295 research outputs found


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    This paper presents the outlines of elementary error-correcting codes. The first section is an introductory representation. The Hamming weight and the Hamming distance are fundamental measurs for linear codes. They are introduced in the second section. Examples of Hamming single-error-detecting code, single-error-correcting code, and double-error-detecting code are illustrated in Table 2.1,2.3 and 2.4. respectively The third section provides the fundamental theories of finite groups, finite rings, Garois fields, vector spaces and matrixes. These mathematics are indispensable to the theories of error-correcting linear codes. If U is a linear code, and is also closed under the cyclic shift, then it is called a cyclic code. Examples of an encoding circuit and of a decoding circuit are illustrated in Fig.4.1 and Fig.4.2 respectively of the fourth section. In the fifth section, burst-error-correcting codes are investigated in some detail. Fig.5 shows the code-point-distribution on the (g, r) plane. The sixth section describes the convolutional code in short. This type of code is also useful for burst-error-collection

    Effects of Helium Pre-Irradiation on Tritium Release from Thin Boron Film Deposited on Stainless Steel type 316

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    The effects of helium pre-irradiation on trapping and release behavior of tritium implanted into thin boron films deposited on a plate of stainless steel type S316 were examined by an isothermal heating method and β-ray-induced spectrometry (BIXS). BIXS results showed that the helium pre-irradiation caused an increase in the trapping amount of surface tritium. Isothermal heating of the samples was carried out at temperatures in the range of 473 to 723K, and the decreasing rate of surface tritium was measured by tracking changes in the intensity of X-rays induced by β-rays. It was found that the decreasing rate of residual tritium obeyed first order reaction kinetics, indicating that the helium pre-irradiation has no influence on the tritium release kinetics. Apparent activation energy of the decreasing rate was determined to be 0.3 eV from temperature dependence of the decreasing rate constant, which was about two-times larger than that measured without pre-irradiation of helium

    Epidemiological Surveys on the Intestinal Parasites and Filarial Infection among the Inhabitants of Miyako Islands, Ryukyu.

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    1961年10月約20日間,宮古島住民に腸内寄生蠕虫及び糸状虫感染状況を調査した.その結査鉤虫をはじめとして腸内寄生虫の高い保有率があり,ことに農村では鉤虫による被害が大きいことを知った.又糸状虫については中学生,高校生に25%以上の仔虫陽性率を示し,琉球列島でも最も濃厚な浸淫地であることが窺われる.宮崎,片峰等により開発されたFPT抗原皮内反応を患者及び流行地の集団に用い,その特異性とScreening testとしての利用価値のあることを確認した.尚琉球列島に放けるとの種の調査研究は目下続行中で,詳細は追って,夫々国吉,吉田,吉村の名で原著として報告される予定である.擱筆するに当り,御援助,御協力を賜った琉球政府,琉球衛生研究所,宮古保健所,宮古病院その他現地の各位に厚く御礼を申上げる.An epidemiological survey of the intestinal parasites and filarial infection among the inhabitants of Miyako Islands, Ryukyus were carried out in October, 1961. 1) To begin with, 1348 faecal samples collected from five different areas were examined by me

    化学模拟生物固氮——Ⅸ 铁钼辅基模型化合物的合成和性能表征

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    本文曾在全国化学摸拟生物固氮协作组领导小组扩大会议(昆明,1980,8)上宣读。[中文文摘]采用乙二醇基阴离子作为活插头(可通过水解除去的双配位螯形配位体),对前文提出的合成方法作了重要改进,以期所合成的铁钼辅基模型化合物中Mo~(Ⅳ(Ⅲ))第一配位界内两个不稳定的配位体处于相邻的位置,如厦门模型Ⅲ(或厦门模型Ⅱ)所要求。合成和重组活性评价结果,重组活性比使用乙腈等为活插头的提高2个数量级,化学催化活性和选择性接近于天然FeMo-co水平。[英文文摘]A significant improvement has been made to the method previously proposed[3] for synthesizing FeMo-co modeling compounds. With the use of ethylene glycolate anion as labilizable blocking agent (hydrolyzable bidentatc chelating ligand)to protect two neighboring coordination sites in the first coordination sphere of MoIV(III) of the synthesized FeMo-co modeling compound, an increase in reconstituted-nitrogenase activity of 2 orders of magnitude of the sample synthesized (as compared with the use of acetoni-trile or other monodentare ligands as bloeking agents)has been obtained.Catalytic activity and selectivity assays as well as preliminary characterization by EPR method have also been made


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    Article信州医学雑誌 40(2): 175-180(1992)journal articl