1,489 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Online Mall Based on Mobile Internet

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    在电子商务浪潮的推动下,网络购物以其高效、便捷的优势,成为经济全球化和全球信息化的一个重要领域。近年来,随着移动互联网技术的出现和不断完善,特别是智能手机的广泛普及,移动电子商务将成为电子商务发展的生力军。因此,适应移动互联网时代人们的消费习惯,发展移动端在线交易商城是大势所趋。 基于上述背景分下,本文设计和实现一套基于安卓的移动商城,系统分为客户端和服务端两个子系统。客户端子系统基于安卓平台和Java语言,可支持用户的注册登录、商品的浏览和排序、商品的搜索和分类、订单的查看和购物车等功能;服务端子系统基于B/S架构,采用MVC模式,可实现用户管理、订单管理、权限管理等功能。论文遵循软件工程...In the e-commerce wave, driven its efficient and convenient advantages, online shopping has become an important area of economic globalization and information technology. In recent years, with the advent of mobile Internet technology and continuous improvement, especially in the wide spread of smart phones, mobile e-commerce has become a force in e-commerce development. Therefore, to adapt to the ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323077


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    福建省科委基金资助项目 (K20096);福建省自然科学基金项目;国家中医药管理局项目 (2000-J-P-40

    Seed Phytosanitary Regulations

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    The harmonization of seed policies and regulations in the ASARECA member countries is the first step toward creating a seed market that is large enough to attract investment by local and international investors who will provide the quantity, quality and variety of improved seed to meet the region’s growing demands. Since September 1999, ASARECA with support from USAID has supported a pilot project through ECAPAPA in the East African Community (EAC) countries of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda on five specific areas, namely - phytosanitary regulations - seed certification - plant variety protection - laws and regulations governing the seed trade - variety evaluation, release and registration. Each of these areas is the subject of a policy briefThe harmonization of seed policies and regulations in the ASARECA member countries is the first step toward creating a seed market that is large enough to attract investment by local and international investors..

    Coil tuning detection module design of magnetic resonance imaging

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    线圈作为磁共振成像系统的重要组成部分,其性能直接影响成像质量。为了尽可能保证信噪比和图像质量,探测前需进行线圈调谐。调谐时,通过微调线圈的共振频率和阻抗两个参数,使线圈共振频率与拉莫尔频率一致,线圈和前放电路阻抗匹配。本文设计了一种线圈调谐的检测模块,阐述了模块的工作原理和软硬件设计。模块包括测量、处理两个部分,其中采用STM32采集电压数据,通过数据转换后用液晶屏显示实时波形。实际结果表明,此检测模块不仅延续了上位机调谐显示直观清晰的优点,而且兼具独立数码显示表的操作便捷的优点。Coil as an important part of magnetic resonance imaging system,its performance directly effects the imaging quality.In order to ensure the signal-to-noise and image quality as much as possible,it must tune before detect.When tuning,it make the coil resonance frequency is consistent whit the larmor frequency,coil and the circuit impedance matching by tuning the coli frequency and impedance.In this paper,we design a coil tuning detection module,elaborated the principle of module and design of software and hardware.This module includes two parts:measurement and processing. Use STM32 to collect the data of voltage,and display real-time waveform by LCD screen.It turned out that this module not only has the advantage of intuitive and clear by upper machine tuning,and both has the advantage of convenient operation.国家自然科学基金(11175149)资助项

    Research on the Indirect Expropriation in the Bilateral Investment Treaty of China

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    我国已成为世界上第二大经济实体,且根据《世界投资报告2014》的数据显示,我国对外直接投资总额已连续两年蝉联世界排名前三甲。而在经济高速增长的同时,我国也可能面临诸多双边投资纠纷。 本文的主题是双边投资协定中的“间接征收”,笔者分别从三个部分对间接征收进行了探讨: 第一章是间接征收的概念和界定,本章从国内外学者对“间接征收”的研究出发,对间接征收的历史渊源进行了简要的介绍,随后对“间接征收”的概念和认定进行了梳理,根据所阅著作、论文等文献,介绍了理论上关于间接征收概念的三种学说:“单独行为效果说”、“目的说”、“效果与目的综合说”。 第二章是我国双边投资协定中间接征收规定,本章从我国与外...Our country has been the second largest economic entity in the world. According to the figures of the world investment report in 2014, the total amount of foreign direct investment of China has been the top three in the world for two consecutive years. However, with the rapid growth of economy, China may also confront with many bilateral investment disputes. The topic of this article is “indire...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:1302012115018

    Research and Fabrication of Opto-mechanical Systems of New UV Spectrophotometer

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    光谱分析检测技术和光谱仪器经历了近百年的发展,在现代科学实验、生物研究、医学及医药研究、工农业生产、国防、天文观测等领域得到了极其广泛的应用。随着现代科学技术的飞速发展,作为光谱仪中的一种,传统的紫外分光光度计采用光电倍增管作为光电接收器件,并配以波长扫描机构实现波长扫描,该类仪器结构复杂、体积大、光谱扫描时间长,己经不能满足当前发展的需要。许多研究、应用领域对分光光度计提出了微小型化、快速化、使用方便灵活、性能价格比高等更高要求。 本论文研制了一款一次性全光谱测量的新型紫外分光光度计。与传统的紫外可见分光光度计相比,本研制的新型的紫外可见分光光度计具有以下独特的优点: 1)采用CCD为光...Spectrum analysis-detecton and spectrometer has been widely used in many fields, such as modern scientific experiments, biological research, medicine and pharmacy, industrial and agriculture production, national defense and astronomical observation. With the development of the modern techniques, as one of spectrometer, in the traditional UV spectrophotometers PMTs are used as the receiver, and a ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_精密仪器及机械学号:1992006115185

    A Study of Compliance Risk Management of Commericial Banks

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    合规,是指使商业银行的经营活动与法律、法规和准则相一致。合规风险管理日益受到大型商业银行、各国银行监管机构以及巴塞尔银行监管委员会等国际组织的重视,不仅成为国际大型商业银行实施全面风险管理的关键,而且合规风险管理成为国际上大多数银行的一项重要风险管理措施。长期以来,我国商业银行只注重对信用风险的管理以及相关的内部控制建设,对全面风险管理和合规风险管理缺乏必要的认识,因此,我国商业银行在合规风险管理的内容、手段以及合规文化建设方面与国际大型商业银行相比有着相当大的差距。针对中资商业银行在合规风险管理中存在的突出问题,笔者提出了加强我国银行业合规风险管理的若干建议。Banking compliance refers to the compliance of all the business activities with laws,regulations and rules. International large banks,regulatory entities of all countries and international regulatory organizations are increasingly focusing on compliance risk management. With the promotion of international supervisory organizations as Basel Committee,compliance risk management has become not only t...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X20041111

    The Micro DC Motor Testing System Based on the Spectral Analysis of Steady-state Current

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    微型直流电机具有结构简单、控制方便、工作稳定、制造成本低廉的特点,因而成为各种机械电子系统的关键执行部件和主要驱动部件,广泛应用工业生产和社会生活的各个领域,随着社会自动化程度的提高和现代微型直流电机制造水平的提高,微型直流电机的应用范围和产量将会不断扩大。微型直流电机是系统设备的核心部件,一旦发生故障,影响面甚广,因此必须严格保证电机的出厂质量。针对目前微型直流电机的出厂质量主要依靠人工检测的问题,本文将设计一种可以对微型直流电机进行在线检测的自动化设备。 经研究发现,微型直流电机如果在制造的过程中出现故障,其电枢的起动电流信号和稳态电流信号会出现异常。本文在详细分析永磁直流电机数学模型的...Misco DC motor has characteristics of simple structure、easy to control、working stably、low manufacturing cost,So it s widely used as critical execution unit and principal drive element in Electro-Mechanical systems, Misco DC motor covers many fields of industrial manufacture and social life. With the improvement of the degree of automation and the quality of Misco DC motor, it can expand consi...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_精密仪器及机械学号:1992011115273

    Marketing Strategy Analysis of China Unicom in 3G Service

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    中国联合网络通信集团有限公司(以下简称中国联通)于2009年1月6日在原中国网通和原中国联通的基础上合并而成,在国内31个省(自治区、直辖市)和境外多个国家和地区设有分支机构,是中国唯一一家同时在纽约、香港、上海三地上市的电信运营企业。 中国联通拥有覆盖全国、通达世界的现代通信网络,主要经营:固定通信业务,移动通信业务,国内、国际通信设施服务业务,卫星国际专线业务、数据通信业务、网络接入业务和各类电信增值业务,与通信信息业务相关的系统集成业务等。2009年1月7日,中国联通获得了WCDMA制式的3G牌照。 中国联通WCDMA3G业务能够提供包括可视电话、手机上网、手机音乐、手机电视、手机阅...China United Network Communications Corporation Limited (China Unicom for short)was established in 19th July 1994, merged by the former China Unicom and China Network Communications Corporation(CNC).It has more than three hundred branch companies in 31 domestic provinces (including autonomous region and municipalities) and many countries and area overseas, and is the only one listed telecom compan...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20041544