155 research outputs found

    Análisis cualitativo del sistema logístico español aplicado a la industria de la moda = Qualitative analysis of Spanish logistics applied to the fashion industry

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado pretende un acercamiento cualitativo al estado del sistema logístico español en lo referente al sector textil. La metodología emprendida equilibra una fase de estudio teórico de los principales componentes de la logística, así como el uso de ciertas herramientas (PEST) para definir el entorno de la industria de la moda. Una vez realizada dicha contextualización, se analiza, mediante la técnica de la entrevista, los principales operadores logísticos que operan en España. Los resultados obtenidos, presentados bajo la estructura de un análisis DAFO, muestran cierta uniformidad de los servicios prestados a pesar de existir notables diferencias en cuanto al alcance o volumen de gestión. En último término, el procesamiento de esta información primaria permite conocer los factores internos y externos que delimitan la competitividad de los operadores logístico

    La protección internacional de los migrantes del cambio climático

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    Màster en Diplomàcia i Organitzacions Internacionals, Centre d'Estudis Internacionals. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2020-2021. Tutora: Lela Mélon[spa] Los migrantes climáticos no poseen un estatuto jurídico de protección internacional, lo cual implica una notable desprotección y establece límites a las herramientas existentes en materia de seguridad humana. El objetivo del presente trabajo es esclarecer el estado de la cuestión de las migraciones del cambio climático, así como del actual modelo de protección internacional de los migrantes climáticos, para así vislumbrar las fracturas y limitaciones existentes en materia de cooperación, protección y seguridad humana global y alcanzar posibles vías para superarlas, mediante la adaptación del derecho internacional existente, el desarrollo normativo y una propuesta de cooperación transnacional de gobernanza multipartes.[eng] Climate migrants do not have a legal status of international protection, which implies a notable lack of protection and establishes limits to the existing tools for human security. The aim of this paper is to clarify the state of the art of climate change migrations, as well as the current model of international protection of climate migrants, in order to glimpse the existing fractures and limitations in terms of cooperation, protection and global human security and to reach possible ways to overcome them, through the adaptation of existing international law, normative development and a proposal for transnational cooperation of multistakeholder governance

    Creating a butterfly garden as a didactic resource in Primary School

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    RESUMEN: La conexión entre los humanos y la naturaleza es una necesidad biológica fundamental y por ello también puede ser uno de los mejores lugares para el aprendizaje. El entorno de los centros educativos es un recurso que puede satisfacer la interacción del niño con el medio natural, constituyendo un escenario que incita al aprendizaje y ofrece al alumno la creación de sus propias interpretaciones del mundo que le rodea. Para ello se presentan una serie de actividades que se desarrollan a raíz de la creación de un jardín para mariposas. Además, la educación cercana a la naturaleza fomentará el desarrollo de los lazos afectivos necesarios para la búsqueda de una vida sostenible, imprescindible en los tiempos que corren.ABSTRACT: The connection between humans and nature is a fundamental biological need and therefore it can also be one of the best scenarios for learning. The environment of educational establishments is a resource that can satisfy the child’s interaction with the natural environment, providing a setting that encourages learning and offers the pupil the creation of his own interpretations of the world around him. For this, a series of activities are presented that are developed as a result of the creation of a butterfly garden. In addition, education close to nature will encourage the development of the affective ties necessary for the search for a sustainable life, essential these days.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Primari

    Recovery of bioactive polyphenols from Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) rind using binary mixtures of propylene glycol and water

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    Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) is a succulent plant species cultivated worldwide for its jelly-like parenchyma that is used by cosmetic, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. This gel fillet is found protected by a thick layer (green rind) that constitutes 20-30% of the whole leaf weight [1], which is often discarded as waste. However, this biowaste can be valorised as a source of high added-value compounds [2]. Today, the principles of green chemistry have been introduced into extraction schemes with the aim of making processes more sustainable. Some studies have also shown that polyols in aqueous solution may constitute a very suitable extraction medium for polyphenol recovery [3]. Therefore, this study was carried out to characterize the phenolic profile of Aloe vera rind, evaluate antioxidant properties, and investigate the suitability of propylene glycol-water mixtures for extracting these bioactives. The leaf rind was separated from the fillet gel parenchyma, freeze-dried and reduced to a fine powder. First, a solid-liquid extraction was performed with ethanol/water (80:20, v/v) to obtain a combined extract, from which the phenolic profile was characterized by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS and the antioxidant activity was evaluated by the in vitro cell-based assays of TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) and OxHLIA (oxidative haemolysis inhibition assay) [4]. Afterwards, binary mixtures of propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol)-water (from 0 to 95 %, w/w) were used in extractions performed at 50 oC for 60 min, whose efficiency was monitored based on the total phenolic and flavonoid contents, measured by colorimetric methods [5]. Different phenolic compounds were identified in the Aloe vera rind extract, including chromones (aloesin A and B), anthrones (aloin A and B), and flavones (luteolin and apigenin glucoside derivatives). Aloesin and aloin (Figures 1 and 2) are recognized for their skin regeneration (wound healing) and laxative effects, respectively, being among the most important physiologically active compounds found in Aloe [6,7]. The combined extract also had interesting antioxidant properties, being particularly effective in protecting erythrocytes from the free radical-induced oxidative damage, with an IC50 value close to that of the positive control, trolox. Regarding the effect of the extraction solvents on the recovery of total phenolics and flavonoids, it was found that intermediate propylene glycol-water mixtures lead to higher amounts than when used alone. Thus, this study showed that Aloe vera rind can be used as an interesting source of bioactive compounds and that propylene glycol in aqueous solution may improve its extraction.Acknowledgements: To the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013) and the research contracts of J. Pinela (Project AllNatt, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030463) and L. Barros. To POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984 (LA LSRE-LCM), funded by ERDF, through POCI-COMPETE2020 and FCT. This work was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI) and national funding through FCT, within the scope of Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030463: AllNat. To FEDER-Interreg España-Portugal programme for financial support through the project 0377_Iberphenol_6_E. Also to the company "Courela do Alentejo" for the plant samples.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Multicriteria Approach to Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage: Case Studies of Riverside Power Plants

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    City riverbanks usually have great landscape value and are iconic public spaces. However, there are many cities with large abandoned industrial buildings, such as power plants, on their riverbanks. Such buildings run the risk of being demolished in order to recover the surrounding natural landscape, despite having an important presence in the collective memory of the citizens and in the history of the city. This article seeks to analyse the reuse and refurbishment of industrial power plants on riversides from a modern artistic/recreational approach in order to restore and enhance the landscape value of the site by regenerating the environs and turning them into hubs of activity. Two case studies from different locations are considered in order to extract the information. A methodology is used that allows us to analyse and study a complex reality in a straightforward, concise and direct way. That means it can be used by many agents currently involved in those reuse processes to compare and to monitor the different cases over time. This research has sought to highlight the power plant typology, its relationship with the riverside, and subsequently, to extrapolate the criteria used to study other industrial buildings.This research was funded by UMA, University of Malaga, under the Research Project with the reference B3-2018_02. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Pharmacological potential of green tomato glycoalcaloids: an overview

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    Glycoalkaloids are characteristic secondary metabolites in plants of the Solanaceae family. Although perceived as potentially toxic, these compounds display different bioactivities and pharmacological effects. The glycoalkaloids esculeoside A and tomatine (which comprises a junction of α-tomatine and dehydrotomatine) can be found in tomato plants. Structurally, dehydrotomatine differs from α-tomatine by having a double bond in the steroidal B ring of the aglycone; but both glycoalkaloids have the same tetrasaccharide (lycotetraose) side chain. Therefore, while α-tomatine has lycotetraose bonded to the aglycone tomatidine, dehydrotomatine has the side chain attached to the aglycone tomatidenol. Up to 500 mg/kg FW of tomatine can be found in unripe (green) tomatoes, levels that decrease with ripening (approximately 5 mg/kg FW in ripe red tomatoes) [1]. On the other hand, the content of esculeoside A, which is stored in ripe red tomatoes, is comparable to or higher than that of lycopene [2]. Thus, the levels of esculeoside A increase as the fruit matures, contrary to that observed for tomatine.To FCT for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020); for the M. Añibarro-Ortega grant (2020.06297.BD) and the J. Pinela contract (CEECIND/01011/2018) through the individual scientific employment program-contract; and to ERDF through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of the Project GreenHealth - Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000042..info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Curutze Santearen Aita Gure ta Ave Marien ganeco eracusaldiac

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    Dialecto : texto en euskera occidental -- vizcaíno, variedad occidentalS. XIX -- Periodo : primer euskera modernoEuskalkia : mendebalekoa -- bizkaiera, sartaldeko azpieuskalkiaXIX. md. -- Aroa : lehen euskara modernoaDigitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Archivos y Bibliotecas, Abril 1994Carton

    Natural food ingredients from quince peel: Towards a "zero-waste" production system

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    The resources on our planet are finite and limited. Nonetheless, more and more waste is being produced worldwide. In this sense, it is essential to acquire circularity and "zero waste" approaches to move from the current environmentally unsustainable agri-food system to a more sustainable practice. Quince is the yellow fruit of the deciduous tree Cydonia oblonga Mill. This fruit has an intense aroma, flavor and acidity, but most varieties are too sour and astringent to be eaten raw, so it is usually processed into marmalade and many other food products, mostly sweets, through processes that discard the peel as a by-product. Therefore, this work was carried out to promote the upcycling of quince peel into valuable food ingredients following a "zero waste" approach. Thus, it was intended to optimize the extraction of compounds of interest to the food industry using the response surface methodology (RSM).The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021); to FCT for the contracts of J. Pinela (CEECIND/01011/2018) and L. Barros (CEEC Institutional). A. Pereira thanks his research grant to the project IntegraValor (POCI-01- 0247-FEDER-072241). This work was financially supported by the project IntegraValor, operation POCI-01-0247-FEDER-072241, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) of Portugal2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) seed phenolic extracts obtained by ultrasound- assisted extraction

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    Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) is a deciduous tree widely cultivated in urban areas with temperate climate across the Northern hemisphere. This species is known mainly for the steroidal glycosides resulting from the secondary metabolism, among which aescin is the main active component and responsible for most of its medicinal properties[1,2]. While the bark of this tree has been used to treat dermatitis, the leaves and seeds are used due to their anti- inflammatory effects[2]. In fact, horse chestnut seed is an important raw material in the pharmaceutical industry. On the other hand, bioactive phenolic compounds such as quercetin and kaempferol glycosides can also be found in this raw material[3]. Therefore, this study was carried out to characterize the phenolic composition of the horse chestnut seed kernel, shell, and coat. The different parts of the seed were hand-separated with a knife, lyophilized, and ground to a fine powder. Hydroethanolic extracts were then obtained by ultrasound-assisted extraction, using 20% ethanol and 40 min sonication at 400 W (20 kHz frequency). The phenolic profiles were characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD- ESI/MSn). The seed kernel was particularly rich in flavonoids, among which kaempferol-O- pentoside-O-hexoside-O-hexoside and isorhamnetin-O-pentoside-O-di-hexoside were predominant compounds. The coat extract contained mostly flavan-3-ols (β-type (epi)catechin derivatives). The shell also contained flavan-3-ols and flavonoids, where (-)-epicatechin and kaempferol-O-di-deoxyhexoside were the phenolic compounds with the highest abundance in each group, respectively. In general, the coat was the seed part with the highest content of phenolic compounds, followed by the kernel. Thus, this study showed that the different parts of the inedible horse chestnut seed have different phenolic profiles in qualitative and quantitative terms. Further analyses to assess the in vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic activities of the obtained seed extracts are underway.To Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020); for the M. Añibarro-Ortega PhD grant (2020.06297.BD), the contracts of M.I. Dias, J. Pinela (CEECIND/01011/2018), and L. Barros through the scientific employment program-contract; and to the FEDER-Interreg España-Portugal programme for financial support through the Project TRANSCoLAB 0612_TRANS_CO_LAB_2_P and to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project GreenHealth - Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000042.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of a 26-weeks shallow water head-out aquatic exercise program in the anthropometrics, body composition and physiological response of healthy middle-age women

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    The aim of this study was to assess the chronic adaptations (anthropometrics, body composition, physiologic) of the middle-aged women participating in a head-out aquatic exercise program during 26 weeks. Twenty-three healthy middle-age female subjects participated in a head-out aquatic exercise program (26 weeks, two sessions per week, and 40 minutes per session). Data was collected before starting the program (pre-test), at the 13th week (post-test 1) and at the 26th week (post-test 2). Anthropometrical data included body mass, body mass index and several anatomical perimeters. Body composition was assessed measuring several body skinfolds. Physiological measures included the resting heart rate, systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressures. The body mass and the body mass index presented non-significant improvements throughout the program. On the other hand, subjects improved their body composition, decreasing the fat mass. Main improvements happened in the first 13 weeks, since most variables did not presented significant improvements between the post-test 1 and post-test 2. As a conclusion, a head-out aquatic exercise program with 26 weeks promotes a significant improvement in the anthropometrics, body composition and physiological response of healthy middle-age women
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