A study on the Plankton of the Banda Sea and Its Neighborhood.


Investigations were carried out in the Western Pacific Ocean and the Bands Sea. Results obtained are as follows from December 1955 to April 1957. 1) We found 143 species of 37 genera in this region; they are 73 species of 24 genera of Diaotm and Trichodesmium, 57 species of 5 genera of Dinoflagellata, and 13 species of 8 genera of Infusoria. 2) From measurements of 6 dominant diatom species, we found the cell-diameter in the Western Pacific Ocean was larger than that in the Banda Sea, which being almost as large as that in the North Indian Ocean. The cells in the 2 first regions combined were higher than those in the last. 3) We found some specimens of Ceratium gibberum f. sinstrum, whose apical horn was biramus.① 本海域で同定されたものは,植物性では珪藻類24属73種とTrichodesmium sp.1種,動物性では鞭虫類(Ceratium属48種を主とする)5属57種,浸液虫類8属13種で,計37属143種であった. ② 本海域各点に共通して出現した種は, Rhizosolenia alata, R. alata f. indica, R. styliformis, R. calcar-avis. R. hebetata f. semispina, Chaetoceros lorenzianus, C. coarctatus, C. pervianus, Hemiaulus membranacus, H. hauckii, Amphisolenia bidentata, Ceratium pulchellum, C. deflexum, C. trichoceros, C. massiliens, Pylocystis pseudonoctilnca等であった. ③ Chaetoceros coarctatus, C. pervianus, Rhizosolenia alata, R. bergoeii, R. hebetata f. semisPina, R. styliformisの6種について細胞巾を測定した結果,西部大平洋産のものがバンダ海産より大であり,バンダ海産のものは北部印度洋産のものに近似した.又細胞巾と殻高との比はChaetoceroscoarctatus. C. pervianusの二種を測定した結果,本海域産のものが北部印度洋産に比べ殻高が大であった. ④ Ceratium gibberum f. sinistrumの頂角の又状分岐したものが北部バンダ.海において少数個体みれた

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