84 research outputs found

    A quantitative research based on CT three dimensional reconstruct of personalized hip prosthesis and porcine femoral canal fixed

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    目的基于CT三维重建个性化设计猪股骨髋关节假体与骨髓腔接触率的定量研究。方法选择猪股骨,拍摄实验前正侧位,双斜位片,再运用CT进行横断面扫描,获得CT数据后三维重建。基于CT三维重建数据,运用机器人磨削个性化假体,使其成为与髓腔完全匹配的定制假体。匹配后,拍摄实验后正侧位片,计算定制假体与髓腔接触的骨皮质或者骨松质的表面积以及接触率。结果通过计算,个性化假体近端表面与骨髓腔直接接触率为90.8%,与医疗机器人辅助扩髓组获得的假体表面与骨髓腔直接接触率相近,远较传统手工扩髓组获得的假体近端表面与骨髓腔直接接触率高。结论基于CT三维重建个性化股骨假体与猪股骨髓腔初始固定直接接触率为90.8%,可获得良好的接触率。Objective A quantitative research based on CT three dimensional reconstruct of personalized hip prosthesis and porcine femoral canal fixed.Methods Choose a pig femur and get photos of its lateral and double oblique positions before the experiment, then use CT scanning in cross-section.Reconstruct three-dimension on obtaining CT datas, grind personalized prosthesis by using robot and making it perfectly matched with femoral canal of customized prosthesis.Take photos of its lateral when personalized prosthesis matched with femoral canal of pig after the experiment.Then calculate the surface area and contact rate of the cancellous bone or cortical bone respectively where the personalized prosthesis contact with femoral canal.Results Through calculation, personalized prosthesis proximal surface directly contact with the bone marrow cavity at a rate of 90.8% which is close to the rate that prosthesis surface directly contact with the bone marrow cavity which acquired by the medical robot-assisted reaming group.And further the rate is higher than the rate obtained by the traditional manual expanding medullary group.Conclusion The direct contact rate based on CT three dimensional reconstruct of personalized femoral prosthesis and porcine femoral canal initial fixed is 90.8% making it possible to have a good fixed


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    第2世代チロシンキナーゼ阻害薬であるdasatinib は,imatinib 抵抗性の慢性骨髄性白血病やフィラデルフィア染色体陽性急性リンパ性白血病に対して高い有効性が示されている.我々はdasatinib 投与中に下部消化管出血をきたした症例を経験した.症例は59歳女性,imatinib 併用化学療法により治療中であったが,地固め療法中に再発し,中枢神経浸潤も併発した.BCR-ABL点突然変異は検出されなかった.Dasatinib 投与を開始し,芽球の減少や造血回復を認めたが,約3ヶ月で腫瘍細胞が増多した.投与160日頃より排便時出血があり,169日目に多量の新鮮下血によりショックを来たした.輸血,支持療法を行い大腸内視鏡検査を施行した.浅いびらんを散見したが,凝血塊の貯留も多い状態であり,後日の再検にても血管性病変や潰瘍などの所見は明らかでなかった.Dasatinibによる出血は進行期の症例や血小板数の少ない時期に多く,ショックを来たす症例もあり注意を要すると考えられた


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    濾胞性リンパ腫(follicular lymphoma:FL)は、「胚中心を構成するB細胞、すなわち中型のcentrocyteと大型のcentroblastを正常対応細胞とする腫瘍で、通常は明瞭な腫瘍性胚中心様構造が1個以上存在するもの」と定義されている。FLでは腫瘍細胞中のcentroblastの割合によりGradingが行われ、Gradeによって生命予後や再発率に差が出ることが示されている。細胞周期の進行は、ユビキチン-プロテアソーム経路による厳密なタンパク質分解により調節されており、ユビキチンリガーゼの一種であるS-phase kinase-associated protein 2(Skp2)の過剰発現は細胞周期回転を促進し、腫瘍の発生や増殖速度と関連があるとされている。今回われわれは、FLにおける細胞周期関連タンパク質の発現およびGradeとの関連を免疫組織化学的に検討した。対象は昭和大学病院でFLと診断された70症例で、Grade 1は15例、Grade 2は30例、Grade 3Aは20例、Grade 3Bは5例であった。70例のホルマリン固定パラフィン包埋組織切片を用いて、Skp2、p27、Ki-67の免疫組織化学的染色を行った。Skp2、p27、Ki-67それぞれについて、陽性率の最も高い部分をhot spotとし、hot spot内の腫瘍細胞500個中の陽性細胞数の割合を算出し、FLにおける細胞周期関連タンパク質の発現およびGradeとの関連を検討した。Skp2とp27、およびp27とKi-67の発現にはそれぞれ負の相関を認めた。Skp2とki-67の発現には正の相関を認めた。Grade別の検討では、Gradeがあがるにしたがい、Skp2、Ki-67の発現率は有意に増加し、p27の発現率は有意に減少していた。FLの細胞増殖性の指標としてSkp2、p27、Ki-67の免疫組織化学的染色は有用な手段と考えられた。また、Skp2もKi-67と同様に細胞増殖マーカーのひとつとなり、Skp2の高発現はFLの悪性度の指標となり得る可能性が示唆された。(著者抄録

    Observation results by the TAMA300 detector on gravitational wave bursts from stellar-core collapses

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    We present data-analysis schemes and results of observations with the TAMA300 gravitational-wave detector, targeting burst signals from stellar-core collapse events. In analyses for burst gravitational waves, the detection and fake-reduction schemes are different from well-investigated ones for a chirp-wave analysis, because precise waveform templates are not available. We used an excess-power filter for the extraction of gravitational-wave candidates, and developed two methods for the reduction of fake events caused by non-stationary noises of the detector. These analysis schemes were applied to real data from the TAMA300 interferometric gravitational wave detector. As a result, fake events were reduced by a factor of about 1000 in the best cases. The resultant event candidates were interpreted from an astronomical viewpoint. We set an upper limit of 2.2x10^3 events/sec on the burst gravitational-wave event rate in our Galaxy with a confidence level of 90%. This work sets a milestone and prospects on the search for burst gravitational waves, by establishing an analysis scheme for the observation data from an interferometric gravitational wave detector

    Combination of shear-wave elastography and liver fibrosis markers predicts severe fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

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     非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患(Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease:NAFLD)の中から予後の悪い線維化が進展した非アルコール性脂肪肝炎(Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis:NASH)を非侵襲的診断法にて拾い上げることが重要である.今回,バイオマーカーやshear wave elastography(以下 SWE)を組み合わせた非侵襲的診断における肝線維化進展症例の診断能の向上について検討を行った.肝生検および SWE を施行し,肝線維化マーカーを測定した NAFLD 患者140名を対象とし,SWE 値と肝線維化マーカーの測定を行い線維化進展例(stage3以上)の診断の拾い上げについて検討した.各種線維化マーカーは stage3-4の線維化進展例で有意に上昇を認め,SWE においてはstage2の段階から上昇し,他の線維化マーカーより早い段階から NASH の線維化の診断ができた.SWE,Ⅳ型コラーゲン7S,WFA+M2BP,P-Ⅲ-P,ヒアルロン酸,FIB4 index における stage3以上の AUC はそれぞれ0.86,0.83,0.79,0.75,0.75,0.77であった.さらに SWE と線維化マーカーを組み合わせたところ,AUC はそれぞれ0.92,0.88,0.86,0.88,0.88で診断能の上昇を認めた.特に SWE とⅣ型コラーゲン7S の診断能が最も優れていた.NASH における SWE は簡便に線維化進展の診断が可能であり,バイオマーカーを組み合わせることで肝線維化診断能が上昇した.以上より線維化の軽度な NASH 症例や非アルコール性脂肪肝(Non-alcoholic fatty liver:NAFL)を識別し,肝生検を減少させる可能性があり,NAFLD の予後の改善に繋がると思われた. In the recent years, the incidence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is increasing rapidly worldwide. It is important to detect nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) with a poor prognosis in patients with NAFLD using noninvasive diagnostic methods. Conventional ultrasound (US) is the most common, low-cost technique for NASH diagnosis and improving patient prognosis. We studied the usefulness of US elastography (shear-wave elastography [SWE]) in diagnosing liver fibrosis (LF) with NAFLD and examined the possibility of improving the diagnosis of patients with advanced LF by combining SWE and LF-marker testing. The subjects were 140 patients with NAFLD who underwent liver biopsies, SWE, and LF-marker tests, such as type IV collagen 7S, Wisteria floribunda agglutinin-positive Mac-2 binding protein (WFA[+]-M2BP), P-Ⅲ-P, hyaluronic acid, and fibrosis-4 (FIB4) index, at the General Medical Center, Kawasaki Medical School. We evaluated the efficacy of combined SWE and LF-marker tests to diagnose advanced LF (stage ≥3). SWE was performed using 3.75-MHz probes (Canon Aplio 500, JAPAN). There were minimal differences in LF-marker levels for NASH stages 0–2, whereas significantly increased LF-marker levels were observed in patients with advanced LF (stages 3 and 4). SWE showed significantly elevated LF-marker levels at stage 2 compared with stages 0–1, and NASH was detected earlier than other LF markers. The areas under the receiver-operating characteristic curves (AUCs) for SWE, type IV collagen 7S, WFA(+)-M2BP, P-Ⅲ-P, hyaluronic acid, and FIB4 index for stage ≥3 were 0.86, 0.83, 0.79, 0.75, 0.75, and 0.77, respectively. With combined SWE and LF markers, the AUCs increased to 0.92, 0.88, 0.86, 0.88, and 0.88, respectively, showing increased diagnostic ability compared to that of single markers. The diagnostic ability of combined SWE and type IV collagen 7S was superior to that of other combinations. In addition, we detected that most cases were in stage ≥3 on combining SWE and LF markers. SWE for NASH can simply diagnose LF progression; the diagnostic capacity of SWE for LF improves in combination with LF-marker tests. It may be possible to detect the need for liver biopsy and treatment or follow-up, as well as reduce the number of liver biopsies by identifying NAFLD with low LF levels