24 research outputs found

    Pola Distribusi Mitokondria Sel-sel Trofoblas Blastosis Mencit (Mus Muculus Albinus) Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kegagalan Hatching Dan Implantasi

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    Implantation is the most critical stage in the establishment of pregnancy. In mammals, it has been estimated that between 25% and 60% of conceptuses are lost before or at the time of implantation. The objectives of this study were to investigate the ability of blastocyst hatching and attachment of trophoblast cells in in vitro, the outgrowth and differentiation of trophoblast cells in in vitro culture of hatched and non hatched blastocyst, the activity of mitochondria NADH-CoQ reductase and the pattern of mitochondrial distribution. Blastocysts were collected from mice cornua utery at day-4 of pregnancy and were divided into 3 groups: blastocysts undergo hatching within 24 hours, 48 hours and non hatching. Embryos were cultured in DMEM medium in 5% CO2 incubator at 37°C for 10 days. The trophoblasts monolayer were processed for Giemsa staining and histochemistry analysis of NADH-tetrazolium reductase activity. The outgrowth of trophoblast cells were measured using eyespiece micrometer. The results showed the ability of blastocyst hatching in in vitro were different. The trophoblast outgrowth diameter of 24 h hatched blastocyst was significantly different with the 48 h hatched and non hatched blastocyst. The activity of NADH-CoQ reductase of 24 h and 48 h hatched blastocysts showed higher intensity than the non hatched blastocysts (P<0,05) and the distribution of mitochondrial in trophoblast cell cytoplasma of 24 h and 48 h hatched blastocyst were homogen around nucleus whereas thoes of non hatched blastocyst were cluster and heterogen. In conclusion, in in vitro study the failure of blastocysts hatching and implantation was due to the failure of outgrowth and differentiation of the trofoblast cells and the impairment of NADH-CoQ reductase activity in complex I mitochondria to produce energy and the pattern of mitochondrial distribution

    Manajemen Sarana dan Prasarana Sekolah

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    The general purpose of this research was compare the management of infrastructure and facilities in 02 primary schools and 06 primary schools Pondok Kelapa in the central of Bengkulu. This study uses a comparative approach to qualitative research. Subjects in this study is the principal. Data collection techniques used in this research is by interview, observation and documentation. The conclusion of this study indicate that both SD discount a lot of similarities in the management of facilities and infrastructure, among others: the planning done by the principal in accordance with the regulations, infrastructure procurement droping from the government, purchases, donations from parents, and make their own, an inventory of school facilities and the infrastructure has been done with the record book in the book inventory of goods, distribution is carried out directly and indirectly, maintenance of school facilities and infrastructure conducted regularly and incidental

    Poin Hukuman dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin Siswa SMA

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    This study aimed to describe the management of punishment point that applied at Public Senior High School number one in Kepahiang Regency to the improve students' discipline. The subjects of this study are the Principal, the deputy of principal for student affair, counselor teachers, and students. The data collection to be done by using observation, interviews, and documentation method. The data was conducted by using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the planning, organizing, actuating, monitoring and evaluation activity punishment points at Public Senior High School number one Kepahiang Regency just running well

    Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin Guru

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the strategic management conducted principals in improving the discipline of teachers in number one senior high shool of Kepahiang. This research uses descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques by interview, observation and documentation. Subjects were principals, vice principals affairs curriculum, teachers, school supervisors supervisor and chairman of the school committee. While the data analysis was done with descriptive analysis, inductive and deductive. Strategy formulation principals in enforcing discipline the teacher is the formulation of the vision and mission by considering the internal and external environment, followed by setting goals and targets and the continued determination of the strategy. Implementation of the strategy principals in enforcing discipline the teacher is doing the translation strategies have been formulated in the form of activities. Evaluation is done by supervising the education of the teachers

    Pengaruh Medium Kultur Bebas Serum Terhadap Perkembangan Preimplantasi Embrio Mencit in Vitro

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    The use of serum in a culture medium is a common practice in the study of mouse embryo development in vitro. However, the role of unknown factors in serum influencing the embryo development has been difficult to determine. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of amino acid in serum free medium on in vitro development of mouse embryo. This study was conducted in the following ways: (1) medium M16 supplemented with 0.3% BSA, (2) medium M16 supplemented with 2% v/v MEM, and (3) medium M16 supplemented with 2% v/v MEM and 0.1 mmol of glutamine. The embryos were collected in 3 stage of development: zygote (day-1), morula (day-3) and compacted morola (day-4). The results indicated that supplementation of amino acid into M16 culture medium could replace the role of BSA aims at supporting the developmental potency of mouse embryos in vitro

    Donor Preparation for Germ Cell Transplantation in Giant Gouramy: the Viability of Spermatogonia Isolated From Giant Gouramy Cold Preserved Testis

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    The recent study has been conducted to develop testicular germ cell (TGC) transplantation as a tool for preservation and propagation of male germ-plasm from endangered fish species. In practice of TGC transplantation,recipient and donor cell may not be immediately available at the same time whereas the testis can not be survive longer when it is outside of the body. Therefore, preservation of testis tissue may be required before transplantation.The research was conducted to evaluate the viability of spermatogonia isolated from short term preserved testis. Testis was preserved in physiological NaCl solution at 4 oC for 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours. Testis were dissociated in 0.5% trypsin and 3% DNase 10 IU/8L in PBS (phosphate buffered solution) complemented with 5% FBS ( fetal bovine serum), 25 mM HEPES and 1mM CaCl2 to obtain testicular germ cell suspension. The testicular germ cells isolated from 24 and 48 hours preservation were performed in trypan blue staining dye (1:1) and the viability of spermatogonia were observed under microscope. The results showed that the viability of spermatogonia started todecrease significantly in 12 hours preservation (P<0.05) and up to 48 hours preservation, cell viability was as high as 54,48±8,33%. In conclusion, preserved testicular tissue at 4oC still produced viable spermatogonia that areallowed to use as the source of donor cell for testicular germ cell transplantation of giant gourami

    Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) gen sitokrom b dari delapan species burung

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    The aim of this research is to study the Restriction Fragment Length Polyorphism (RFLP) of eight species local birds of the cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA fiagment. The results gainedfiom this study is expected to be used as basic information for tissue birds species recognition. Eight bird I I tissues collected from Bogor area were preserved in 4,5 M NaCI containing 25% DMSO. DNA were isolated using ammonium acetat precipitation. Universal oligonucleotide cytochrome b primers L14841/H15149 were used for amplification of the mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA fragment using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method, followed by determination of the PCR product by electrophoresis. The amplicon were digested using restriction enzymes Hinf I (2,5 unit) and Rsa I (20 unit) for 2 and 6 hours, respectively. The calculation of the DNA amplicon and restriction fragment is done by measuring the distance between sample DNA migration with the DNA ladder in 2% agarose gel. The results showed that eight local birds species have 359 bp amplicon, and have different Hinf I restriction fragment size, except between scaly-breasted munia and streaked weaver, and also have difflerent Rsa I restriction fragment size except streaked weaver and javan turtle dove, and also chicken and yellow-vented bulbul. In conclusion, universal oligonucleotide cytochrome b primer followed by digestion with Hinf I and Rsa I restriction enzymes can be used for the eight birds species recognition.

    Seagrass Beds Distribution and Their Structure in the Surrounding Coastal Waters of Kapoposang Island, South Sulawesi

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    Kapoposang Island and the surrounding waters has been appointed by Indonesian Governmet to be a part of waters tour park in South Sulawesi, implying the requirement of the marine resources, including seagrass ecosystems in this area, should be well managed in order to provide biodiversity protection and sustainable use of the seagrass ecosystems. For this purpose, one of basic required information is seagrass distribution and habitat structure. This study was aimed to 1) observe the location of continues seagrass beds, 2) identify the habitat structure in each site of continues seagrass beds. A combination of visual observation and transect method was applied to determine the sites of continues seagrass beds, while seagrass habitat structure was identified based on ecological habitat structure model. Study results revealed that continues seagrass beds were only found in five different sites of Kapoposang coastal waters. Seagrass habitat structure among the five sites were in variable and the highest seagrass cover was found in two sites, namely 1) site A in the north-west part of the island (S04o41'42.5"; E118o56'59.5") dominated by Thalassia hemprichii and 2) site E located in the north part of the island (S04o41'57.8"; E118o57'45.7") dominated by Enhalus acoroides. Both of these sites were different in heterogeneity but similar in complexity

    Beberapa Aspek Makro dan Mikroanatomi Otak Tikus (Rattus SP.) yang Mengalami Hipotiroid

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    Perlakuan hipotiroidosme maternal dan fetal pada tikus sampai berurnur 10 minggu, memberikan dampak pada perkembangan somatis dan otak. Secara kuantitatif, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penurunan bobot tubuh dan otak, volume otak. Berdasarkan berat relatif otak terhadap bobot tubuh, pertumbuhan otak tetap menjadi prioritas dalam keadaan hipotiroidisme. Beberapa parameter mikroskopik, menunjukkan penurunan tebal korteks, kepadatan serabut syaraf subkortikal, dia metersel syaraf korteks dan hipokampus juga jumlah sel syaraf dan penunjang pada korteks serebri

    Challenging for Seagrass Management in Indonesia

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    Seagrasses, one of the important ecosystems in Indonesian coastal waters, have declined mostly due to a variety of multi-sector (i.e. ecology, socio-economy, technology and institution) anthropogenic disturbances. The decline and loss of seagrass meadows will have an effect not only on biodiversity and fisheries productivity within the ecosystems but also on the adjacent ecosystems (coral reef and mangrove forest), and even the effect will spread out far to the outside of the areas where seagrass grow. Seagrass ecosystems management in Indonesia is urgently required as part of fisheries management. However, this concept has not been understood by most of Indonesian people, including some government officials. Consequently, the seagrass ecosystems are still marginalized in the coastal resource management practices in Indonesia. In order to sustain fisheries productivity, knowledge of impact scales of each seagrass-related multi-sector human activities are very important as one of basic requirements in designing an effective seagrass management