430 research outputs found

    Statistical Data Quality and Users' Satisfaction: Designing Evaluation Scale and Empirical Study

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    本文针对政府统计数据质量评估问题,综合若干国家统计部门与国际组织对统计质量的定义,确立政府统计数据质量维度体系;进而参照国际货币基金组织的“数据质量评估框架“设计了具体的用户满意度测评量表。基于该量表的问卷调查结果显示,量表具有良好的测量信度与效度。研究中提出的八项质量维度可以充分反映政府统计数据质量的不同侧面,可以有效解构用户满意度的特征;用户对各质量维度的重要性认知、用户专业技术职务、对统计数据的依赖程度以及搜集渠道的选择等,与其满意度之间亦表现出明显的关联模式。Concerning assessment of official statistical data quality, a quality dimension framework has been determined,with reference to definition of statistical quality by several national statistical authorities and international organizations.Referring to DQAF by IMF,a user-satisfaction evaluation scale has been designed.The evaluation scale has adequate reliability and validity,according to test to questionnaire interview data.The paper argues that the eight quality dimensions can reflect various aspects of official statistical service quality,and deconstruct the structure of user satisfaction.In addition,user characteristics,such as importance perception to quality dimensions,the title of a technical post,degree of dependence on statistics and data collection channels,appear evident associate pattern with their satisfaction.国家自然科学基金项目“我国统计数据质量的评估统研究”(项目编号:70671104)阶段性成

    Statistical Data Accuracy Assessment:Methods Classification and Applicability

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    对于统计数据准确性评估方法的归纳分类,可以从辅助资料信息的来源及表现形态、包含目标特征真值关键信息的参照标准的构造方法、实际统计数值与参照标准之间的比较逻辑等方面加以考察。针对总量统计数据的准确性评估,主要在纵向时间维度上开展,根据统计指标与其相关联指标变动趋势的偏离程度加以评判;针对个体或分类统计数据的准确性评估则主要在横向空间维度上开展,对数据的统计分布形态加以检验,或者利用重复调查或随机实验方法对事先假定的误差参数进行估计。不同方法具有不同的适用条件,在实际应用中,应基于所掌握辅助资料的翔实程度来选择评估方法,并对导致评估方法发生误判的因素加以细致分析和排除,以确保评估结论的说服力和可信度。For generalizing and classifying the assessment methods of statistical data accuracy,some factors should be reviewed such as source and form of the assistant information,conformation of contrast criterion containing key information of objective characters' real values,and logistic for comparing factual statistical data with contrast criterion.The assessment of gross statistical data accuracy has mostly been processed along the longitudinal way,the conclusion of which can be obtained according with actual statistics' trend departure from correlate indices.Meanwhile,the assessment of unit or section statistical data accuracy has mostly been processed along the landscape orientation,for which probability distribution of data would be tested,or error parameters be estimated based on re-interview or random experiment.In addition,there've been different applicability conditions for different assessment methods.In order to insure reliability of assessment conclusions,abundance degree of assistant information should be considered,and those factors inducing miscarriage of justice be checked and removed.国家自然科学基金项目“我国统计数据质量的评估系统研究”(项目编号:70671104)阶段性成


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    目的制备人红细胞凝集型单克隆抗体并进行鉴定。方法以3种方式处理人血红细胞,获得红细胞免疫原,分别免疫Balb/c小鼠。应用杂交瘤技术,取免疫小鼠的脾细胞与Sp2/0骨髓瘤细胞融合,以凝集实验筛选分泌凝集型抗体的杂交瘤细胞,继而用有限稀释法克隆3次,并对杂交瘤细胞的稳定性进行测定。通过腹水法制备抗体,亲和层析法纯化抗体,对抗体的特性进行研究。结果 3种方式获得的免疫原均能建立有效的免疫反应,低渗加超声破碎法所获得的小鼠血清抗体效价最高。通过融合获得8株可稳定分泌抗体的杂交瘤细胞,其中,4A1分泌的抗体凝集效价最高。抗体可使4种人血型的红细胞凝集,无种属交叉凝集反应。结论有效制备了针对人红细胞的凝集性单抗,为其之后的应用研究奠定了基础。福建省省属公益类项目(2015R1036-3,2016R1034-2,2017R1036-3);;福建省科技计划(2014Y0082,2014Y0083

    Electrochemical Micromachining on Different Types of GaAs by Confined Etchant Layer Technique

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    应用约束刻蚀剂层技术(CElT)对gAAS进行电化学微加工.研究了刻蚀溶液体系中各组成的浓度比例、gAAS类型、掺杂以及阳极腐蚀过程对gAAS刻蚀加工过程的影响.循环伏安实验表明,br-可以通过电化学反应生成br2作为刻蚀剂,l-胱氨酸可作为有效的捕捉剂.CElT中刻蚀剂层被紧紧束缚于模板表面,模板和工件之间的距离小于刻蚀剂层的厚度时,刻蚀剂可以对gAAS进行加工.利用表面具有微凸半球阵列的导电模板,可以在不同类型gAAS上加工得到微孔阵列.实验结果表明:在相同刻蚀条件下,gAAS的加工分辨率与刻蚀体系中各组分的浓度比例有关,刻蚀结构的尺寸随着刻蚀剂与捕捉剂浓度比的增加而增大;在加工过程中,P-gAAS相对于n-gAAS和无掺杂gAAS受到阳极氧化过程的影响较为显著,P-gAAS表面易生成氧化物层,影响电化学微加工过程.X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和极化曲线实验也证明了这一点.The confined etchant layer technique (CELT) was applied to electrochemical micromachining on different types of GaAs (p-type, n-type, undoped).Cyclic voltammetry curves showed that the etchant bromine was generated on the mold and L-cystine was thus used as an efficient scavenger to react quickly with the etchant.Therefore, the etchant was confined very close to the surface of the mold and it etched the workpiece of GaAs when the distance between the mold and workpiece was less than the thickness of the confined etchant layer.An array of concave microstructures was fabricated on different types of GaAs by CELT using a mold with an array of convex hemispheres.Several factors including the concentration ratio between the etchant and the scavenger, types of GaAs, and anodic oxidation during the process of CELT were studied.Experimental results showed that the resolution of electrochemical micromachining increased when the thickness of the confined etchant layer decreased.During the microfabrication process, anodic dissolution affected the electrochemical micromachining of p-type GaAs much more than that of the other two types of GaAs.The oxide layer on p-GaAs had a strong influence on electrochemical micromachining.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and polarization curves also proved the existence of the oxide layer on p-GaAs.国家自然科学基金(20873112);国家光电子晶体材料工程技术研究中心开放课题(2005DC105003)资助项目---

    Heavy metals contamination in fish from coral reef ecosystem and ecology risk evaluation

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    为研究海南珊瑚礁区重金属的污染现状,选择鱼类为污染指示物,测定珊瑚礁区的5种鱼体中Cr、Mn、Cu、zn、AS、Pb和Hg 7种重金属的含量,并采用单因子污染指数法(PI)对重金属的污染状况进行了风险评价。研究结果显示,不同鱼类对同种重金属元素的富集能力存在较大差异,同种鱼对不同重金属元素的富集能力也存在差异。珊瑚礁区鱼类重金属的污染程度由强到弱的顺序为:Cr>AS>Mn>Hg>zn>Cu>Pb;鱼类的鳃和内脏器官比肌肉更容易蓄积重金属。珊瑚礁区生物富集作用最明显的为Cr和AS。PI结果表明海南珊瑚礁区鱼体重金属Cr的污染严重,AS中度污染,其他重金属基本无污染或轻度污染。To study the pollution status quo of heavy metals in coral reef ecosystem in Hainan Island,concentrations of heavy metals including Cr,Mn,Cu,Zn,As,Pb,and Hg in wild fish were determined.Single factor pollution index(Pi) was employed to evaluate the heavy metal pollution level.The results showed that enriched degree of the heavy metals in fish can be ranked from high to low as Cr>As>Mn>Hg>Zn>Cu>Pb;heavy metals prefer to be accumulated in gill and viscera.Obvious bioaccumulation of Cr and As in fish of coral reef ecosystem was observed.Pi indicated that coral reef ecosystem in Hainan Island has been heavily polluted by Cr and moderately polluted by As.Other metals have shown no pollution or slight pollution.中国博士后科学基金(2012M510201); 中国科学院百人计划资助项目(2060299); 中国科学院南海海洋研究所知识创新工程领域前沿项目(50601-31); 王宽诚教育基金会对本工作的资


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    An Application and Design for Safety Material Support Program Based on Radio Frequency Identifier

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    目的:设计并应用一种基于射频技术的物资安全保障方案。方法:事先约定了rfId标签的编码格式,只有PdA通过无线方式与基地数据库连接才能获取rfId标签内容;同时在PdA与rfId标签之间建立双向认证机制,防止未授权的阅读器和假冒的标签参与会话。结果:在卫生分队执行机动卫勤保障任务动态补充物资过程中应用该方案后,保证了物资的安全运输。结论:在确保物资应急保障的安全性和可靠性方面有较大应用价值。Objective To design and apply a material security program based on RFID technology.Methods The program agreed on encoding format of RFID tag in advance,in which PDA could access the content of RFID tags only by connecting with the base database wirelessly.At the same time,mutual authentication mechanism was established between the PDA and the RFID tag,which prevented unauthorized tags and readers from participating in the session.Results The safe of military supplies transportation was assured after the program was applied in the implementation of mobile medical support tasks.Conclusion The program has great application value for ensuring the safety and reliability of material emergency support.南京军区重点课题(08Z021);南京军区“十一五”计划课题项目(06MA99


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