On the Pattern and Meaning of the Identification of Civil Norms


如果把法治界定为规则之治,那么,从逻辑上讲,法治的实现便可转换为法律规则的实现。而法律规则的实现,从主体心理角度看,仰赖于人们对它的情感体验和价值认同(简称规则认同)。人类对于规则的认同主要通过两种不同的模式,即超验模式与经验模式。前者通过信仰来实现认同,后者则通过主体的参与来实现认同。在这个“脱魅”的时代,借助信仰来实现认同的方式已基本不再适用,或者说,至少不能再像前现代社会那样作为主要的认同模式而存在,因此,强调主体参与的经验模式之价值和意义便凸显出来。民间法的规则认同模式正是经验模式的“活化石”,通过对它的研究,我们也许可以找到解决当今法治领域中规则认同问题的钥匙。Nomocracy can be seen as the implementation of legal norms if nomocracy is defined as rule by law. From the point of view of psychology, the implementation of norms is based on people's identification with it, which includes two basic patterns or ways: one is experimental, and the other is transcendental. In times when "God is dead", the transcendental pattern of identification with norms cannot be universally accepted in legal practice. That is, the experiment pattern is the better way nowadays. So, we may find out the way to improve people's identification with legal norms by studying the identification pattern of civil norms because it is typically experimental

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