1,602 research outputs found

    The Research on Process Reengineering of Export Tax Rebate for Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of State Taxation

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    出口作为拉动经济增长的“三驾马车”之一,在我国内需持续不足,投资增长放缓的情况下,发挥着至关重要的作用。出口退税政策又是促进企业出口,支持外贸发展的有力措施,进一步挖掘出口退税提速潜力,再造出口退税管理流程,加快退税进度,对于我国经济调结构、稳增长有着十分重要的现实意义。 本文以杭州市国税局出口退税业务流程为主要研究对象,通过阅读国内外大量流程再造的文献,参考借鉴相关理论及其实践经验,详细阐述杭州市国税局出口退税流程现状,主要阐释现阶段杭州市国税局出口退税无纸化管理下的流程状况,深刻分析杭州市国税局出口退税工作存在的流程运转不畅、管理质量低、骗税高发等问题,进而得出杭州市国税局实施出口退税流...As one of “troikas” (investment-consumption-net export) stimulating economic growth, exports play a crucial role under the circumstance of continuously insufficient domestic demands and slow investment growth. Export rebate policy is also a powerful measure to promote enterprise exports and support for foreign trade development. The practical significance of further exploring speed-up potential of...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392013115036

    Evaluation of Classroom Teaching:A Case Study of Y Higher Vocational College

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    本文从调查Y职业学院课堂教学质量评价的现状出发,着重分析了课堂教学质量评价在学生评价方面存在的问题。在研究相关文献与评价理论的基础上,结合专业特点与学生的评价能力及需求,对课堂教学质量评价指标进行了重新构建,并对比解析了新旧指标。然后,运用层次分析法重新确定了各项评价指标的权重,再用模糊综合评价法对教师的课堂教学质量实施评价。通过进一步分析评价结果及其成因,探寻教师的教学、学生的学习以及教学质量管理方面的不足。最后提出,提高Y职业学院课堂教学质量重在加强实践教学的效果。 本研究的价值,一是根据Y职业学院课堂教学质量学生评价存在的问题,重构了更适用于Y职业学院的指标体系,新的指标与权重设定发挥...Based on the analysis of survey data of quality evaluation of classroom teaching in Y higher vocational college, this paper analyzes the existing problems of classroom teaching quality evaluation from the perspective of students. A review of the literature is followed by the overview of existing classroom teaching quality evaluation system initially, and a comparative analysis between the old and ...学位:教育硕士院系专业:公共政策研究院_教育(博士、硕士)学号:3342013115057

    Numerical Simulation And Experiment Study On Magnetoacoustic Emission with Magnetic Induction

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    铝合金板材具有高强度、低密度、强耐腐蚀、高断裂韧性和良好的高低温特性等优点,是制造宇宙飞船、运载火箭、飞机、舰船、坦克、装甲车和高速列车的主要材料。然而,由于加工工艺限制,铝合金板材在生产过程中不可避免地存在分层、夹杂、裂纹和氧化膜等缺陷。无损检测技术是一种在不破坏待测物材质与性能前提下实现构件质量检测的技术,目前已在许多领域成为确保产品质量和可靠性的强制性措施。 本文研究的感应式磁声发射无损检测方法是利用线圈在导体感应出的涡流在静态磁场的作用下会受到洛仑兹力的作用使导体发生机械振动,进而产生磁声信号,该磁声信号包含了导体表面缺陷的电特性信息,通过声传感器接收该磁声信号,通过电磁场与声场的逆...Aluminum plates have many advantages such as high strength, low density, good corrosion resistance, high fracture toughness and good performance under high or low temperature, and are the main materials for manufacturing spacecraft, rockets, aircraft, ships, tanks, armored vehicles and high-speed trains. However, due to limitation of processing technology, there are inevitably hierarchy, cracks an...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_精密仪器及机械学号:1992012115274

    Research and Application of 3D Digitization Technology Based on Binocular Vision

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    双目立体视觉是当今社会计算机视觉研究领域一个热门的方向,它是通过双目摄像机模拟人类双眼的视觉功能,通过计算机对图像信息进行处理实现对客观世界空间场景的辨识和理解。如今它广泛应用于现代社会的许多领域,比如机器人视觉导航、无人机的航测、医学外科手术导航、三维非接触式测量以及虚拟现实等。因此,基于双目立体视觉对空间物体展开三维数字化技术的研究与应用具有重要的理论与实践价值。 本文围绕双目立体视觉三维数字化过程中的摄像机标定技术、图像匹配技术和三维坐标还原技术三个主要方面展开研究,本文主要工作包括以下几个部分: (1)摄像机标定。采用张正友的标定方法展开摄像机的标定工作,实现了基于Matlab标定...Binocular stereo vision is a popular direction in the field of computer vision research nowadays. It simulates the visual function of human eyes through the binocular cameras. The computer image information is processed by computer to realize the recognition and understanding of the objective world space scene. Today it is widely used in many areas of modern society, such as vision navigation of r...学位:工学硕士院系专业:航空航天学院_机械设计及理论学号:1992014115288

    The Study on Special Separator for Lithium-Sulfur battery

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    锂硫电池的硫正极因具有高达1675mAhg-1的理论比容量,以及硫资源的丰富,无毒,且廉价等诸多优点,近年来受到了广泛的关注,成为当前的研究热点。然而锂硫电池的实用化还面临着三大挑战:1、活性物质S既是电子绝缘体,又是离子的不良导体,会降低活性物质利用率和不利于高倍率的实现;2、活性物质S到终产物Li2S和Li2S2较大的体积膨胀,会造成正极结构的破坏,影响电池的循环性能;3、锂硫电池中最严重影响其实用化进程的因素是放电中间产物多硫化锂能够溶于电解液,并能穿过隔膜到达负极与锂反应,产生过充现象,造成容量的不可逆衰减,即锂硫电池的穿梭效应。本论文基于对隔膜进行改性,来抑制穿梭效应,从而提高锂硫电...Sulfur cathode in lithium-sulfur battery has been widespread concern and become a hot research in recent years, because of its high specific capacity of up to mAh g-1, and sulfur resources’ abundance, non-toxic, and cheapness and many other advantages in the Earth. However, the practical use of lithium-sulfur battery is still faced with three major challenges: 1. active material S is an electronic...学位:工程硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_工程硕士(化学工程)学号:2062014115143

    Study on the Optimization of Internal Control and Camera Distortion Parameters Method Based on Matlab

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    为了提高相机标定结果的准确度,文中就相机内参和畸变参数的优化方法进行了研究。在建立准确的相机成像及标定模型基础上,根据模型参数估计的具体推导步骤,利用最大似然估计法对得到的参数进行结果优化,然后通过修改镜头畸变模型重新计算参数得到最终结果。实验证明,应用文中提出的流程求解相机内参和畸变参数,简单快速、准确度高且实用性强。Study on the optimization method of camera internal and distortion parameters is conducted in order to improve the accuracy of the results for camera calibration. On the basis of camera imaging and calibration model,we optimize the parameters by the method of maximum likelihood following the specific steps,and get the final result by recalculating parameters through the lens distortion model. Experiment results show that application of the proposed process to solve the camera internal and distortion parameters,simple and fast,with high accuracy and strong practicability

    A Research on The Improvement of Grass-roots Staff Training System in S Company

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    随着国家经济发展和改革的不断深入,国有企业迎来了全新的发展机遇,也面临着未曾经历过的挑战。企业的竞争归根结底就是人才的竞争,为了更好地迎接机遇和挑战,企业对人力资源管理工作提出了更高的要求。作为人力资源管理中重要的组成部分,培训工作能够有效提升员工素质,增强企业的核心竞争力,而为了达到良好的培训效果,就需要优化和完善相应的培训体系。 S公司隶属于福建省电力公司,承担着保障电网安全、稳定运行的重任。随着生产业务的不断深入,S公司原有的员工培训工作已不能适应公司发展的需求。如何有效地提升培训工作的质量,提高员工的综合素质,是公司当前人力资源管理工作的重点。因此,如何根据S公司的现状,优化设计适合...With the development of national economy and the deepening of reform, state-owned enterprises are facing with the new development opportunities and the challenges that have not been experienced before. In the final analysis, the competition of enterprises is the competition of talents. In order to meet the opportunities and challenges, enterprises have set higher requirements for human resource ma...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115077

    Research on Institutional Investors Participating in the Private Placement of Listed Companies

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    自2006年,随着中国证券市场股权分置改革取得阶段性成果,市场融资功能得以恢复,同年5月9日,证监会颁布《上市公司证券发行管理办法》引入定向增发,对于拓宽上市公司的再融资渠道、收购资产、吸收合并、引入战略投资者及资产重组具有重要的战略意义和作用。 目前,我国相关的法律法规、证监会的规定中没有对定向增发的含义有明确的界定,简单来说就是上市公司对特定对象非公开发行股票,募集资金的行为。对定向增发的操作比照的是非公开发行的规定,但是从实践操作来说,两者还是有一定的区别,非公开发行是向10家以下的对象发行,一般为机构投资者,融资的目的比较强,而定向增发是向特定的机构,一般为战略投资者,大多与重组有关...Since 2006, with the China equity securities market reform achievements, to market financing function, the same year in May 9th, the Commission issued "the issuance of securities of listed companies management approach" the introduction of private placement of listed companies to broaden the financing channels, to purchase assets, has strategic significance and function of merger, the introduction...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201315609