99 research outputs found
Looking for Luck in Farming: Intersubjective Relationships in the Mujarobat Manuscript
This study focuses on the intersubjective relationships contained in the Mujarobat text. This study comes from the still developing local beliefs and traditions of the coastal communities of North Java which are influenced by pre-Islamic beliefs and Islamic beliefs. Among the beliefs that still exist, it is the belief in predictions and calculations to get good luck and avoid bad luck. This study specifically aims to discuss how to grow plants on pages 40, 41, 42, 49, and 50 in the Mujarobat text. This study shows that the Mujarobat text contains local knowledge and intersubjective relationships between humans and humans as well as humans and non-humans—God and nature. Thus, using the paradigm of ancestral religions, this study argues that there is an intersubjective relationship between humans and non-humans that is responsible, ethical, and reciprocal when planting plants in the Mujarobat text which aim to get lucky
Il glossario italo-turco contenuto in un codice fiorentino del XVI secolo
The codex Ashb. 1547 of the Biblioteca Mediceo-Laurenziana of Florence contains a substantial lexical and phraseological Italian-Arabic glossary, with two additional short chapters regarding Greek and Turkish. The manuscript, unpublished so far, probably dates from the 16th century and is anonymous; from the internal data, we can infer that its author was a merchant of Venetian origin, who lived in Egypt for a while. It has to be pointed out that the texts in the various lan-guages are all written only in the Latin script. This paper deals with the Italian-Turkish part of the codex, which comprises words and phrases concerning greetings and buying and selling, as well as a series of numerals. The Turkish lexical corpus is first presented in alphabetical order, if necessary comparing single entries to those of other Transkriptionstexte or of literary Ottoman, then is extensively examined in its graphematic, phonetic and morphological features
A legal study of sexual harassment in private higher education institution in Malaysia: policy consideration / Sairun Syakira Saiman
This study was conducted to investigate the policy consideration of Sexual Harassment in Private Higher Education Institution in Malaysia. The study involved the comparative on regulation available in Malaysia and other countries in govern the sexual harassment offence especially towards the tertiary education level. The prevalent studies also said that, the sexual harassment is one of contemporary silent issues in academic setting. The experience of sexual harassment in schools and institutions of higher learning is a serious social problem which could worsen the woeful academic performance of the victims. In this research, there are two different approaches being used: (i) qualitative (comparing the available regulative measure) and (ii) quantitative approaches (conduct interview among the staff and distribute the survey form to the students in selected private higher education within Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley area). The results showed that there are a number of students who experienced sexual harassment during the study in the private college respectively. Supported with the statistic of the sexual harassment reported in previous studies, it shows that, it is a need for the private higher education institution to implement the sexual harassment policy in their institution. For the interview conducted, two out of three interviewees strongly supported the implementation of sexual harassment policy in the private higher education institutions whilst one of the interviewee will support the implementation of the policy on sexual harassment in private higher education institution, providing that, the culture among the students could accept such policy. Another is, the way to implement the policy effectively. Besides, the other method used in this paper is, comparing the existing regulative measure on sexual harassment policy in higher education between Malaysia and other countries has been done. The result from the comparison of law made can be concluded that, policy or regulation has their own pre-eminence in uphold the rules on sexual harassment among the students. However, the researcher found that, there is no specific explanation in term of punishment (such as punishment of fine, whipped etc) being stated in the policy or law respectively especially in Malaysia. Therefore, the policy on sexual harassment in private higher education institution should be consider to be developed to provide a safety study environment and give the correct procedure whenever they faced the sexual harassment in study place respectively
Recent Development of SANS BATAN Spectrometer (SMARTer) in Serpong for Simultaneous and Automatic Measurements
The 36 meter SANS BATAN spectrometer (SMARTer) in Serpong Indonesia has been developed for simultaneous and automatic measurements. The existing motor controller of ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) interface was replaced by the programmable motor controller of PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) interface, since it has speed and interrupt-sharing advantages, to drive all stepper motors for collimator, pinhole, and detector movements of the spectrometer. The recent development makes all motors moved and controlled simultaneously in setting up the instrument configuration before performing the experiment. Along with that improvement, the data acquisition software has been also developed to drive the beam stopper movement in two directions as well as to read the absolute collimator and detector positions, to acquire neutron counts on the monitor and the main detector, and also to control automatically up to 12 sample positions of the sample changer. The collected neutron counts is displayed in real time on the main monitor window, and the counts is saved in a special format for further data reduction and analysis. The developed data acquisition software has been implemented and performed for experiment that use preset time or preset count mode, and the automatic sample changer.Received: 08 November 2013; Revised: 23 December 2013; Accepted: 27 December 201
Pergeseran kualitas habitat, pencemaran dan masuknya beberapa spesies asing menyebabkan perubahan lingkungan ekologis perairan sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem kearifan lokal menuju SDGs’14, studi kasus kearifan lokal lubuk larangan tepian napal Sungai Batang Tebo Kabupaten Bungo Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Bulan Juli-Agustus 2019 dengan metode survei. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik flag modelling Ecosystem Approach Fisheries Management (EAFM) yang dimodifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kearifan lokal lubuk larangan tepian napal sudah mengarah ke SDGs’14 dengan kategori baik (light green flag). Sistem partisipatif, adat-istiadat dan kekeluargaan menjadi ciri khas kearifan lokal lubuk larangan dalam menjaga sumberdaya perikanan di Kabupaten Bungo Provinsi Jambi.
Kata kunci: EAFM, Muara Bungo, SDGs’14, sungai, Tanah Tumbu
ABSTRAK ─ Telah dilakukan studi rencana penambahan perisai radiasi di atap kanal hubung S-5 dengan menggunakan bahan utama air. Tujuan penambahan perisai radiasi untuk mengurangi paparan pada atap kanal hubung S-5 agar pekerja radiasi tidak berpotensi menerima dosis radiasi melebihi Nilai Batas Dosis (NBD) yang diijinkan oleh BAPETEN, yaitu 20 mSv/tahun. Studi penambahan perisai radiasi dilakukan dengan membuat sebuah kolam pengukuran yang berukuran 8000(p)X2400(l)X300(t) mm3. Di dalam kolam ditentukan 9 titik pengukuran yang berjarak 1 meter. Pengukuran paparan radiasi, baik neutron maupun sinar-g, pada titik pengukuran dilakukan pada saat reactor beroperasi normal (15 MW), main shutter dan lithium shutter terbuka, dalam kondisi kolam belum diisi air, diisi air sedalam 15 cm dan 30 cm. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa pada kedalaman air 30 cm paparan radiasi pada titik terdekat dengan sumber menurun dari 101,57 ɥSv/jam menjadi 1,09 ɥSv/jam untuk neutron dan 13.7 ɥSv/jam menjadi 3,95 ɥSv/jam untuk sinar γ. Paparan rad ini sudah tidak berpotensi menyebabkan pekerja radiasi mempunyai dosis melebihi NBD yang diijinkan oleh BAPETEN. Dari data pengukuran juga diperoleh data bahwa air sangat efektif untuk meredam radiasi neutron, tetapi kurang efektif untuk meredam radiasi sinar-g. Dari hasil studi rencana ini, akan dibuat perencanaan pembuatan perisai radiasi di atap kanal hubung S-5. Kata kunci: perisai radiasi kanal hubung S-5, laju dosis S-5, paparan radiasi atap kanal hubung S-5 ABSTRACT ─ A study has been conducted for the addition of radiation shield on the roof of the S-5 canal using the main water material. The purpose of the adding a radiation shield is to reduce exposure to the S-5 canal roof so that radiation workers do not potentially receive radiation doses exceeding the Dose Limit (NBD) permitted by BAPETEN, ie 20 mSv/year. The study of the radiation shields additions was made by making a measuring pool with dimension 8000 X 2400 X 300 mm. Inside the pool is determined nine measurement point within 1 meter. Measurements of radiation exposure, both neutrons and g-rays, at the point of measurement are performed when the reactor operates normally (15 MW), the main shutter and open lithium shutter, in the condition the pool is not filled with water, filled with water as deep as 15 cm and 30 cm. The measurements showed that at a water depth of 30 cm the radiation exposure at the nearest point with the source decreased from 101.57 ɥSv/h to 1.09 ɥSv / h for neutrons and 13.7 ɥSv / hr to 3.95 ɥSv / h for γ rays. This radiation exposure has no potential to cause radiation workers to have a dose exceeding the NBD permitted by BAPETEN. From the measurement data also obtained data that water is very effective to reduce the radiation of neutrons, but less effective to reduce g-ray radiation. From the results of this study, will be made planning of radiation shielding on the roof of the S-5 canal. Keywords: radiation shield S-5 canal, S-5 dose rate, radiation exposure of S-5 canal roo
Topeng Dhalang merupakan kesenian masyarakat Madura yang telah berakar sejak dulu dan sangat populer dan sekaligus menjadi kebanggaan masyarakat Sumenep. Dalam perkembangannya popularitas kesenian ini tidak hanya ditingkat Jawa Timur tetapi juga mencapai Internasional. Dalam dua dasawarsa terakhir perkembangannya sangat menarik karena ditengah modernisasi kesenian ini tetap bertahan.
Perkembangan Topeng Dhalang di Sumenep tahun 1992-2010 dihadapkan beberapa permasalahan yaitu: 1) Bagaimana perkembangan Topeng Dhalang; 2). Perubahan pertunjukan Topeng Dhalang; 3) Apa faktor penyebab pasang dan surut Topeng Dhalang di Sumenep. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yang terdiri dari 1) Heuristik yaitu sumber primer yang diperoleh melalui wawancara pada pelaku peristiwa dan observasi terhadap seni tradisi Topeng Dhalang, dan sumber sekunder melalui studi kepustakaan; 2) Kritik sejarah, 3) Intepretasi; dan 4) Historiografi.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, bahwa perkembangan Topeng Dhalang di Sumenep mengalami pasang surut. Semula seni pertunjukan ini berasal dari keraton Sumenep pada abad ke-18 yang kemudian perkembang menjadi kesenian rakyat pada abad ke-19. Meskipun peranan fungsi keraton sudah memudar tapi kesenian ini masih dipentaskan dalam masyarakat. Di Sumenep terdapat rombongan Topeng Dhalang yang tertua yaitu Rukun Perawas yang berdiri pada tahun 1920. Seiring dengan perkembangannya, salah satu keturunan dari pendiri Rukun Perawas memutuskan untuk membentuk kelompok baru dengan nama Rukun Pewaras yang berdiri sejak tahun 1995. Pada tahun 1992-1995 perkembangan kesenian ini mengalami masa puncak kejayaan, ditandai dengan banyaknya undangan dari masyarakatnya, dan undangan keluar negeri. Pada tahun 1996-2005 kesenian Topeng Dhalang mengalami kemunduran hal ini terlihat dari permintaan pertunjukan sangat sedikit. Pada tahun 2006-2010 kesenian ini bangkit lagi bahkan bertambah eksis karena pemicunya adalah rombongan Rukun Pewaras mendapat undangan untuk menghadiri festival di Jakarta. Hal ini seakan memberi kepercayaan lagi terhadap kesenian ini. Pada masa ini pula seorang seniman melakukan pembinaan di desa-desa untuk mencari bibit baru dan para pemainnya terdiri dari anak-anak dan remaja. Dengan demikian Topeng Dhalang di Sumenep lebih berkembang lagi dengan ditandai banyaknya undangan dan terbentuknya rombongan baru. Dalam perkembanganya rombongan Rukun Pewaras mengalami banyak perubahan dalam pertunjukannya, diantaranya adalah tata busana, tata cahaya dan dekorasi dibuat lebih menarik. Dalam perkembangannya kesenian ini mengalami pasang surut yang disebabkan oleh faktor eksternal dan internal. Faktor eksternal disebakan adanya modernisasi yang perubahan nilai di masyarakat dan munculnya teknologi informasi, persaingan pertunjukan lain serta peran pemerintah. Faktor internal yang disebabkan oleh sistem trah yang menghambat kaderisasi dhalang, kreatifitas dan hubungan emosinal masyarakat pencinta seni.
Kata Kunci : Topeng Dhalang Sumenep dan Perkembanga
Tesis ini merupakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur, konteks, fungsi, proses penciptaan dan pewarisan, serta nilai pendidikan karakter dalam cerita Legenda Danau Dendam Tak Sudah dan Danau Tes di Provinsi Bengkulu yang kemudian disusun menjadi bahan ajar teks legenda untuk pembelajaran di SMA. Pendeskripsian struktur cerita rakyat meliputi fakta certa yaitu tema, alur, tokoh, dan latar. Pendeskripsian konteks meliputi konteks budaya dan sosial. Nilai pendidikan karakter yang dianalisis dalam tesis ini adalah 9 nilai karakter menurut Megawangi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi dan wawancara. Data yang berhasil dikumpulkan kemudian dideskripsikan dan dianalisis struktur, konteks, fungsi, proses penciptaan dan pewarisan, serta nilai pendidikan karakter. Tesis ini menggunakan teknik pengolahan data seleksi, transkripsi, penerjamah, dan analisis. Dua legenda dianalisis struktur, konteks, fungsi, proses penciptaan dan pewarisan, serta nilai pendidikan karakter. Hasil analisis tersebut dimanfataakan sebagai bahan ajar teks legenda dalam bentuk buku pengayaan kepribadian. Buku Pengayaan kepribadian berjudul “Legenda Danau Dendam Tak Sudah dan Danau Tes” berisi lima legenda. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa cerita legenda di dua danau di Provinsi Bengkulu dalam ruang lingkup pendidikan sangat mungkin untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan pembelajaran karena legenda di Provinsi Bengkulu sangat mungkin untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan pembelajaran apresiasi sastra yang memerlukan contoh prosa lama. -- This thesis is a research that aims to describe the structrure, context, creation procces and heritage and value character education in legend Dendam Tak Sudah Lake and Tes Lake. The description of the structure of legend includes the fact of the story of the theme, plot, figure, and background. Contextual description includes cultural and social. The value of character education analyzed method with observation and interview data collective. The data analyzed the structure, narative contexts, creation procces and heritage and value character education. Two story analyzed its structure, narrative context, creation procces, and value character education that is it. The result of the analyis is then aplied as a teaching material legend text in form personality enrichment book. The personality enrichment book entitled “Legend of Dendam Tak Sudah Lake and Tes Lake” contains five story. The conclusion of this study that Legend Dendam Tak Sudah Lake and Tes Lake within the scope of education is very possible to serve as a learning material. More specifically in the learning of literary apreciation the requires example old prose, and local wisdom in it
In divorce, by the classical Jurist of fiqh, husbands may unilaterally divorce (talak) without making a dialogue with their wives first. Many contemporary thinkers, especially moslem feminists, assumed that is affected by gender inequality which is a cultural product not pure of Islamic values. Moreover, the fact that the classical Jurists of Fiqh are dominated by men, so the existing of fiqh are patriarchal and masculine pattern. One of the most contemporary moslem thinkers of Gender concerns is Jamal al-Banna, a moslem thinker from Egypt. Then, this article is written to describe Jamal al-Banna’s mindset about divorce. Based on his opinion, he stated that husband cannot say to divorce without the agreement (qabul) of his wife as marriage is a transparent relation symbolized by ijab- qabul contract and also testimonial (syahadah). Therefore, if the agreement is destroyed by divorce, all elements of marriage contract must know. Thus, one-sided divorce by husband is unacceptable. Divorce is acceptable if both of husband dan wife have the agreement. He formulated the rules of divorce, referring to Al-Baqarah verse 229 in which his interpretation is the equality between husband and wife about divorce. His educational background of trading school may influenced his mindset mostly. So, he assumed about the similarity of marriage contract and trading contract in which if a marriage will be destroyed by divorce, both of husband and wife must have the same agreement.Â
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