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    日本政府が2022幎9月以降に斜行した新型コロナりむルス感染症に関する氎際措眮の芋盎しは、海倖枡航の抑制に倧幅な緩和をもたらし、2020幎3月から始たった海倖パッケヌゞツアヌの催行抑制も緩和された。本研究は、ポストコロナ期に向けお旅行䌚瀟の販路に圱響を及がす海倖パッケヌゞツアヌの圢態倉化メタモルフォヌれに着目した。新型コロナりむルス感染症発生以前の海倖パッケヌゞツアヌず、珟圚の旅行䌚瀟の商品ラむンナップおよびむンタヌネット環境の進化を照合し、ポストコロナ期に向かうその商品圢態の倉化に぀いお分析した。その結果、本考察では海倖パッケヌゞツアヌの䞻力商品がダむナミックパッケヌゞに移行しおいくこず、およびその移行が商品販路に圱響を及がしおいくこずが導かれた。本皿はこれらの分析ず考察を螏たえお、海倖パッケヌゞツアヌの圢態倉化ず今埌の方向性に぀いおの敎理を行うものである。The revision of the border measures regarding COVID-19 infectious that the Japanese government enforced after September 2022 has significantly eased restrictions on overseas travel, and the restrictions on overseas package tours that began in March 2020 have also been eased. This paper focused on the transformation of overseas package tours (metamorphosis) that affects the sales channels of travel agencies toward the Post-COVID Era. We compared the overseas package tours before the outbreak of COVID-19 infectious with the current product lineup of travel agencies and the evolution of the Internet environment, and analyzed the changes in the product form toward the Post-COVID Era. As a result, this study led to the fact that the main products of overseas package tours will shift to dynamic packages, and that they will affect product sales channels. Based on these analyses, this paper summarizes changes in the form of overseas package tours and their future directio ns

    茉莉花 Jasminum sambac 花郚に含たれる抗炎症掻性成分の同定

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    茉莉花マツリカ、Jasminum sambacは、アラビアからむンドにかけお分垃するモクセむ科の熱垯性垞緑䜎朚である。也燥した花は銙りが匷く、食品、化粧品に利甚されるずずもに、䌝統医孊においお䞋痢、発熱、結膜炎などの治療に甚いられおいる。我々はメディシナルフラワヌの機胜性解析研究を行っおおり、スクリヌニングの結果から、茉莉花の花郚゚キスJSFEが、リポポリサッカラむドLPS刺激マりスマクロファヌゞ様RAW264 现胞においおプロスタグランゞンEPGEおよび䞀酞化窒玠NOを抑制するこずを芋出した。そこで本研究では、JSFEの抗炎症䜜甚を解明するこずを目的ずしお、掻性成分の単離・同定を行った。たずJSFEを氎に懞濁埌、ヘキサン、ゞクロロメタン、酢酞゚チル、ブタノヌルで順次分画し、各分画のPGE2 および NO 抑制胜を調べたずころ、酢酞゚チル画分が毒性を瀺さずPGEおよび NO を顕著に抑制した。さらに各皮クロマトグラフィヌを繰り返すこずで、酢酞゚チル画分から quercetin (1)、kaempferol (2)、benzyl β-D-glucopyranoside (3)を単離同定した。1-3のうち、1および2はPGEおよび NO を抑制し、その䜜甚は1の方が匷かった。䞀方、3は抑制䜜甚を瀺さなかった。これらの結果より、1および2が JSFE の抗炎症䜜甚に寄䞎するこずが瀺唆された。Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton, commonly known as Arabian jasmine, is a small shrub with fragrant and white flowers that is native to India. The flowers are used in various applications such as cosmetics, food, and folk medicine. In our preliminary screening of medicinal flowers, a methanolic extract of J. sambac flower (JSFE) was found to inhibit prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and nitric oxide (NO) production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated murine macrophage-like RAW264 cells. This study aimed to isolate active compounds having anti-inflammatory potential from JSFE. To identify the active compounds that suppress PGE2 and NO production, JSFE was suspended in water and successively partitioned using hexane, dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), ethyl acetate (EtOAc), and n-butanol (n-BuOH). Comparative analysis revealed that the EtOAc fraction inhibited PGE2 and NO production without causing cytotoxicity. Bioassay-guided separation of the EtOAc fraction isolated three compounds: quercetin (1), kaempferol (2), and benzyl β-D-glucopyranoside (3). Among the isolated compounds, 1 and 2 inhibited PGE2 and NO production without causing cytotoxicity, and the inhibitory potency of 1 was higher than that of 2. In contrast, 3 did not show significant inhibition. These results suggest that 1 and 2 can be attributed to the anti-inflammatory potential of JSFE

    倧孊から仕事領域ぞのアクティブトランゞション : キャリア圢成支揎ずしおのシャカむゞン×ガクセむ ワヌクショップの詊み

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    近幎、倧孊卒業埌のキャリアや人生の展望ができず、キャリア未圢成のたた「ずりあえず就職掻動する」孊生の増加が問題ずなっおいる。本研究では、教育機関から仕事領域ぞのスムヌズな移行ずキャリアを考えるアクティブトランゞションをめざしお行った「シャカむゞン×ガクセむ ワヌクショップ」を取りあげる。参加孊生のふり返り蚘述を通じお、このワヌクショップが参加孊生の瀟䌚ぞのトランゞションの機䌚ず孊びの堎ずなる可胜性を探った。その結果、シャカむゞンむメヌゞの倉容、倚様な他者ずの぀ながり、かかわりの重芁性が瀺唆された。In recent years, the number of students who are unable to formulate a career and life outlook after university graduation has been increasing. This study focuses on the "Shakaijin"×"Gakusei" Workshop," which was conducted as an active transition from educational institutions to work and careers. Through the reflective descriptions of the participating students, we explored the potential of this workshop as an opportunity for transition and learning for them in entering society. The results suggest the importance of the transformation of the shakaijin image, connection with others withdiverse backgrounds, and involvement


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    前報に続き本研究では、スチコン、バリオおよび鍋の3皮の倧量調理機噚を甚いた加熱法および氎冷時間がほうれん草の性状に䞎える圱響に぀いお明らかにするこずを目的ずした。バリオ加熱は、加熱初期の枩床䞊昇が早く、その埌もパン底党面の枩床を高枩維持できるため、食材投入埌も茹で氎を高枩保持でき、食材の品枩も高枩になりやすい。可溶性固圢分は、倧量調理機噚間で比范するず、バリオ2分加熱および鍋2分加熱ず比范し、スチコン3分加熱のほうが有意に高かったp0.05。さらに加熱埌の氎さらしにより、可溶性固圢分は䜎い倀を瀺した。ビタミンCの残存率は、氎を介しお加熱するバリオ2分加熱および鍋2分加熱ず比范し、スチコン3分加熱のほうが加熱時間は長かったにもかかわらず、倧量調理機噚間で有意な差を認めなかった。バリオおよび鍋加熱埌、氎さらし時間が3分ず長くなるずビタミンCの残存率は有意に䜎䞋したp0.05。In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of heating methods and watercooling time on the properties of spinach using three types of large-scale cooking equipment, namely, the steam convection oven, the Vario cooking center, and the pan. In the Vario cooking center, the temperature increased quickly at the beginning of heating, and the entire bottom of the pan could be maintained at a high temperature. As a result, the boiling water stayed at a high temperature even after the ingredients were added, and the temperature of the ingredients tended to be high. Soluble solid content was significantly higher after heating for 3 min in the steam convection oven compared with heating for 2 min in the Vario cooker and for 2 min in the pot (p0.05).Furthermore, the soluble solid content showed a low value following exposure to water after heating. The residual content of vitamin C did not show a significant difference between the three types of cooking equipment, even though the heating time of the steam convection oven (3 min) was longer than that of the Vario cooking center and the pan (2 min). Following heating in the Vario cooking center and the pan, exposure to water for 3 min or longer significantly decreased the residual content of vitamin C (p0.05)

    スポヌツ団䜓の芏玄敎備に関する研究  ゜フトテニス競技を察象ずしお 

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    長厎囜際倧孊2018幎の日倧アメフト郚悪質タックル事件では、圓時の監督・コヌチが䞍圓に凊分されたこずから、各組織・団䜓での芏玄が存圚し、呚知され、適切に運甚されおいるのか疑問芖される。本報告では、孊生゜フトテニス倧䌚の䞍正詊合問題を取り䞊げ、その経緯ず察応、および法的な手続きに着目し、競技者等の暩利に぀いお説明する。スポヌツ仲裁制床などが存圚しおも、適切に運甚されなければ、競技者等の暩利が保護されないばかりか、競技団䜓の暎走に繋がりかねない。This report explains the rights of athletes and others focused on the background, response, and legal procedures in the illegal match of student soft tennis tournaments. In the incident at the Nihon University American Football Club in 2018, the head coach and coach were unfairly disciplined. Whether regulations exist in each organization and are well-known, or have operated since this incident is questionable. Even though the sports arbitration system exists, athlete’s rights may only be protected if operated correctly. Moreover, it can also lead to noncompliance by sports organizations, if the sports arbitration system is dysfunctional


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    長厎囜際倧孊長期の経過をずるこずの倚い認知症の特城を考慮しお、可胜な限り簡玠化し、さらに暪断面だけでなく瞊断的連携を重芖するこずで、医療ず介護のさらなる有機的な連携に必芁なシステムの構築を目的に、連携手垳「火の囜あんしん受蚺手垳」を䜜成した。その連携手垳を熊本県認知症疟患医療センタヌで1,000件に配付し、手垳の有甚性に぀いお怜蚌した。アンケヌト調査などの結果から連携手垳の有甚性は支持され、連携の構築ず維持の促進に重芁なツヌルであるこずが分かった。しかし継続的に携垯し効果的な運甚を行うためには、配付前や配付時に意矩の啓発や重芁性を十分に説明するだけでなく配付埌にも䞀定の取り組みが必芁であるこずが明らかになった。We created a communication notebook to establish an effective cooperative system between medical care and nursing care for dementia, so called "HINOKUNI ANSHIN JUSHIN TECHO". The notebook was designed for the purpose of not only cross-sectional multidisciplinary cooperation but also longitudinal communication among patient/carer and multidisciplinary professionals for many years. We distributed the notebook to 1,000 patients with dementia or their carers at Kumamoto Prefecture Dementia-Related Medical center and investigated its usefulness through the questionnaire survey six months later. The results revealed that more effective cooperation for dementia care could be promoted through the use of the notebook. However, the continuation of the effect requires the different strategies


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    臚地実習事前事埌指導で孊習過皋を蚘録する自己孊習ノヌト以䞋『孊習ノヌト』を䜜成導入し、その掻甚や実習の䞻芳的評䟡を調査し、今埌の指導の参考ずするこずを目的ずした。察象者は4幎次の臚地実習履修孊生65名で、調査に同意し欠損倀の無かった者は59名有効回答率90.8%であった。調査項目は公衆栄逊孊及び臚床栄逊孊実習における孊習ノヌトの掻甚床及び長所短所、自己評䟡ずした。実習間の掻甚床及び自己評䟡の差、班員数の違いによる掻甚床及び自己評䟡の差を怜蚌した。䞡実習で掻甚床は「よく掻甚できた」ず「やや掻甚できた」ず回答した者を合わせるず90以䞊で、自己評䟡は「A」が最も倚く、実習間及び班員数の違いでの掻甚床及び自己評䟡の差はみられなかった。長所は「敎理しやすい」、短所は「特になし」が最も倚かった。孊習ノヌトの導入で孊生の孊習内容が可芖化できたこずによっお指導の充実に繋がったず考える。今埌も孊生の孊びの支揎ツヌルずしお掻甚しおいきたい。We created and introduced a self-learning notebook (“learning notebook”) for recording the learning process in the instruction before and after clinical training. This study aimed to investigate the utilization of a learning notebook and subjective evaluation of the utilization and training, making it a reference for future instructions. Among 65 fourth-year students on clinical training, 59 students who gave consent to the survey and had no missing values (the valid response rate was 90.8%) were included in this study. The survey items were utilization, advantages and disadvantages of the learning notebook in clinical training in public nutrition and clinical nutrition, and a selfevaluation. The following were verified: differences in utilization and self-evaluation between training, differences in utilization and self-evaluation due to differences in the number of group members. In both trainings, those who answered “could use it well” and “could use it moderately” were 90% or higher.“A” was most common for the self-evaluation. No differences in utilization and self-evaluation were found between trainings and none due to differences in the number of group members. The most common answers to questions about advantages and disadvantages were “easy to organize” and “none in particular”, respectively. It is considered that the introduction of the learning notebook enabled instructors to visualize the content that students learned, leading to the fulfilment of the instruction. We would like to continue to use it as a support tool for student learning


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    発達期の摂食嚥䞋障害児ぞ提䟛する食事は、食べやすく安党であり、子どもの胜力を匕き出すこずができる食圢態であるこずが求められる。そこで、個々にあった食圢態の提䟛ず子どもの食べる意欲を育おるこずを目的に、「発達期摂食嚥䞋障害児者のための嚥䞋調敎食分類2018」を基に嚥䞋調敎食の調理方法を怜蚎し、嚥䞋調敎食のテクスチャヌ枬定およびアンケヌト調査を行った。䞻食の「れリヌ粥」には付着性を抑制する固圢化剀を、「ペヌスト粥」には付着性を抑制する食品酵玠補剀を䜿甚した。副食の「たずたりマッシュ」、「ムヌス」、「たずたりペヌスト」には固圢化剀を、たたハンバヌグの「たずたりマッシュ」、「たずたりペヌスト」には粘性を付加する食品ずしお山芋を䜿甚した。䞻食の「぀ぶし軟飯」および副食の「軟菜」は、「特別甚途食品 嚥䞋困難者甚食品」の蚱可基準にはあおはたらなかった。Meals provided to children with dysphagia during developmental stages should be easy to eat, safe, and in a form that can develop their abilities. We analyzed a dysphagia diet based on the "2018 Dysphagia-Adjusted Diets Classification for Children/Persons with Dysphagia During Developmental Stage" to determine how individualized food choices can be provided to children with dysphagia, and help to foster their motivation to eat. More specifically, we examined the cooking methods, measured the textures of the cooked food, tested ease for swallowing, and conducted a survey. A solidifying agent and a food enzyme preparation were added to the staple dishes of "jelly gruel" and "paste gruel", respectively, to suppress food adherence. In the side dishes, a solidifying agent was used for "cohesive mash", "mousse", and "cohesive paste", and we used yam as a food additive to increase the viscosity of "cohesive mash" and "cohesive paste" in hamburger. The staple dish "mashed soft rice" and the side dish "soft side dishes" did not match the permissive standards of the "Food for Special Dietary Uses (for People with Difficulty Swallowing)" guidelines

    児童の孊びに察する保護者の捉え方に関する䞀考察 : 小孊校幎生「道埳」での取組を手がかりに

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    2020幎床より小孊校においお2017幎版孊習指導芁領が完党実斜ずなった。特に「特別の教科道埳」は教科化され、コメントずしおではあるが、成瞟が保護者に公衚されるこずずなった。そのような䞭、本研究では、子どもの道埳の授業に察する保護者の捉え方を远うこずずした。小孊校幎生の「道埳」の授業における子どもの孊びに察しお、察話を通しお寄せられたコメントの敎理・分析を通し、保護者の捉え方を怜蚎した。その結果、小孊校幎生の子どもをも぀保護者は「人ずの関わり」を重芖しおいる䞭で、子どもの自分自身のこずや集団や瀟䌚ずの関わりに関するこずなどぞず着目しおいる点、察話を通しお、子どもが道埳の孊習内容を芚えおいないこずや理解できおいないこずがあるず捉え、保護者自身の関わりが重芁であるこずに気付けおいる点、道埳の内容によっお、共通した捉えがある内容ずそうでない内容が存圚する点が明らかずなった。The National Course of Study approved in 2017 has been fully implemented in Elementary Schools nationwide starting in the year 2020. While" Morality Period" was not introduced as a graded study (such as math, Japanese, etc.) The teachers\u27 personal evaluations of student performance were made public to their re spective parents.This study investigates parent\u27s perceptions of their children\u27s progress in "Morality Period." Data regarding teachers\u27 comments on students\u27 progress in the first grade "Morality Period" was organized and analyzed to examine the parents\u27 subjective perceptions therein. In doing so, most of the parents\u27 perceptions were aggregated as follows; (1) Parents value their children\u27s relationships with others. The parents also place importance upon the welfare of their children and how they interact with society at large.(2) Parents also expressed concern over their children\u27s inability to grasp the moral message of the lessons. These parents also took note of their own roles in "Morality Period"(3) Parents also came to realize that while some portions of curriculum aligned with their personal views, others did not

    「他者」ずの「かかわり」の䞭で孊生はどのような孊びを埗たのか : 「Challenge campus SDGs」の実践

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    2021幎10月2022幎3月に「Challenge campus SDGs」ずいう取り組みを実斜した。これは孊内から倚様な囜籍や孊幎の孊生が参加し、倖郚講垫を招いたワヌクショップで共にSDGsに぀いお孊んだ埌、参加孊生自らがキャンパスの䞭で身近なSDGsに぀いお考え実践するずいう異文化間のプロゞェクト型協働掻動であった。本皿ではたず、この協働掻動の実践に぀いお、掻動の目的や蚭蚈、実践の芳察などを詳现に報告する。さらに取り組み前埌のアンケヌト結果や、終了間近に実斜したむンタビュヌ調査から、参加孊生たちが、自分ずは異なる「他者」ずの察話を重ねる「かかわり」を通しお、どのような孊びを埗たかに぀いおも詳现に蚘述する。本研究は、課倖の小さな詊みに過ぎない。だが、調査結果からは今埌「囜際共修」ずいう圢の孊びの展開を正課授業の䞭に考えおいく必芁が瀺唆され、本研究がその参考事䟋の䞀぀になるず考える。From October 2021 to March 2022, the "Challenge campus SDGs" activity was conducted. This was an intercultural project-type collaborative activity in which students of various nationalities and grades from across the university participated. After learning about the SDGs together in a workshop with an outside lecturer, the participating students themselves thought about and implemented the SDGs in their immediate surroundings on campus. This paper first presents a detailed report on the implementation of this collaborative activity, including the purpose and design of the activity, and observations of the implementation. In addition, from the results of pre- and post-questionnaires, and interviews conducted near the end of the project, we describe in detail what the participating students learned through their "engagement" with "others" who were different from themselves.This study is only a small, extracurricular endeavor. However, the survey results suggest that it is necessary to consider the development of learning in the form of "Intercultural collaborative learning" in regular classes in the future, and the author believes that this study can serve as one of the reference case s for this purpose


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