222 research outputs found

    The Influence of Nano-Encapsulation of Melastoma malabathricum L. Fruit Extract to Lipid Profile of Broiler Chicken

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    The aim of this research was to examine the impact of nano encapsulation of Melastoma malabathricum L. fruit extract as feed additive that was given through drinking water towards lipid profile of broiler chicken. Experimental design used in this research was completely randomized design using six increment treatments of Melastoma malabathricum L. fruit extract to the drinking water of the chicken each with five repetitions. Detail of treatment rations were as follow: T0 drinking water treatment without feed additive (negative control), T1 drinking water treatment + 0.2 mg/kg body weight simvastatin (positive control), T2 drinking water treatment + 1.5% Melastoma malabathricum L. fruit extract, T3 drinking water treatment + 3.0% Melastoma malabathricum L. fruit extract, T4 drinking water treatment + 1.5% nano encapsulation of Melastoma malabathricum L. fruit extract, T5 drinking water treatment + 3.0% nano encapsulation of Melastoma malabathricum L. fruit extract. Observed Parameters were the blood lipid profile, cholesterol of meat and crude fat of meat. The results showed that adding the nano encapsulation of Melastoma malabathricum L. fruit extract did not give significant effect (P>0.05) on blood lipid profile and crude fat of the thigh and breast of the broilers. Addition of nano encapsulation of Melastoma malabathricum L. fruit extract gives real impact (P<0.05) toward reduction of broiler’s meat cholesterol. The conclusion of this research is that giving nano encapsulation of Melastoma malabathricum L. fruit extract is able to improve lipid profile of broiler, which is in the amount of meat’s cholesterol

    The Effect Nanocapsule of Turmeric Extracts in Rations on Nutrient Digestibility of Broiler Chickens

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    Abstract. The use of turmeric is restricted by its low solubility in water, therefore it has low bioavailability. This obstacle can be solved by the development of nanoparticle technology to improve drug delivery profile. This study aimed to develop nanoparticle formulation using turmeric extract and industrial chitosan as the matrix and sodium-tripolyphosphate as cross linker, to study its ability to improve feed digestibility. Method used in the formulation of nanoparticle in this study was by ionic gelation followed by oven drying at 50°C. Method used to evaluate the digestibility  was total collection. One hundred and twenty broiler chickens with an average body weight of 900 g, were randomly divided into 20 treatments (one treatment was fasted and 19 were treated with the ration plus feed additive), and six replicates were performed on each test. Chickens were fasted one day before and after they were treated with rations. Nutrient levels and the amount of feed consumed and excreta released were weighed to calculate the digestibility of the ration. It was found that the basal ration had dry matter digestibility of 70.48% significantly lower compared to the basal ration plus nanocapsule turmeric extract: NP level at 0.4% for in EE and EA were 73.11 and 75.90%. The results of this study concluded that formulation of nanocapsule using turmeric extract and industrial chitosan as the matrix and sodium tripolyphosphate as cross linker was potential to increase nutrient digestibility, therefore, it can be an alternative for feed additive in broiler chicken diet. Key words: Digestibility, nanocapsule, turmeric extract, broiler chicken Abstrak. Penggunaan kunyit/kurkumin terbatas karena kelarutannya yang rendah dalam air sehingga bioavailabilitasnya juga rendah. Masalah ini dapat diatasi dengan teknologi nano yang dikembangkan sebagai alternatif penghantaran obat bagi bahan kimia yang mempunyai bioavailabilitas rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan formulasi nanokapsul menggunakan ekstrak kunyit dan kitosan industri sebagai matrik atau polimer serta sodium tripolifosfat sebagai cross linker, untuk dipelajari kemampuannya dalam meningkatkan kecernaan ransum. Metode yang digunakan dalam formulasi nanokapsul adalah gelasi ionik dilanjutkan pengeringan dengan oven pada suhu 50°C. Sedangkan metode untuk mengevaluasi kecernaan menggunakan total koleksi. Seratus dua puluh ekor ayam broiler dengan bobot badan rata-rata 900 g, dibagi secara acak ke dalam 20 perlakuan (satu perlakuan dipuasakan dan 19 diberi ransum perlakuan dengan penambahan feed additive), masing-masing enam ulangan dan satu ekor untuk tiap ulangan. Ayam dipuasakan sehari pada sebelum dan sesudah ayam diperlakukan dengan ransum, kadar nutrien dan jumlah pakan yang dikonsumsi serta ekskreta yang dikeluarkan ditimbang beratnya untuk menghitung kecernaan ransum. Telah ditemukan bahwa kecernaan bahan kering ransum basal (70,48%) nyata lebih kecil dibanding ransum basal yang ditambah nanokapsul ekstrak kunyit: pada  NP level 0,4% sebesar 73,11% pada EE dan 75,90% pada EA. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa formulasi nanokapsul menggunakan ekstrak kunyit dan kitosan industri sebagai matrik dan sodiumtripolifosfat sebagai cross-linker berpotensi sebagai feed additive alternatif untuk meningkatkan kecernaan nutrien pada ransum ayam broiler. Kata kunci: Kecernaan, nanokapsul, ekstrak kunyit, ayam broile

    Effects of Probiotic, Prebiotic, and Synbiotic Mixed Culture Based on Wheat Pollard on Productivity of Kampung’s Chicken

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    This research was aimed to assess the effectiveness of processed wheat pollard -based rations to increase the productivity of Kampung chickens raised until 8 weeks old. The research was carried out in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments consisted of wheat pollard based ration (WP), wheat pollard based ration plus probiotic mixed culture (WPPro), wheat Pollard as prebiotic mixed (WPPre)            , wheat pollard as synbiotic mixed culture ration 40% (WPS40), wheat pollard as synbiotic mixed culture ration 60% (WPS60)   . The parameters observed were feed consumption, final body weight, feed conversion ratio (FCR), weight gain, nitrogen retention, income over feed and chick cost (IOFCC) and profiles of intestinal villus. Results showed a significant effect of the treatments on the final body weight, weight gain, nitrogen retention, IOFCC and profiles of small intestinal villus (duodenum, jejenum, ileum). It was concluded that the inclusion of 40% wheat pollard synbiotic mixed culture (WPS 40) in the ration was able to increase the productivity of kampung chickens reared until 8 weeks old

    Phytobiotic Utilization as Feed Additive in Feed for Pancreatic Enzyme Activity of Broiler Chicken

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    This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combination turmeric and garlic as a feed additive in the broiler diet on pancreatic enzyme activity of broiler chicken. Effectivity of treatments was assessed by addition of phytobiotic (control, 015% zinc bacitracin, 2.5% TE, 2.0% GE, 2.5% TGE) which were arranged Completely Randomized Design with 4 replications. The variables measured were pancreatic enzyme activity(amylase enzyme activity, protease enzyme activity  and lipase enzyme activity).The results showed that enzyme protein activity content of 2.5% TE supplementation is also high at 82.02 U/ml, then supplemented 2.5% TGE, 2.0% GE, negative control and positive control respectively 75.98 ; 72.02; 68.74; and 66.57 U/ml. The lipase enzyme activity whereas the negative control and a positive control differ significantly higher (P<0.05) to treatment with the addition of 2.5% TE, 2.0% GE and 2.5% TGE phytobiotic. The research concluded that the incorporation of 2.5% TE, 2% GE and combined 2.5% TGE as feed additive enhanced pancreatic enzyme activity

    The Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Eggshell Waste as Phosporus Fortification: its Effect on Egg Production and Eggshell Quality of Laying Hens

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    ABSTRACT Two experiments were conducted to investigate the physical and chemical characteristic of phosphorus fortified eggshell waste by phosphoric acid and its effect on egg production and eggshell quality of laying hens. Experiments 1, eggshell waste was washed in water temperature of 80° for 15 minutes and then divided into 4 group. Group 1, eggshell waste without phosphoric acid (control) ; group 2, eggshell waste is soaked in phosphoric acid 3% for 15 minutes; group 3 : eggshell waste is soaked in phosphoric acid 4% for 15 minutes and group 4 eggshell waste is soaked in phosphoric acid 5% for 15 minutes. The total of bacteria, the phosphorus content and breaking strength were measured to evaluate the physical and chemical character of egg shell waste. Experiment 2 is the application of the result of experiment 1 in hens feed. Forty-eight laying hens (Isa Brown strain) at 25 weeks of age were used in this study. Completely Randomized Design used in this experiment. The results of this experiment showed that the increase concentration of phosphoric acid decreases the total of bacteria, increases the phosphorus content and decreases eggshell waste breaking strength. The different concentration of phosphoric acid had not significantly effect on egg production (feed intake, calcium intake, phosphorus intake, egg weight) and egg shell quality (eggshell weight, eggshell percentage, the calcium content). Key words: egg shell waste, bacteria, phosphorus fortification, egg production and eggshell quality

    Pengolahan Sinbiotik Kultur Campuran yang Berasal dari Kombinasi Bekatul Gandum sebagai Prebiotik dan Jus Kubis Terfermentasi sebagai Probiotik melalui Proses Fermentasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kualitas sinbiotik kultur campuran yang berasal dari jus kubis terfermentasi sebagai probiotik yang ditambahkan pada bekatul gandum sebagai prebiotik melalui proses fermentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial 3x3 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor yang digunakan adalah lama pemeraman dan variasi konsentrasi jus kubis. Parameter yang diamati adalah komponen proksimat (kadar air, abu, lemak kasar, protein kasar, serat kasar dan bahan ekstrak tanpa nitrogen (BETN), komponen serat berupa acid detergent fibre atau ADF, neutral detergent fibre (NDF), selulosa, hemiselulosa dan lignin, serta gross energi, glukosa, sukrosa, mannosa, arabinosa, rafinosa, amilum, amilosa, amilopektin dan pati resisten serta profil sinbiotik kultur campuran melalui analisis scanning electron microscope (SEM). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan adanya peningkatan yang signifikan pada kadar abu, protein kasar, serat kasar (p<0,05) sedangkan pada parameter BETN, ADF, NDF, hemiselulosa, lignin, gross energi, sukrosa, mannosa, arabinosa, rafinosa, amilosa, amilum, amilopektin dan pati resisten terdapat interaksi antar kedua faktor (p<0,05) namun pada parameter glukosa tidak terdapat interaksi antar kedua faktor. Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu sinbiotik kultur campuran terbaik terdapat pada penambahan 40% jus kubis terfermentasi dengan lama fermentasi 4 hari. Sinbiotik kultur campuran ini dapat digunakan sebagai sumber additive untuk pangan maupun kepentingan lainnya seperti pakan ternak.Processing of Mixed Culture Sinbiotics Originating from the Combination of Wheat Pollard as Prebiotics and Fermented Cabbage Juice as Probiotics through the Fermentation ProcessAbstractThe objective of this study was to examine the quality of mixed culture synbiotics derived from fermented cabbage juice as probiotics which were added to wheat pollard as a prebiotic through the fermentation process. The study used a completely randomized 3x3 factorial pattern design with 3 replications and the observed factors were duration of incubation and concentrations of applied cabbage juice. Proximate components (water content, ash, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber and extraction material without nitrogen or BETN), fiber components (acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin), gross energy, glucose, sucrose, mannose, arabinose, raffinose, starch, amylose, amylopectin and resistant starch and mix culture synbiotic profile through scanning electron microscope (SEM) were analyzed. The results showed a significant increase in ash content, crude protein, crude fiber (p<0.05) while in BETN, ADF, NDF parameters, hemicellulose, lignin, gross energy, sucrose, mannose, arabinose, raffinose, amylose, starch, amylopectin and resistant starch interaction between the two factors (p<0.05). However, in the glucose parameter there was no interaction between the two factors. The conclusion of the research is that the best mixed culture synbiotic is in the addition of 40% fermented cabbage juice with 4 days fermentation time. This mixed culture synbiotic can be used as an additive source for food and animal feed


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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the supplementation of dl-methionine and l-lysine HCl to diet based on cafeteria standards of native chickens on body weight, internal organs and reproductive organs of native chicken at pullet phase. A total of 128 fourteen weeks-old native chickens were used in this study. The native chickens were divided into 4 treatments with 4 replications. The dietary treatments were: T0 (ration based on cafeteria standard), T1 (ration based on protein standard of NRC), T2 (cafeteria ration+0.09% DL-Methionine+0.22% L-Lysine HCl), T3 (cafeteria ration+0.19% dl-methionine+0.42% l-lysine HCl). The data collected were body weight, liver and bile, pancreas, gizzard, testicular and ovary weight  of native chickens aged 20 weeks. The result of this study for T0, T1, T2 and T3 showed that body weight of chickens were 1418.60; 1431.59; 1503.88 and 1556.41 g/bird, liver and bile weights were 22.44; 21.79; 24.49 dan 25.93 g/bird, pancreas weights were 2.33; 2.28; 2.50 and 2.70 g/bird, gizzard weight were 25.31; 23.91; 25.38 and 26.86 g/bird, testicular weight were 3.66; 3.86; 9.55 and 9.46 g/bird, testicular volume were 3.81; 3.38; 9.13 and 9.16 and ovary weight were 1.12; 1.32; 3.14 and 4.61 g/bird, respectively. The results showed that supplementation of DL-Methionine and L-Lysine HCl gave significantly effect (P<0.05) upon body weight, liver and bile weight, pancreas weight, testicular weight and volume and ovary weight, but it did not effected to gizzard weight. It can be concluded that supplementation of 0.27% dl-methionine and 0.79% l-lysine HCl increase body weight, internal organs weight and reproductive organs weight of native chickens.  Keywords: Cafeteria, DL-Methionine, L-Lysine HCl, Native Chicken, Supplementation

    Supplementation of Vitamin E and C in the Feed on Color, Cooking Loss and Tenderness of Muscovy Ducks Meat Stored in Room Temperature, Refrigerator and Freezer

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    Research has been conducted to determine the effectiveness of antioxidant supplementation of vitamin E and C in the feed to meat quality of the Muscovy duck meat stored at room temperature, refrigerator and freezer.  Eighty-four Muscovy duck tail males aged 9 weeks maintained for 5 weeks and allocated into 7 treatments with 4 replications and each replication consisted of Muscovy duck 3 heads. Completely Randomized Design was applied, in the which treatments were vitamin E and vitamin C supplementation to the basal feed containing 21% protein and 3100 kcal / kg administered metabolic energy into seven groups namely E0C0: basal feed without Vit E and Vit C, E400: basal feed plus 400 IU of vitamin E, E600: basal feed plus 600 IU of vitamin E, C400: basal feed plus 400 mg / kg feed vitamin C, C600: basal feed plus 600 mg / kg feed as much vitamin C, E200C200: basal feed plus 200 IU vitamin E and 200 mg / kg feed vitamin C, and E300C300: basal feed plus 300 IU of vitamin E and 300 mg / kg feed of vitamin C. The parameters measured were the color of meat that includes the value of L * (lightness), a * (Redness) and b * (yellowness), tenderness and cooking looses.  The data obtained and the analysis of variance followed honestly significant difference test.Muscovy duck meat that vitamin E-supplemented feed brightness levels did not differ (P> 0.05) with non-supplemented,  otherwise Muscovy duck meat that feed supplemented vitamin C or a combination of vitamin E and C levels of brightness up to 3 days either at room temperature or stored the refrigerator is still high.  Supplementation of vitamin E and C was highly significant (P 0.05) between the age of 0 hours with that stored in the refrigerator or freezer. B * value of Muscovy duck meat that feed not given vitamin E and C as well as different combinations (P <0.05) with Muscovy duck meat that feed supplemented with vitamin C or a combination of vitamins E and C. The Muscovy duck meat that feed supplemented vitamin E, C or a combination of vitamins E and C if stored at room temperature or refrigerator up to 3 days the value of L* and a* is still high, but the b * low

    Physical and Sensory Quality of Broiler Meat as Influenced by Dietary Supplementation of Turmeric (Curcuma Longa), Garlic (Allium Sativum) and in Combinations as a Feed Additive

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    This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combinations of turmeric and garlic as feed additives in broiler diets on the physical and sensory quality of broiler meat. During the study, the chicken were given 5 feeding treatments, i.e. R0 (basal ration without phytobiotic and antibiotics) , R1 (basal diet + 0.015% zinc bacitracin + 2.485% filler), R2 (basal ration + 2.50% TE), R4 (basal ration + 2.00% GE + 0.50% filler), and R5 (basal ration + 2.50% TGE). The base diet was composed of: yellow corn, meat and bone meal, poultry meat meal, soybean meal, oil, mineral mix, calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate, salt, L-lysine-HCl, and DL-methionine. Variables observed were physical quality (pH, water holding capacity, cooking lose, and tenderness) and sensory quality. Data regarding physical quality were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by the orthogonal contrast for significant results, and data of sensory quality by non-parametric methods such as the Hedonic Kruskal-Wallis test. The results showed that the physical quality of meat had no effect (P>0.05), except the significant water holding capacity (P0.05) following phytobiotic extract supplementation, except for the color and acceptability (P <0.05) in fresh broiler meat. The conclusion of the research was that 2.5% TE, 2.0% GE and 2.5% TGE is capable of acting as a feed additive to increase the physical and sensory quality of broiler meat