9,094 research outputs found

    PENGARUH UPAYA PROMOTIF, PREVENTIF KELUARGA DAN INFEKSI TERHADAP KEJADIAN KURANG PROTEIN (KEP) (Studi pada anak usia 2-5 tahu di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gedangan Kecamatan Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang)

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    Kurang Energi Protein (KEP) adalah suatu keadaan kurang gizi pada seseorang yang disebabkan oleh rendahnya konsumsi energi dan protein dalam makanan atau karena gangguan penyakit tertentu. Upaya penanggulangan KEP perlu adanya upaya promotif (pendidikan gizi) dan upaya preventif (imunisasi, pemberian multivitamin/suplemen dan pemberian makanan cukup energi protein). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh upaya promotif dan preventif keluarga terhadap Kejadian Kurang Energi Protein (KEP) pada anak balita. Jenis Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian observasional retrospktif dengan menggunakan disain case-control. Sampel adalah balita KEP ringan berjumlah 76 balita (kelompok kasus) dan 76 balita berstatus gizi normal (kelompok kontrol) dengan matching umur dan jenis kelamin. Analisa univariat, bivariat, (chi-square) dan multivariat dengan regresi logistic metode enter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang bergaruh terhadap KEP adalah upaya preventif (kecukupan energi, protein) dan infeksi, dimana P value infeksi=0,002, ketiganya < p value=0,05, berarti signifikan, dan masing-masing mempunyai probabilitas untuk terjadinya KEP sebesar 32,6% 20,7%,dan 18,5%. Saran, perlu digalakkan upaya promotif dan preventif keluarga dengan meningkatkan program penyuluhan gizi agar konsumsi energi dan protein di masyarakat meningkat. Dan bagi penelitian berikutnya perlu dilakukan penelitian eksperimen yang lebih spesifik tentang upaya promotif (pendidikan gizi) dengan berbagai metode untuk mengetahui seberapa pengaruhnya terhadap penurunan prevalensi KEP. Kata Kunci: Kurang energi protein, promotif, preventif, keluarga, anak balita THE EFFECT OF PROMOTIVE EFFORTS, PREVENTIVE THE FAMILY, AND INFECTION TOWARDS THE INCIDENT LESS ENERGY PROTEIN (A Studies at Age Child 2-5 years in The Work Territory of The Community Health Centre Gedangan The Subdistric Tuntang Distric Semarang Less Energy Protein (KEP) was a malnutrition situation to someone who was caused by the low level of consumption of energy and protein in food or because of the distrubance of the certain illness, so as his consumption met or was not in accordance with the Adequacy Figure of the Nutrient. KEP control efforts needed the existence of promotive efforts (nutritive education) and preventiveefforts (the immunisation, giving of multivitamins/the supplement and giving of food of enough protein energy). The aim of the research was to know the influence of promotive efforts and preventive the family towards the Incident Less Energy Protein (KEP) to the child. The Research kind that was carried out was the research observational retrospective by making use of the design case-control. The sample was pre-school KEP light numbering 76 pre-school (the case group) and 76 pre-school status the normal nutrient (the control group) with matching the age and gender. The analysis that that was used analysis univariate, bivariate (ehi-square) multivariate with regression logistic the method enter. Results of the research showed that the influential variableagainst KEP was preventive efforts (the adequacy of energy, protein) and the infection, where p value the adequacy energy=0,000, p the adequacy protein=0,002 and p value infection=0,002, the three of them < p value=0,05, was significantly significant, and each having the probability for the KEP occurrence as big as 32,6%20,7%,dan 18,5%. The suggestion, must be stimulated by promotive efforts and preventive the family by increasing the counseling program the nutrient so that consumption of energy and protein in the community increases. And for the following research mus be done by the experiment research that more specific about promotive efforts (nutritive education) with various methods to know so his influence towards the decline in the KEP prevalence. Keyword: less energy protein, promotive, preventive, the family the chil

    Toward Utilizing IoT Open Data Set to Identify the Room Thermal Comfort

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    Building sectors are responsible for 33% of global energy consumption and a one-third of CO2 emission as buildings are expected to experience high performance in order to mee occupnt requirments such as lightng, coling, heting, and ventiltion systm. Internet of Things (IoT) as one of the leading developments in digital technologies led to the establishment of devices for improving the living style of the occupants. To date, stdies on intgrating the mechnisms of IoT to identify room thrmal cmfort are very sarce. Therefore, this study discussed the room thermal comfort with respect to room temperature and relative humidity. Three activities i.e. read, write, and sit were adopted. The value of air sped, metablic rate, and clohing inslation was assumed constant. The anlysis was condcted according to Fanger method and ASHRAE standard 55. Center for the Built Environment (CBE) Thermal Comfort Tool was usd to calculate the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) vales. Results showed the average PMV values of each activity were -2.3 (read), -2.0 (write), and -1.4 (sit). Compared to the room climate data set, sitting performed the closest thermal comfort scale to the neutral. It means light activities with lower metabolic rate should be conducted in the room with higher room temperature and relative humidity

    Honesty and Motivational Character Analysis of Science Learning Achievement

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    The purpose of this study is to ascertain the effect of student motivation and honesty on science learning achievement.This study used quantitative in nature and employs a survey method.Three variables will be analyzed in this study: honesty, motivation, and science learning achievement. The subject in this researxh is 53 undergraduated students. Respondents completed questionnaires distributed by the researchers. After collecting data from respondents, the data must be tested. At the time of learning, the most critical characteristic that students must instill in each individual is the character of honesty and student motivation to participate in ongoing learning. This is done so that when students are actively engaged in learning, they can be completely honest in their actions and demonstrate a strong desire to learn. As a result, if it is instilled in students, it will affect their learning achievement. The findings of this study indicate that there is a significant effect of both honesty and motivation on student science learning achievemen


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    Visual art especially painting and sculpture nowdays progressively developes. Bali is a region that really famous for its high fine art culture. Many Art Galleries can be found in Bali especially in South Bali areas like Denpasar, Ubud, and Gianyar. While in North Bali area namely Buleleng there’s hardly a representative art gallery, eventough the artists spirit to do the exhibition increased in fact nowdays there are many exhibition done by artists in Buleleng to show their works. However the limited facility for exhibition causing their wiorks less exposed. Eventhough the quality of their works are not that different from artist in other region. To enhance their creativity, the concept for this Art Gallery is One Stop Service Art Gallery which has full facilities to support various activities such as an exhibition room, workshop room for artist, workshop room for general, multifunction room, and an amphitheater. It also equipped by support facilities such as a café, art shop, library, bale bengong, and guest house for the artists.This art gallery also use Neo-VernacularArchitecture concept to approach the building design by applying the concepts of Balinese Traditional architecture such as the concept of Sanga Mandala, Natah, Tri Angga, and exposed building material in a more modern way

    Frontliner Services In PT Kai Commuter Jabodetabek New Klender Station, East Jakarta

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    Service excellent will produce satisfaction for customers. Many companis now are providing the best service to get consumers satisfaction. This research is to find out the implementation of service excellent provided by the frontliner officer PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek at Klender Baru Station in East Jakarta. The research conducted through qualitative method from January to February 2017. Frontliner officer who became the main service at PT KCJ in Klender Baru Station is divided into several parts including: Officer Counters, Announcer, Passager Service and Inside Security Officer (PKD). The results show that PT KCJ has a good service procedure, and also shown through the report that PT KJC has less complaint from the passenger. Nevertheless, service excellent implementation is still facing the obstacles, such as train travel disturbance, queue at the counter, and lack of seats to wait for the train. Suggestions for PT KCJ to add train travel and additional facilities such as seats and gate-in gate-out Machine

    RP-HPLC Method Validation for Purity Assay of α-Mangostin Isolate

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    The quality of natural products regarding the purity of their active compounds, such as α-mangostin isolate from mangosteen pericarp, may vary depending on cultivation, harvest season, and isolation process. Thus, extensive isolation procedures are involved in obtaining a certain level of purity of the active compounds. Studies on the yield of α-mangostin isolate and its effectiveness as an active compound in health care have been reported. The quality parameter of the isolate as the intended active compound can be indicated by its purity level. Measuring the purity of the active compound is proposed to define the grade α-mangostin isolate as a starting material or even reference standard. The higher the purity level of α-mangostin isolate, the greater its potential as a reference standard candidate. Therefore, a selective analytical method is required to measure the purity level accurately. For this reason, a rapid analytical method to ensure α-mangostin isolate was developed and validated to confirm its purity. Separation condition semployed an X-Terra® C18 column 5 μm, 4.6 x 150 mm under an isocratic system with a mobile phase composition of MeCN:water (85:15) at a flowrate of 0.5 mL/ min and a detector wavelength of 243 nm were selected. Acceptable validation parameters of linearity in the range of 2.6 –52 μg/mL with r2 = 0,9994, Vx0 = 2.64%; accuracy 96.38 – 100.99%; precision 1.36%; and LOD/LOQ = 4.6 μg/mL/ 13.7μg/mL were achieved. The validated method was successfully applied to the purity assay α-mangostinisolate with a run time of less than 9 minutes


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    Invers Moore-Penrose, yang disimbolkan sebagai , adalah invers matriks dari  yang memenuhi empat persamaan Penrose. Invers Moore-Penrose ada untuk setiap jenis matriks, termasuk matriks persegi yang singular dan matriks yang non-persegi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan memahami metode Dekomposisi Nilai Singular dan Dekomposisi QR dalam menentukan invers Moore-Penrose. Pada metode SVD membagi matriks awal menjadi tiga matriks yaitu matriks ortogonal , matriks diagonal , dan matriks ortogonal . Proses dekomposisi SVD melibatkan perhitungan nilai-nilai singular dan vektor-vektor singular dari matriks awal. Sedangkan pada metode Dekomposisi QR membagi matriks awal menjadi dua matriks yaitu matriks ortogonal  dan matriks segitiga atas . Proses dekomposisi QR melibatkan perhitungan matriks orthogonal  dan matriks segitiga atas  melaluli langkah-langkah proses Gram-Schmidt. Menghitung invers Moore-Penrose menggunakan metode SVD dengan rumus  dan menghitung invers Moore-Penrose menggunakan metode Dekomposisi QR dengan  rumus . Kata Kunci: Matriks Ortogonal, Nilai Singular, Proses Gram-Schmidt
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