401 research outputs found

    Influence of adaptive mesh refinement and the hydro solver on shear-induced mass stripping in a minor-merger scenario

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    We compare two different codes for simulations of cosmological structure formation to investigate the sensitivity of hydrodynamical instabilities to numerics, in particular, the hydro solver and the application of adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). As a simple test problem, we consider an initially spherical gas cloud in a wind, which is an idealized model for the merger of a subcluster or galaxy with a big cluster. Based on an entropy criterion, we calculate the mass stripping from the subcluster as a function of time. Moreover, the turbulent velocity field is analyzed with a multi-scale filtering technique. We find remarkable differences between the commonly used PPM solver with directional splitting in the Enzo code and an unsplit variant of PPM in the Nyx code, which demonstrates that different codes can converge to systematically different solutions even when using uniform grids. For the test case of an unbound cloud, AMR simulations reproduce uniform-grid results for the mass stripping quite well, although the flow realizations can differ substantially. If the cloud is bound by a static gravitational potential, however, we find strong sensitivity to spurious fluctuations which are induced at the cutoff radius of the potential and amplified by the bow shock. This gives rise to substantial deviations between uniform-grid and AMR runs performed with Enzo, while the mass stripping in Nyx simulations of the subcluster is nearly independent of numerical resolution and AMR. Although many factors related to numerics are involved, our study indicates that unsplit solvers with advanced flux limiters help to reduce grid effects and to keep numerical noise under control, which is important for hydrodynamical instabilities and turbulent flows.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Computin

    Error estimates for model order reduction of Burgers' equation

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    Burgers' equation is a nonlinear scalar partial differential equation, commonly used as a testbed for model order reduction techniques and error estimates. Model order reduction of the parameterized Burgers' equation is commonly done by using the reduced basis method. In this method, an error estimate plays a crucial rule in both accelerating the offline phase and quantifying the error induced after reduction in the online phase. In this study, we introduce two new estimates for this reduction error. The first error estimate is based on a Lur'e-type model formulation of the system obtained after the full-discretization of Burgers' equation. The second error estimate is built upon snapshots generated in the offline phase of the reduced basis method. The second error estimate is applicable to a wider range of systems compared to the first error estimate. Results reveal that when conditions for the error estimates are satisfied, the error estimates are accurate and work efficiently in terms of computational effort

    Type Ia supernovae and the ^{12}C+^{12}C reaction rate

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    The experimental determination of the cross-section of the ^{12}C+^{12}C reaction has never been made at astrophysically relevant energies (E<2 MeV). The profusion of resonances throughout the measured energy range has led to speculation that there is an unknown resonance at E\sim1.5 MeV possibly as strong as the one measured for the resonance at 2.14 MeV. We study the implications that such a resonance would have for the physics of SNIa, paying special attention to the phases that go from the crossing of the ignition curve to the dynamical event. We use one-dimensional hydrostatic and hydrodynamic codes to follow the evolution of accreting white dwarfs until they grow close to the Chandrasekhar mass and explode as SNIa. In our simulations, we account for a low-energy resonance by exploring the parameter space allowed by experimental data. A change in the ^{12}C+^{12}C rate similar to the one explored here would have profound consequences for the physical conditions in the SNIa explosion, namely the central density, neutronization, thermal profile, mass of the convective core, location of the runaway hot spot, or time elapsed since crossing the ignition curve. For instance, with the largest resonance strength we use, the time elapsed since crossing the ignition curve to the supernova event is shorter by a factor ten than for models using the standard rate of ^{12}C+^{12}C, and the runaway temperature is reduced from \sim8.14\times10^{8} K to \sim4.26\times10^{8} K. On the other hand, a resonance at 1.5 MeV, with a strength ten thousand times smaller than the one measured at 2.14 MeV, but with an {\alpha}/p yield ratio substantially different from 1 would have a sizeable impact on the degree of neutronization of matter during carbon simmering. We conclude that a robust understanding of the links between SNIa properties and their progenitors will not be attained until the ^{12}C+^{12}C reaction rate is measured at energies \sim1.5 MeV.Comment: 15 pages, 6 tables, 10 figures, accepted for Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Error estimation in reduced basis method for systems with time-varying and nonlinear boundary conditions

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    Many physical phenomena, such as mass transport and heat transfer, are modeled by systems of partial differential equations with time-varying and nonlinear boundary conditions. Control inputs and disturbances typically affect the system dynamics at the boundaries and a correct numerical implementation of boundary conditions is therefore crucial. However, numerical simulations of high-order discretized partial differential equations are often too computationally expensive for real-time and many-query analysis. For this reason, model complexity reduction is essential. In this paper, it is shown that the classical reduced basis method is unable to incorporate time-varying and nonlinear boundary conditions. To address this issue, it is shown that, by using a modified surrogate formulation of the reduced basis ansatz combined with a feedback interconnection and a input-related term, the effects of the boundary conditions are accurately described in the reduced-order model. The results are compared with the classical reduced basis method. Unlike the classical method, the modified ansatz incorporates boundary conditions without generating unphysical results at the boundaries. Moreover, a new approximation of the bound and a new estimate for the error induced by model reduction are introduced. The effectiveness of the error measures is studied through simulation case studies and a comparison with existing error bounds and estimates is provided. The proposed approximate error bound gives a finite bound of the actual error, unlike existing error bounds that grow exponentially over time. Finally, the proposed error estimate is more accurate than existing error estimates

    Cluster magnetic fields through the study of polarized radio halos in the SKA era

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    Galaxy clusters are unique laboratories to investigate turbulent fluid motions and large scale magnetic fields. Synchrotron radio halos at the center of merging galaxy clusters provide the most spectacular and direct evidence of the presence of relativistic particles and magnetic fields associated with the intracluster medium. The study of polarized emission from radio halos is extremely important to constrain the properties of intracluster magnetic fields and the physics of the acceleration and transport of the relativistic particles. However, detecting this polarized signal is a very hard task with the current radio facilities.We use cosmological magneto-hydrodynamical simulations to predict the expected polarized surface brightness of radio halos at 1.4 GHz. We compare these expectations with the sensitivity and the resolution reachable with the SKA1. This allows us to evaluate the potential for studying intracluster magnetic fields in the surveys planned for SKA1.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; to appear as part of 'Cosmic Magnetism' in Proceedings 'Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14)', PoS(AASKA14)10

    Adaptively refined large eddy simulations of clusters

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    We present a numerical scheme for modelling unresolved turbulence in cosmological adaptive mesh refinement codes. As a first application, we study the evolution of turbulence in the intra-cluster medium and in the core of a galaxy cluster. Simulations with and without subgrid scale model are compared in detail. Since the flow in the ICM is subsonic, the global turbulent energy contribution at the unresolved length scales is smaller than 1% of the internal energy. We find that the production of turbulence is closely correlated with merger events occurring in the cluster environment, and its dissipation locally affects the cluster energy budget. Because of this additional source of dissipation, the core temperature is larger and the density is smaller in the presence of subgrid scale turbulence than in the standard adiabatic run, resulting in a higher entropy core value.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 14 pages, 14 figures, 3 table

    Lung response to prone positioning in mechanically-ventilated patients with COVID-19

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    Background: Prone positioning improves survival in moderate-to-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) unrelated to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This benefit is probably mediated by a decrease in alveolar collapse and hyperinflation and a more homogeneous distribution of lung aeration, with fewer harms from mechanical ventilation. In this preliminary physiological study we aimed to verify whether prone positioning causes analogue changes in lung aeration in COVID-19. A positive result would support prone positioning even in this other population. Methods: Fifteen mechanically-ventilated patients with COVID-19 underwent a lung computed tomography in the supine and prone position with a constant positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) within three days of endotracheal intubation. Using quantitative analysis, we measured the volume of the non-aerated, poorly-aerated, well-aerated, and over-aerated compartments and the gas-to-tissue ratio of the ten vertical levels of the lung. In addition, we expressed the heterogeneity of lung aeration with the standardized median absolute deviation of the ten vertical gas-to-tissue ratios, with lower values indicating less heterogeneity. Results: By the time of the study, PEEP was 12 (10–14)&nbsp;cmH2O and the PaO2:FiO2 107 (84–173)&nbsp;mmHg in the supine position. With prone positioning, the volume of the non-aerated compartment decreased by 82 (26–147)&nbsp;ml, of the poorly-aerated compartment increased by 82 (53–174) ml, of the normally-aerated compartment did not significantly change, and of the over-aerated compartment decreased by 28 (11–186)&nbsp;ml. In eight (53%) patients, the volume of the over-aerated compartment decreased more than the volume of the non-aerated compartment. The gas-to-tissue ratio of the ten vertical levels of the lung decreased by 0.34 (0.25–0.49)&nbsp;ml/g per level in the supine position and by 0.03 (− 0.11 to 0.14) ml/g in the prone position (p &lt; 0.001). The standardized median absolute deviation of the gas-to-tissue ratios of those ten levels decreased in all patients, from 0.55 (0.50–0.71) to 0.20 (0.14–0.27) (p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: In fifteen patients with COVID-19, prone positioning decreased alveolar collapse, hyperinflation, and homogenized lung aeration. A similar response has been observed in other ARDS, where prone positioning improves outcome. Therefore, our data provide a pathophysiological rationale to support prone positioning even in COVID-19
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