330 research outputs found

    An Inquiry into the Development Strategy Adjustment of Xiamen Mingfa Shopping Mall

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    摘要 购物中心的出现是传统零售业的一次重大革命,不仅实现了传统零售业与地产业等相关产业的有机融合,而且改变了人们的生活方式。购物中心具有开发建设周期长、资金需求量多、建筑规模大、业态复合度高等特点,要成功开发经营购物中心极为不易,需要丰富的相关专业理论知识和丰富的实践经验。 厦门明发商业广场是一家集购物、旅游、休闲、娱乐等功能于一体的超大型综合性购物中心,虽然前期开发、宣传、招商相当成功,但开业不久便深陷困局,进而引发业主上访、商家上诉等问题。如何让明发商业广场尽快摆脱目前的经营困境,使其走上健康发展的轨道,社会各方十分关注。 本文笔者2008年初曾作为厦门市贸发局牵头成立的明发商业...Abstract The emergence of shopping mall is an important revolution in traditional retail industry, which not only integrates traditional retail industry with other related industry such as real estate but also changes the life style of people. Due to the long period of the construction of a shopping mall, the great demand of fund, the big construction size and the complicated industrial comp...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:2005130152

    A Study on the Motive and Performance of Mergers and Acquisitions by China’s Listed Companies

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    本文在国内学者现有的研究基础之上,基于我国上市公司丰富多元的制度背景,更为全面地考察我国上市公司的并购动因与绩效。通过回顾我国上市公司与证券市场的发展历程,论文分别对国有控股上市公司和民营上市公司的基本治理特征进行梳理,即我国国有控股上司公司存在“政府干预”与“内部人控制”的双重治理特征,而民营上市公司集中体现了“大股东控制”的基本特征。 基于不同类型上市公司的治理机制,本文分别就“政府干预”、“大股东控制”对公司并购行为的影响机制进行理论分析,在此基础上提出了我国上市公司“掏空”和“支持”的并购动因,同时对不同类型上市公司的并购绩效差异提出了研究假设。 论文最后以1999-2004年我国...Against the background of diversified institutions of China’s listed companies and based on the current research conducted by Chinese researchers, this dissertation aims to do a more comprehensive study on the motive and performance of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) by listed companies in China. By reviewing the course of development of China's listed companies as well as the securities marke...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融工程学号:B20034202

    Analysis on the SMEs Policy in Singapore since Southeast Asian Financial Crisis

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    中小企业在新加坡经济发展过程中一直扮演着重要的角色。本文以1997年东南亚金融危机以来新加坡政府中小企业政策为主线,通过新加坡政府中小企业政策来透视1997~2008年期间中小企业变化和发展状况。尽管1997年金融危机对新加坡中小企业冲击较大,但由于新加坡政府多举措的大力支持,新加坡中小企业在这10年中都得到较快的恢复并迅速发展,尤其是新加坡中小企业国际化步伐的加快,对中国中小企业走出去具有借鉴意义。SMEs have been playing an important role in the economic growth of Singapore.Taking the SMEs Policy in Singapore since 1997’s Southeast Asian financial crisis as the breakthrough point,this paper tries to analyze the transformation and features of SMEs during 1997~2008.Compared to those in other Southeast Asian countries,the SMEs in Singapore recovered faster and achieved rapid development in this decade because of the strong support by the government of Singapore.They are speeding up the process of internationalization nowadays.All of these mean a lot for Chinese SMEs going out

    An Analysis on Chinese SMEs in Singapore Since Southeast Asian Financial Crisis

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    在东南亚各国中新加坡是唯一华族人口占绝大多数的国家,华人经济在新加坡经济发展过程中一直占据重要的地位。本文以1997年东南亚金融危机以来新加坡华人中小企业变化发展为主线,对1997—2008年期间,新加坡华人中小企业变化和发展状况及特点进行分析。尽管1997年金融危机对新加坡华人中小企业冲击较大,但相对东南亚其他国家华人企业而言,新加坡华人中小企业在这十年中得到较快的恢复并迅速发展,尤其是新加坡华人中小企业国际化步伐的加快,对中国中小企业走出去具有重要的借鉴意义。Ethnic Chinese have been playing an important role in the economic growth of Singapore,which is the only Southeast Asian country where ethnic Chinese account for the most majority in its total population.The rapid development of SMEs in Singapore has attracted wide attention in recent years.Considering the development of the Chinese SMEs in Singapore since 1997's Southeast Asian financial crisis as the breakthrough point,this paper tries to analyze the transformation and the features of them in 1997-2008.Compared with the other Southeast Asian countries,the Chinese SMEs in Singapore recovered faster and achieved rapid development in this decade,although they were hit harder in the financial crisis.Nowadays,they are speeding up the process of internationalization.All of these experiences are worth learning for the Chinese Mainland SMEs.国家社科基金项目“东南亚华族与其他移民族群国家认同、族别认同的比较研究”(08BMZ032


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    近几年来国内关于企业多元化经营的争议很激烈这些争议大多是从定性 角度讨论企业专业化经营的优劣采用的是案例研究方法本文则从实证角度出 发力图找出现阶段多元化经营对公司价值的影响结果以衡量现阶段多元化经 营能否增加公司价值 本文样本取自19961998年沪深A股选取19961998年的年报数据和两 市A股19961998年各年的年末收盘价格将研究样本总体按不同条件进行分 类具体地按是否进行多元化经营将样本分为多元化经营公司和专业化经营公 司按公司的资产规模大小将样本分为四类对可能影响公司溢价的总资产资 产负债率多元化经营指数或经营业务数量销售的Herfindahl指数总销 售额等...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:19971501

    Android-based Chinese intelligent chat robot

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    摘要: 随着科学技术不断发展,人类社会生活不断的信息化,智能化生活对社会产生巨大影响。人们希望能通过自然语言与计算机进行交流,智能聊天机器人就是在这样的历史背景下诞生的新时代产物。它是一种通过自然语言同人进行交流的人机对话系统。美国苹果率先研发了一款名为Siri的智能聊天机器人。Siri可以令iPhone4S变身为一台智能化机器人,利用Siri用户可以通过手机读短信、介绍餐厅、询问天气、语音设置闹钟等。Siri可以支持自然语言输入,并且可以调用系统自带的天气预报、日程安排、搜索资料等应用。还能够不断学习新的声音和语调,提供对话式的应答。因此我想在Android系统也开发一个与Siri类似的可...Abstract: With the development of science and technology, human social life of informatization unceasingly, intelligent life have a big impact to the society. People hope to be able to through natural language communicate with computer, intelligent chat robot was born in such a historical background of the new era. It is a natural language through submission for the man-machine dialogue in c...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_计算机技术学号:X200922101

    IT Service Strategy Research Report of FFCS

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    全业务竞争时代,各大电信运营商已经根据自身在全业务竞争下的优劣势制定差异化的竞争策略。在承接了CDMA网络之后,中国电信拥有了固话、数据、互联网、增值业务和CDMA五张具有不同特性的网络。同时,中国电信聚焦客户的品牌战略(我的E家、商务领航和天翼),又构造了面向三个不同群体的全业务架构,这一切都对IT支撑提出了很高的要求;电信企业关注的核心竞争力也从规模投资实力转向市场营销能力,搭建以客户服务为中心的电信IT支撑系统,已经成为中国电信提高核心竞争力的重要战略措施。本论文所要论述的电信IT支撑服务主要指的是电信IT支撑系统建设支撑服务,也是中国电信在信息化建设工作中最重要的一块支撑服务业务。 ...The whole business competition era, the major telecom operators have according to their own advantages and disadvantages in the whole business competition, establish the competitive strategy of differentiation. After receiving the CDMA network, China Telecom has a telephone, data, Internet, value-added services and CDMA five with different characteristics of the network. At the same time, China T...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200915618

    A tax design on possession of real estate in China -A property-tax-oriented reform based on the perspective of general property fees

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    物业税改革是我国税制改革的重要内容之一,长期以来,理论界和实务界都对物业税改革的各种问题展开了大量的研究、探讨和实践。但是迄今为止,物业税改革仍未付诸实施,其难度可想而知。其原因既包括物业税本身改革的复杂性,也包括了许多人对物业税理论认识存在偏差。鉴于此,从税收学基本原理出发,研究物业税的本质,并在此基础上设计出适合中国国情的物业税税制,对于推进我国新一轮税制改革,健全现有的财产税税制体系,提供稳定的地方财政收入,解决县乡财政困难,完善分税制具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。 本文从税收学基本原理出发,首次比较系统地基于“大物业费”的视角研究我国房地产保有环节税收制度的改革,重新审视“物业税”这...Property tax reform is an important part of the tax reform in China. A lot of research, discussion and practice have been carried out on this topic. But so far the reform has not come into effect, which shows the difficulty in its enforcement. Reasons for that difficulty may be the complicity of the reform itself and the cognitive deviation of many about the theory of property tax. To address this...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_财政学(含税收学)学号:1552007115005