4,679 research outputs found

    Butterfly Floquet Spectrum in Driven SU(2) Systems

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    The Floquet spectrum of a class of driven SU(2) systems is shown to display a butterfly pattern with multi-fractal properties. The level crossing between Floquet states of the same parity or different parities is studied. The results are relevant to studies of fractal statistics, quantum chaos, coherent destruction of tunneling, and the validity of mean-field descriptions of Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., for a full-length report see arXiv 0906.225

    Research on Cultivation of Students' Employability in Universities of Applied Sciences

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    大学生就业难是我国当代社会、经济和教育转型过程中普遍存在的问题,也是当前我国亟待解决的重大理论和实践问题之一。在结构性失业、选择性失业、岗位挤占、教育过度等诸多就业难问题中,大学毕业生因自身就业能力不足而产生的就业难问题凸显,尤其是毕业生的基本工作能力普遍低于工作岗位实际需要的问题十分突出,引发社会各界广泛关注。应用技术大学是我国高等教育大众化时期多样化发展的必然选择,也是地方本科高校可持续发展的现实选择。探讨转型时期我国应用技术大学学生就业能力的结构及培养问题,理论上有助于丰富我国有关大学生就业能力理论的本土化研究,实践上有利于提升大学生的就业质量和高校人才培养水平,政策上也有助于解决社会重...The difficulty of graduates’ employment is the common problem during the transition of China’s society, economy and education. Meanwhile, it is one of the significant theoretical and practical issues which has drawn great attention national wide. Among the problems of structural unemployment, optional unemployment, occupational squeeze and over-education, the unemployment problem caused by graduat...学位:教育博士院系专业:教育研究院_教育(博士、硕士)学号:2572012015358

    Design and Implementation of Integrated Information Platform for Service Management of the Floating Population

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    随着内地对口支援新疆的力度不断加大,通过招商引资,扩大消费市场机制,新疆维吾尔自治区在经济、高新技术等各大领域都有了较大的发展。与此同时,外来务工人口正源源不断地涌入新疆各地州,尤其是首府乌鲁木齐市。在给整个新疆周边城市带来活力、繁荣、经济发展的同时,对于外来务工人员及其随迁人员的管理、教育、卫生医疗等问题也日渐凸显。如何采用科学有效的方式对流动人员高效合理的管理途径,已成为当前乌鲁木齐市流动人口管理等相关职能部门的重要研究课题。 本文分析了乌鲁木齐市流动人口管理的现状和规模,结合实际,设计并实现了流动人口服务管理综合信息平台系统。首先,本文采用面向对象以及模块化设计的思想,分析了系统的业务...As the mainland counterpart support strength increasing of Xinjiang, through the investment promotion and capital introduction, expanding consumer market mechanism, the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in the field of economy, high and new technology and the major has a bigger development.At the same time, the migrant population in Urumqi, in bring vitality to the city, economic development at the...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323055

    CuInS_2 Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells Fabricated via a Linker-Assisted Adsorption Approach

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    分别以Cu I和In AC3作为铜源和铟源,十二硫醇(ddT)作为硫源,采用直接加热法合成不同尺寸的Cu In S2(CIS)量子点.运用X射线衍射(Xrd),拉曼光谱(rAMAn),高分辨率透射电镜(HrTEM),紫外-可见(uVVIS)吸收光谱表征其相结构、形貌及光学性能.结果表明:制备的CIS量子点为黄铜矿结构,且随着时间的延长,量子点逐渐长大,吸收光谱的激子吸收峰逐渐红移,表现出量子尺寸效应.采用巯基乙酸为双功能耦联剂辅助吸附法制备CIS敏化的TI O2薄膜.通过衰减全反射红外光谱(ATr-fTIr)分析得出,巯基乙酸上的羧基与TI O2表面羟基连接,另一端上的巯基代替长链的ddT与CIS耦联,将CIS成功锚定在TI O2表面.该方法不仅操作简单,而且容易实现CIS在TI O2表面的吸附.太阳电池光电性能测试表明,粒径大小约为3.6 nM的CIS量子点表现出最优的吸附能力以及光电转换性能.进一步采用连续离子吸附层法对CIS敏化的TI O2薄膜进行Cd S包覆,光电转换性能大大提高,其效率达到2.83%,这主要源于Cd S的包覆钝化了CIS的表面缺陷,有效地降低了电子复合.Colloidal chalcopyrite CuInS2(CIS) quantum dots(QDs) were synthesized using copper(I) iodine(CuI) and indium(III) acetate(In Ac3) as metal cationic precursors, and dodecanethiol(DDT) as the sulfur source and solvent.The microstructure and optical properties of the prepared CIS QDs were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), Raman spectroscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM), and UVVis absorption spectroscopy.The results showed that the CIS consisted of chalcopyrite phase and exhibited Cu-Au ordering.With prolonged reaction time, the grain sizes of the QDs became larger and the absorption edges of the CIS QDs showed a red-shift owing to the size-induced quantum confinement effect.For the first time, DDT-capped CIS QDs with narrow size distribution were connected to the inner surface of mesoporous Ti O2 films via a thioglycolic acid(TGA)-assisted adsorption approach, which was simple and easy to carry out.The adsorption behaviors of both TGA and the CIS QDs on the Ti O2 films were detected by attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared(ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy.The results indicated that TGA was adsorbed onto the surface of Ti O2 via COOH groups while the ―SH group was exposed outside, and replaced DDT at the surface of the CIS QDs, leading to the attachment between Ti O2 and CIS.It was revealed that the CIS QDs of ~3.6 nm in size exhibited the best light absorption capacity and photovoltaic performance.An over-coating of Cd S significantly improved the performance of the QDSSCs owing to decreased electron recombination, and a power conversion efficiency of ~2.83% was obtained.supportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(21073193;21273241;21376195); ProjectontheIntegrationofIndustry;EducationandResearchofGuangdongProvince;China(2012B091100476); ScienceandTechnologyResearchProjectofGuangzhou;China(2014J4100218)~


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    Preparation and Property Research of heparin immobilized affinity electromembrane

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    本文将导电聚合物及其带有活性官能团的衍生物引入亲和膜分离领域,分别通过掺杂和共价偶联的方式将配基肝素固载在膜上,构建了两种具有导电能力的亲和膜,并比较其在电刺激和非电刺激条件下的吸附、洗脱、再生性能。主要研究内容如下: 1.掺杂肝素导电亲和膜的制备和性能表征 以聚醚砜(PES)微孔滤膜为基膜,采用模板法,通过化学氧化的方式将导电高分子聚吡咯(PPy)沉积到基膜表面和膜孔中。利用聚吡咯的可掺杂特性将配基肝素固载到膜上,制备具有理想形貌和物化性能的掺杂肝素的导电亲和膜。膜的电导率为1.73×10-4S/cm,肝素配基的含量为0.894mg/g膜。 2.掺杂肝素导电亲和膜的吸附、洗脱、再...In this paper, conductive polymer and its ramification with reactive functional group were introduced into the field of affinity membrane chromatography. Two kinds of novel heparin-immobilized affinity electromembranes were constructed by doping and covalently coupling, respectively. The affinity adsorption, elution, regeneration properties of these two kinds of affinity electromembranes, with and...学位:理学硕士院系专业:材料学院生物材料系_生物医学工程学号:3142009115008

    Research on Civil Liability for Damages Caused by Shipborne Hazardous and Noxious Substances Pollution

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    随着世界经济的发展,国家和地区之间的贸易往来越来越频繁。海上运输作为一种十分古老的贸易运输形式,在新形势下的国际和地区间的贸易中将扮演更加重要的作用。海上运输的货物种类也将会大大拓宽,有毒有害物质在未来的海上运输中将占据越来越大的比重。而有毒有害物质污染也正慢慢地成为海洋环境的另一大杀手。作为保护环境的有力武器,法律有必要对此进行规制。本文以此为契机,选取船载有毒有害物质污染损害赔偿责任这视角,结合相关的国际公约和我国的立法实践,并同时参考了船舶油污损害赔偿法律制度,对船载有毒有害物质污染损害赔偿的相关法律问题进行研究 除引言和结语外,本文共分四章: 第一章是船载有毒有害物质污染的概述。第...With the development of the world’s economy, the trade among countries and regions is becoming more and more flourishing. As a traditional transport form, the marine transport has its unique advantage and will play a much more important role in the international and regional trade. More different kinds of goods will be transported by sea, which also include hazardous and noxious substance. Meanwhi...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302010115031

    Research on the organizational structure of Z company in Southern China District

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    摘要 当今时代,社会经济处于快速变化之中。科技的不断进步推动了全球一体化,市场竞争变得更加激烈。微信的普及,移动互联网的飞速发展,P2P融资,众筹融资,股权投资的风起云涌,都以前所未有的速度在影响着企业的生存和发展。 中国网络招聘行业经过十几年的发展,新的业务模式不断涌现,老的业务模式仍有巨大增长空间,在这样的情况下,本文从组织结构入手,研究了中国网络招聘行业双巨头之一的Z公司华南区业务发展中遇到的各种问题。 首先,描述了Z公司华南区的发展历程,深入分析华南区发展中遇到的问题,华南区主要的问题表现在:管理权限不明确,部门重复设置,管理资源浪费,沟通成本高,工作效率低等。这些问题在当时公司...Abstract Nowadays,the social economy is in the rapid change. The progress of science and technology promote the global integration, market competition become more intense. The survival and the development pf enterprises have being affected by the emergence of WeChat , the rapid development of mobile Internet, P2P financing, crowed funding, equity investment of blustery, are at an unprecedented...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201115626