340 research outputs found

    Research on TFP Dynamics Effects of Service Structural Changes in China

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    理论上,越来越多的研究表明,全要素生产率的差距是造成国家之间经济增长和收入差距的最重要的原因。实践中,2007年以来,中国经济增长的可持续性受到质疑,理由是中国的全要素生产率太低,不足以支持经济长期可持续的增长。以提高全要素生产率为核心的“供给侧”改革成为当前热点问题。 本文在对1990-2012年期间,我国服务业结构变迁实证分析和服务业细分行业全要素生产率测算基础上,利用结构分解和计量模型两种方法,探寻服务业结构变迁的全要素生产率动态变化效应。本文的基本观点和结论为:第一,无论从单要素生产率或者从全要素生产率的角度来分析,在2004年以后,我国服务业并未体现出明显的“鲍莫尔成本病”问题。但...In theory, more and more studies show that the gap in Total Factor Productivity (TFP), rather than capital accumulation, are the most important causes of economic growth and income gaps between countries. In practice, since 2007, the sustainability of China's economic growth has been questioned for the reason that the growth rate of China's TFP is too low to support long-term sustainable growth. S...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济研究所_政治经济学学号:1602013015400

    A study on the Plankton of the Banda Sea and Its Neighborhood.

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    Investigations were carried out in the Western Pacific Ocean and the Bands Sea. Results obtained are as follows from December 1955 to April 1957. 1) We found 143 species of 37 genera in this region; they are 73 species of 24 genera of Diaotm and Trichodesmium, 57 species of 5 genera of Dinoflagellata, and 13 species of 8 genera of Infusoria. 2) From measurements of 6 dominant diatom species, we found the cell-diameter in the Western Pacific Ocean was larger than that in the Banda Sea, which being almost as large as that in the North Indian Ocean. The cells in the 2 first regions combined were higher than those in the last. 3) We found some specimens of Ceratium gibberum f. sinstrum, whose apical horn was biramus.① 本海域で同定されたものは,植物性では珪藻類24属73種とTrichodesmium sp.1種,動物性では鞭虫類(Ceratium属48種を主とする)5属57種,浸液虫類8属13種で,計37属143種であった. ② 本海域各点に共通して出現した種は, Rhizosolenia alata, R. alata f. indica, R. styliformis, R. calcar-avis. R. hebetata f. semispina, Chaetoceros lorenzianus, C. coarctatus, C. pervianus, Hemiaulus membranacus, H. hauckii, Amphisolenia bidentata, Ceratium pulchellum, C. deflexum, C. trichoceros, C. massiliens, Pylocystis pseudonoctilnca等であった. ③ Chaetoceros coarctatus, C. pervianus, Rhizosolenia alata, R. bergoeii, R. hebetata f. semisPina, R. styliformisの6種について細胞巾を測定した結果,西部大平洋産のものがバンダ海産より大であり,バンダ海産のものは北部印度洋産のものに近似した.又細胞巾と殻高との比はChaetoceroscoarctatus. C. pervianusの二種を測定した結果,本海域産のものが北部印度洋産に比べ殻高が大であった. ④ Ceratium gibberum f. sinistrumの頂角の又状分岐したものが北部バンダ.海において少数個体みれた

    Auroral oval distribution for superstorms: A numerical model and observations

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    第34回極域宙空圏シンポジウム12月3日(金) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議

    Study on Local Immunity within the Mouth : Influence of Ig in the colostrum on infants

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    The oral cavity, on open-type organ contact with antibodies from the outside world through mucous membrane, has been reported to work as a neutralisirender antibody and Agglutination Antibody, and also as a defensive element against the invasion, settling and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria or other foreign bodies. It is, however, not yet clear as to what kind of role is played by Ig contained in the colostrum in the settling oral flora or caries activity whth regard to newborn or an infant. As a preliminary study to determine the role the amount of IgA in breast milk is playing in babies caries activity and the settling of oral flora, we examined the relationship of colostrum Ig with the amount of Ig contained in a babies saliva and the pH of that saliva. As result, the following findings have been made: 1. Although no what values in amount of saliva Ig were observed 24 hours after birth, an increasing tendency was noticed over the passage of time. 2. Although no correlation between IgA content of colostrum, IgA content of saliva and falling was observed either one month or three months after birth, the correlation coefficient was found to have become negative with the passage of time. 3. Although the difference in the Ig content of saliva caused by variation in the breast-milk ratio was not clearly noticeable, a tendency for the low breast-milk ratio group to show a higher Ig content of saliva was observed. 4. The group with the lower breast-milk ratio was found to have a pH value distributed over a low range of values. This tendency was particularly distinct three months after birth. 5. Whereas no change in pH was obseved with the passage of time in the case of the group with a breast-milk ratio of 100%, a distinct tendency of falling pH was ovserved in the case of the group fed entirely with artificial milk (i.e., 0% breast milk)


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