855 research outputs found


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    Every language has directed motion constructions, but the lexicalization pattern of the constructions may differ from one language to another. The similarities and differences of directed motion lexicalization patterns can be used as the basis for classifying languages typologically. This paper aims to discuss how language typology can be determined based on directed motion lexicalization patterns found in a language. In this study I use the data of Javanese to examine whether Javanese can be classified into Talmy’s (1975, 1985) typology of verb-framed or satellite framed languages. Some problems and implications of this language typology will be discussed to see whether there is interaction between directed motion lexicalization patterns and other syntactic structures. The data of Javanese show that Javanese has some verb framing and satellite framing characteristics, and so language typology is not exactly definite in the sense that there are some restrictions that need to be considered


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    This paper is a study of analytic causatives in Javanese from a Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) perspective. Analytic causative s are the type of causatives where there are separate predicates expressing the cause and the effect, that is, the causing notion is realized by a word separate from the word denoting the caused activity. The question addressed in this paper is whether analytic causative s form a mono - or bi - clausal structure. In addition, this paper aims to explain the mechanism of argument sharing between the verbs involved in analytic causatives. By using a negation marker and modals as the syntactic operators to test mono - or bi - clausa lity of analytic causatives, it was found that analytic causatives in Javanese are biclausal. These constructions have an X - COMP structure, in that the SUBJ of the second verb is controlled by the OBJ of the causative verb (N)gawe ̳make‘. The syntactic str uctures of analytic causatives are described within a constituent structure and a functional structure, two main components of LFG


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    Motion-direction serialization (MDS) is a type of verb serialization that involves motion and directional verbs. This type of verb serialization commonly occurs in serializing languages including Javanese. This paper aims to discuss the characteristics and syntactic structure of MDS in Javanese. The syntactic structure, which comprises constituent and functional structures, is presented by using the theory of lexical -functional grammar (LFG) By adopting the lexical conceptual structure, the writer presents a model of functional structure to explain the syntactic and semantic relation between the motion verb and the directional verb in MDS. The data used in this study were taken from the novel “Suparto Brata’s Omnibus: Kumpulan Roman” written by Suparto Brata (2007) In Addition, this paper also used spoken data from two Javanese native speakers of the Surakarta dialect. The result shows that MDS in Javanese shares the same SUBJ argument, aspect, and negation. This shows that MDS expresses a single event. The LFG analysis of MDS shows that the directional verb has an X-COMP function, which is semantically represented as DIRECTION in the functional structure. The use of lexical conceptual structure in lexical entry and functional structure can clearly show the semantic and syntactic relation of the verbs involved in MDS


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    Dalam sistem tenaga setiap pembangkit mempunyai biaya bahan bakar masing-masing dan berada pada jarak beban yang tidak sama dari pusat. Kapasitas seluruh pembangkit harus lebih dari kebutuhan beban dan rugi-rugi. Dalam sistem tenaga terinterkoneksi perlu dilakukan penjadwalan penyaluran daya aktif dan reaktif masing-masing pembangkit untuk meminimumkan biaya operasi. Tulisan ini memberikan suatu simulasi tentang optimisasi aliran daya sistem tenaga listrik yang merupakan suatu teknik untuk meminimalkan biaya operasi sistem tenaga. Dari simulasi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran nyata bagaimana pengambilan keputusan dalam operasi sistem tenaga. Metode aliran daya yang digunakan adalah metode Newton-Rapson yang dikombinasi dengan optimisasi persamaan koordinasi dan iterasi lambda. Newton-Rapshon memberikan penyelesaian aliran daya yang jumlah iterasi sedikit sedang iterasi lambda memberikan penyelesaian optimisasi daric fungsi obyektif biaya pembangkitan

    Social Capital Capacity as Prediction of Dengue Control

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    The program of elimination of mosquito breeding places is still low since there is no public participation effort in vector control. Social capital is key factor for sustaining any health programs implemented. This study was aimed to analyze the effectiveness of social capital impact on participation and environmental based dengue prevention programs. Study design was cross sectional. Population study was community around Bantul district. Sample was collected as 600 house hold devide on two categories endemic and potential areas. Data was collected with interviews and observation. Data were analyzed with person corelation, confirmatory analyzed and path way analyzed. There were significantly relationships between social capital and family perseption, disease perception, individual perception, environment perception and larva density p < 0,05. Relationship between perception of counselling and family perception, dengue programs and family perception p < 0,05, and the strongest factor is environment participation (r=0.296). Based on the path analysis for potential areas, social capital was effectively for increased larvae free index through family perception. Theoretically, model for social capital is more efficient in increasing the number of free larvae index through community environment participation. In potential areas, social capital is concluded to be more effectively increase of larva index through participation of individuals. In endemic areas, that dengue programs increase larva index more effectively, compared with social capital does. Strengthening of social capital is important because it effectively the coverage of larva index through environment participation both areas

    Kelayakan Tekno-ekonomi Migrasi Teknologi Proses Produksi Gula Kristal Putih Dari Sulfitasi Ke Defekasi Remelt Karbonatasi

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    Sugar is a strategic commodity for Indonesia, such that the availibility and the price have been managed by the government. The national production of Indonesia sugar has not been enough to cover the consumption, such that the deficit must be imported. Indonesian sugar was produced by 61 factories, where 51 units are State-owned Company. Unfortunately, the quality of sugar produced by State – owned factory has been getting worse, such that some are not qualified to the Indonesian National Standards (SNI). One of the reasons is poor process technology adopted, which is mostly using sulfitation technology. The Government, therefore, encourages industry to migrate the process technology from sulfitationsystem to defecation remelt carbonatation (DRK) system. This study assesses the techno-economy feasibility of the migration. The results indicate that technology migration is technically feasible, but for the business, Government needs to give price incentive to the product. Furthermore, the study recommends that adoption of DRK technology should be prioritized to the factories with abundant stock of baggase

    Prospek Industri Pengolahan Limbah Sabut Kelapa

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    This article discusses the prospect of coco fibre industry in Indonesia as an effort of increasing added value of coconut product. Supported by the abundance and less utilization of raw materials (coco fibre) throughout the country and increasing price and demand for coco fibre products, domestically as well as Internationally, Indonesia has a potential chance for promoting coco fibre based industries. The simple industry that produces coir fibre and coir dust is recommended to be built by using selected technology. Various characteristics of supporting technologies and the financial feasibility of coco fibre based industry have been the concluding remark of the discussion in this article. The industry that use the MTM1 and Bandung type machines in its process is found financially feasible


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    Artikel ini bertujuan mengetahui kefektivan edmodo bagi siswa yang menggunakan komputer, dan smartphone terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Penelitian ini membandingkan dua kelompok: (a) komputer, diajarkan menggunakan Edmodo diakses oleh komputer, dan (b) smartphone, diajarkan menggunakan aplikasi Edmodo di smartphone. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan populasi siswa kelas X, XI, XII SMK di Kota Semarang yang menerapkan Kurikulum 2013. Sampel sebanyak tiga sekolah yang ditentukan menggunakan teknik Nonprobability Sampling dengan memilih teknik sampling purposive. Sekolah yang dijadikan sampel  yakni SMK Negeri 2 Semarang, SMK Negeri 10 Semarang, dan SMK Negeri 5 Semarang. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistic deskriptif untuk menghitung nilai tertinggi, nilai terendah, standar deviasi, dan rerata n-gain, serta uji-t sample independent untuk menguji hipotesis terhadap hipotesisnol (Ho). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelompok smartphone memiliki perolehan skor lebih tinggi daripadakelompok komputer. Kata Kunci: e-learnig, edmodo, mobile learning, computer learning