66,553 research outputs found

    Minimal Length Scale Scenarios for Quantum Gravity

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    We review the question of whether the fundamental laws of nature limit our ability to probe arbitrarily short distances. First, we examine what insights can be gained from thought experiments for probes of shortest distances, and summarize what can be learned from different approaches to a theory of quantum gravity. Then we discuss some models that have been developed to implement a minimal length scale in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. These models have entered the literature as the generalized uncertainty principle or the modified dispersion relation, and have allowed the study of the effects of a minimal length scale in quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, thermodynamics, black-hole physics and cosmology. Finally, we touch upon the question of ways to circumvent the manifestation of a minimal length scale in short-distance physics.Comment: Published version available at http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2013-

    The humanistic roots of Islamic administration and leadership for education : philosophical foundations for cross-cultural and transcultural teaching

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    For a number of decades, a humanistic approach has been a minor but persistent one in the Western field of administrative and leadership studies, and only recently has been broadening to include other humanist traditions (Dierksmeier et al., 2011) and has yet to be fully explored in educational administration and its pedagogy and curriculum although some foundational work has been done (e.g., Samier, 2005). The focus in this chapter is on the Islamic humanist tradition as it relates to the teaching of educational administration and leadership in a Muslim context, with implications for cross-cultural and transcultural use. The second purpose of the chapter is to show the correspondences that exist between the Islamic and Western humanist traditions in terms of human values, knowledge and educational ideal, which in this chapter are argued to be close to the Western Idealist tradition and the German Bildung conception of education as well as the strong interpretive and hermeneutic foundations that originated in the Islamic tradition and which influenced the foundations of many relevant European schools of thought, particularly in the Enlightenment.The initial section of the chapter is a comparative examination of the central principles of the Islamic humanist tradition from the classical through to contemporary times with the Western humanist tradition as they relate to conceptions of the good, ethics, the construction of meaning and a set of higher order values predicated upon human dignity, integrity, empathy, well-being, and the public good (Goodman, 2003) covering a number of important scholars like Al Farabi, al Isfanhani, and Edward Said (e.g., Kraemer, 1986). In both, professions are viewed as meaningful work that allow for large measures of decision making, and are grounded in human qualities and needs including autonomy, freedom and emancipation balanced with responsibilities, obligations and duties to society. These are compared with the corresponding principles of knowledge in Western humanism which includes a strong constructivist view of reality (Makdisi, 1990). Secondly, the chapter examines the principles of good or ideal leadership and administration that humanism aims at in its preparation of officials, including those in the educational sector in both the classical Islamic tradition (Hassi, 2012) and Western approaches to humanistic administration and leadership (Czarniawska-Joerges & Guillet de Monthoux, 1994; Gagliardi & Czarniawska, 2006; Leoussi, 2000). The third section focusses on close correspondences that exist between the Islamic (Afsaruddin, 2016; al-Attas, 1980; Yasin & Jani, 2013) and Western (Aloni, 2007; Veugelers, 2011) humanist education traditions in terms of educational ideal as well as the kind of teaching practices that distinguish these traditions (Daiber, 2013; Dossett, 2014) as they apply to educational administration and leadership (Greenfield & Ribbins, 1993). The chapter concludes with a discussion of how the Islamic humanist tradition can contribute to cross-cultural and transcultural graduate teaching in international educational administration (Khan & Amann, 2013)

    Healthy at Work? Unequal Access to Employer Wellness Programs

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    Reports findings from a March 2009 survey of American workers' views and opinions on employer-provided wellness programs

    Preferred orientation of n-hexane crystallized in silicon nanochannels: A combined x-ray diffraction and sorption isotherm study

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    We present an x-ray diffraction study on n-hexane in tubular silicon channels of approximately 10 nm diameter both as a function of the filling fraction f of the channels and as a function of temperature. Upon cooling, confined n-hexane crystallizes in a triclinic phase typical of the bulk crystalline state. However, the anisotropic spatial confinement leads to a preferred orientation of the confined crystallites, where the crystallographic direction coincides with the long axis of the channels. The magnitude of this preferred orientation increases with the filling fraction, which corroborates the assumption of a Bridgman-type crystallization process being responsible for the peculiar crystalline texture. This growth process predicts for a channel-like confinement an alignment of the fastest crystallization direction parallel to the long channel axis. It is expected to be increasingly effective with the length of solidifying liquid parcels and thus with increasing f. In fact, the fastest solidification front is expected to sweep over the full silicon nanochannel for f=1, in agreement with our observation of a practically perfect texture for entirely filled nanochannels

    State Strategies for Turning Around Low-Performing Schools and Districts

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    Based on discussions at a March 2009 symposium, offers policy guidance on turnaround strategies that address underlying causes of low performance, provide resources for transformative change, improve mutual accountability, and support collaboration

    Pressure-induced phase transitions and high-pressure tetragonal phase of Fe1.08Te

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    We report the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the temperature-induced phase transitions in Fe1.08Te in the pressure range 0-3 GPa using synchrotron powder x-ray diffraction (XRD). The results reveal a plethora of phase transitions. At ambient pressure, Fe1.08Te undergoes simultaneous first-order structural symmetry-breaking and magnetic phase transitions, namely from the paramagnetic tetragonal (P4/nmm) to the antiferromagnetic monoclinic (P2_1/m) phase. We show that, at a pressure of 1.33 GPa, the low temperature structure adopts an orthorhombic symmetry. More importantly, for pressures of 2.29 GPa and higher, a symmetry-conserving tetragonal-tetragonal phase transition has been identified from a change in the c/a ratio of the lattice parameters. The succession of different pressure and temperature-induced structural and magnetic phases indicates the presence of strong magneto-elastic coupling effects in this material.Comment: 11 page

    Improving carbon cycle projections for better carbon management

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    Forests absorb large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and store a significant fraction of the carbon in biomass and soils. A March 2016 workshop focused on how best to use modeling approaches, field measurements, and satellite observations to improve projections of carbon cycle dynamics in response to climate change and human activities

    Freeze-out volume in multifragmentation - dynamical simulations

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    Stochastic mean-field simulations for multifragmenting sources at the same excitation energy per nucleon have been performed. The freeze-out volume, a concept which needs to be precisely defined in this dynamical approach, was shown to increase as a function of three parameters: freeze-out instant, fragment multiplicity and system size.Comment: Submitted to Eur. Phys. J. A - march 200

    A March in the Night

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