17 research outputs found

    Lands of the Seneca Indians.

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    49-1Indian AffairsSeneca Lands in New York. [2442] Allotment of lands in severalty on the Cattaraugus and Allegany reservations.1886-17

    Geographical distance puzzle in patent citations: intensive versus extensive margins

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    This paper explores the effects of geographical distance on knowledge spillovers through patent citations across 270 European regions. Despite decreasing transport and communication costs, geographical distance effects are strong and not decreasing. To address this distance puzzle, we distinguish between the extensive margin (the number of cited technologies) and the intensive margin (the average number of citations per technology) of patent citation flows. We confirm an increasing distance effect on knowledge flows at the extensive margin. We show it is compatible with decreasing transport and communication costs

    Unemployment resistance across EU regions: the role of technological and human capital

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    We investigate the unemployment impact of the 2008 crisis to study the relationship between economic and technological resilience in 248 European Union regions. For economic resilience we measure the difference between the level of unemployment rate before crisis and the level of unemployment rate at its peak after the crisis — i.e. the unemployment resistance. Using European Patent Office patents, we look at all technological crises in each region since 1978 and build a variable of technological resilience measuring the historical ability of a region to maintain its level of knowledge creation in the face of adverse shocks — i.e. the technological resistance. We find that technological resistance is a good predictor of unemployment resistance. In particular, our results show that (1) important interaction effects exist between technological resistance and human capital, (2) technological resistance and the level of human capital are less effective in protecting female and elder adult workers during an economic crisis and (3) important country level effects are present

    Misallocation of scientific credit: the role of hierarchy and preferences. An extension of Lissoni et al. (2013)

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    We extend the results in Lissoni et al. (2013, J. Econ. Behav. Organ., 95, 49\u201369) on scientific credit misallocation, as measured by misalignment between authorship and inventorship recognition in patentpublication pairs. Extending the analysis to European data, we confirm that, other things being equal, the probability of exclusion of a scientific author from a publication-related patent declines with seniority and increases for women. In addition, we find that the senior scientists\u2019 power to exclude other authors plays a more important role in explaining the patterns of exclusion than differences in authors\u2019 attribution preferences. The unfavorable treatment of young and/or female scientists emerges in particular when patents are owned by companies or individuals, thus providing a warning flag on those institutional arrangements that favor company or individual ownership of academic patents

    Les Phantasmes d'Avril / Marc Avril

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    Collection : Une Aventure d'action et d'espionnage ; 1642Contient une table des matièresAvec mode text

    The empirics of technology, employment and occupations: Lessons learned and challenges ahead

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    This paper is a critical review of the empirical literature resulting from recent years of debate and analysis regarding technology and employment and the future of work as threatened by technology, outlining both lessons learned and challenges ahead. We distinguish three waves of studies and relate their heterogeneous findings to the choice of technological proxies, the level of aggregation, the adopted research methodology and to the relative focus on robots, automation and AI. The challenges ahead include the need for awareness of possible ex-ante biases associated with the adopted proxies for innovation; the recognition of the trade-off between microeconometric precision and a more holistic macroeconomic approach; the need for granular analysis of the reallocation and transformation of occupations and tasks brought about by different types of new technologies; the call for a closer focus on impacts on labor quality, in terms of types of jobs and working conditions

    Dinamica e Determinanti della Specializzazione Tecnologica Internazionale

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    L'interazione fra la composizione settoriale dell'economia, l'attivit\ue0 di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica delle imprese e delle universit\ue0 e l\u2019attivit\ue0 delle grandi imprese \ue8 considerata un fattore cruciale di sviluppo nei paesi avanzati. Questo lavoro studia il rapporto fra la dinamica della specializzazione tecnologica internazionale, l\u2019espansione dei mercati e le opportunit\ue0 di profitto, l'accumulazione di conoscenze tecniche e scientifiche e, infine, la struttura di mercato. Il lavoro utilizza dati di R&S e esportazione, domande e citazioni di brevetto all'Ufficio Europeo dei Brevetti per sei paesi (Stati Uniti, Regno Unito, Italia, Giappone, Francia, Germania) nel periodo 1981-1994 per 135 classi tecnologiche in tre settori industriali (chimica, elettronica e meccanica). L'analisi econometrica, usando stime GMM per panel dinamici, indica che la specializzazione tecnologica internazionale \ue8 persistente e positivamente influenzata dallo sforzo relativo delle imprese in R&S, da spillover inter-settoriali di conoscenza all'interno dei paesi e dalla qualit\ue0 di ricerca prodotta dalle universit\ue0 e dai centri di ricerca pubblici. La grandezza delle relazioni stimate differisce fra i tre settori industriali. Inoltre, questo lavoro mostra che la concentrazione delle attivit\ue0 innovative pu\uf2 avere un effetto negativo sulla specializzazione tecnologica internazionale