102 research outputs found

    An Ecological Study on Nanoflagellate in the Northern South China Sea Based on its Size and Trophic Structure

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    本研究应用荧光显微技术和荧光标记颗粒示踪法,分别于2009年夏季、2009/2010年冬季、2010年秋季和2011年春季开展了中国南海北部微型鞭毛虫的生态学研究,调查了南海北部微型鞭毛虫的时空分布、粒级结构和营养结构,并初步探讨微型鞭毛虫对微微型浮游生物的摄食率和摄食压。主要结果如下: 春、夏、秋、冬四个季节南海北部微型鞭毛虫的平均丰度和生物量分别为1.08×103、1.13×103、1.61×103、1.40×103cellsml-1和12.78、11.70、14.54、17.47µgCL-1。在水平分布上,微型鞭毛虫的丰度随离岸距离的增加逐渐降低;在垂直分布上,异养微型鞭毛...By using the fluorescent dye particle tracer method and fluorescent microscope technique, we carried out an ecological study on nanoflagellate (NF) in the Northern South China Sea (NSCS). We investigated size structure, trophic structure, spatial and temporal variations of nanoflagellates in NSCS, as well as nanoflagellate grazing rate and grazing pressures on picoplankton, respectively in summer ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋生物学学号:2242009115116

    Applications of γ-aminobutyric Acid in Functional Foods

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    γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)作为1种功能保健产品的原料,具有多种生理功效。综述了富含γ-氨基丁酸功能性食品的研究进展和应用现状,分析了目前应用中存在的问题,阐述了未来的研究方向。γ-aminobutyric acid(GABA)was a functional health products material with many physiological functions.The progress and applications of functional foods rich in GABA were reviewed.The problems and the development in the future were discussed.江西科技师范学院科研创新启动基金项目(2005

    Difference in Current Densities of Two Pore Domain Potassium Channel between Ventricular and Ventricular Outflow Tract Cardiomyocytes in Rabbit Heart

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    目的已知特发性室速主要起源于右室流出道(rVOT),由于技术上的困难,目前对特发性右室流出道室速(rVOT-VT)的离子通道机制研究很少,本实验意在探索右室心室肌(rV)和rVOT的双孔钾通道电流(Ik2P)的特性及其在rVOT-VT发生机制中可能参与的作用。方法采用全细胞膜片钳技术记录右室和右室流出道心肌细胞的单细胞电流。结果 rVOT的稳态外向电流较右室的小。对稳态电流进一步研究发现,右室流出道和右室心肌细胞上均存在Ik2P。右室流出道细胞的Ik2P电流密度明显小于右室细胞。结论首次在电生理水平上,证实了家兔右室心肌细胞上存在Ik2P,rVOT心肌细胞的Ik2P电流密度小于rV心肌细胞,是构成右室流出道APd离散度增大及外向电流降低的基础,从而易出现EAd,进而促进rVOT-VT的发生。Objective Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia mainly originates from right ventricular outflow tract(RVOT).The ionic channel mechanism of idiopathic ventricular tachycardia arising from right ventricular outflow tract(RVOT-VT)has been seldom reported experimentally,for the technical difficulties.The aim of the experiment was to explore the difference of IK2p between the myocardial cells in RVOT and free right ventricular wall(RV)in rabbit heart and the mechanism of the ventricular tachycardia genesis from RVOT.Methods The ionic currents of rabbit cardiomyocytes in RVOT and in RV were recorded with the whole-cell patch-clamp technique.Results The steady-state current in RVOT cardiomyocytes was less than that in RV.The further observation on the steady-state current showed that IK2p currents existed in rabbit RVOT and RV myocardial cells,displaying that IK2p current in RVOT was less than that in RV.Conclusion It was the first time on the electrophysiological level verified the existence of the IK2p current in rabbit.The low IK2p current density in some RVOT myocytes led to lower the outward current and prolonged APD in RVOT myocytes.These might induce EAD and resulted to genesis of RVOT-VT

    健康への配慮とメタボリックシンドローム対策状況について -佐世保市民の健康に関する実態調査報告-

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    本研究では、健康への意識の有無とメタボリックシンドローム(以下、MetS)予防および改善行動の実践の有無から分析を行い、意識や行動の違いが健康に関する項目にどのような影響を与えるのか検討を行った。その結果、健康への意識を持つことにより日常的に健康の維持増進に向けた生活習慣を送り、健康診断やがん検診の受診など健康に向けた望ましい行動や、共食日数の増加や余暇活動の増加など QOL の向上にもつながることが示唆された。また、健康を意識することに加えて MetS 予防を行っているものでは、さらに望ましい生活習慣状況となっており、MetS 予防といった明確な目的およびその対策を実践しているという自覚によってより一層健康的な日常生活の実践に結びついていることが考えられた。In the present study, we analyzed the data from the presence or absence of the awareness of health and from the presence or absence of the practice for prevention of metabolic syndrome(hereinafter called“MetS”)and the behavior for improvement, and examined what effect the differences in the awareness and behavior might influence on the items on health. As a result, it was suggested that, by having an awareness of health, it would be possible to establish a life-style enabling the maintenance and promotion of health, and to be linked to the desirable behavior for health such as having regularly a health check-up and a cancer examination, and to go far towards the advancement of QOL such as the increased number of days of‘eating in company\u27and the increased level of activity for leisure. In addition to having an awareness of health, those who were conducting the preventive measure against MetS were found to lead a more, desirable life-style, and to be related to the practice of a healthier daily life by becoming self-conscious of having a definite objective of preventing MetS and practicing its measure

    休養状況から見た健康に向けた実践状況 -佐世保市民の健康に関する実態調査報告-

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    健康づくりの要素として「栄養・食生活」「身体活動・運動」「休養・こころの健康づくり」の3本柱があげられるが、本報告では佐世保市において平成24年1月~2月に行われた「佐世保市民の健康に関する実態調査」の調査結果のうち、休養状況を示す「休養・こころの健康づくり」に着目をし、休養と健康についての分析を行った。その結果、日常的に健康に配慮しているもの及び配慮している生活習慣として「栄養・食生活」を挙げた者が最も多く、「休養」をあげた者の割合は、「栄養・食生活」「運動」に対して少なかった。「運動」を挙げた者は休養がとれている者ととれていない者との差が大きく、また、休養がとれている者は、積極的に身体を動かしていたことを示した。休養を適切にとることは、日常生活が健康的な生活につながることを示唆した。しかし、休養が健康の3本柱でありながら、健康のために配慮することとして休養は考えられにくい状況であったことから、休養と健康とのつながりについて周知していくことが必要となると考える。It is thought that“nutrition and dietary life”,“physical activity and exercise”and“rest and mental health promotion”are the most important factors for health promotion. Previously, we made a survey on actual conditions of health for people living in Sasebo in a period from January to February of 2012. Based on results of the survey, an analysis was made on a rest and health paying attention to the results of“rest and mental health promotion”, which indicates the situation of people\u27s rest. The number of people usually paying attention to own health and those who chose the item“nutrition and dietary life”as their important life habit was the most. Whereas the number of subjects who chose the item“rest”was less than the number of subjects who chose the item“nutrition and dietary life”or“exercise”. Regarding the subjects who chose the item of exercise, there was a large difference between the numbers of subjects taking a rest enough and those who were not. Moreover, the present findings suggested that physical activity of people taking a rest enough is mostly high. These results suggest that to take an appropriate rest would lead to healthy life. “Rest”is one of three indispensable factors to keep health and so it is important to be concerned about“rest”for health maintenance. However, such idea was not so widely received until recently and“rest”was apt to be disregarded. Therefore, it is thought necessary to widely spread the idea about close correlation between rest and health


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    [[abstract]]一個完備分波多工網路設計需要考量三個面 向:資料面(data plane)、管理面(management plane) 與控制面(control plane)。當網路規模龐大時,傳 統依靠管理面進行供裝已經無法滿足使用者需 求,唯有透過良好的控制面設計(如 GMPLS)把 網路訊息發散到網路設備中,再透過良好的分散式 路由與波長指配演算法才能有效的利用網路資源 以滿足訊務的需求,並達成自動化光化網路的目 標。然而過去大部分有關於服務供裝研究均假設網 路控制面不會遲延或錯誤,這樣的假設已經無法滿 足實務上控制訊號確實不完美的情形,因此分波多 工網路如何在實際控制網路有可能出錯或遲延的 情況下提供上層網路適當的服務品質並以新型的 路由與波長指配演算法來配合是一個相當重要的 議題。在本論文中,我們首先找出影響控制面效能 的主要因素,在所有已知因素中,區域資源資訊 (local resource information)是一個可以加以利用但 從未有研究探討的有利因素。因此我們根據這個新 的控制模型並利用一些可套用區域資源資訊的路 由與波長指配演算法來改進在控制面發生遲延時 可能造成的額外服務阻斷。我們發現透過局限區域 資源訊息的範圍(也就是控制訊息只會限於距離訊 息來源 hop 長度為 k 的子網路範圍),我們不但可以 有效降低訊號網路的負載,還可以適當的改善在不 可靠控制面的情況下所造成的效能損失。[[abstract]]A comprehensive WDM network design should consider three planes: data plane, management plane, and control plane. The solution to automatically provisioning customers’traffic requirement might be dependent on a well-designed control plane (e.g., GMPLS). The control plane can spread link status information all over the network and each network element can use the information to provision traffic with a good distributed routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithm. However, most of distributed RWA algorithms in literature are based on the assumption that the control plane is perfect, which is not true in real situation. Thus how to model a practical context for control plane in WDM networks and hence derive a distributed RWA for this model is an important issue. In this paper, we derive a new model for control planes. In this model, we assume the local resource information is always correct. Then we use this local information as a basis for developing RWA algorithms against unreliable control plane. After extensive simulations, we find that the scale of local resource information, which is in terms of the hops from information source, can be a trade-off parameter when the performance of WDM networks is in terms of blocking probabilit

    ソヴィエトの破片と生きる:「集団行為」の半世紀 [全文の要約]

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