42 research outputs found


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    AbstrakPembangunan kesehatan program utamanya adalah program Indonesia sehat yang pencapaiannya direncanakan melalui Rencana strategis Kementrian Kesehatan Tahun 2015-2019 yang ditetapkan melalui Kemenkes RI Nomor HK.02.02/Menkes/52/2015.  Program Indonesia sehat adalah salah satu program agenda ke -5 Nawa Cita yaitu meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia Indonesia. Indikator keluarga sehat antara lain: 1) keluarga mengikuti program Keluarga Berencana (KB), 2) ibu melakukan persalinan di fasilitas kesehatan, 3) bayi mendapat imunisasi dasar lengkap, 4) bayi mendapat air susu ibu (ASI) eksklusif, 5) balita mendapatkan pematauan pertumbuhan, 6) penderita tuberkulosis paru mendapatkan pengobatan sesuai standar, 7) penderita hipertensi melakukan pengobatan secara teratur, 8) penderita gangguan jiwa mendapatkan pengobatan dan tidak ditelantarkan, 9) anggota keluarga tidak ada yang merokok, 10) keluarga sudah menjadi anggota Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), 11) keluarga mempunyai akses sarana air bersih, 12) keluarga mempunyai akses atau menggunakan jamban sehat.. Tujuan dari literature review ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep, model atau teori yang efektif digunakan untuk mengeketahui gambaran indeks keluarga sehat di beberapa daerah Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dengan cara melakukan pencarian beberapa studi yang diterbitkan melalui database Google Scholar. Studi yang dipilih diterbitkan dari tahun 2017-2021. Setelah dilakukan pencarian artikel dengan kata kunci tersebut maka total artikel yang di review dalam tinjauan literatur ini sebanyak 5 (lima) artikel. Berdasarkan hasil uji Univariat terhadap data penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar klasifikasi indeks keluarga sehat (IKS) terdapat pada status pra-sehat, yaitu di Desa Suguling 80%, di daerah terpencil di Kabupaten Sikka sebesar 52%, dan di Desa Nulle sebesar 56.49%. Kata Kunci: Pencapaian, Program, Indonesia Sehat AbstractThe main health development program is the Healthy Indonesia program, the achievement of which is planned through the Ministry of Health's Strategic Plan for 2015-2019 which is stipulated by the Indonesian Ministry of Health Number HK.02.02 / Menkes / 52/2015. The Healthy Indonesia Program is one of Nawa Cita's 5 years programs agenda, namely improving the quality of life of Indonesian people. Healthy family indicators include: 1) the family follows the Family Planning program, 2) the mother gives birth at a health facility, 3) the baby gets complete basic immunization, 4) the baby gets exclusive breast breastfeeding, 5) the toddler gets monitoring growth, 6) patients with pulmonary tuberculosis receive treatment according to standards, 7) patients with hypertension receive regular treatment, 8) people with mental disorders receive treatment and are not neglected, 9) family members do not smoke, 10) the family is a member of the Health Insurance National, 11) families have access to clean water facilities, 12) families have access or use healthy latrines. The purpose of this literature review is to find out concepts, models or theories that are effectively used to determine the description of the index of healthy families in several areas. Indonesia. The method used is by searching for several published studies through the Google Scholar database. Selected studies were published from 2017-2021. After searching for articles with these keywords, the total number of articles reviewed in this literature review was 5 (five) articles. Based on the results of the Univariate test on research data, it shows that most of the classifications of healthy family index are in pre-healthy status, namely in Suguling Village 80%, in remote areas in Sikka Regency at 52%, and in Nulle Village at 56.49%.Keywords: Attainment, Program, Healthy Indonesia

    Factors Related to Employer Health Insurance Contribution During COVID-19 Epidemic in Indonesia

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    The COVID-19 pandemic impacted all sectors of the world, including business. In fact, the employer faced a collapse, and many employees were determined. Another issue is health insurance, which might change before and during the pandemic. The objective of this study was to examine the factors associated with the employer’s contribution to health insurance during COVID-19. The secondary data, “Rapid Gender Assessment Survey 2021”, was used on 239 employees in Indonesia. The dependent variable in this study was employer contribution to health insurance during the pandemic (yes or no) and the main independent variable was employer contribution before the pandemic. Other sociodemographic variables were also included in the model as controls. This study used univariate, bivariate, and multivariate (binary logistic regression). The result of this study revealed that employers who contributed to health insurance before the pandemic tend to contribute again to health insurance during the pandemic. This study also reviews the legal law, including regulations about national health insurance and employment. The government’s intention is needed to ensure the rights of employees are well realized.

    Knowledge about The Dangers of Smoking and Smoking Behavior of Students in Septembro Unamet 4th High school Dili, Timor Leste

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    Most adults who are dependent on nicotine start smoking in their teens. Timor-Leste is the country with the highest smoking rate in the world. Every year, more than 700 people in Timor-Leste are killed by tobacco-related diseases. Tobacco-related diseases are the fourth leading cause of death.  assessment to find out knowledge about the dangers of smoking and smoking behavior. This research design uses Crosssectional in high school with sample 122 student. Data collection was carried out by Quetionare. In this research the researchers conducted an assessment of knowledge about the dangers of smoking and smoking behavior. This study said out of 122 respondents, it was found that 59.8% had poor knowledge, 27.0% had normal knowledge and 13.1% and out of 122 respondents, 86.6% smoked and 48.3% of them had poor knowledge. The results of statistical tests showed that there was a relationship between knowledge about the dangers of smoking and smoking behavior in high school students. Solution to overcome the problem of knowledge about the dangers of smoking and smoking behavior is the provision of health education about the impact of smoking using methods that are attractive to high school students and carried out consistently

    Determinan Perilaku Merokok Remaja SMA Sederajat di Kecamatan Lowokwaru Kota Malang

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    Hampir 9 dari 10 orang dewasa yang merokok pertama kali pada usia 18 tahun. 1600 remaja merokok pertama kalinya setiap hari di U.S (CDC, 2022) Perilaku merokok yang tidak dicegah tentunya akan berdampak pada kesehatan, ekonomi, kejadian stunting, bahkan lingkungan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi determinan perilaku merokok di kecamatan Lowokwaru kota Malang. Metode penelitian adalah metode kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross-sectional yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2023. Data dikumpulkan melalui website Tobacco Retailer Assessment and Questionnaire dengan sampel berjumlah 330 siswa yang diperoleh acak dari 3 sekolah berbeda. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dan regresi logistik berganda. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pengetahuan dan sikap, akses ketersediaan rokok, serta paparan rokok orang tua di rumah berhubungan signifikan terhadap perilaku merokok remaja. Sedangkan, hasil multivariat membuktikan bahwa akses ketersediaan rokok ialah faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap perilaku merokok. Diharapkan pemerintah melalui Kementrian Keuangan dapat menaikkan harga rokok dengan konsisten dan segera membuat kebijakan larangan menjual rokok eceran. Di samping itu, instansi kesehatan dapat membuat upaya promosi kesehatan untuk remaja dan melakukan pengawasan kawasan tanpa rokok yang komprehensif di sekola

    Relationship of socio-demographic factors, knowledge, attitude, and food consumption behavior among vocational high school students during COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia

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    Abstract Background: Maintaining a nutritious eating behavior for school children is one of the important health issues to be carried out during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The roles of parents, teachers, and health workers are necessary for school children. Objective: This study aimed to determine socio-demographic factors, knowledge, attitude, and food consumption behavior among vocational high school students during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Municipality of Sleman, Indonesia. Methods: Cross-sectional design was employed among 84 students selected using purposive sampling. Data were collected in September 2021 using validated questionnaires. Chi-square test and multi logistic regression were used to examine associations between independent variables and food consumption behavior. Results: The majority of the respondents were females (94%), and the range of age of all the respondents was 15-18 years old. The multi logistic regression showed that the students who had low family income (Adj. OR = 4.38, 95% CI = 1.26-15.19), poor knowledge (Adj. OR = 8.39, 95% CI = 2.10-33.52), and had no roles of parent (Adj. OR= 5.45, 95% CI = 2.37-23.43) statistically significantly had poor food consumption behavior. Conclusion: The main variables that significantly influenced food consumption behavior in vocational high school students were level of knowledge, family income, and the role of parents. This study may serve as input for public health decision-makers to improve health promotion to the students in the school. Keywords: food consumption behavior; knowledge; student; COVID-1


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    HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus Syndrome) is a global problem that has hit the world, including our country, Indonesia, which has an increase in cases reported every year.  The high rates of HIV/AIDS cases in North Sumatra is a serious problem that must be addressed to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS, especially among teenagers who are in the vulnerable age group with risky behavior.  The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of knowledge and attitudes of teenagers towards HIV/AIDS prevention.  The research method used is a quasi-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test with a total sample of 59 people.  Data analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon test.  The results of this study showed that knowledge affects the treatment of counseling with a p-value of 0.000 and attitudes affect the treatment given with a p-value of 0.000.  The conclusion of this study is that peer education affects the level of knowledge and attitudes of teenagers in Kelurahan Dwikora. Suggestions in this study are for teenagers to update HIV/AIDS information and active in sharing information with the surrounding environment for HIV/AIDS prevention

    Analysis of Knowledge on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior of Kelambir Villagers

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    Access to clean water, eradicating mosquito larvae, and understanding the impact of smoking at home are crucial factors influencing the health and well-being of communities worldwide. These issues are especially pertinent in areas where knowledge and resources may be limited. The village of Kelambir is one such community where these concerns are paramount. This research aims to shed light on the knowledge and behavior of Kelambir Village residents regarding these key health determinants. Data was collected through questionnaires from 103 respondents interviewed. The results showed that the majority of respondents (89.3%) utilized clean water and had taken proactive steps to eradicate mosquito larvae (69.9%). Despite these positive actions, there were still respondents who depended on unsafe water sources (7.8%) and had not consistently taken measures against mosquito larvae (30.1%). Furthermore, approximately 55.3% of the respondents reported smoking at home, emphasizing a behavior that can significantly increase the risk of respiratory diseases.Keywords: Knowledge, Kelambir Village, PHB


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    HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus Syndrome) is a global problem that has hit the world, including our country, Indonesia, which has an increase in cases reported every year.  The high rates of HIV/AIDS cases in North Sumatra is a serious problem that must be addressed to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS, especially among teenagers who are in the vulnerable age group with risky behavior.  The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of knowledge and attitudes of teenagers towards HIV/AIDS prevention.  The research method used is a quasi-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test with a total sample of 59 people.  Data analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon test.  The results of this study showed that knowledge affects the treatment of counseling with a p-value of 0.000 and attitudes affect the treatment given with a p-value of 0.000.  The conclusion of this study is that peer education affects the level of knowledge and attitudes of teenagers in Kelurahan Dwikora. Suggestions in this study are for teenagers to update HIV/AIDS information and active in sharing information with the surrounding environment for HIV/AIDS prevention


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    Pestisida digunakan dalam pertanian sayuran untuk mengendalikan hama, tetapi penggunaan yang tidak tepat dapat membahayakan kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan. Di Kabupaten Trimurjo, sentra pertanian padi yang signifikan, pestisida banyak digunakan. Karena sebagian besar dari 1.596 penduduk adalah petani, risiko penyalahgunaan pestisida lebih tinggi, yang mengakibatkan keracunan dan pencemaran lingkungan. Dalam analisis cross-sectional ini, 100 responden dipilih secara acak. Temuan menunjukkan 38% petani memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang pestisida, sementara 62% kurang memahami. Demikian pula, 42% menunjukkan sikap positif, sedangkan 58% menunjukkan sikap negatif. Perilaku aktual menunjukkan 47% mematuhi praktik yang benar, 53% praktik salah. Analisis Chi Square menegaskan hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku (p <0,05). Temuan ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya peningkatan pengawasan dan penyuluhan tentang penggunaan pestisida bagi petani. Dengan memberikan panduan yang tepat, petani dapat lebih memahami cara penggunaan pestisida yang tepat, sehingga meminimalkan risiko keracunan dan kerusakan lingkungan. Meningkatkan kesadaran dan pendidikan tentang penggunaan pestisida yang bertanggung jawab dapat berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap praktik pertanian yang lebih aman dan berkelanjutan di wilayah tersebut. Sebagai kesimpulan, penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya peran pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku dalam penggunaan pestisida di kalangan petani. Dengan mempromosikan praktik pestisida yang tepat dan menumbuhkan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang risiko yang terkait, kita dapat mengupayakan sektor pertanian yang lebih aman dan ramah lingkungan di Kabupaten Trimurjo