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    症例は30歳男性で、左側完全唇顎口蓋裂を伴って出生し、これまでに口唇形成術、口蓋形成術、口唇外鼻修正術、顎裂部腸骨移植術などが施行されてきた。30歳時に口唇外鼻の変形に対する治療を希望して来院した。口腔内所見では、顎裂相当部に瘢痕を認めたが、鼻口腔瘻は認められなかった。咬合はAngle Class Iで左側前歯部は舌側傾斜に伴う反対咬合を呈していた。口唇口蓋裂(左側完全唇顎口蓋裂)、口唇外鼻二次変形と診断した。患者と相談し、全身麻酔下で顎裂部骨移植と鼻翼部軟骨移植を同時併用した口唇外鼻修正術を施行した。術式は、はじめに顎裂部骨移植術から施行した。口腔内の顎裂部を明示させ、骨の陥凹を確認した後に、左側下顎枝から自家骨を採取した。自家骨は陥凹部のみならず、健側梨状口下縁の高さに合わせて、患側梨状口側縁から上顎洞側壁にかけて移植し、吸収性プレートにて固定した。次に耳介軟骨移植による外鼻修正術を施行した。耳介軟骨を採取した後、両側鼻孔から鼻柱にかけて切開を加えて、確実な明視下に鼻翼軟骨の整復と耳介軟骨の移植を行い終術とした。術後、患側の外鼻孔底と鼻翼基部は健側とほぼ同じ高さとなり、鼻翼基部の陥凹も改善したことで、患者の満足が得られた


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    香港婦女基金會何郭佩珍耆康中心致力推動長者老有所為,自我增值。此研究旨在了解中心會員參與班組及義工的情況,並思考如何增加其參與度。中心鼓勵會員從單向接收知識增值至學以致用,但事與願遺,暫時會員傾向只作為服務使用者參加班組,但很少作為服務提供者參與義務工作及自務義工活動。研究指出儘管會員都知道個人在社群的義務,包括伸手助人、弘揚傳統、貢獻社區,但他們都多在乎自身,如時間運用、身體狀況等,少有推己及人,未能從自助跨越到互助而達致增值。在眾多活動的選擇中,他們找不到充分的理由去選擇參與義工服務。研究認為中心在鼓勵服務使用者在接受服務後馬上成為義工的轉變過程中已遇到困難,應將服務使用者循序漸進引導成為服務組織者。研究亦發現中心會員普遍具有高中教育水平和心境年齡年輕的義工活動參與基礎,中心需加強為會員帶來價值觀的改變,讓會員明白義務工作可得到成就、尊重、認同。這些認知有助成為會員參與義工服務的動機,最終促使他們從服務使用者轉變成為服務提供者。 Hong Kong Women Foundation Ho Kwok Pui Chun Social Centre for the Elderly strives to promote active ageing among the elderly to enable them to self-enhancement. The study aimed at understanding the situation of the current participation of the Centre’s members in courses and voluntary works, as well as seeking solutions in promoting their level of participation in the aforementioned aspects. The Centre encouraged its member to progress from a recipient of knowledge into a wielder of knowledge, but the reality went contrary to the Centre’s wishes. It was found that the members tended to act as service users by joining courses but seldom work as service providers by participating in organizing voluntary services. The study found that even though the members understand their duties within their community including giving a helping hand, promoting traditional values, and contributing to the community, they care more about themselves in terms of time and comfort, that they seldom consider enhancing themselves through providing assistance to others. They do not have any, or they do not have a strong enough reason to choose volunteering out of many options. Based on the fact that the Centre has already encountered resistance in transforming users into volunteers, the study suggested that the Centre should not attempt to jump the users into service organisers but gradually. However, the study found that many members of the Centre possess a high education level and a young psychological state, which are the bases for voluntary participation. The Centre is recommended to bring a change of value to its member. The members should be inculcated with the mindset that voluntary works are rewarded with achievement, respect, and recognition, which are the motivation of becoming volunteers. Over time, service users will escalate into operative participants and then organizational participants

    下腿浮腫、脂肪肝を契機に発見された巨大胃空腸横行結腸瘻の1例 : 本邦報告例92例の文献的考察

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    症例は48歳、男性。平成16年に十二指腸潰瘍穿孔に対して当院で幽門側胃切除術(Billroth II 法再建)を施行した。平成24年6月に心窩部痛を主訴に当科を受診し胃空腸吻合部に潰瘍を認め、proton pump inhibitorの内服を開始したが平成25年1月より通院を自己中断した。平成26年8月から下腿浮腫を自覚し同年10月に当院を受診した。全身浮腫を認め、同日当院循環器内科に入院となったが、入院時の腹部単純CT にて脂肪肝および腹水貯留、血液検査で肝胆道系酵素上昇、重度の低栄養を伴っており翌日当科転科となり精査を行った。肝生検では著明な脂肪肝を認めるのみであったが、上部消化管内視鏡検査および腹部造影CT で吻合部空腸と横行結腸の瘻孔形成を認めた。吻合部潰瘍の増悪に伴う胃空腸横行結腸瘻と診断し、当院外科にて胃空腸吻合部切除(Roux-en Y 法再建)を施行され、術後標本で47mm の瘻孔を認めた。術後栄養状態は改善し、脂肪肝および吻合部潰瘍の再発なく経過している

    Observation results by the TAMA300 detector on gravitational wave bursts from stellar-core collapses

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    We present data-analysis schemes and results of observations with the TAMA300 gravitational-wave detector, targeting burst signals from stellar-core collapse events. In analyses for burst gravitational waves, the detection and fake-reduction schemes are different from well-investigated ones for a chirp-wave analysis, because precise waveform templates are not available. We used an excess-power filter for the extraction of gravitational-wave candidates, and developed two methods for the reduction of fake events caused by non-stationary noises of the detector. These analysis schemes were applied to real data from the TAMA300 interferometric gravitational wave detector. As a result, fake events were reduced by a factor of about 1000 in the best cases. The resultant event candidates were interpreted from an astronomical viewpoint. We set an upper limit of 2.2x10^3 events/sec on the burst gravitational-wave event rate in our Galaxy with a confidence level of 90%. This work sets a milestone and prospects on the search for burst gravitational waves, by establishing an analysis scheme for the observation data from an interferometric gravitational wave detector