11,861 research outputs found

    The application framework of Kansei Engineering to enhance Customer Relationship Management in services

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    In order to fit what a customer needs and wants, a product or a service should be qualified. By incorporating Ergonomics/Human Factors and affect, quality of products and services should promote happiness and health to the users. Improved quality and long-lasting products/services make customers happy (Nagamachi & Lokman, 2011). According to Tribus (1990), quality is defined as a condition when customers have a love affair and emotional bondage with particular products and services. It implies that the main concern of qualified products and services is customer emotional experience. This study aims to explore the customer emotional needs (Kansei in Japanese) experienced and encountered in services. As emphasized in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), understanding the customer emotional needs is one succesful key for CRM implementation. Kansei Engineering (KE) methodology that has been widely used for modeling the emotional needs in product design is proposed to support the CRM improvement. Hence, this study has two objectives. The first is to develop an integrative application framework of the contribution of KE to CRM, while the second is to provide an illustrative example of how to apply KE-CRM into service industry. This study is expected to contribute to the theoretical academic literatures on Customer Relationship Management (CRM), marketing management, Ergonomics/Human Factors and Kansei by proposing an application framework and methodology of integrated KE-CRM. In addition, practical contributions will be presented by providing a guidance to service managers in collecting and capturing the emotional needs of customers, using the rich-channel of information for collecting information, and investigating what service attributes that are significantly sensitive to the customer emotions. It is, then, to be used as a prioritization tool for continuous improvement or maintenance on service attributes

    Incorporating service quality tools into Kansei Engineering in services: A case study of Indonesian tourists

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    Due to market dynamics and challenges, it is imperative for companies to put their concern on strategic marketing orientation. In facts, products and services of similar quality are ubiquitous in today’s global market. Basically, functionality and usability alone are no longer prominent success factors in product and service innovation because customers today concern themselves more on satisfying their emotions than merely their cognition. Kansei Engineering (KE) has shown its superiority in investigating and modelling customer emotion (“Kansei” in Japanese) for product development. In dealing with customer needs, service quality tools such as quality function deployment (QFD) and the Kano model, have been applied extensively. But none have been able to incorporate and model customer’s emotional needs. Some attention has been given to investigate this but, thus far, there is no formal methodology that can account for customer emotional needs in service design. To fill this niche, this study proposed an integrative framework of KE incorporating the Kano model and QFD applied to services. This study extended the work by Hartono and Tan (2011) and Hartono et al. (2012) and presented a survey on luxury hotel services involving more than a hundred Indonesian tourists as the subject of study. Luxury hotels are reported to have greater strength of emotion than any other hotel segment. This work confirmed that emotion is to be more important than cognition in impacting overall customer satisfaction. Practically, it gives insight on which service attributes deserve more attention with regard to their impact on customer emotion. Indonesian tourists shared a common response to the Kansei word “elegant” which correlates with their common cultural dimension of “power distance”. Performing a Kansei evaluation to understanding cultural backgrounds may yield valuable insights for international tourist marketing strategies and companies’ business sustainability

    Invers matrik pita toeplitz

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    Dalam tugas akhir ini dibahas suatu metode untuk menentukan elemen-elemen dari rovers Matriks Pita Toeplitz yang diberikan dalam bentuk penyelesaian persamaan differen¬si. Rumus untuk elemen-elemen itu adalah basil bagi dari determinan-determinan yang ukurannya bergantung pada banyak¬nya diagonal atas yang taknol, tetapi bukan bergantung pada ordo dari matriks yang akan dioari inversnya

    Spatial Patterns Associating Low Birth Weight with Environmental and Behavioral Factors

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    Low birth weight (LBW) is a significant public health problem in the world. It was estimated globally by the World Health Organization (WHO) that prevalence of LBW was 15% of all births. In Murung Raya district LBW cases remain high. This paper aimed to identify and discuss the relationship between environmental risk factors with LBW in Murung Raya.A spatial analysis was conducted with 150 women as the total participantswho were recruited through the incidence data in 2013-2014. The questionnaires, medical records, and geographic data were measured by Stata software, ArcGis, SatScan, and Geoda. The study results indicated there was significant correlation between health behavior and environmental variables with the strength of external neighborhood effect across LBW risk factors. More intense clustering of high values (hot spots) was found through the spatial analysis showing that most of the cases were located near the defined buffer zone. This research demonstrates that the spatial pattern analysis provided greater statistical power to detect an effect that was not apparent in the previous epidemiology studies

    Mathematics Learning Within Culture And Nation Character: Using Traditional Dance In Learning The Concept Of Symmetry At Grade IV Primary School

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    This paper introduces a new approach in mathematics learning within culture and nation character. Indonesian traditional dances are used as a context in learning the concept of symmetry. Using context as a starting point in learning processes is the major concern in Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), one of the innovations in mathematics teaching developed in the Netherlands. Adapted to Indonesian culture, this approach is called Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI). This approach is used to combine the so-called math traditional dances with mathematics learning. This can be seen as building nation character in appreciating Indonesian traditional culture. Design research is used in research methodology. This research was conducted to 22 students in grade IV at MIN 2 Palembang. The result shows that within the use of culture and nation character in learning mathematic can improve students’ understanding of the concept of symmetry. Besides, students can optimize cultural values which indirectly showed in learning process such as accuracy, perseverance, hard work, curiosity, and unyielding attitude. Key Words: PMRI, design research, math traditional dance, symmetry, nation character

    The integrative framework of Kansei Engineering and SERVQUAL incorporating CRM applied to services: A case study on hotel services in Surabaya

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    Understanding customer needs better is a key for the success of customer relationship management (CRM). It may cov-er insight into customer decision-making and information about customers. Essentially, CRM is to understand customer needs so that it may improve a company’s long-term profitability. Lack of customer focus is quite critical to the success of CRM implementation. Specifically, a mechanism for maintaining and developing customer loyalty is a key potential to be taken into account. In short, understanding of customer needs (both functional and emotional) is needed. More importantly, understanding customer emotional needs is vital for predicting and influencing customer purchasing be-havior. Customers today concern themselves more on satisfying their emotions and feelings more on satisfying their emotions than merely their cognition. Some commonly used service quality tools such as quality function deployment (QFD) and SERVQUAL have been applied extensively to services. Many service researchers have successfully used SERVQUAL and other similar scales to measure and improve service quality in a variety of industries. But none have been able to incorporate customers’ emotional needs. Some attention has been given to investigate this. But thus far, there is no formal methodology that can account for customer’s feelings and emotions taking into account CRM in ser-vice design. To fill this niche, this study proposes an integrative framework of Kansei Engineering (KE) and SERVQUAL applied to services. This study uses data from tourists who stayed in hotels in Surabaya to demonstrate the integrative model framework and show how the customer emotional needs can be designed into its hotel services sys-tem

    Tinjauan Kuat Tekan Dan Keruntuhan Balok Beton Bertulang Menggunakan Tras Jatiyoso Sebagai Pengganti Pasir

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    Beton mempunyai kuat tekan sangat tinggi, tetapi kuat tarik sangat rendah.maka kita beri dengan batang baja tulangan sehingga beton dapat menahan kuat tarik, Fungsi bahan pengganti yaitu sebagai bahan alternative atau untuk menghemat biaya Pemanfaatan Tras sebagai bahan tambah dalam campuran beton merupakan salah satu usaha untuk mengurangi pemakaian agregat halus guna mengurangi biaya karena tras dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti agregat halus.penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kuat tekan dan keruntuhan yang terjadi pada balok beton bertulang dengan Tras sebagai pengganti sebagian agregat halus dengan nilai fas 0,45 pada umur pengujian 28 hari, variasi pemakaian Tras : 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, Benda uji berupa silinder beton diameter = 15 cm, h = 30 cm dan balok beton ukuran (10 x 15 x 100) cm3 dan tulangan diameter = 6 mm dan begel diameter = 4 mm Metode perancangan campuran adukan beton menggunakan metode American Concrete Institute, hasil pengujian kuat tekan silinder beton pada beton normal menghasilkan kuat tekan sebesar 25,394 MPa Penambahan tras rata-rata mengakibatkan kekuatan beton meningkat, peningkatan maksimal tercapai pada variasi penambahan tras 20% sebesar 26,172 MPa, dan setelah variasi tras 20% kekuatan beton cenderung mengalami penurunan Sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa kuat tekan maksimal beton terdapat pada variasi tras 20% atau mengalami peningkatan sebesar 3,05% dari beton normal, penambahan tras melebihi 20% terhadap pasir akan menyebabkan penurunan kuat tekan beton dari kuat tekan maksimal, dan hasil pengujian kuat lentur balok beton pada beton normal menghasilkan kuat lentur sebesar 4,687 kN Kekuatann maksimal tercapai pada variasi penambahan tras 20% sebesar 4,781 kN dan setelah variasi tras 20% kekuatan beton cenderung mengalami penurunan Sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa kuat lentur maksimal beton terdapat pada variasi tras 20% atau mengalami peningkatan sebesar 2,13% dari beton normal, momen lentur dari pengujian lebih besar disbanding momen lentur teoritis

    The Role of Kansei Engineering in Influencing Overall Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention in Service Encounters

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    Customers today concern themselves more on fulfilling their emotional needs rather than rationales and functionalities. In dealing with customer emotions in products/services, Kansei Engineering (KE) is applied. A comprehensive case study in luxury hotels was conducted. Eighty one Indonesian, 75 Singaporean, and 74 Japanese tourists participated in this survey. It aims to investigate the relationships among constructs during service encounter process. The finding shows that emotions (affective process) play a significant role as a complement to cognitive process in influencing customer satisfaction. Among 3 populations, Japanese was found to be more Kansei-oriented customer. Keywords: Kansei Engineering, emotional needs, customer satisfactio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk serta sifat mimikri dan hibriditasi yang ada dalam novel Burung-Burung Manyar karya Y.B. Mangunwijaya. Subjek penelitian ini adalah novel Burung-Burung Manyarkarya YB. Mangunwijaya. Pengum¬pulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pembacaan dan pencatatan (baca catat). Pembacaan dilakukan secara berulang-ulang untuk menemukan isi atau gagasan pokok yang terdapat dalam cerita yang mengandung gambaran mimikri dan hibriditas. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Mimikri dan hibriditas dalam novel Burung-Burung Manyar tampak dalam karakter tokoh Setadewa. Mimikri yang dilakukan oleh Setadewa terutama dalam unsur bahasa, pakaian, gaya hidup, pekerjaan, dan budaya. Hibriditas Setadewa termasuk hibriditas genetik. Hibriditas ini terjadi sejak dirinya masih kecil. Ketika bermain di Keraton Mangkune¬garan dia tidak suka dengan panggilan ‘Raden Mas Sinyo’. karena panggilan itu merupakan gabungan dari Raden Mas karena dia masih keturunan ningrat dari bapaknya dan Sinyo karena ada keturunan Indo Belanda dari ibunya. Sebagaimana bapaknya, Setadewa tidak suka dengan kehidupan kraton yang banyak aturannya. Pada waktu sekolah di Semarang, Setadewa secara terang-terangan memihak kepada Belanda. Setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan, ia menjadi tentara KNIL Belanda. Setadewa berada dalam persimpangan antara membela tanah airnya Indonesia atau bangsa Belanda. Di Indonesia ia disebut Sinyo Belanda tetapi dirinya juga tidak sepenuhnya diterima sebagai orang Belanda. Setadewa berkepribadian mendua antara tanah airnya Indonesia dan Belanda. Di akhir cerita, Setadewa memantapkan diri kembali ke Indonesia dan membela Indonesia dari penjajahan ekonomi yang dilakukan pihak asing. Setadewa membongkar kecurangan perusahaan asing tempatnya bekerja dengan konsekuensi diberhentikan. Setadewa berusaha membela kebenaran, kembali menjadi warga negara Indonesia yang seutuhnya. Kata Kunci: mimikri, hibriditasi, burung-burung manya

    Solution of Dynamic Optimization Problems Constrained by the Fraction Penalty Method

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    This article discusses the application of fractional penalty method to solve dynamic optimization problem with state constraints. The main theories supporting the use of the method are described in some theorem and corollary. The theorems give sufficient conditons for the application of the method. Therefore, if all conditions mentioned in the theorems are met then the resulted solution will converge to the analytic solution. In addition, there are some examples to support the theory. The numerical simulation shows that the accuracy of the method is quite good. Hence, this method can play a role as an alternative method for solving dynamic optimization problem with state constrints