57 research outputs found

    Recent developments in the electrolyte for LiC _6/electrolyte/cathode battery

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    综述现今锂离子电池电解液的研究进展 .评估了电解液中锂盐、溶剂、填加剂以及杂质等对电解液的电导、固体电解质相界面 (SEI)的形成、电池循环寿命等的影响We present a reviewed the development and status of electrolyte for LiC 6/electrolyte/cathode battery. The effect of the salt, solvent, additive and impurity on the conductivity of the electrolyte, formation of the solid_electrolyte_interphase (SEI) and cycle life of the battery were described.作者联系地址:厦门大学化学系固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室 ,厦门大学宝龙电池研究所 福建厦门,361005Author's Address: State Key Lab for Phys. Chem. of Solid Surface and Dept. of Chem., Xiamen Univ.; Xiamen University and Powerlong Battery Research Institute. Inc, Department of Chemistry,


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    中国海总面积约470万平方公里,纵跨热带、亚热带、温带、北温带等多个气候带.其中,南海北依\"世界第三极\"青藏高原、南邻\"全球气候引擎\"西太平洋暖池,东海拥有全球最宽的陆架之一,跨陆架物质运输显著,黄海是冷暖流交汇区域,渤海则是受人类活动高度影响的内湾浅海.中国海内有长江、黄河、珠江等大河输入,外邻全球两大西边界流之一的黑潮.这些鲜明的特色赋予了中国海碳储库和通量研究的典型代表意义.文章从不同海区(渤海、黄海、东海、南海)、不同界面(陆-海、海-气、水柱-沉积物、边缘海-大洋等),以及不同生态系统(红树林、盐沼湿地、海草床、海藻养殖、珊瑚礁、水柱生态系统等)多层面对海洋碳库与通量进行了较系统地综合分析,初步估算了各个碳库的储量与不同碳库间的通量.就海气通量而言,渤海向大气中释放CO2约0.22Tg Ca-1,黄海吸收CO2约1.15Tg Ca-1,东海吸收CO2约6.92~23.30Tg Ca-1,南海释放CO2约13.86~33.60Tg Ca-1.如果仅考虑海-气界面的CO2交换,中国海总体上是大气CO2的\"源\",净释放量约6.01~9.33Tg Ca-1.这主要是由于河流输入以及邻近大洋输入所致.河流输入渤黄海、东海、南海的溶解无机碳(DIC)分别为5.04、14.60和40.14Tg Ca-1,而邻近大洋输入DIC更是高达144.81Tg Ca-1,远超中国海向大气释放的碳量.渤海、黄海、东海、南海的沉积有机碳通量分别为2.00、3.60、7.40、7.49Tg Ca-1.东海和南海向邻近大洋输送有机碳通量分别为15.25~36.70和43.39Tg Ca-1.就生态系统而言,中国沿海红树林、盐沼湿地、海草床有机碳埋藏通量为0.36Tg Ca-1,海草床溶解有机碳(DOC)输出通量为0.59Tg Ca-1;中国近海海藻养殖移出碳通量0.68Tg Ca-1,沉积和DOC释放通量分别为0.14和0.82Tg Ca-1.总计,中国海有机碳年输出通量为81.72~103.17Tg Ca-1.中国海的有机碳输出以DOC形式为主,东海向邻近大洋输出的DOC通量约15.00~35.00Tg Ca-1,南海输出约31.39Tg Ca-1.综上,尽管从海-气通量看中国海是大气CO2的\"源\",但考虑了河流、大洋输入、沉积输出以及微型生物碳泵(DOC转化输出)作用后,中国海是重要的储碳区.需要指出的是,文章数据是基于中国海各海区碳循环研究报道,鉴于不同研究方法上的差异,所得数据难免有一定的误差范围,亟待将来统一方法标准下的更多深入研究和分析.国家重点研发计划项目(编号:2016YFA0601400);;国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:91751207、91428308、41722603、41606153、41422603);;中央高校基础研究项目(编号:20720170107);;中海油项目(编号:CNOOC-KJ125FZDXM00TJ001-2014、CNOOCKJ125FZDXM00ZJ001-2014)资

    Three-dimensional Vessel Reconstruction and Smooth Based on Geometric Simulation

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    医学图像的三维重建对手术计划起着至关重要的作用。传统的MC算法由于构成等值面的三角面片的位置与方向容易受体数据场的噪声影响,得到的三维显示图像可视性较差,且绘制时间过长,不能满足医学应用所要求的重建效果和交互速度。利用计算机图形学进行几何模拟,通过调用OPEngl的扩展库进行血管的三维表面绘制,得到相对MC算法得出的图像更为平滑的三维血管图像。Three-dimensional reconstruction of medical images plays a vital role in surgical planning.Because the place and direction of the triangle mesh are easily affected by noise in large volumes of data,the results from a conventional MC algorithm produce poor visibility and cost too much time,and therefore not meet the requirements of medical applications.In this paper,we use computer graphics technology to simulate the blood vessels of the liver,using the OPENGL library to draw three-dimensional blood vessels,from which we can obtain smooth three-dimensional blood vessel images.国家自然科学基金项目(编号:60701022;30770561); 卫生部科学研究基金—福建省卫生教育联合攻关计划资助项目(编号:WKJ2008-2-41)~


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    Kako bi se kvalitetno razradila tema razvoja jednogodišnjeg plana i programa škole ritmičke gimnastike, nužno je uzeti u obzir široki spektar elemenata koje taj sport podrazumijeva: od same povijesti ritmičke gimnastike, preko pravila ritmičke gimnastike, individualnih vježbi, korištenja glazbe i rekvizita, pa sve do važnosti razvojnih faza tjelesnog, motoričkog, emocionalnog i mentalnog sazrijevanja ritmičarke. Plan i program treninga u praksi je najbitnija stavka u realizaciji procesa sportske pripreme i kontroliranju efekata treninga. Programiranje sportskog treninga skup je upravljačkih akcija koje se provode trenutačno i tokom vremena, a kojima se jasno određuju sadržaji, opterećenje i metoda sportske pripreme, što podrazumijeva izbor, doziranje i distribuciju operatora treninga, natjecanja i oporavka u dobro definiranim ciklusima sportske pripreme. Jednogodišnji ciklus treninga planira se unutar jednoga ili više trenažnih makrociklusa, a svaki se makrociklus sastoji od pripremnog, natjecateljskog i prijelaznog perioda. Za svaki od ova tri ključna perioda, dani su detaljni primjeri trenažnih dana. Iznimno je važno bazirati plan na realnim ciljevima koje je nužno prilagoditi objektivnim mogućnostima pojedine ritmičarke, odnosno postavljati pred ritmičarke ciljeve koji za njih neće biti nedostižni i demotivirajući. Za izradu kvalitetnog i svrsishodnog plana i programa treninga, potreban je stručan i educiran trener koji je spreman na cjeloživotno učenje, napredovanje i prilagođavanje potrebama i mogućnostima pojedinih ritmičarki.In order to elaborate the notion of the one-year development plan and program of rhythmic gymnastics school, it is crucial to consider the wide spectrum of rhythmic gymnastics elements: from the history of rhythmic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics rules, individual exercises and the usage of music and equipment to the importance of the development phases within physical, motor, emotional and mental growth of a rhythmic gymnast. In practice, training plan and program is the most important element within the realization of the sport preparation process and training effect control. Sport training programming is a set of management actions that are conducted momentarily and over time and that clearly define contents, load and method of the sport preparation, which implies selection, dosage and distribution of the training, competition and recovery operator within well-defined cycles of the sport preparation. One-year training cycle is planned within one or more training macrocycles, while each macrocycle consists of preparation, competition and transition period. Detailed examples of training days are given for each of these three key periods. It is extremely important to base the plan on the realistic goals which should be adjusted to the objective abilities of each rhythmics gymnast, i.e. to set goals which should not be unachievable and demotivational for a rhythmic gymnast. A quality and efficient training plan and program requires a competent and educated trainer who accepts the concept of lifelong learning, progress and adjustment to the needs and abilities of each rhythmic gymnast