221 research outputs found


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    Impact of iron deficiency tolerant transgenic rice on the environment

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    Fe欠乏耐性遺伝子組み換えイネの環境への影響を検討するために次のように検討した。1. 組換え, 非組換えイネの生育比較。2. 組換え, 非組換えイネの交雑率の検定。3. 花粉の形状, 稔性, 飛散距離の検定。4. 土壌微生物相の検定。5. 跡地土壌での有害物質残留効果。6. 植物遺体の鋤込み試験。結果 : 1. 組換えと非組換えはほぼ同じ生育を示した。2. 組換えイネと非組換えイネとの交雑は起こらなかった。3. 花粉は組換えイネで花粉源から0.5m, 非組換えイネで1.0mに最も多く飛散したが, 3mまで飛散したものもあるが, 1m以上で急減した。4. 放線菌, 糸状菌の微生物数には, 土壌間で有意な差は認められなかった。5. 跡地土壌で有害物質の残留は認められなかった。6. 土壌へ遺伝子組み換えイネ遺体の鋤込みはレタスの生育に大きな影響を与えなかった。レタスの形態に違いも観察されなかった

    A case of collecting duct carcinoma (Bellini duct carcinoma) producing carcinoembryonic antigen

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    61歳男.左腎腫瘤性病変の精査加療目的に当科入院した.HE染色像で特徴的所見を有し, 更に近位尿細管のマーカーであるビメンチン, EMA(epithelial membrane antigen)及び高分子サイトケラチンに関しては, 陽性或いは強陽性であったことから腎実質性腫瘍と診断し, 経腹膜的に根治的左腎摘除術及び腎門部リンパ節郭清術を施行した.その後, 外来にて姑息的治療のみで経過観察を行ったが, 転移巣は増大し術後約20ヵ月後に死亡したWe report a case of collecting duct carcinoma (Bellini duct carcinoma) producing carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). A 61-year-old man visited our hospital because of a left renal mass detected by ultrasonography in an other hospital. Computed tomography showed a low density tumor measuring about 3 cm in the left kidney. Angiography demonstrated a hypovascular tumor. The serum level of CEA was increased to 20 ng/ml. (normal < 7 ng/ml). Left radical nephrectomy was performed. Histological examination revealed collecting duct carcinoma with papillary growth (T1aN1M0). Cancer cells showed a positive immunohistochemical staining for CEA. Under a diagnosis of CEA-producing collecting duct carcinoma of the left kidney, the patient underwent systemic chemotherapy (M-VAC). The serum level of CEA decreased to the normal level after the nephrectomy, but six months postoperatively, metastatic bone tumor at the left pelvic bone was revealed on the plain film and at the same time, the CEA level was increased again


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    地域連携活動の意義について―「ビビッと! 249~おいしい食と健康のフェスタ~」活動を通して―

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    In recent years Japan, many colleges have programed collaborative activities with local communities into the curriculum. We have discussed the educational effects that can be expected from the joint activities with the local community based on our college cases. There, it was deduced to be effective for own sociability with social norms, contribution to the community (awareness of a cooperation), self-esteem, and self-reliance, as a pre-stage of their professional activities. In this paper, we summarized the collaborative activity with local communities of “Vivid! 249, Delicious Food and Health Festa, 2019” which was carried out as collaborative learning with other course students, speculated the educational effects from observation of the activities, and the meaning of the activity was considered