84 research outputs found

    Impact of Internal Service Quality on the New Workforce’s Service Orientation: Empirical Study about Star Hotels in Xiamen

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    酒店业作为劳动力密集型和情感密集型行业,优质服务逐渐成为酒店生存与发展的核心竞争力。作为服务的生产者、传递者和营销者,酒店一线服务人员的满意感是外部顾客满意感的“折射镜”。他们的服务工作将直接关系到顾客感知的服务质量,影响顾客满意感和忠诚度。因而,如何提升服务人员的服务导向,改善服务质量成为酒店能否保持长久竞争优势的关键。 然而,我国酒店管理者在实际工作中通常重视为顾客提供优质服务,而对内部顾客还缺少足够的重视。与此同时,学术界对我国酒店内部服务质量的计量方法尚未达成一致看法,内部服务质量对员工行为的影响,尤其是有关内部服务质量与服务导向关系的实证研究仍比较有限。基于此,本文的研究目的主要包...As labor-intensive and emotion-intensive industry, high quality of service has been the core competitiveness in hotel industry. As service producers, transmitters and marketers, front-line staffs’ satisfaction is a mirror of external customers’ satisfaction. Their work is directly related to customers’ perception of service quality, and affects customer satisfaction and commitment. Therefore, how ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_旅游管理学号:1782011115121

    The Feast for Orphan Souls: The Studying of the System of Sacrificing Orphan Souls in Ming-Qing Dynasties

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    本文通过梳理相关文献,主要对明初厉坛制度的渊源和具体规定加以考证,同时在社会文化史的视野内,对这一制度在地方上的实践情况作一概鸟瞰式考察。通过对厉坛制度渊源的回溯和其制定时相关背景的探讨,从中找出厉坛制度在明初得以制定的可能性和必然性,从中发现明初政治的权力关系。同时,透过对这一制度在地方上实践的考察,描绘出实践的不同形式所构成的多彩舞台。不同身份的人投入其中,编织出的是一个多元的空间世界。 在我国,祭厉有着悠久的传统。先秦时期,祭厉的权力被统治者所垄断。西汉以降,随着儒教国家的建立,祭厉逐渐被逐出国家祭祀体系,唐开元后,祭厉再次步入国家祭祀体系之中并为宋所继承,但此时仅是作为附庸的角色而存...Abstract This thesis mainly describes the origin of the system of litan 厉坛(an altar to sacrifice orphan souls )and its specific contents in the early Ming Dynasty by analyzing related documents to conduct a generalized survey towards the actual operation of this system locally from the perspective of social and cultural history. In addition, through the research on the origins and the background ...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_专门史学号:1032009115188


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    Research on the microbial limit verification test of tacrolimus capsules

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    目的按2010版《中国药典》的要求探讨他克莫司胶囊微生物限度检测方法。方法选取5种具有代表性的微生物菌悬液,用常规法、稀释法、膜过滤法或其相结合的方法分别对他克莫司胶囊进行微生物验证试验。结果细菌总数用膜过滤法稀释1∶10,霉菌和酵母菌用膜过滤法稀释1∶1 000,检测后回收率均能达到70%以上。结论避免采用单一常规法或膜过滤法进行微生物限度检测,使实验科学合理,提高工作效率,更加规范性。Objective To research the microbial limit verification test of tacrolimus capsules according to the requirements of the 2010-edition Chinese Pharmacopoeia.Methods Five types of representative microbial bacterial suspension were selected and then microbial verification tests on tacrolimus capsules through the conventional method,the dilution method,the membrane filtration method or a combination of the above methods respectively were carried out.Results Both of the recovery rates were more than 70% when the total number of bacterial was detected by the membrane filtration method as per 1∶ 10 and when mould and yeast were detected by the membrane filtration method as per 1∶ 1 000.Conclusion Microbial limit test through the single conventional method or membrane filtration method is avoided so as to ensure scientific and reasonable experiment,improve work efficiency and achieve normalization

    Hydrogen Bond of Ionic Liquid and Its Influence on Properties

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    本论文以建立定量的离子液体结构-性质构效关系为切入点,结合模拟和实验,从结构、性质和应用等几个不同方面,重点阐明和揭示了离子液体中广泛存在的氢键及其网络结构,以及其对离子液体一些重要性质的影响规律,旨在为建立定量预测模型、设计功能化离子液体提供科学的依据和理论指导。主要研究内容概括总结如下: (1) 结构方面,采用从头计算密度泛函(DFT)方法,从几何结构、相互作用能、电荷转移和前线分子轨道对典型离子对([Emim][BF4]和[Bmim][PF6])进行了剖析,发现阴阳离子间形成氢键,但由于静电力的耦合强化,使得这种氢键作用具有共价键特征。结合远红外(Far-IR)光谱,发现多个离子能扩展形成氢键网络结构, 表现为液态下离子的局部结构特征。 (2) 性质方面,以不同大小离子簇为液态结构,以单个离子、离子对和中性分子为气相结构,采用统计热力学“簇”的方法,计算了典型的非质子和质子型离子液体的蒸发焓,通过和实验的蒸发焓比较,结合原位红外光谱(in-situ IR),分析了离子液体气相结构,发现其气相组成主要为离子对和通过质子转移的中性分子。进一步研究发现氢键对离子液体蒸发焓的影响不能忽略,但和常规溶剂相反,氢键使离子液体的蒸发焓有降低的趋势。 (3) 应用方面,研究了离子液体分离天然活性同系物的机理。采用从头计算DFT方法和分子动力学(MD)模拟,以三种大豆异黄酮苷元同系物为模型化合物,通过分析阴阳离子和同系物的相互作用能、NBO轨道、氢键临界点的密度以及径向分布函数(RDF)等发现,离子液体能与同系物的形成不同的氢键作用是主要的识别驱动力。 (4) 采用非平衡态MD模拟,研究了离子液体和水的相互作用机理和动态的相转移 过程。选择[Bmim]Cl、[Bmim][BF4]和[Bmim][PF6] 三种截然不同溶解度的离子液体为模型化合物,计算了其在水中扩散时间和离子分布状态,发现亲水性离子液体在水中的扩散速度远快于疏水性离子液体,且容易形成小的离子簇。从计算的阴离子、阳离子以及离子对从离子相迁移到水相的平均力势能(PMF),发现亲水性离子液体离子迁移的PMF降低,说明离子溶解是自由能减少的过程,能自发进行,而疏水性离子液体离子迁移的PMF升高,说明离子溶解是自由能增加过程,非自发进行。进一步研究了离子液体-水界面的结构,发现亲水性和疏水性离子液体阳离子在界面处的取向有很大不同,阳离子倾向于垂直亲水性界面,呈片状分布,水分子容易渗入体相中,而阳离子倾向于平行疏水性界面,形成了一种亚稳定结构,水很难打破这种结构进入体相,导致和水的不溶解

    A Study of Critical Factors in Technology Transferring Conducted by Research Institution _ ITRI as an Example

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    在經濟全球化的後金融危機時代中,技術財產權的交易對於推動產業升級,推動新產品及市場發展和進一步推動技術移轉成對現實生產力仍然具有重要市場貢獻的實際意義。不斷豐富技術財產權交易的商業化方法及流程後充分發揮技術財產權交易在市場的領先及先發地位。本研究著重在技術移轉的成功關鍵因素之研究,所以會同時考量到技術應用、市場需求及供應鏈等方面的議題。另外,政府研究機構與企業間的技術移轉對其本身經營成效均是相當重要。對企業而言,此類型的技術移轉已成為其獲取新型技術的重要來源。對政府研究機構而言,政府研發投資的成效係決定於研發成果能否有效地移轉廠商。本研究主要以研究機構之一工業技術研究院技術移轉為主。研究對研究機構及企業而言,進行技術移轉的主要關鍵成功因素為何?研究有以下四個發現;(1)技術移轉業務牽涉層面廣泛、涵蓋多樣專業,包括技術、法律、管理、財務等,宜達到認知一致及雙方資訊回饋的情形下,一定要和對方保持在高頻率溝通。(2)技術移轉需要整合各方資源,所以為了使技術移轉時技術接受者方的技術達到同一個技術水平的情況下,研究機構應為對方隨時準備。(3)雙方背景的懸殊,會影響技術移轉績效;研究機構在避免開發出不符合市場競爭力的商品的情況下,研究機構應一開始就著手彌補這差異。(4)市場變化多端,建議甚至技術移轉期後,仍然應強化後續與企業在技術商品化的互動來因應市場在不同階段的變化。 關鍵字: 技術移轉、研究機構、技術商業化、新產品開發、成功關鍵因素。In the age of post global economy financial crisis, trading of intellectual properties still have real meanings to the market in pushing new products, developing new markets and further pushing technology transfer into producible. After continuous refining IP trading methodologies and processes, business entities will become leaders in their markets. This research will focus on success factor in technology transfer with topics in technology applications, market demand and supply chains. Moreover, we will discuss important factors in technology transfer between government research institutions and private enterprises. For private enterprises, it is an important source of obtaining new technology. For government research institutions, performance of the government research investment is determined by whether the result of research and development can be successfully transferred to private enterprises. In this research, we will be mainly discussing technology from Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan. In this research, the author will discuss four main findings in key successful factors in technology transfer between the government research institution and private enterprises. (1) Technology transfer is very involved in many aspect of business including research and development, law, management and finance, etc. It is best to keep good communication between both entities to reach a common consensus and to keep good feedback. (2) Resources from both entities have to be integrated in the process of technology transfer. Therefore, the research institution have to be prepared to have a plan of support for private enterprises to reach the same technology level. (3) Difference in background knowledge between both entities will have impact in technology transfer performance. In the beginning, the research institution have to prepare to remedy this difference in recognition to prevent developing a product that is not competitive in the market. (4) Market changes fast. The research institution should reinforce interaction between itself and private enterprises in technology commoditization and responds to difference phase of product development and market development. keyword : technology transferring, research institution, technology commercialization, new product development, critical success factor