926 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Flipped Classroom Management System Based on .NET

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    翻转课堂是一种新的学习模式。学生从老师手中获得学习决定权,课堂内和课外的时间也被重新调整。翻转课堂分为课前和课中两个阶段,课前学生抱着问题去在线观看视频进行学习,课堂上主要进行的活动是讨论答疑和阶段效果检查。学生自主课外学习时间一般大于在课堂内的集中教学,课堂内的面对面教学主要起督促学生自主学习进程的作用。学生自主学习的主要形式是通过观看视频教学进行学习和复习,自主的去掌握新知识。翻转教学研究的火热得益于教育技术研究的发展以及互联网技术的日新月异。高校翻转课堂系统的实现,一般功能单一,甚至要结合多个系统才能完成翻转课堂的教学工作。目前的在线教学一般是B/S模式,对C/S模式探索较少,B/S模式...Inverted Classroom is a new learning model. Students gain study decisions away from the teacher, classroom and extracurricular time has also been reset. It divided into two parts one is before class and another is after class. Before class students holding a problem to watch online video to study, main activities are discussed in class and the study effect inspects. Students' autonomous learning t...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323096

    The Research on the Shareholder Wealth Effect of the Private Placement in the Neeq of China

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    2013年新三板市场扩容至全国范围,短短几年内新三板市场挂牌的企业数量已超过万家,成为我国多层次资本市场的重要组成部分。为了解决挂牌企业融资的问题,新三板市场借鉴A股市场,将定向增发引入挂牌公司,与上市公司实施定向增发相比,挂牌公司实施定向增发的条件更为宽松、手续更加简便,极大满足了挂牌公司融资难、融资贵的问题。从2015年起,新三板市场已经完成6,738次定向增发,累计为挂牌公司募集资金3,171.85亿元,成为新三板挂牌公司融资的主要渠道,极大程度上满足了新三板挂牌公司融资的需求。本文通过研究新三板定向增发的股东财富效应能够为挂牌公司、投资者实现利益最大化、为监管机构制定符合市场规律的规章...2013 neeq expansion to a nationwide, just a few years neeq market listing number of enterprises has more than 10,000, as China's multi-level capital market an important part. In order to solve the problem of financing listed companies, neeq market draws on the A-share market, will be introduced into the listed companies, and listed companies to implement private placement compared to listed compan...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:K124209


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    Research on X Enterprise’s Inventory Strategy under Multi-channels Environment

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    随着互联网技术的普及,越来越多的企业发现电子渠道的独特优势,传统企业开始利用电子商务以增加企业在供应链中的份额和竞争力。然而电子渠道与实体渠道之间的协调向来是个难题,一旦协调不善,电子渠道和传统渠道可能会丧失自身的优势,反而成为企业的累赘,给企业带来巨大的损失。 本文以制造商X企业的库存策略现状及存在的问题出发,结合多渠道运作系统中不同的分销渠道,对X企业的订货策略进行了分析研究,构建了多渠道供应链结构模型,描述X企业开辟电子市场后的分散库存策略运作模式,在此基础上提出两个新的库存策略:制造商集中库存以同时满足传统、电子直营渠道的需求;制造商与经销商联合管理库存,由制造商的中央仓库满足所有渠...With the population of Internet technology, more and more companies recognize the unique advantages of e-channels and have started to increase their benefit by using e-commerce. However, the coordination of e-channels and physical channels is a problem. Once electronic channels and physical channels have poor coordination, both of them may lose their own advantages, become enterprises’ burden and ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院_物流工程学号:1772011115109

    Design and Implementation of Member Credits Management System of Mobile Phone Shop

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    随着企业经营环境的不断变化和竞争的日益加剧,如何规范管理来取得更大的销售利润已成为企业的当务之急,其管理水平的高低已经成为获取销售利润的关键因素。因为消费者的对某一商家的忠诚不是与生俱来的,商家要获得消费者的忠诚必须靠有效的方法去争取。有计划的、系统性的让消费者忠诚于自己的商品已成为现代企业具有战略高度的营销策略规划原则之一。利用信息技术发展的成果,设计手机卖场会员积分管理系统经营维护好消费者的忠诚度,是众多与时俱进商家一心谋略计划准备做的事,一旦积分管理系统被有效建立和充分利用,它将在市场经济的激烈残酷争夺中,给企业带来超乎想象的竞争优势。 本文在简略概述手机卖场会员积分管理系统的研究背景...With the constant change of the enterprise management environment and more and more fierce market competition, it has become a top priority that how to standardize management makes more sales profits to the enterprise.At the same time , The level of its management has become a key factor to obtain profit. Because of the consumer to a merchant's loyalty is not innate, businesses must rely on the ef...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123055

    On the Pattern and Meaning of the Identification of Civil Norms

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    如果把法治界定为规则之治,那么,从逻辑上讲,法治的实现便可转换为法律规则的实现。而法律规则的实现,从主体心理角度看,仰赖于人们对它的情感体验和价值认同(简称规则认同)。人类对于规则的认同主要通过两种不同的模式,即超验模式与经验模式。前者通过信仰来实现认同,后者则通过主体的参与来实现认同。在这个“脱魅”的时代,借助信仰来实现认同的方式已基本不再适用,或者说,至少不能再像前现代社会那样作为主要的认同模式而存在,因此,强调主体参与的经验模式之价值和意义便凸显出来。民间法的规则认同模式正是经验模式的“活化石”,通过对它的研究,我们也许可以找到解决当今法治领域中规则认同问题的钥匙。Nomocracy can be seen as the implementation of legal norms if nomocracy is defined as rule by law. From the point of view of psychology, the implementation of norms is based on people's identification with it, which includes two basic patterns or ways: one is experimental, and the other is transcendental. In times when "God is dead", the transcendental pattern of identification with norms cannot be universally accepted in legal practice. That is, the experiment pattern is the better way nowadays. So, we may find out the way to improve people's identification with legal norms by studying the identification pattern of civil norms because it is typically experimental

    Participation of Association in American Higher Education Governance——A Study on the American Association of University Professors

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    随着中国改革的深入和“第三部门”的兴起,非营利组织的研究越来越受到学界的重视。在高等教育领域,非营利组织对高等教育治理的参与获得了越来越多的关注。但是我国的教育组织发展状况并不明朗,对教育的实际参与度不高,需要多向成功的组织学习,所以本研究选取美国大学教授协会作为研究对象,通过对其的深入分析,研究其参与教育治理的方式,让我们可以进一步了解这个协会,学习其成功的参与高等教育治理的经验。 本研究主要由六个部分组成。绪论部分主要对选题缘由与研究价值、文献综述、研究方法和研究框架等基本问题做出阐释。第一章是美国大学教授协会的产生动力及历史沿革。协会推动了美国大学高等教育质量的提高,它的产生是受当时政...With the development of reform and ‘third sector’, scholars pay more and more attentions to the non-profit organizations. In the realm of higher education, the participation of non-profit organizations in higher education is a new trend. But, in China, organizations of education don’t have a good development. Their participation in education is not active and fruitful. Learning is important for th...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_教育史学号:2572010115174

    A Study on China’s Export Diversification Evolution Determinants and Its Economic Growth Effect

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    出口作为拉动国家经济增长的三架马车之一,对一国的经济增长发挥了举足轻重的作用。一些国家通过出口导向型的战略摆脱了贫困,并创造了经济增长的奇迹。但是如果一国仅仅注重出口的扩张,而不注重对出口商品结构的转变,出口贸易的增长并不会给一国经济带来持续稳定的增长。如,一些国家凭借其丰富的自然资源出口初级产品,最终却陷入了贫困化增长的陷阱,还有一些国家通过出口多样化的商品,实现了经济的腾飞。如今,出口多样化已成为许多发展中国家拉动经济增长的战略选择。 中国作为发展中的大国,在深度融入经济全球化过程中,面临经济新常态下实施出口多样化战略具有重要的意义。本文基于中国出口贸易和经济发展水平的客观事实,重点分析...Export is very important to a country’s economic growth. Some countries got rid of poverty by export-oriented strategy and created the economic growth miracle. If a country only pays attention to export expansion, but does not pay attention to the change of export commodity structure, the country will not get a sustained and stable economic growth. Some countries which had rich natural resources f...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_国际贸易学学号:1572012015361