8 research outputs found

    Research on System of Higher Education Institutions Establishment

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    改革开放以来,我国高等教育事业取得了举世瞩目的成就。在我国高等学校数量不断增长、高等教育结构不断优化的过程中,高等学校设置制度成为其中的关键一环。这是因为,高等学校设置制度作为高校设置的必然途径,一方面在高等学校设置的过程中要根据已有高校的布局情况进行统筹布局,因而直接关系到我国高等教育结构的调整和布局的优化;另一方面,由于高等学校设置制度把握着高等学校的准入质量,因此直接关系到整个高等教育质量的水平和发展。基于此,教育部将修订《高等学校设置暂行条例》列为2016年年度工作要点,这表明高等学校设置制度的完善已经成为国家行动被提上日程。由此,对高等学校设置制度进行深入和系统的研究,具有重要的理论...The higher education in China has made great achievements since 1978. With a growing number of higher education institutions and continuous improvement in higher education system in this process, higher education institutions establishment system has become a key part. This is because higher education institutions establishment system is of tremendous necessity in the approach of new higher educat...学位:教育学博士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572013015392

    A Study on the Distribution and Aquisition of Higher Education Opportunity ——Based on the data analysis of NCSS

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    在我国高等教育大众化进程中,高等教育入学机会不断增加。高等教育入学机会由谁获得,哪些因素影响了高等教育入学机会的获得,是一个关系到教育公平与社会公平的热门话题,也是教育社会学的重点研究内容。本研究通过对NCSS调查数据的分析,试图厘清我国高等教育入学机会的分布现状,对高等教育入学机会获得的影响因素和机制进行探讨,为进一步促进我国高等教育公平提供有益借鉴。 以结构辈出率为指标对我国高等教育入学机会分布进行分析,发现我国高等教育入学机会的分布存在以下特征:第一,个体特征层面(包括性别和民族)因素在高等教育入学机会上的分布差异越来越小。第二,家庭经济资本、家庭社会资本、家庭文化资本在不同类型高等教...Since the popularization of higher education, there are more and more opportunities to acquire higher education. Who will conquer/get those opportunities? What have effects on the acquisition of higher education opportunities, and how? This is a big issue related to educational equality and social equality for all societies, and is also the key research in the sociology of education. This study is...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572010115173


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    2018年9月10日,我国新时代第一次全国教育大会的召开,吹响了向教育现代化全面进军的号角。全国各省市也纷纷行动起来,谋划区域教育现代化建设问题。2019年3月22日,浙江省召开全省教育大会,提...2017年国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于指数分析的高校县域办学决策模型研究”(71774090);; 2017年山东省“泰山学者工程专项经费”资助;; 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目“江苏省民办教育..

    System Accreditation of Higher Education in Germany:Origin,Development,and Achievement

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    体系认证自2008年被引入德国高等教育认证制度以来,经过多年的发展,已经成为德国高等教育质量保障、促进高校自律的重要机制。目前,德国高等教育体系认证形成了较为完备的认证程序和认证标准。未来,德国高等教育将全面推进体系认证。在实践中不断探索和发展起来的体系认证,将高校自治作为认证的根本追求、将"高校内部教学质量保障体系"作为认证的核心内容、采用三角印证的认证程序保证认证结果的有效性、认证标准强调建立具有健全组织和制度的教学质量保障体系、认证程序和认证标准都体现出与学校类型相适应的特征,对德国高等教育质量保障和质量提升产生了较为广泛的影响。System accreditation,which played an essential role in self-governance ofGerman higher education institutions,has become an important part in quality assurancesystem of higher education in Germany since 2008. Nowadays,system accreditation in Ger-man higher education has its own accreditation procedures and standards. And it will be uti-lized across the whole higher education system in Germany in future. Results show that: thebasic idea of system accreditation is self- governance of higher education institutions(HEIs),which focuses on the internal quality assurance system of teaching and learning ofHEIs;triangulation is used in system accreditation procedures to make the results more ef-fective;organization and institution of internal quality assurance system of teaching andlearning of HEIs are the key of system accreditation standards;both the procedures andstandards are required to match with HEIs' characteristic.2014年教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“高等学校分类体系及其设置标准研究”(课题编号:14JZD046);; “厦门大学研究生国(境)外交流访学项目”资


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    A Empirical Research on Outcome of “Quality Project”of “985 Project” Universities

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    采用主成分分析法和聚类分析法,对“985工程“大学质量工程实施成效进行分析,结果表明,“985工程“大学质量工程建设项目评选相对公平;不同类型大学质量工程实施成效存在差异;国家级建设项目对质量工程实施成效有较高的解释力。Six indicators from the data of the "Annual report on the quality of undergraduate education and teaching(2010) are selected to assess the outcome of "Quality Project" of the "985 project" universities.The result of principal component analysis and cluster analysis shows that the selection of "Quality Project" of the "985 project" universities is relatively equal and there are some differences in the outcome of different kinds of universities and the construction projects at the national level have good explanatory power to the outcome of "Quality Project" of the "985 project" universities.教育部重大攻关课题“我国本科人才培养质量研究”(课题编号:0JZD0038)之成