35 research outputs found

    The Researches into the Didderences of the Entrance to HE among Children from Social Strata in China

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    本论文从实证分析的角度,对我国各阶层子女高等教育入学机会差异状况进行了探讨。论文研究的主要内容为:各阶层子女总体入学机会差异及在不同类型高校、不同科类和专业中的入学机会差异;不同家庭文化背景、不同收入家庭子女间的入学机会差异;不同地区间各阶层子女入学机会差异状况;1978年以来各阶层子女入学机会之变化情况。在实证分析的基础上,本论文得出以下主要结论:一、目前我国十大社会阶层子女高等教育入学机会存在一定差异,出身于较高阶层的子女拥有较多的入学机会;每个阶层子女相对较多地在与其社会阶层地位相对应的高校就读。二、不同类型高校、不同专业中各阶层子女入学机会差异程度有所不同。总体上,公办高职院校中各阶层...From the angle of investigation,the thesis approaches the status quo of the differences of the entrance to HE among children from social strata in China. The major contents the thesis researches into are: the total differences of the entrance to HE among children from social strata, the differences of the entrance to different higher institutions, academic fields and specialties, the differences ...学位:教育学博士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:B20031701


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    The Tendency of Choosing Disciplines in Higher Institutions and the Differences of the A ccess to Higher Education among the Children from Strata:ased on the Explanation of the Partiality Model

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    在对部分省份高校学生家庭所处社会阶层问卷调查的基础上,从科类角度入手,文章描述了特定阶层子女对特定科类的偏好指数分布,并构建偏好模型对此做了分析。结论表明,缩小各阶层子女在不同科类中的机会差异,必须以收敛各阶层的收入差距为前提。同时,高等教育相关政策亦应做出相应调整以便为各阶层子女提供更为平等的入学机会。Based on the que sti on naire of und ergr adu ates' fa mily backgro und in some hig her ins titu tions in some pro vin ces, and on the ana lysis of dis cipl ines, the pap er des cribes the dis tri but ion of the ten den cy ind ex that the ch ildr en of spec ific str atum have to spe cif ic dis cipl ine and anal yses it by con struc ting ten den cy mo del. It tu rns out that wea keni ng the inc ome gap among the strata is the prere quisite to red ucing the access diff ere nce of dis cip lines among the chi ldr en. In add it ion, some rel eva nt poli cies of hi gher edu cat ion should make cor res pon ding cha nges so as to prov ide more equal acc ess for the chi ldren.全国教育科学“十五”规划国家重点课题(AIA030007


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    Damage to mangroves from extreme cold in early 2008 in southern China

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    通讯作者Author for correspondence (E-mail: [email protected])2008年初,我国南方19个省经历了50年一遇的持续低温雨雪冰冻天气。极端气候对华南沿海各省的红树林区造成不同程度的危害。2008年3月,在我国南方各省红树林区的10个代表性地点,对这次寒害造成的红树植物伤害程度进行了系统的调查。结果表明:冬季低温对红树林的影响极为显著,特别是在低纬度的海南、广西和广东湛江,由于极端低温正值夜间退潮,对红树林的影响更为显著;在纬度较高的福建,本地红树种类秋茄(Kandelia obovata)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)和白骨壤(Avicennia marina)及引种的木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)等,由于长期适应于冬季较低的气温或在种植前经过抗寒锻炼,具有较强的抗寒能力。各地主要红树植物中,广布种秋茄、桐花树和白骨壤最为耐寒,其耐寒性均大于红树科的木榄、海莲(Bruguiera sexangula)和红海榄(Rhizophora stylosa)。海桑(Sonneratia caseolaris)对温度的敏感性最强,抗寒能力最低,因此,即使在其原产地海南也受到较为严重的寒害,在纬度更高的引种地出现大面积受害甚至全部死亡,而从孟加拉国引种的无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)却显示出一定的抗寒能力。同一地点的红树植物幼苗的抗寒能力低于大树。此次寒害也造成了苗圃场的种苗大量死亡,成熟的植株提前落花落果,这势必会影响后继一两年内红树林的自然更新和人工造林。因此,在未来红树林造林或人工引种中,一定要考虑到红树植物的抗寒能力。国家自然科学基金(30671646和30700092);厦门大学“闽江学者”启动基

    Analysis of the Phenomenon of Higher Education run by the Local People in Shaanxi Province

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    在考察陕西民办高等教育发展历程的基础上,文章指出,陕西民办高等教育现象的出现是陕西特有的经济状况、政策环境以及文化资源等因素合力作用的结果,离开其中的任何一个因素,都难以诠释陕西民办高等教育现象形成的内在机理及其原因。On the basis of studying the development of higher education run by the local people in Shaanxi Province, this paper points out that the appearance of the phenomenon is the result of the integration of factors such as Shaanxi’s specific economic situation, policy environment and cultural resources, etc. Without any of the factors, it will be difficult to explain the interior mechanism and its causes

    The Sustainable Development of Higher Education in Our Country from the Perspective of Consumption and General Investment

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    从可持续发展理念及原则出发,在分析了20世纪90年代以来中国高等教育规模发展的基础上,认为高等教育规模在其发展过程中存在一些背离经济发展水平的问题,进而提出促使高等教育规模走可持续发展道路的相应对策。Starting from the notion and principles of sustainable development, on the analysis of development on a scale since the 1990s, issues on the scale of development of higher education exist due to detachment from the economic development level. Corresponding strategies are further put forth to enable higher education to pursue a sustainable road of development

    Profound Knowledge——the Key Problem of the Philosophy of Higher Education ——expounding on the Philosophy of Higher Education by Brubacher,J·S·

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    《高等教育哲学》以美国当时高等教育大发展为背景,并以高深学问作为其核心问题,对美国高等教育发展过程中出现的许多理论冲突问题从哲学层面进行了阐释。其中许多观点对于解决今天中国正在进行的高等教育大规模发展当中所出现的类似问题有一定的启发意义。The book on the Philosophy of Higher Education takes the substantial development of American higher education at that time as the background and regards profound knowledge as its key problem.In the book,the author philosophically explains many theoretical conflicts that American higher education encounters during its development,and we can draw inspiration from some viewpoints of the book to solve the similar problems that China meets during its large-scale development of higher education at present

    A Research on the Differences in the Opportunity for Access to Higher Education of Children from Different Social Strata

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    在对部分省份高校学生家庭所处社会阶层调查的基础上,从高校类型角度入手,文章探讨了各阶层子女在高等教育入学机会方面的差异,发现公立高职院校可以为不同阶层子女提供较为平等的入学机会。此外,论文通过构建偏好模型,对特定阶层子女对特定科类的偏好情况进行了分析,结论表明,缩小各阶层子女在不同科类中的机会差异,必须以收敛各阶层的收入差距为前提。Based on the investigation on the social strata of the families of students of higher education in some provinces and in perspective of the type of institutions of higher education, this paper explores the differences in the opportunity for access to higher education of children from different social strata, and discovers that public higher vocational colleges can provide relatively equal opportunities for going to school for children from different social strata. In addition, by constructing preference models, this paper analyzes the preference for specific disciplines by children from specific strata, and concludes that reduction of differences in opportunity for children from different strata in different disciplines presupposes diminution of the gap in income of different strata.“全国教育科学‘十五’规划国家重点课题(批准号:AIA030007)”阶段成