23 research outputs found

    Field Durability of <i>Yorkool<sup>®</sup>LN</i> Nets in the Benin Republic

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    CONTEXT: Recent publications on WHO recommended methods for estimating the survival of LLINs are good guidelines for assessing the performance of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). Thus, this field trial study was undertaken to evaluate the durability of the Yorkool® LN mosquito net distributed during the 2017 campaign in Benin. METHODS: The monitoring of Yorkool® LN nets was carried out in two districts (Djougou III and Barienou) in Djougou, department of Donga, northern Benin from October 2017 to March 2019. A representative sample of 250 households that had received the Yorkool® LN polyester LLINs during the 2017 campaign was selected in the rural and urban areas of each district and monitored for 6, 12 and 18 months. An evaluation of the survival of Yorkool® LN nets was conducted based on the rate of loss and physical condition of the surviving nets as measured by the proportional hole index (pHI). Finally, the chemical efficacy of these LLINs during each period was determined using the WHO cone tests. RESULTS: Survival of Yorkool® LN nets was similar in both rural and urban areas, although there was a difference in survival between the 6-month (95.3%), 12-month (89.7%), and 18-month follow-up periods (74.4%). A difference in survival was also observed between the NetCalc model (84%) compared to the Yorkool® LN nets of this study (74.4%). The attrition rate was 29.6% for LLINs at 18 months. Surprisingly, the physical integrity of the LLINs was minimally affected in the municipality. Indeed, the proportion of mosquito nets in good condition without a hole was 51.8% compared to 56.8% with a hole after 18 months. Only 7.8% of the LLINs in the two districts were damaged compared to 2.6% which needed to be replaced. The washing frequency, location of the LLINs and the frequency of use are some factors contributing to the appearance of the holes in LLINs. The bio-efficacy results of LLINs based on the cone test were good with mortality rates of 74%, 66%, 72% and 58% respectively after baseline, 6, 12 and 18 months of use. CONCLUSIONS: The observed differences in the survival of Yorkool® LN nets are due to community living conditions and movements and not to the equipment used to manufacture LLINs. However, the estimated median survival has shown that Yorkool® LN nets would have an average lifespan of 2 years 8 months despite their fairly good physical condition. These results may be useful to the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) during the period of replacement of these nets on the field

    Underpinning Sustainable Vector Control through Informed Insecticide Resistance Management

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    Background: There has been rapid scale-up of malaria vector control in the last ten years. Both of the primary control strategies, long-lasting pyrethroid treated nets and indoor residual spraying, rely on the use of a limited number of insecticides. Insecticide resistance, as measured by bioassay, has rapidly increased in prevalence and has come to the forefront as an issue that needs to be addressed to maintain the sustainability of malaria control and the drive to elimination. Zambia’s programme reported high levels of resistance to the insecticides it used in 2010, and, as a result, increased its investment in resistance monitoring to support informed resistance management decisions. Methodology/Principal Findings: A country-wide survey on insecticide resistance in Zambian malaria vectors was performed using WHO bioassays to detect resistant phenotypes. Molecular techniques were used to detect target-site mutations and microarray to detect metabolic resistance mechanisms. Anopheles gambiae s.s. was resistant to pyrethroids,DDT and carbamates, with potential organophosphate resistance in one population. The resistant phenotypes were conferred by both target-site and metabolic mechanisms. Anopheles funestus s.s. was largely resistant to pyrethroids and carbamates, with potential resistance to DDT in two locations. The resistant phenotypes were conferred by elevated levels of cytochrome p450s. Conclusions/Significance: Currently, the Zambia National Malaria Control Centre is using these results to inform their vector control strategy. The methods employed here can serve as a template to all malaria-endemic countries striving to create a sustainable insecticide resistance management pla

    Cotton pest management practices and the selection of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae population in Northern Benin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pyrethroid insecticides, carbamate and organophosphate are the classes of insecticides commonly used in agriculture for crop protection in Benin. Pyrethroids remain the only class of insecticides recommended by the WHO for impregnation of bed nets. Unfortunately, the high level of pyrethroid resistance in <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>s.l., threatens to undermine the success of pyrethroid treated nets. This study focuses on the investigation of agricultural practices in cotton growing areas, and their direct impact on larval populations of <it>An. gambiae </it>in surrounding breeding sites.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The protocol was based on the collection of agro-sociological data where farmers were subjected to semi-structured questionnaires based on the strategies used for crop protection. This was complemented by bioassay tests to assess the susceptibility of malaria vectors to various insecticides. Molecular analysis was performed to characterize the resistance genes and the molecular forms of <it>An. gambiae</it>. Insecticide residues in soil samples from breeding sites were investigated to determine major factors that can inhibit the normal growth of mosquito larvae by exposing susceptible and resistant laboratory strains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There is a common use by local farmers of mineral fertilizer NPK at 200 kg/ha and urea at 50 kg/hectare following insecticide treatments in both the Calendar Control Program (CCP) and the Targeted Intermittent Control Program (TICP). By contrast, no chemicals are involved in Biological Program (BP) where farmers use organic and natural fertilizers which include animal excreta.</p> <p>Susceptibility test results confirmed a high resistance to DDT. Mean mortality of <it>An. gambiae </it>collected from the farms practicing CCP, TICP and BP methods were 33%, 42% and 65% respectively. <it>An. gambiae </it>populations from areas using the CCP and TICP programs showed resistance to permethrin with mortality of 50% and 58% respectively. By contrast, bioassay test results of <it>An. gambiae </it>from BP areas gave a high level of susceptibility to permethrin with an average mortality of 94%.</p> <p>Molecular analysis identified <it>An. gambiae </it>s.s, and <it>An. arabiensis </it>with a high predominance of <it>An. gambiae s.s </it>(90%). The two molecular forms, M and S, were also determined with a high frequency of the S form (96%).</p> <p>The <it>Kdr </it>gene seemed the main target- site resistance mechanism detected in CCP, TICP, and BP areas at the rates ranging from 32 to 78%. The frequency of <it>ace-1R </it>gene was very low (< 0.1).</p> <p>The presence of inhibiting factors in soil samples under insecticide treatments were found and affected negatively in delaying the development of <it>An. gambiae </it>larval populations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This research shows that <it>Kdr </it>has spread widely in <it>An. gambiae</it>, mainly in CCP and TICP areas where pyrethroids are extensively used. To reduce the negative impact of pesticides use in cotton crop protection, the application of BP-like programs, which do not appear to select for vector resistance would be useful. These results could serve as scientific evidence of the spread of resistance due to a massive agricultural use of insecticides and contribute to the management of pesticides usage on cotton crops hence reducing the selection pressure of insecticides on <it>An. gambiae </it>populations.</p

    Evolution du profil entomologique et épidémiologique an après la mise en oeuvre de la pulvérisation intra domiciliaire (PID) dans la commune de Kouande et dans la commune contrôle De Copargo au Benin.

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    Position du problème : Au Bénin, le paludisme a représenté en 2012, la première cause de consultation chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans (47,2%) et pour l’ensemble des personnes traitées en ambulatoire (42,3%). Son incidence parmi tous ceux qui ont fréquenté une structure de soins en 2012 est, respectivement, de 429 pour mille chez les enfants de moins de 5ans et de 170 pour mille pour l’ensemble des consultants. En vue d’améliorer ces indicateurs, le Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme (PNLP) a décidé de mettre en oeuvre, à titre expérimental, en complément à la moustiquaire imprégnée d’insecticide à longue durée (MIILD), la pulvérisation intra domiciliaire (PID) dans sept des neuf municipalités du département de l'Atacora, une des zones parmi les plus endémiques de paludisme au Bénin. La présente étude cherche à évaluer l’évolution du profil entomologique et épidémiologique un an après la mise en oeuvre de la PID dans la commune de Kouandé et dans la commune contrôle de Copargo.Méthode : Il s’agit d’une étude entomologique et épidémiologique, descriptive et comparative comportant une double démarche rétrospective (mai 2010 à mai 2011) et prospective réalisée pendant et après la PID (mai 2011 à mai 2012). La technique d’échantillonnage utilisée a été non probabiliste pour toutes les cibles. En ce qui concerne les données entomologiques, les moustiques ont été capturés par aspersion d’insecticide à l’intérieur des maisons et sur appâts humains. Une fiche de recueil a été conçue pour la collecte des données épidémiologiques aussi bien pour la phase rétrospective que pour la phase prospective.Résultats : Les résultats des études entomologiques montrent que, quelle que soit la saison, la transmission du paludisme est continue dans la commune de Kouandé et que l’effet du bendiocarb utilisé pour PID est faible après trois mois. En revanche, en toute saison, les taux de piqûre et d’infestation ont baissé en zone PID bien qu’on y a noté un développement de la résistance des moustiques aux carbomates (bendiocarb 0,1%). Au plan épidémiologique, la proportion de femmes enceintes à risque de paludisme, ayant bénéficié d’une MIILD au cours de la distribution de routine durant la CPN, a diminué à Kouandé-Centre et à Guilmaro après la mise en oeuvre de la PID. La même tendance a été observée en zone contrôle. Dans le même temps, l’incidence annuelle du paludisme dans les formations sanitaires (cas présumés ou confirmés) a significativement diminué après l’intervention à Kouandé-Centre et à Guilmaro alors qu’elle a significativement augmenté à Copargo-centre mais diminué à Pabégou. Enfin, on note que quel que soit le type de zone (urbain ou rural), le risque relatif (RR) est significativement inférieur à 1 (borne sup IC95% est respectivement 0,279<1 et 0,240 < 1).Conclusion : L’exposition à la PID en zone de forte disponibilité de MIILD diminue le risque de contracter le paludisme au nord du Bénin. La PID en complément de la MIILD potentialise en zone de forte endémicité la protection contre le paludisme par rapport à la seule utilisation de la MIILD

    Malaria vectors resistance to insecticides in Benin: current trends and mechanisms involved

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    Abstract Background Insecticides are widely used to control malaria vectors and have significantly contributed to the reduction of malaria-caused mortality. In addition, the same classes of insecticides were widely introduced and used in agriculture in Benin since 1980s. These factors probably contributed to the selection of insecticide resistance in malaria vector populations reported in several localities in Benin. This insecticide resistance represents a threat to vector control tool and should be monitored. The present study reveals observed insecticide resistance trends in Benin to help for a better management of insecticide resistance. Methods Mosquito larvae were collected in eight sites and reared in laboratory. Bioassays were conducted on the adult mosquitoes upon the four types of insecticide currently used in public health in Benin. Knock-down resistance, insensitive acetylcholinesterase-1 resistance, and metabolic resistance analysis were performed in the mosquito populations based on molecular and biochemical analysis. The data were mapped using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with Arcgis software. Results Mortalities observed with Deltamethrin (pyrethroid class) were less than 90% in 5 locations, between 90-97% in 2 locations, and over 98% in one location. Bendiocarb (carbamate class) showed mortalities ranged 90-97% in 2 locations and were over 98% in the others locations. A complete susceptibility to Pirimiphos methyl and Fenitrothion (organophosphate class) was observed in all locations with 98-100% mortalities. Knock-down resistance frequencies were high (0.78-0.96) and similar between Anopheles coluzzii, Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles arabiensis, and Anopheles melas. Insensitive acetylcholinesterase-1 was rare (0.002-0.1) and only detected in Anopheles gambiae in concomitance with Knock-down resistance mutation. The maps showed a large distribution of Deltamethrin resistance, Knock-down mutation and metabolic resistance throughout the country, a suspected resistance to Bendiocarb and detection of insensitive acetylcholinesterase-1 from northern Benin, and a wide distribution of susceptible vectors to Pirimiphos methyl and Fenitrothion. Conclusion This study showed a widespread resistance of malaria vectors to pyrethroid previously located in southern Benin, an early emergence of carbamates resistance from northern Benin and a full susceptibility to organophosphates. Several resistance mechanisms were detected in vectors with a potential cross resistance to pyrethroids through Knock-down and metabolic resistance mechanisms