157 research outputs found

    Complexity of Conflict for Islamic Educational Management Student; Humanistic Approach as a Solution

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    The realm of Islamic educational management is not immune to conflicts, which can arise from various sources such as differing ideologies, cultural disparities, or administrative challenges. This study delves into the multifaceted dimensions of conflicts faced by Islamic educational management students. By employing a humanistic approach, this research seeks to unravel the intricate layers of conflicts within the context of Islamic education and offers innovative solutions to mitigate their adverse effects. Drawing from theories rooted in humanism, the study explores the psychological and sociocultural aspects of conflict resolution, emphasizing empathy, understanding, and effective communication. Through in-depth qualitative analysis and case studies, the research provides valuable insights into the root causes of conflicts, enabling Islamic educational management students to cultivate a harmonious learning environment. This study not only contributes to the academic discourse but also equips future leaders in Islamic education with practical strategies to navigate conflicts, fostering a conducive atmosphere for holistic learning and personal growth


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    This study aims to examine and analyze the important role played by human resource management in improving the quality of education in primary schools. There are many schools that have been established but have not been able to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of their education. In order to improve the quality of school education, human resource management needs to be continuously improved. This study used a descriptive-qualitative technique with a literature review. Researchers examined a number of relevant publications and articles from previous investigations. Data collection was carried out by searching for journals on Google Scholar using the keywords management, human resources, and quality of education. The findings of this study show the importance of human resource management in improving educational standards. The progress and development of education in primary schools can be supported by qualified human resources. Overall, effective human resource management can assist primary schools in improving the quality of education and achieving the desired educational goals


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    The existence of an educational institution lies in the quality of the human resources produced by the institution, because in essence the establishment of an educational institution aims to improve the quality of human resources. This study focuses on performance appraisal as a basis for decision-making in improving teacher competence at SDN 04 Sikabu. The purpose of this research is to assist teachers and school staff in making decisions in order to improve their competency in doing work effectively and efficiently. This research is a library research. The data collection technique uses documentary studies, while the data analysis uses content analysis. The results of this study indicate that in educational institutions, performance appraisal is a formal system used to evaluate performance periodically, and the results can be used for decision making in the context of development, rewarding, planning, compensation and motivation. It is hoped that the results of performance appraisal as a basis for decision making in improving teacher competence at SDN 04 Sikabu are expected to be useful in determining various policies related to quality improvement. Performance appraisal is a reference for policy makers or stakeholders to determine career development, periodization and continuous professional development. For schools and teachers, performance appraisal is a reference to find out what elements teachers must do to improve the quality of their work

    Complexity of Conflict for Islamic Educational Management Student; Humanistic Approach as a Solution

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    The realm of Islamic educational management is not immune to conflicts, which can arise from various sources such as differing ideologies, cultural disparities, or administrative challenges. This study delves into the multifaceted dimensions of conflicts faced by Islamic educational management students. By employing a humanistic approach, this research seeks to unravel the intricate layers of conflicts within the context of Islamic education and offers innovative solutions to mitigate their adverse effects. Drawing from theories rooted in humanism, the study explores the psychological and sociocultural aspects of conflict resolution, emphasizing empathy, understanding, and effective communication. Through in-depth qualitative analysis and case studies, the research provides valuable insights into the root causes of conflicts, enabling Islamic educational management students to cultivate a harmonious learning environment. This study not only contributes to the academic discourse but also equips future leaders in Islamic education with practical strategies to navigate conflicts, fostering a conducive atmosphere for holistic learning and personal growth


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    School-based management can also be considered as a model of school management that gives autonomy to school principals to make decisions by involving all relevant elements such as teachers, administrative staff, as well as the community and parents of students, with this decentralization giving schools the ability to make policies. - policies regarding the preparation of school development programs in order to improve the quality of schools in accordance with the service standards that have been set. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of teacher participation in school-based management along with the supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of teacher participation in school-based management in cluster I, Ampek Nagari sub-district. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data collection techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The subjects in this study were madrasa heads, school committees, and teachers. The results of this study are the implementation of teacher participation in school-based management in cluster I, Ampek Nagari sub-district including: Teacher participation related to school policies, school transparency to teachers, school independence in empowering teacher potential. The factors supporting and inhibiting teacher participation in school-based management in cluster I of the Ampek Nagari sub-district include the following: 1) The supporting factors are the leadership of the madrasa head, the availability of facilities and infrastructure, the existence of BOS funding support from the government. 2) The inhibiting factor comes from several teachers who still don't understand using technology


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    Human resource management is one area of ​​general management which includes aspects of planning, organizing, implementing and controlling. Human resources are considered to have an increasingly important role in achieving goals, so various experiences and research results in the field of human resources are collected systematically in what is called human resource management. Utilization of human resources, is the process of activities of leaders who intend to employ employees who give sufficient performance and do not employ employees who are not useful. Several efforts to improve human resources in education: (a) Increasing the development of colleges and public universities from elementary to tertiary level, (b) Strengthening the development of students so that they become human beings who believe and have faith in God Almighty, (c) Higher education develops scientific minds in order to understand and live up to and be able to translate teachings according to and in harmony with people's live


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    In order to achieve the goals of national education based on the 1945 Constitution, participation from related parties is needed in managing education, both from administration to management of BOS funds. The principal has managerial, supervisory and entrepreneurial duties. The purpose of this study was to determine the management of school principals in managing School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds in elementary schools. This study uses a qualitative approach, by collecting data from previous research and then looking at the results of interviews, observations, and documentation by respondents, namely the school principal. The method used in this research is a literature review of books, scientific articles, and literature sources of books, scientific articles, and other literary sources. The results of this literature study are that schools are carried out with several processes, namely starting with designing a School Budget Activity Plan (RKAS) which involves school committees, BOS treasurers, teacher assemblies and staff, in the development and use of BOS funds, namely taking into account the 8 National Education Standards ( SNP) and monitoring and evaluation from related parties or the BOS TEAM. Reports of BOS funds can be reported manually and online

    Kontribusi Nilai-Nilai Falsafah Dan Budaya Hidup Bangsa Jepang Bagi Kemajuan Pendidikan Jepang Pasca Perang Dunia II

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    Jepang yang hancur lebur dalam Perang Dunia II, dalam waktu relatif singkat mampu membangun kembali dirinya, sehingga menjadi salah satu kekuatan baru di dunia, baik dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, maupun ekonomi. Semua itu berhasil dicapai melalui sistem pendidikan mereka yang unggul dan berkualitas, hingga Jepang menjadi salah satu negara dengan sistem pendidikan terbaik di dunia. Artikel ini ditulis untuk menelusuri nilai nilai falsafah dan budaya bangsa Jepang yang berdampak terhadap kemajuan pendidikan di negara tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif berbasis library research (studi pustaka). Sumber data pada penelitian ini berasal dari berbagai literatur dalam bentuk buku, artikel (cetak dan online) yang berhubungan dengan tema penelitian, serta bahan dokumen berupa kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kedutaan Besar Jepang. Temuan penelitian menemukan bahwa perkembangan pesat pendidikan Jepang tidak bisa dilepaskan dari nilai nilai falsafah bangsa Jepang yang bersumber dari ajaran konfusionisme. Disamping itu budaya Jepang Ganbatte Kudasai sebagai perwujudan dari filosofi Bushido ikut mendorong perkembangan pendidikan Jepang.

    Bullying Prevention Through Classical Guidance Service With The Snowball Throwing Method

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    Recently, there are a lot of distressing cases that hit the education world conducted by students, such as brawls and bullying. It was committed by one or a group of children to their weak friend, which causes the victim physically and psychologically hurt. Bullying does not only occur at the junior and senior high school but also the elementary level. This kind of behavior has to be prevented. One thing that can be done is through classical guidance with the Snowball Throwing method. This is a one-shot case study with the subjects were 22 students of Elementary School No. 24 Lima Kaum. Data was collected by using observation technique then it was analyzed by using the descriptive qualitative method. The result that showed during the classical guidance is that students had a positive attitude to their friends like having teamwork, giving respond to friends‘ questions, delivering ideas confidently, and saying politely without harsh words. Having positive attitudes in friendship will avoid bullying. Keywords: Bullying; classical guidance; snowball throwing metho


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    Human resource management is one area of ​​general management which includes aspects of planning, organizing, implementing and controlling. Human resources are considered to have an increasingly important role in achieving goals, so various experiences and research results in the field of human resources are collected systematically in what is called human resource management. Utilization of human resources, is the process of activities of leaders who intend to employ employees who give sufficient performance and do not employ employees who are not useful. Several efforts to improve human resources in education: (a) Increasing the development of colleges and public universities from elementary to tertiary level, (b) Strengthening the development of students so that they become human beings who believe and have faith in God Almighty, (c) Higher education develops scientific minds in order to understand and live up to and be able to translate teachings according to and in harmony with people's live
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