The Tendency of Choosing Disciplines in Higher Institutions and the Differences of the A ccess to Higher Education among the Children from Strata:ased on the Explanation of the Partiality Model


在对部分省份高校学生家庭所处社会阶层问卷调查的基础上,从科类角度入手,文章描述了特定阶层子女对特定科类的偏好指数分布,并构建偏好模型对此做了分析。结论表明,缩小各阶层子女在不同科类中的机会差异,必须以收敛各阶层的收入差距为前提。同时,高等教育相关政策亦应做出相应调整以便为各阶层子女提供更为平等的入学机会。Based on the que sti on naire of und ergr adu ates' fa mily backgro und in some hig her ins titu tions in some pro vin ces, and on the ana lysis of dis cipl ines, the pap er des cribes the dis tri but ion of the ten den cy ind ex that the ch ildr en of spec ific str atum have to spe cif ic dis cipl ine and anal yses it by con struc ting ten den cy mo del. It tu rns out that wea keni ng the inc ome gap among the strata is the prere quisite to red ucing the access diff ere nce of dis cip lines among the chi ldr en. In add it ion, some rel eva nt poli cies of hi gher edu cat ion should make cor res pon ding cha nges so as to prov ide more equal acc ess for the chi ldren.全国教育科学“十五”规划国家重点课题(AIA030007

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