57 research outputs found

    The Method of Separation of Tongue Coating and Tongue Texture in the Process of Tongue Diagnosis Informatization

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    应用计算机分析舌像,在舌像信息辅助下推断中医证型的过程中,实现舌质、舌苔区域的自动化分离是前提条件,分离结果直接影响到后续舌质、舌苔颜色分类识别的质量,最终影响证型推断的准确性。在质苔分离实验中采用两种方法,即基于HSV色彩空间的最佳阈值迭代算法和基于彩色特征组合的分割方法,根据两者各自特点,综合叠加运用这两种方法,有效的解决质苔分离问题。The separation of the coating and the texture of the tongue is crucial and prerequisite for the TCM-diagnosing from the information of the tongue which derived from the analysis of the tongue picture with the computer. The qualify of the separation will directly affect the classification and recognition of the color of the tongue coating and tongue texture in the following step, at last, the accuracy of syndrome differentiation. Hence, this article concentrates on analysis of the automatic separation of coating and the texture of the tongue. Two methods are comprehensive applied in the separation,first is Optimal Threshold Iterated Algorithm based on HSV color space, and second is based on the color characteristics.Through comprehensive use of the two methods according to their own characteristics, we achieve the purpose of the perfect separation.国家自然科学基金(编号:60601025);; 卫生部联合基金(编号:WKJ2005-2-001);; 厦门市科技计划(编号:3502Z20055003

    Development and stability test of compound ketoconazole ointment

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    目的 制备复方酮康唑软膏并考察其稳定性。方法 以酮康唑、莫匹罗星和糠酸莫米松为主药,以聚乙二醇(PEG)为基质制备软膏;利用影响因素试验考察软膏中药物的稳定性。结果 PEG400和PEG3350的比例为2:1时,软膏的黏度最佳,易于涂展。制成软膏后,高温下糠酸莫米松和莫匹罗星稳定性良好;酮康唑有少许分解,加入0.5%的抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯(L-A)后,酮康唑的含量明显提高。加速试验发现,放置6个月后软膏的颜色无变化,3种药物的含量均在98%以上。结论 本实验成功制备了新型复方酮康唑软膏,药物稳定性良好。Objective To prepare compound ketoconazole ointment and perform the stability study.Methods Ketoconazole, mupirocin and mometasone furoate were used as active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). PEG mixture was used as matrix to prepare the ointment.Stability of the API in the ointment was evaluated by the stress tests.Results The optimal ratio of PEG400 to PEG3350 for the ointment matrix was 2:1. Mometasone furoate and mupirocin in the ointment were stable to the high temperature(40℃)while ketoconazole had some degradation. The stability of the API was improved by addition of 0.5% of L-A. During the accelerate test, the ointment had no color change and the API percentages were above 98%. Conclusion The novel compound ketoconazole ointment was successfully prepared and the formulation stability was excellent.福建省自然科学基金项目(2010J01218

    <Chinese Studies>Summary of Excellent Master\u27s Theses

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    Faith at Work : Directory of Associations of Christian Entrepreneurs and Workers

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    Translation of:Faith at Work : Directory of Associations of Christian Entrepreneurs and Workers如何在工作中实施信仰?如何在商业活动中践行道德价值观?是宗教信仰者一直在寻找的答案。在基督教中,基督教企业家和工人在协会中通过会议、培训、指导、圣经研习、祷告、倡议、慈善以及出版物来相互鼓励。此名录列举53个基督教企业家协会和17个基督教工人协会,以便扩大思路,增加联谊。日内瓦爱梦成真基金会致力于加强工作中的信仰,并且积极与各协会合作。 (www.gafoundation.world


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    为了解红树林与光滩磷、铁地球化学行为的差异,借助薄膜扩散梯度技术(ZrO-Chelex DGT),对厦门同安湾红树林及临近光滩孔隙水中溶解活性磷(DRP)、Fe2+浓度进行了原位测量,并采集了相应沉积物柱状样进行测定分析。结果表明:(1)Fe2+与DRP呈现较好的线性正相关,说明磷的吸附/解吸与铁氧化还原循环有关;(2)在不同深度,光滩孔隙水中DRP浓度均高于对应深度红树林。在浅层,由于溪水的补给造成光滩的磷富集;在深层,红树植物根部吸收导致磷浓度下降,光滩有机质含量较多,矿化释放DRP使其浓度较高;(3)孔隙水中的Fe2+浓度分布表明,红树林区域随着深度的增加,逐渐由好氧环境进入厌氧环境;而光滩沉积物氧化还原环境可能受到红树林的影响,孔隙水Fe2+在垂向上波动分布。国家自然科学基金项目(41672226; 41372242)~


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    为了解红树林与光滩磷、铁地球化学行为的差异,借助薄膜扩散梯度技术(ZrO-Chelex DGT),对厦门同安湾红树林及临近光滩孔隙水中溶解活性磷(DRP)、Fe2+浓度进行了原位测量,并采集了相应沉积物柱状样进行测定分析。结果表明:(1)Fe2+与DRP呈现较好的线性正相关,说明磷的吸附/解吸与铁氧化还原循环有关;(2)在不同深度,光滩孔隙水中DRP浓度均高于对应深度红树林。在浅层,由于溪水的补给造成光滩的磷富集;在深层,红树植物根部吸收导致磷浓度下降,光滩有机质含量较多,矿化释放DRP使其浓度较高;(3)孔隙水中的Fe2+浓度分布表明,红树林区域随着深度的增加,逐渐由好氧环境进入厌氧环境;而光滩沉积物氧化还原环境可能受到红树林的影响,孔隙水Fe2+在垂向上波动分布。国家自然科学基金项目(No:41672226; 41372242

    Rolling contact fatigue investigation and experimental simulation for plastic film used for full - opening and partially - opening automatic ventilation greenhouses

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    The green house is widely used to add the quality and value of agricultural products. Newly developed full opening type green house has a lot of attracted attention because the roof opens and closes automatically in order to control the inside temperature. However, since the roof opens and closes very often, the cover sheet can be used only for 3-4months. This is because the plastic film is damaged between the support and rolling pipes during opening-closing affected by fatigue and wear. In this study, by using Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) and roughness test machine, the damage mechanism is investigated for the several plastic films. Then, FEM analysis is performed to evaluate the mechanical damage of plastic film between the pipes under different conditions and film materials. Also rolling fatigue experiments are performed to investigate the damage under different film materials. Then the results are compared with the FEM analysis. It is found that the thickness reduction of the film obtained under static contact analysis is the most important factor to control the damage of the film

    Drag reduction using riblets downstream of a high Reynolds number inclined forward step flow

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    Micro-riblet is an efficient passive method for controlling turbulent boundary layers, with the potential to reduce frictional drag. In various applications within the transportation industry, flow separation is a prevalent flow phenomenon. However, the precise drag reduction performance of riblets in the presence of flow separation remains unclear. To address this, an inclined forward step model is proposed to investigate the interaction between riblet and upstream flow separation. The large eddy simulation (LES) method is applied to simulate the flow over geometries with different step angles and riblet positions. The results show riblets still reduce wall frictional resistance when subjected to the upstream flow separation. Remarkably, as the angle of the step increases from 0 degrees to 30 degrees, the drag reduction experiences an increment from 9.5% to 12.6%. From a turbulence statistics standpoint, riblets act to suppress the Reynold stress in the near-wall region and dampen ejection motions, thus weakening momentum exchange. Quadrant analysis reveals that with the augmentation of flow separation, the Q2 motion within the flow field intensifies, subsequently enhancing the riblet-induced drag reduction. Moreover, the position of the rib lets has a significant impact on the pressure drag. Riblets close to the point of separation enhance flow separation, altering the surface pressure distribution and thus increasing the resistance. The results reveal that when the riblets are positioned approximately 160 riblet heights away from the step, their effect on the upstream flow separation becomes negligible. The precise performance of riblets under complex flow conditions is important for their practical engineering application