?tre of peace in the educational framework, in the initial stage of formation; It is expected with this proposal to generate reflection on pedagogical and didactic methods; To oxygenate the role of the teacher as a guide for learners and to recover the family context. Key words: Chair of peace - Socialization processes - School environments - Human Dimension

    La l?dica como estrategia pedag?gica, para potencializar la lectura y escritura, en los ni?os y ni?as del grado segundo, de la instituci?n educativa San Luis Gonzaga Sede Uribe, de la ciudad de Ibagu?

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    111 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto de intervenci?n se realiz? en la instituci?n educativa San Luis Gonzaga, sede Uribe, con estudiantes del grado segundo, a trav?s de un proceso de investigaci?n formativa, empleando la metodolog?a cualitativa de corte etnogr?fico y la investigaci?n ?acci?n, como proceso reflexivo sobre los discursos y practicas pedag?gicas, logrando una participaci?n activa de todos los agentes educativos, encaminados al fortalecimiento de competencias lecto-escriturales en los ni?os, para incentivar su proceso significativo. De acuerdo a lo anterior se tom? la l?dica como estrategia pedag?gica, para motivar los procesos lecto-escriturales en los estudiantes, con el fin de fortalecer el ?mbito acad?mico y actitudinal frente al proceso de ense?anza-aprendizaje. Por tal raz?n se realizaron talleres y t?cnicas de investigaci?n cualitativa como la observaci?n, diario de campo, entrevistas, indagaci?n documental y la iteraci?n con los agentes educativos, permitiendo analizar las diferentes falencias en relaci?n a su proceso lecto-escritural, y como la l?dica como estrategia pedag?gica, es motivante para mejorar dichos procesos. Es as? como se logr? una mirada hol?stica en el desarrollo de los procesos de an?lisis, planeaci?n y ejecuci?n del proyecto, evidenciando alcances y resultados, en la importancia de incentivar la lectura y escritura en los ni?os, para su mejor desenvolvimiento en la sociedad. Palabras claves: competencias lecto-escriturales, l?dica, investigaci?n, aprendizajes, desarrollo, estrategias pedag?gicasThis project was made with intervention of educational institution ?San Luis Gonzaga?, headquarters ?Uribe?, with second grade students. This was done using a process ethnographic and research. As a reflexive process on the discourses and pedagogical practices, obtaining an active participation of all the educational agents. This is aimed at strengthening literacy skills in children, to encourage their significant process It used a play as a pedagogical strategy to motivate the reading and writing processes in the students. In order to strengthen the academic and attitudinal environment in front of the teaching-learning process. For that reason, we will develop workshops and techniques of qualitative research such as observation, field diary, interviews, documentary inquiry and iteration with educational agents, allowing us to analyze the different shortcomings in relation to their literacy process, and as playful as a pedagogical strategy, Is motivating to improve those processes. Finally, It was obtained a holistic view in the development of the processes of analysis, planning and execution of the project, evidencing scope and results. This was important to encourage reading and writing in children and within society. Key words: Lecto-scriptural competences, playfulness, research, learning, development, and pedagogical strategies

    Acompa?amiento pedag?gico al docente de b?sica primaria en el sector rural multigrado elemento fundamental para la excelencia educativa

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    118 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa excelencia y la calidad han sido preceptos de los gobiernos de las ?ltimas dos d?cadas, en tanto orientan el presente y futuro en materia educativa, y en particular emparentados con el quehacer del docente en Colombia. En este sentido, desde hace alg?n tiempo, los docentes se han encontrado con un cambio de paradigma trascendental: son los llamados al centro del problema educativo vigente. De all? que, en Colombia, el acompa?amiento Pedag?gico en el marco de la ?Excelencia Educativa?, planteados por el Ministerio de Educaci?n Nacional (2015) a trav?s del documento Colombia la mejor educada en el 2025. L?neas estrat?gicas de la pol?tica educativa del Ministerio de Educaci?n Nacional, brinda un panorama dis?mil al del resto de la comunidad latinoamericana; por esto, atribuir una re-conceptualizaci?n al Acompa?amiento Pedag?gico desde el an?lisis a la luz de te?ricos y experiencias propias en este campo es m?s que pertinente para la mejora de las condiciones pedag?gicas de la educaci?n colombiana rural, que actualmente no existe en el pa?s. En virtud de ello, el presente documento, identifica posibles vac?os y fortalezas de algunos documentos oficiales emanados por el MEN como las Orientaciones y retos para el acompa?amiento pedag?gico. Cuadernillo de trabajo (2017) y la investigaci?n direccionada por la Fundaci?n Compartir (2014) denominada Tras la excelencia docente. Lo anterior, a partir de reflexiones te?ricas desde ?ngel P?rez G?mez, Jos? Gimeno Sacrist?n, ?ngel D?az Barriga y otros acad?micos de la evaluaci?n. Asimismo, busca la reconstrucci?n de una ruta de acompa?amiento pedag?gico que tenga en cuenta las particularidades del contexto rural, el aula multigrado y la participaci?n del profesorado. Para la consolidaci?n de la propuesta, se tuvieron en cuenta experiencias brindadas por mi labor como tutora del Programa Todos a Aprender-PTA y la aplicaci?n de distintos momentos de la Ruta de intervenci?n a docentes del Establecimiento Educativo La Tigrera, zona rural del municipio de Alvarado-Tolima. Por lo anterior, el recorrido investigativo fue de tipo exploratorio. Tuvo en cuenta el rastreo a partir de qu? es el Acompa?amiento Pedag?gico, su desarrollo y su estado actual en Colombia, desde los documentos oficiales como del conocimiento docente. Todo ello, a trav?s del rastreo documental (ver tabla comparativa y de an?lisis), el documento ?tensiones y distensiones del Acompa?amiento Pedag?gico en zona rural? y la construcci?n de una infograf?a, describiendo la ruta aplicada y sus resultados. Palabras claves: Acompa?amiento Pedag?gico, calidad educativa, profesi?n docente, excelencia educativa.Excellence and quality have been, over the years, the last two decades Colombian government?s core principles. Hence, the government has sought to guide the present and future of education in Colombia while approaching the teaching profession. In this regard, and for some time now, teachers have been introduced to a paramount paradigm shift: they are now the heart of the current educational problem. Thus, as teachers are key partakers of education, evaluation, support, among other activities, educational policies should aim at the joint construction of strategies, programs and other initiatives that allow teachers to improve their performance. As a result, the Pedagogical Support within the framework of "Educational Excellence", as proposed by the Ministry of National Education (2015), through the document Colombia la mejor educada en el 2025. L?neas estrat?gicas de la pol?tica educativa del Ministerio de Educaci?n Nacional, provides an overview dissimilar to the rest of the Latin American community. Modifying the concept of Pedagogical Support is more than relevant to improve the pedagogical conditions of education in Colombia. This is why the concept of Pedagogical Support is to be analyzed by theorists and in the light of our own experiences in this field, than at this moment it does not exist in our country. Accordingly, this document seeks to identify possible weaknesses and strengths in some of the official documents issued by the MEN (2014) regarding the concept of Pedagogical Support such as Orientaciones y retos para el acompa?amiento pedag?gico, cuadernillo de trabajo as well as the research conducted by Fundaci?n Compartir (2014) called ?Tras la excelencia docente?. Likewise, the current proposal seeks to rebuild a pedagogical support map that considers rural context particularities, multi-grade classrooms, and teachers participation. To consolidate the proposal, experiences from my work as a tutor of the ?Programa Todos a Aprender-PTA were considered, as well as various moments from the Intervention Route for teachers at the Educational Institution La Tigrera, in the rural area of the municipality of Alvarado-Tolima. Due to the above, this is considered an exploratory research. This paper traced back the concept of Pedagogical Support, its development and current status in Colombia based on official documents and teachers practices and knowledge. All of this was based on 3 elements: i) a documentary tracking (see comparative and analysis table), ii) a document called "Tensiones y distensiones del Acompa?amiento Pedag?gico en zona rural", and iii) the construction of an infographic that describes the path followed and its results. Keywords: Pedagogical Support, educational quality, teaching profession, educational excellence

    Myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries: A comprehensive review and future research directions

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    Acute coronary syndromes constitute a variety of myocardial injury presentations that include a subset of patients presenting with myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA). This acute coronary syndrome differs from type 1 myocardial infarction (MI) regarding patient characteristics, presentation, physiopathology, management, treatment, and prognosis. Two-thirds of MINOCA subjects present ST-segment elevation; MINOCA patients are younger, are more often female and tend to have fewer cardiovascular risk factors. Moreover, MINOCA is a working diagnosis, and defining the aetiologic mechanism is relevant because it affects patient care and prognosis. In the absence of relevant coronary artery disease, myocardial ischaemia might be triggered by an acute event in epicardial coronary arteries, coronary microcirculation, or both. Epicardial causes of MINOCA include coronary plaque disruption, coronary dissection, and coronary spasm. Microvascular MINOCA mechanisms involve microvascular coronary spasm, takotsubo syndrome (TTS), myocarditis, and coronary thromboembolism. Coronary angiography with non-significant coronary stenosis and left ventriculography are first-line tests in the differential study of MINOCA patients. The diagnostic arsenal includes invasive and non-invasive techniques. Medical history and echocardiography can help indicate vasospasm or thrombosis, if one finite coronary territory is affected, or specify TTS if apical ballooning is present. Intravascular ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, and provocative testing are encouraged. Cardiac magnetic resonance is a cornerstone in myocarditis diagnosis. MINOCA is not a benign diagnosis, and its polymorphic forms differ in prognosis. MINOCA care varies across centres, and future multi-centre clinical trials with standardized criteria may have a positive impact on defining optimal cardiovascular care for MINOCA patients

    Jost-Lehmann-Dyson Representation, Analyticity in Angle Variable and Upper Bounds in Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory

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    The existence of Jost-Lehmann-Dyson representation analogue has been proved in framework of space-space noncommutative quantum field theory. On the basis of this representation it has been found that some class of elastic amplitudes admits an analytical continuation into complex \cos\vartheta plane and corresponding domain of analyticity is Martin ellipse. This analyticity combined with unitarity leads to Froissart-Martin upper bound on total cross section.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, improved version, misprints corrected, the references added, to appear in Theor. Math. Phy

    Overlapping variants in the blood, tissues and cell lines for patients with intracranial meningiomas are predominant in stem cell-related genes

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    Objective: Bulk tissue genomic analysis of meningiomas identified common somatic mutations, however, it often excluded blood-related variants. In contrast, genomic characterisation of primary cell lines that can provide critical information regarding growth and proliferation, have been rare. In our work, we identified the variants that are present in the blood, tissues and corresponding cell lines that are likely to be predictive, tumorigenic and progressive. Method: Whole-exome sequencing was used to identify variants and distinguish related pathways that exist in 42 blood, tissues and corresponding cell lines (BTCs) samples for patients with intracranial meningiomas. Conventional sequencing was used for the confirmation of variants. Integrative analysis of the gene expression for the corresponding samples was utilised for further interpretations. Results: In total, 926 BTC variants were detected, implicating 845 genes. A pathway analysis of all BTC genes with damaging variants indicated the 'cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation' stem cell-related pathway to be the most frequently affected pathway. Concordantly, five stem cell-related genes, GPRIN2, ALDH3B2, ASPN, THSD7A and SIGLEC6, showed BTC variants in at least five of the patients. Variants that were heterozygous in the blood and homozygous in the tissues or the corresponding cell lines were rare (average: 1.3 +/- 0.3%), and included variants in the RUNX2 and CCDC114 genes. An analysis comparing the variants detected only in tumours with aggressive features indicated a total of 240 BTC genes, implicating the 'homophilic cell adhesion via plasma membrane adhesion molecules' pathway, and identifying the stem cell-related transcription coactivator NCOA3/AIB1/SRC3 as the most frequent BTC gene. Further analysis of the possible impact of the poly-Q mutation present in the NCOA3 gene indicated associated deregulation of 15 genes, including the up-regulation of the stem cell related SEMA3D gene and the angiogenesis related VEGFA gene. Conclusion: Stem cell-related pathways and genes showed high prevalence in the BTC variants, and novel variants in stem cell-related genes were identified for meningioma. These variants can potentially be used as predictive, tumorigenic and progressive biomarkers for meningioma

    Detection of lymph node metastasis in lung cancer patients using a one-step nucleic acid amplification assay: a single-centre prospective study

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    BACKGROUND: The use of one-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA) allows for lymph node (LN) metastasis to be detected rapidly and accurately. We conducted a prospective single-centre clinical trial to evaluate OSNA assay in detecting LN metastasis of lung cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 705 LNs from 160 patients with clinical stage IA to IVA lung cancer were included in this study. The LNs were divided and submitted to routine histological diagnosis and OSNA assay and the results were compared. We also examined keratin 19 expression of different histological types lung primary tumours. RESULTS: When the cut-off value was set to 250 copies/microl, the concordance rate between the two methods was 96.17% and the sensitivity 97.14%. Discordant results were observed in 27 LNs of 21 patients. Most of these discordant results were molecular micrometastasis expressing a very low number of copies with negative histology. Most thoracic tumours were positive for keratin 19. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that the OSNA assay might be a useful and sensitive method to diagnose LN metastasis in lung cancer and could be applied to intraoperative decision-making in personalised lung cancer surgery based on LN status and a more accurate staging of patients