194 research outputs found

    Research on Fuzzy Assessment of Supporting Regional Sustainable Development——A Case Study in Shanghai Chemical Industry Zones

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    可持续发展是一个系统工程,它包括环境、经济、社会三个可持续发展子系统,只有三个子系统相互起良性作用,相互增值,在结构、功能上相协调,区域才能真正实现全面、协调、可持续发展。而环境可持续应当在区域可持续发展中先行。传统EIA的缺陷和实施可持续发展战略的迫切要求是SEA产生的根本原因。区域开发规划EIA属于区域SEA,为规划层次上的SEA,也是SEA在中国目前的主要应用形式。传统项目EIA研究的是项目建设和运行期间的环境影响,关注的是“代内公平”;而可持续发展除了关注“代内公平”外,更加关注“代际公平”。规划EIA是把可持续原则的实施从宏观的区域规划战略落实到实际的、可操作的具体项目的桥梁,是可持...Sustainable development is a systematic engineering,including environment,economic and society three branch systems.Only three branch systems causing positive effection and increasing in value mutually,harmonizing in constructure and function can region realize all-round,sustainable development genuinely,and environmental sustainable development should be put on the first step in regional sustaina...学位:工学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学研究中心_环境科学学号:20023400


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    设G=(V,E)是一个连通图.边集SE,如果G-S不连通且G-S的每个连通分支至少有2个点,则称S是一个限制性边割.限制性边连通度λ′(G)就是G的最小限制性边割的基数.如果限制性边割存在,则称G是λ′-连通的.如果λ′(G)=ξ(G),则G是λ′-最优或者极大限制性边连通的,其中ξ(G)=min{|[X,Y]|:XV,|X|=2,G[X]连通}.图G的逆度是指R(G)=∑_v∈V 1/d(v).在此基础上,主要得到了:如果G是λ′-连通围长大于等于5的n阶图,且δ(G)≥2,如果R(G)小于某个关于最小度和顶点数的值,则G是λ′-最优的.对于不含钻石的图也得到了类似的结果.国家自然科学基金(11301440,11771362);;福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(JAT160350);;福建省自然科学基金(2015J05017

    On k-Strong Distance in Strong Oriented Graphs

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    对强连通有向图D的一个非空顶点子集S,D中包含S的具有最少弧数的强连通有向子图称为S的S teiner子图,S的强S teiner距离d(S)等于S的S teiner子图的弧数.如果S=k,那么d(S)称为S的k-强距离.对整数k 2和强有向图D的顶点v,v的k-强离心率sek(v)为D中所有包含v的k个顶点的子集的k-强距离的最大值.D中顶点的最小k-强离心率称为D的k-强半径,记为sradk(D),最大k-强离心率称为D的k-强直径,记为sd iamk(D).本文证明了,对于满足k+1 r,d n的任意整数r,d,存在顶点数为n的强竞赛图T′和T,″使得sradk(T)′=r和sd iamk(T)″=d;进而给出了强定向图的k-强直径的一个上界.For a nonempty vertex set S in a strong digraph D,the strong distance d(S) of S isthe minimum size(the number of edges) of a strong subdigraph of D containing the vertices of S.IfS contains k vertices,then d(S) is referred to as the k-strong distance of S.For an integer k 2 anda vertex v of a strong digraph D,the k-strong eccentricity sek(v) of v is the maximum k-strongdistance d(S) among all sets S of k vertices in D containing v.The minimum k-strong eccentricityamong the vertices of D is the k-strong radius of D sradk(D) and the maximum k-strong eccentricityis the k-strong diameter of D sdiamk(D).In this paper,we will show that for any integers r,d withk+1 r,d n,there exist strong tournaments T′and T″of order n such that sradk(T′)=r andsdiamk(T″)=d.And we also give an upper bound on the k-strong diameter of strong orientedgraphs.TheProjectSupportedbyNSFC(10331020

    Ordering Trees by The irW iener Indices

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    摘要: n个顶点的树的集合记为Tn. 连通图G的Wiener指标等于图G中任意两点的距离和. 本文考虑Tn 中树的按Wie2 ner指标排序的问题. 先对Tn 中树按非悬挂边的数目分类,确定出具有1条非悬挂边, 2条非悬挂边,和3条非悬挂边的树 包括的图类. 根据Wiener指标的计算公式及文中提到的变换方式,得到这些图类的序关系. 基于这些序关系,确定了Tn 中 具有最小Wiener指标的前15个树. Abstract: The set of treeswith n vertices is denoted by Tn. In this paper, the p roblem of ordering trees in Tn by theirWiener indices is considered. At first, a partition for trees in Tn is given by the number of nonpendent edges. And the treeswith one nonpendent edge, two non2 pendent edges, and three nonpendent edges, respectively, contain four kinds of trees. According to the calculation formular and transformation, some order relations of these four kinds of trees in Tn are obtained. Base on the order relations, the trees in Tn with the first up to fifteenth smallestWiener indices are determined.国家自然科学基金(10331020)资

    Characteristic polynomials and nullities of some cylindrical graphs

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    用块循环矩阵理论讨论锯齿形开口纳米管(zIgzAg OPEn-EndEd nAnOTubES)和柱面三格图,柱面四格图,柱面4-8格图,柱面4-6-8格图的谱性质,给出了它们的特征多项式和零维数.In present paper by block circulant matrix theory we will discuss spectral properties of openended nanotubes,cylindrical 4-8 lattices,cylindrical 4-6-8 lattices,cylindrical lattices and cylindrical triangle lattices.We give the characteristic polynomials of them in some special cases.国家自然科学基金资助项目(1117127911301217); 李尚大集美大学学科建设基金资助项目(ZC2013014); 集美大学科研预研基金资助项目(ZQ2013003

    Character of Trees with Extreme Balaban Index

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    NSFC [10831001]The Balaban index (also called J index) of a connected graph G is defined as J = J(G) = vertical bar E(G)vertical bar/mu+1 Sigma u upsilon is an element of E(G) 1/root sigma(G)(u)sigma(G)(upsilon), where sigma(G)(u) = Sigma omega is an element of V(G)D(G)(u, w) and mu is the cyclomatic number. Balaban index has been used in various QSAR and QSPR studies. In this paper, we characterize the trees with the maximum Balaban index among all the trees with a vertices and either the maximum degree A, or a given degree sequence, or k pendent vertices. In addition, the tree with the minimum Balaban index and a vertices and the maximum degree A, and the tree with the maximum Balaban index and a vertices and the maxinjuin degree A and k pendent vertices are also determined. On the other hand, we find that a lemma without proof in our paper [MATCH Commu. Math. Commit. Chem. 63 (2010) 799-812] is incorrect, and so are several related theorems. In the appendix of this paper, we rework the lemma and theorems, and give a new character for the graph with maximum Balaban index among graphs with n vertices. Several open problems on graphs with extreme Balaban indices are proposed


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    Giant benzenoid hydrocarbons Superphenalene resonance energy

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    We calculated molecular resonance energy for "superphenalene", a recently reported giant benzenoid which can be viewed as obtained from three fused "superbenzenes" Chexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes). Using the Method of Conjugated Circuits we derived quantitative characterization of Clar's qualitative description of the considered benzenoids as composed from disjoint "pi -sextets". The calculations show the degree of differentiation between neighboring rings which decreases as we move more towards the central part of the molecule

    Giant benzenoid hydrocarbons Superphenalene resonance energy

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    We have calculated the molecular resonance energy for "superphenalene," a recently reported giant benzenoid that can be viewed as obtained from three fused "superbenzenes" (hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes). Using the method of conjugated circuits we derived quantitative characterization of Clar's qualitative description of the considered benzenoids as composed from disjoint "pi-sextets." The calculations show the degree of differentiation between neighboring rings, which decreases as we progressively move towards the center of the molecule