772 research outputs found

    Ground State Properties of an Asymmetric Hubbard Model for Unbalanced Ultracold Fermionic Quantum Gases

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    In order to describe unbalanced ultracold fermionic quantum gases on optical lattices in a harmonic trap, we investigate an attractive (U<0U<0) asymmetric (t↑≠t↓t_\uparrow\neq t_\downarrow) Hubbard model with a Zeeman-like magnetic field. In view of the model's spatial inhomogeneity, we focus in this paper on the solution at Hartree-Fock level. The Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian is diagonalized with particular emphasis on superfluid phases. For the special case of spin-independent hopping we analytically determine the number of solutions of the resulting self-consistency equations and the nature of the possible ground states at weak coupling. Numerical results for unbalanced Fermi-mixtures are presented within the local density approximation. In particular, we find a fascinating shell structure, involving normal and superfluid phases. For the general case of spin-dependent hopping we calculate the density of states and the possible superfluid phases in the ground state. In particular, we find a new magnetized superfluid phase.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

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    Recipient of the 2012 Alumni Distinguished Leadership Award

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    Alex (Dietrich) Greene has dedicated her life to a career in service. As one of the nation’s first female strike-fighter aviators, Greene is a pioneer and a champion of diversity. She is a founding member of the military’s eMentor program, promoting mentorship and opportunity for future generations of minorities to succeed in untraditional fields. Beginning her career in the U.S. Navy, Greene was rapidly promoted through military ranks for her sophisticated strategic vision and flawless tactical execution. She led the military establishment in policies and programs to not only ensure our national security but also advance the human condition. Greene spearheaded the revolutionary Navy Irregular Warfare strategy, emphasizing the use of indirect, non-conventional military methods rather than direct conventional military confrontation. She directly applied that strategy as a deployed “boots on ground” Provincial Reconstruction Team Engineer, leading reconstruction efforts that established regional stability and security as well as overall legitimacy of the national Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Greene is a recipient of the Bronze Star and Air Combat medals. She was formally recognized by Ambassador Eikenberry, Department of State, for her leadership of the Ghazni Female Engagement Team and commitment to a cooperative civil-military mission. A strong supporter of IMSA and the IMSA Fund, Greene returned to campus in 2008 as the Veterans Day guest speaker, captivating and inspiring students with her stories, wisdom and advice. Greene currently serves as an assistant Professor of Naval Science at the George Washington University in Washington D.C. She received her B.S. in Civil Engineering from George Washington University and attended the Defense Language Institute

    An advocate for openness

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    Franklin D. Roosevelt famously said December 7 was “a day that will live in infamy.” He was of course referring to 1941 and the bombing of Pearl Harbor, which killed more than 2,400 U.S. citizens even though the country was a noncombatant in World War II at the time

    A Taste of Linfield on Third Street

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    Acorn to Oak Wine Experience opens as tasting room and so much mor

    Green nursing

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    New initiatives and educational programs balance sustainability with safety, even in a pandemi


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    Statement by the Undersigned Editors of Volume 97

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    Peningkatan short passin


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    ABSTRAK Nama : Devi Kurniasari NPM 2115500018 Judul : “ Peran Inspektorat Daerah Dalam Pengawasan Dana Desa Di Kabupaten Brebes Tahun 2018”. Skripsi, Ilmu Pemerintahan Universitas Pancasakti Tegal. Pembimbing I : Drs. Djoko Suyono. M.Si dan Pembimbing II : Dra.Erny Rosyanti, M.Si Pokok Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah : (1) Bagaimanakah Peran Inspektorat Daerah Dalam Pengawasan Dana Desa Di Kabupaten Brebes Tahun 2018; (2) Apa saja yang menjadi faktor penghambat serta solusi Peran Inspektorat Daerah Dalam Pengawasan Dana Desa Di Kabupaten Brebes Tahun 2018. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, yang merupakan tipe penelitian yang dapat memberikan gambaran faktual mengenai Peran Inspektorat Daerah Dalam Pengawasan Dana Desa Di Kabupaten Brebes Tahun 2018. Pengumpulan data dilkaukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa : (1) Peran Inspektorat Daerah Dalam Pengawasan Dana Desa Di Kabupaten Brebes Tahun 2018 belum dapat dilaksanakan secara maksimal. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dari rentang waktu pemeriksaan yang kurang intensif selain itu pada pemeriksaan fisik yang dilakukan oleh Inspektorat Kabupaten Brebes belum dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh dan hanya menggunakan sampel. Kemudian untuk tim pengawas yang turun langsung kelapangan untuk melaksanakan pemeriksaan reguler hanya terdiri dari 4 tim dan masing-masing tim ini berisikan 6-7 orang sedangkan obyek pemeriksaan mencapai 292 desa. (2) Faktor penghambat serta solusi dari Peran Inspektorat Daerah Dalam Pengawasan Dana Desa Di Kabupaten Brebes Tahun 2018 adalah keterbatasan personil pemeriksa baik Auditor dan P2UPD sehingga pemeriksaan dana desa kurang maksimal, ditambah banyaknya jumlah desa yang ada di Kabupaten Brebes oleh karena itu pemeriksaan tidak dapat mencakup semua desa. Sehingga untuk solusinya dengan memperbanyak auditor, disamping itu mengingat luas wilayah dan keterbatasan personil maka pemeriksaan hanya dilakukan dengan cara sampling mengambil beberapa desa saja untuk diperiksa dan paling banyak itu 1 Kecamatan 4 desa. Kata Kunci : Peran Inspektorat, Pengawasan, Dana Desa
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