85 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Pembelajaran Fikome (Finger Painting, Kolase Dan Menganyam) Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak

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    Motoric development is the development of body movement control that coordinated and is one of very important factor in a child's development as a whole. The aim of this research is to know the effectiveness of the learning method of FIKOME in improving child’s fine motor skills. The population of this research is B1 and B2 Grade of TK Pengayoman, amount of 57 pupils, with the samples number of 30 pupils. The technique used is random sampling, where the researcher limits the subject based on predetermined characteristics, and share them at random into two groups, namely the Group of experimental and control group. The data collection instrument uses of fine motor ability scale. B#ased on the research results, that occur of score differences of the research subject in experimental group. The difference can be seen from the difference of the mean score of follow up and posttest, pretest, measurement results. This means that the majority of the trainees are given preferential treatment in the form of FIKOME learning experiences increased of his/her fine motoric capability. Score sig p = 0.05 with a score of 0.024 < with mean scored on the control group is 13.67 and on experimental groups namely 25.40. The hypothesis testing is done by a non parametric tests, and can be drawn the conclusion that of the effectively FIKOME’s learning to improve fine motor ability of children who viewed from the post-test value


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    Tazkiyatun nafsi is a behavioral cognitive approach designed to help students control and change their behavior in a more effective direction and can be a reference in changing students' thoughts, feelings, and learning behavior through practice and habituation. The goal of Tazkiyatun Nafsi is to help change behavior based on the same assumption that the individual is the person who knows best about how or what form of behavior he should display in solving problems. This research aims to develop a model of Tazkiyatun nafsi relevant to students Boarding Schools. The research questions in this research are 1) What are the objectives and objectives of the Tazkiyatun nafsi module ? 2) What material should be covered in the module tested by experts in the relevant field ?; 3) What are the arrangement of the material and the method of delivery ?; 4) How is the implementation procedure designed? The target of this research module is Islamic boarding school students. The result of this research is the Tazkiyatun Nafsi Module. Products are packaged in the form of modules which can later be given to the students to be used to help solve the problems of the students. There are 4 strategies listed in the module, which will be carried out in the tazkiyatun nafsi module including, 1) The first strategy is, self-monitoring; 2) The second strategy is Stimulus control ; 3) The third strategy is the Self-reward; 4) The fourth strategy is Self as a model. The Tazkiyatun nafsi program consists of intention, dhuha circumcision prayer, mandatory 5 daily prayers, rawatib, and qiyamul lail circumcision prayers, and the meaning of fasting. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that tazkiyatun nafsi can provide positive benefits to students. The program is suggested considering that the background of the subject is the boarding school students, which the program indirectly has occurred in the Islamic boarding school but its implementation has not been able to run optimally. If implemented optimally, it can help to handle the problems of students. With this program, it is hoped that besides being able to help students up in solving their problems, students are also expected to increase their religious obedience

    Penyesuaian Diri Mantan Anak Jalanan Perempuan Di Panti Pelayanan Sosial Wanita Wanodyatama

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    Self-adjustment is the process of efforts of individuals who strive to achieve success in meeting their inner needs, overcoming conflicts, so they can manage themselves to achieve harmony in meeting their inner needs in the individual's environment. This study aims to describe the adaptability of street children when they become participants in the coaching program at the Home. Informants from this study were five street children who were selected by purposive sampling with the criteria of having a background as a street child, aged + 10 to 18 years, and living in the Wanodyatama Surakarta Women's Social Service Home. Data collection techniques are semi-structured interviews and natural observations. The results of this study are that there are 4 informants in the institution who have not been able to adjust to not being able to control emotions, have poor self-defense mechanisms, experience frustration, have irrational considerations, have not been able to change according to conditions in the institution and are less able to possess realistic in acting and thinking. However, there are 1 informants still in the process of adjusting themselves because sometimes they are still hampered by their ability to control emotions. Factors that influence self-adjustment are social support factors obtained from relationships with parents, support provided by nursing staff, and social control in the form of strict sanctions and regulations from homes for street children

    Efektivitas Pelatihan Kognitif Perilaku untuk Meningkatkan Perilaku Disiplin Siswa

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    Abstract Discipline behavior is a supporting character in the learning process of students. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of cognitive behavior training can improve the student discipline behavior. The subject of this study used vocational students who consisting in 16 subjects. Subjects were divided into 2 groups: 8 students in experimental group and 8 students in control group. The research method in this study is Quasi Experimental Design with a pretest-posttest control group design. This study was conducted within 2 days which consisting in 8 sessions. The study used a discipline behavior scale with Cronbach Alpha reliability value of 0.911. Data analysis used non parametric analysis with the Wilcoxon test and the Mann Whitney U Test. The results of this study is cognitive behavior training can be increase the discipline behavior of vocational students efectively. This training is expected that students can improve discipline behavior for learning process more effective. Keywords: Discipline Behavior, Cognitive Behavioral ABC & DE Training, Vocational Student


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    Kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan semakin meningkat, tidak hanya pada perempuan dewasa saja, tetapi juga remaja dan anak-anak. Meningkatnya tindak kekerasan seksual mulai meresahkan masyarakat. Dampak kekerasan seksual begitu dahsyat hingga mempengaruhi penerimaan diri seseorang yang mengalami kekerasan seksual. Penerimaan diri merupakan hasil introspeksi melalui pengamatan, pemikiran dan perasaan diri yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya pembukaan diri, kesehatan psikologi, serta penerimaan terhadap orang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dinamika proses penerimaan diri pada remaja korban kekerasan seksual. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif melalui wawancara dan observasi berupa behavioral hecklist. Informan berjumlah 3 orang remaja perempuan berusia antara 12 sampai 18 tahun yang pernah mengalami kekerasan seksual dalam jangka waktu lebih dari 6 bulan dari saat pengambilan data. Informan penelitian diperoleh melalui kerjasama dengan dua pihak yang bergerak di bidang perempuan, yaitu Yayasan Kakak dan Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial ”Wanita Utama” Surakarta-1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dinamika proses penerimaan diri berbeda pada tiap informan. Secara umum dapat digambarkan bahwa korban kekerasan seksual cenderung diam karena rasa takut dan adanya ancaman. Korban merasakan dampak yang beragam seperti sakit perut, sakit kepala, cepat lelah, dan sering melamun. Tindak kekerasan seksual memunculkan pemikiran untuk bunuh diri pada ketiga informan, namun tidak semua mencoba melakukannya. Informan yang mendapat pendampingan dan dukungan dari keluarga lebih mampu untuk bangkit kembali dan merencanakan masa depannya

    Hubungan Pola Asuh Permisif dan Konformitas dengan Perilaku Merokok

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    In Indonesia, the prevalence of smoking people aged 15 years and over is quite high, based on Riskesdas 2018 that there is an increase in the smoking prevalence of people aged 18 years from 7.2% in 2013 to 9.1% in 2018 which is dominated by male smokers. This study aims to determine the relationship between permissive parenting and conformity with smoking behavior. The major hypothesis proposed is a significant positive relationship between permissive parenting and conformity with smoking behavior. The minor hypothesis proposed a significant positive relationship between permissive parenting and smoking behavior and a significant positive relationship between conformity and smoking behavior. The study population was male students who attended SMA Negeri 1 Banyudono 2020. The sampling technique used multistage cluster random sampling, from 25 classes, 6 classes were taken randomly so that 53 male students smoked. The study used three scales, namely the permissive parenting scale, conformity scale, and smoking behavior scale. The data analysis technique used multiple regression analysis using SPSS for Windows. The results of the data analysis showed that there was a very significant positive relationship between permissive parenting and conformity with smoking behavior, the F value was 8.259 and sig. (p) = 0.001 (p <0.01). Then there is a significant negative relationship between permissive parenting and smoking behavior with a coefficient value (rx1y) -0.241 and (p) = 0.041 (p <0.05) and there is a very significant negative relationship between conformity and smoking behavior with a coefficient value (rx2y) of -0.485 and (p) = 0.000 (p <0.01). The categorization results 2 showed the level of permissive parenting, conformity, and smoking behavior in the moderate category. The effective contribution of permissive parenting and conformity to smoking behavior was 24.8%

    Hubungan antara Perkembangan Moral dengan Perilaku Disiplin Siswa Mts N Ngemplak

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    The purpose of this research is: Knowing the relationship between moral development and student dicipline behavior. The subject in this study were eigh grade MTs student, totaling 135 students. The subject taking tecnique used is the cluster random sampling method. As for the scale used is the scale of moral development and discipline behavior. Based on product moment analysis the correlation coefficient values (rxy=)0,697 with sig=0,000;P<0,01. Which shows that there is a very significant positive relationship between moral development and disciplined behavior. This means that the higher the moral development of students, the higher ther discipline behavior of students and vice versa. The effektive contribution obtained was 48,5

    Kerendahan Hati Dan Pemaafan Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Sebagai makhluk sosial manusia selalu melakukan interkasi dengan orang lain, baik dari usia muda hingga usia tua. Pada usia muda interaksi lebih sering terjadi, dikarenakan di usia tersebut merupaka proses pencarian identitas diri. Namun dalam prakteknya banyak yang memicu terjadinya konflik. Konflik muncul disebabkan salah satunya adalah ego yang lebih dominan, maka pentingnya menurunkan ego dengan bersikap rendah hati dan dapat terjadinya pemaafan. Maka dari itu penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kerendahan hati dengan pemaafan. Sampel yang dipakai dari mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, berjumlah 111 mahasiswa. Hipotesis yang dirumuskan bahwa antara kerendahan hati dengan pemaafan terdapat hubungan positif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan skala yaitu skala kerendahan hati dan pemaafan. Kemudian olah data dilakukan dengan analisis korelasi pearson dibantu aplikasi SPSS versi 26.0. Diperoleh hasil penelitian nilai r = 0.239 dan p = 0.012 p 73.03. Begitupun dengan variabel pemaafan lebih tinggi laki-laki daripada perempuan, perolehan skor masing-masing 79.74 > 75.31. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa kerendahan hati berkontribusi efektif sebesar 25.6% kepada variabel pemaafa

    Hubungan Antara Kematangan Emosi Dengan Perundungan Media Sosial Instagram Pada Remaja

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of emotional maturity with cyberbullying among adolescents instagram users. The hypothesis is there is a negative relationship between emotional maturity with cyberbullying among adolescents instagram users. Subjects in this study were 89 students drawn from3 class XI SMA N Colomadu of 9 classes contained in a class XI so this research using random cluster sampling technique. Data collection tool in this study using a scale of emotional maturity and cyberbullying. Data were analyzed using product moment correlation using SPSS 16.0. Based on the analysis results obtained from this study is the correlation (r) = -0.288 with sig (p) = 0.003, which means that there is a relationship / significant negative correlation between emotional maturity with cyberbullying.Variable emotional maturity has the empirical mean (RE) of 78.74 and the mean hypothetical (RH) of 55 which means that the level of emotional maturity class XI student of SMAN Colomadu classified as very tinggi.Variabel cyberbullying has the empirical mean (RE) of 32.52 and the mean hypothetical (RH) of 37.5, which means that the level of cyberbullying behavior class XI SMA N Colomadu low. Effective contribution towards cyberbullying emotional maturity of 8.3%, which means 91.7% are other factors that influence the behavior of adolescent cyberbullying

    Peran Mindset, Spritual Koping, dan Dukungan Sosial Terhadap Flourishing Pada Mahasiswa Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19

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    Flourishing is a high level of mental well-being and the growth of an individual physical and psychological state regardign positive aspects of life, as well as goals in self-actualization. Covid-19 pandeminc that is endemic throughout the country is forcing humans to adapt to new habits. Even education. Teach and learn activities are quite affected by this outbreak. The purpose of this study was to examine the interaction or variables of mindset, coping spirituality, and social support, for flourishing in students in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. The research was conducted at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS). The population in this study were all UMS students consisting of 12 faculties and 35 study programs. With characteristics of being an active student fro mmthe 2017-2019 class, who experienced a shift from offline to online teaching and leraning system. This research use cluster random sampling with 250 samples. Data collected were analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis method. The results of this study show that there is a very significant relationship between minset, coping spirituality, and social support for flourishing. However, there are insignificant results from the partial relationship between copint spirituality variables and flourishing. The conclusion of this study proves that the hypothesis proposed by researcher is fulfiller or proven. Where when an individual has a high (God) mindset, spiritual coping, and social support, it actually has a role in fulfilling the flourishing concept. Keywords : Flourishing, Mindset, Coping spirituality, Social support, Covid-1