20 research outputs found

    Scanning structure of spermatozoon of Moniezia expansa (Cyclophyllidea: Anoplocephalidae)

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    Surface structure of spermatozoon of cestoda Moniezia expansa was observed by using scanning electron microscopy. The mature spermatozoon of Moniezia expansa was filiform, tapered at both ends at lower magnification. Under high magnification, its surface structure was rope-like, caused by 25 to 45 degree spiral cortical microtubules around the sperm axis. Diversity of mature spermatozoa of cestoda in the Order Cyclophyllidea was discussed.国家自然科学基金(No·39900109);; 留学回国基金及华南农业大学校国际合作基金资助项目~

    Study on the prothymosin α as vaccine adjuvant of P.yoelii

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    目的:研究胸腺素α原(PrOTHyMOSInα,PrOTα)作为约氏疟原虫疫苗免疫佐剂的作用。方法:提取P.yOElII-17Xnl全蛋白作为抗原,用胸腺素α原作为免疫佐剂,免疫小鼠。具体方案为:昆明小鼠分为4组,每组6只,A组免疫P.yOElII-17Xnl全蛋白+PrOTα;b组免疫P.yOElII-17Xnl全蛋白;C组只注射PrOTα;d组为空白对照,以相同体积的生理盐水代替。免疫结束后感染致死的P.yOElII-17Xl,1x107个虫/只小鼠。结果:感染后的前10天A组小鼠疟原虫血症平均值要低于其他三组,且最终有3只小鼠存活下来,存活率50%,C组有一只小鼠存活,b、d组小鼠全部死亡。结论:用P.yOElII-17Xnl全蛋白做抗原,用PrOTα作为佐剂,比单独用P.yOElII-17Xnl全蛋白对小鼠有更好的免疫保护作用,提示了PrOTα可以成为一种有潜力的蛋白疫苗。Objective:To investigate the function of prothymosin α(ProTα) as vaccine adjuvant of P.yoelii.Methods:The mice were immunized with the total protein extracted from P.yoelii-17XNL as antigen,together with prothymosin α as adjuvant.Programs:Kunming mice were divided into A,B,C and D group.A group was immunized with P.yoelii-17XNL total protein and ProTα;B group was immunized with P.yoelii-17XNL;C group was only injected with ProTα;D group was the control,only injected with physiological saline.And then,the mice of each group was infected with P.yoelii-17XL,the dosage was 1×107/mice.Results:The parasitemia of A group-mice was lower than the other three groups in the first 10 days after infection,and eventually there were three mice survived in A group,the survival rate was 50%,one mouse survived in C group,all of mice in B group and D group died.Conclusion:Mice immunized with P.yoelii-17XNL total protein as antigen together with ProTα as adjuvants,had better immune protection than those immunized with P.yoelii-17XNL protein only.The present results suggest that the ProTα can act as a potential adjuvant in protein vaccine.厦门市科技项目(3502Z20083004);国家“973”项目(2007CB513103)资

    Studies on the Trichordina from Economic Fish in Xiamen and Fuzhou,Fujian China

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    共调查11种经济鱼类,有九种感染车轮虫.感染率为82%(68/83).对车轮虫经形态学比较后鉴定有16种,其中一种为新种,5种为国内新记录,8种为福建新记录During 1992-1995, the gills and skin of 11 species of economic fishes were examined in Xiamen and Fuzhou, 9 of them (81.9%) were found infected with trichordina.16 trichordinas were identified, of which one species is new in science; 5 species are new records in China.The characteristic of new species is described as follows: small trichordina with hook showed like triangles and arranged like a chrysanthemum flower or a windwill

    The Methods For Examination of Quality of Paecilomyces lilacinus Production Determination For the Colony Forming Unit

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    记述两种异带属绦虫新种:林鹬异带绦虫和矶鹜异带绦虫.对新种和形态作了较详细的描述,并与相似种类进行了图、表比较.The Paecilomyces lilacinus produced has biological control eFFects against nematodes parasitizing on many plants.The methods of examining its quality were studied.In view of absence of a quality control standard in China,the colony Forming units (CFU) were proposed as one of the most important parameters of the product′s quality, and was determined by the dilution plate method. The examination of 10 batches of specimens prepared demonstrated that the parameters 3.5×10 6 CFU/g specimen could reFlect the product′s quality, which is also in accordance with the technological requirements and peasant′s demands.ThereFore,it was recommended as an industrial standard of Paecilomyces lilacinus production.国家教委博士点基

    On The Description of Two Species of Bird Cestodes From Yunnan, China

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    记述采自云南保山市张明山灰头鹦鹉及黄胸织布鸟肠道的两种绦虫:赛尼苛氏绦虫COTugnIASEI及雀形双子宫绦虫bIuTErInAPASErInA.这两种绦虫在我国的分布均为首次记录,且宿主均为新记录This paper reports two species of bird cestodes, namely (1) Cotugnia seni meggitt collected From Psittacula himalayana, and (2) Biuterina passerina Fuhrmann were First recorded in China, and their deFinitive bird hosts were also newly recorded From the world

    A review of the current status of Echinococcus and hydatid disease,with notes on some informative achievements in China

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    [中文文摘]目的回顾棘球绦虫及其棘球蚴病的当代研究成果,着重论述我国对本虫病原学和流行学的研究贡献。方法评阅有关本虫病的研究资料,分析、讨论、总结本病原虫种、终期和中间宿主动物,病原与宿主之间相互关系及其流行、传播规律。结论当代全球有7种棘球绦虫,我国有5种,其中石渠棘球绦虫是青藏高原特有的新虫种。全球有20多种食肉兽类作为终期宿主,我国已知自然感染有5种,其中藏狐为宿主新记录。细粒棘球绦虫的中间宿主除大型家畜(牛、马、羊、猪)外,尚有多种鹿类有蹄动物和人体等。多房性棘球绦虫的中间宿主有9科26属46种啮齿类动物,我国已报道有6科10属14种啮齿动物为自然宿主,人体也会感染。此外绵羊、牦牛、猪等家畜虽报道有自然感染多房蚴,但病理学显示病肝组织纤维化,泡囊均无原头节,与人体感染的肝病变相似,拟是不正常的中间宿主或是多囊性的细粒棘球蚴感染。[英文文摘]There are seven Echinococcus pathogens of hydatid disease reported from the world,and five species are found in China.Among them,E.shiquicus,collected from eastern Tibetan plateau in Sichuan Province of China,is described as a new species by Xiao et al(2005).Its adult worm is the smallest one in Echinococcus spp.The majority of them contain a single immature proglottid and a single gravid proglottid,lacking mature proglottid.The Tibetan fox,Vulpes ferrilata,is confirmed as the final host of E.shiquicus,and the plateau pika,Ochotona curzoniae,serves as the intermediate host.In the host liver,the metacestode develops into unilocular hydatid cyst,with no daughter cyst.Domestic dog and human are not found to be infected with either adult or metacestode so far.E.granulosus is recognized with two forms on the basis of differences in host-specify.The Northern Form of E.granulosus distributes in the holarctic zone of tundra and boreal forest or Taiga.Its natural cycle is perpetuated by the predator-prey relationship existing between wolf and large deer.The Domestic Form(European Form) of E.granulosus reveals nearly cosmopolitan distribution,and its life cycle involves both domestic dog and ungulates as final and intermediate host respectively.The latter form appears to be the most important pathogen of hydatid disease in the world.In China,the unilocular dydatid disease pathogen belongs to the Domestic Form,but there probably exist complex infection with the Northern Form in some pasture lands at Northwest China.E.multilocularis or multilocular(alveolar) hydatid cyst is recognized as an important pathogen of zoonoses in the world.This cestode-pathogen distributes throughout the holarctic zone of tundra,involving Europe,Siberia,Northern Japan,subarctic islands and North America.The typical life cycle involves foxes and rodents.According to the published data from local hospitals or institutes of parasitic disease in China,during 1965-2008,more than 1 000 human AHD(alveolar hydatid disease)cases have been reported in 12 provinces or autonomous regions,including 70-odd districts or cities.About 11 species of carnivorous animals are recorded as natural final hosts in the world,including 5 species from China.Especially,the Tibetan fox,Vulpes ferrilata,is confirmed to be a new final host record from the world.At least 9 families,26 genera and 46 species of rodents are recorded as intermediate hosts from the world(Rausch,1986;Vuitton et al.,2003).In China,8 families,13 genera and 17 species of mammals are reported as natural intermediate hosts,in which yak 8.6%(66/766),sheep 7.5%(3/40) and pig 3.1%(1/32) are infected with AHD in Shiqu County,the plateau region of western Sichuan Province(Qiu et al,1995).In addition,the viewpoint that large domestic ungulate animals can be infected with alveolar hydatid disease is criticized by some authoritative parasitologists,who regard it to be confused with polycystic infection of E.granulosus(Rausch,1967,1986).The evidences for such problem require further observations or animal examinations in the future. After Vogel(1957) suggested E.sibiricensis as a geographic subspecies of high-latitude form,three subspecies,such as ①E.m.multilocularis Leuckard,②E.m.sibiricensis Rausch et schiller and ③E.m.kazakhensis Shul’ts,are recognized by Rausch(1967,1968),but the problem of multilo-echinococcid subspecificity remains in abeyance up to now.Following a series of studies on the etiology,epidemiology and developmental life cycle examinations,Tang et al(1988-2007) discriminate that the three subspecies of E.multilocularis from Inner Mongolia appear to have their distinct characteristics of uterus in gravid proglottid and of metacestode development in rodent host.Based on the excellent research achievements,they demonstrate that the three subspecies are valid species respectively.Namely,both E.m.multilocularis and E.m.sibiricensis need to recover their original scientific names: E.multilocularis and E.sibiricensis.Besides,a new species of Echinococcus,in stead of the Russian form E.m.kazakhensis,is described,which has a spherical uterus in the gravid proglottid.Its metacestode obtained from naturally and artificially infected rodents develops like polycystic hydatid cyst,with large alveolar vesicles and brood capsules,and the protoscolexes are produced from both germinal layer and reticular meshes in the alveolar cysts.Nevertheless,the metacestode in experimentally infected lambs cannot develop.In memory of the late Russian parasitologist,who first discovered this type of morphologic characteristics of Echinococcus adult worm from Kazakhstan,Tang et al(2007)designate it E.russicensis sp.nov


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    本文记述膜壳科膜壳属绦虫二新种,即卷尾膜壳绦虫HyMEnOlEPISCHIbIAESP.nOV.和三宝鸟膜壳绦虫H.AbunduSSP.nOV.。卷尾膜壳绦虫标本采自福州的黑发冠卷尾CHIbIAHOTEnTOTAbrEVIrOSTrIS;三宝鸟膜壳绦虫标本采自福州的三宝鸟EurySTOMuSOrIEnTAlISAbunduS,均为肠道寄生虫。模式标本均保存于厦门大学寄生动物研究室。he present paper deals with two new species of the genus Hymenolepis belonging to the family Hymenolepididae, collected from birds in Fujian Province, China.Holotypes and paratypes are deposited in Parasitology Laboratory, Xiamen University (Measure in mm).Hymenolepis chibiae sp.nov. (Figs.14)Host Chibia hottentotta brevirostris.Location Small intestine.Location Fuzhou (26° 05′ N,119° 18′E),Fujian Province.Description Worm of small size.Strobila 5763 in length and 08070903 in maximum width.Genital pores regularly opening at anterior part of the lateral margin of the segment, inclined to the middle.Scolex, 01530167 in width and 01010103 in length; Rostellum, 00240033 in width and 00710080 in length, with 10 rostellar hooks, each hook measures 00350038 in length, likes a spanner.Suckers 4, roundish or elliptical, without spines, 00590067×00530060.Testes 3, elliptical, 01070121×00980104,arranged in triangle, two antiporal and one poral.Cirrus pouch, Pearshaped, 01370149 in length and 00580066 in width, with the bottom of the pouch crosses the ventral longitudinal excretory ducts.External seminal vesicle, 00990107 in length and 00510060 in width.Internal seminal vesicle, 00680077 in length and 00290035 in width.Female genital organs situated at the middle of the segment.Ovary, fanlike, with many branches along the edge.Vitelline gland compact, with fingerlike branches along the edge, posterior to ovary.Seminal receptacle pearlike 01570164 in length and 00690076 in width.Reproductive cavity obvious.Uterus, saclike, when fully gravid, over reaching excretory stems laterally.Eggs, 00390045×00290034.Oncospheres, 00210024×00130017.Length of embryo hooks.00100012.Discussion The new species resembles Hymenolepis fringillarum Rudolphi, 1809, but differs from the latter species mainly by the smaller size of the scolex, larger rostellar hook, smaller external seminal vesicle and larger reproductive cavity.Hymenolepis abundus sp.nov. (Figs.58)Host Eurystomus orientalis abundus.Location Small intestine.Locality Fuzhou (26° 15′N, 119° 18′E) , Fujian Province.Description Worm of small size, strobila 1850 in length and 08141022 in maximum width.Neck present, 01600185 in width and 02030224 in length.Immature proglottides.01860407×00180296; mature, 04230668×03070380;gravid, 07421022×03930401.A single set of reproductive organs per proglottid.Genital pore regularly opening at the middle of the lateral margin of the proglottid. Scolex, 02370263 in width and 01980202 length.Suckers 4, roundish or elliptical, without spines, 00790087×00860094; rostellar hooks 12, 00240026 in length.Testes 3, roundish, 01160118 in diameter, arranged in triangle, two antiporal.one poral.Cirrus pouch, pearshaped, 01310169 in length and 00390048 in width.External seminal vesicle, 01010123 in length and 00330042 in width.Internal seminal vesicle, 00870096 in length and 00290036 in width.Cirrus unspined, ordinarily don′t stretch out of the segment.Female genital organs situated at the median of the progolttid.Ovary declined fanshaped, with irregularly branches along the edge, part of the ovary overlap on the testes.Vitelline gland nearly roundish, edge regular or slightly irregular, posterior to ovary.Seminal receptacle long saclike or pearlike.01560068 in length and 00500068 in width.Uterus, when fully gravid, saddle saclike.Eggs, 00400045×00330038.Oncosphere, 00210024×00160019.Embryo hook, 00120014 in length.Discussion The new species resembles Hymenolepis serpentulus Schrank, 1788 but differs from the latter species mainly by the number of rostellar hooks, position of genital pore, size of seminal receptacl博士点基

    A Note on the Pathology of Hepatic Lesions of Two Human AHD Cases From Tacheng, Xinjiang Autonomous Region

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    报道塔城地区二例泡球蚴病肝的病理病变.组织切片显示病肝组织被无数小泡囊所取代.泡囊的角质层较厚,常呈破裂,内层的生发膜产生的小雏囊均不含原头蚴,全系不育囊.肝的基本组织,包括肝小叶、肝细胞、肝窦、胆小管等均遭受严重的破坏.在病灶中心,可见有坏死与钙化的肝组织,泡囊的周围形成肉芽炎症反应,整个病灶形成肉芽结节.肝组织里并见有些泡囊破裂,生发层浸润周围组织,产生新的小泡囊并见于病灶的纤维组织内.The tissue sections of 2 human AHD hepatic lesions indicated that mass ofliver tissue was replaced by numerous multivesicular units.Each of them was composed of both inner and outer layer.The outer layer (Laminated membrane)was thicker, often broken into interstic, and the inner layer (germinal membrane ) was thinner,.producing brood capsules, in which no protoscolex had been Found.The pathology of hepatic thissue appeared to be atrophy with necrosis.The whole of Focal lesion including liver lobule.hepatocyte cord, hepatic sinusoid and bile canaliculi consisted of a large number of collg aenous tissue with Foci calciFication.In the surrounding teissue of vesicles, a marked nodular inFlammatory reaction and numerous granulations were present.The granulation was composed of three layers.The inner layer contained the region of cenrtal necrosis, with curly laminated menbrane.The middle layer consisted of squamous epithlium cells, arranging in radial way, with a large number of inFiltrated cell, such as eosinophiles, Iymphocytes, plasma cells and multinucleated macrophages.The outer layer consisted of dense Fibrous connective tissue.Besides, some ruptured vesicles and germinal membrane had inFiltrated to the surrounding of liver tissue, and some new small vesicles were present in the Fibrous connective tissue.国家自然科学基

    Studies on The Epidemiology of Anoplocephalatoses of Cattle and Sheep from Ningxia

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    1996年8月,作者在宁夏回族自治区盐池滩羊选育场,盐池县大水坑镇屠宰场以及吴忠市等地考察牛羊裸头科绦虫病原流行情况,调查表明滩羊场羊群粪检裸头绦虫卵自然感染率20.8%(64/307),屠宰场剖检羊小肠裸头绦虫自然感染率11.7%(38/326).绦虫种类为曲子宫绦虫感染率57.9%(22/38),扩张莫氏绦虫31.6%(12/38),无卵黄腺绦虫自然感染率23.7%(9/38).用盖氏曲子宫绦虫和中点无卵黄腺绦虫成熟孕节人工感染草场地螨,在室温条件下培养3~45天后陆续剖检,均未查出绦虫幼虫,剖检牛小肠145条,全部未查到绦虫阳性,剖检当地草场裸头绦虫中间宿主超肋甲螨(SCHElOrIbATESCHAuHAnI)以及部分蚂蚁和蚱蜢均未找到绦虫幼虫.In the August of 1996, a general survey on theepidemiology of domestic cattle and sheep were carried out in Ningxia Autonomous Region.307 sheep were examined by means of fecal examination,and 64 of them(20.8%)were found to have anoplocephalid eggs, Post mortem examination were also made on 326 sheep and 145 cattle slaughtered in slaughter house ,and 38 of sheep (11.6 %) were positive with anoplocephalates,but all of cattle were free from infection.The infection rate of each anoplocehalates were as follows: Thysaniezia giardi is 57.9%(22/38). Moniezia expensa 31.6%(12/38) and Avitellina centripunctata 23.7%(9/38). In the meantime,13260 oribatid mites,510 ants (Formica sanguinea) and 50 grasshoppers (Acrida chinensis) collected from the turf of samples in pature were examined,and all of them were negative with metacestode. Besides,the examination were also made of Thysaniezia giardi, 4000 oribatid mites infected with Avitellina centripunctata and 2500 mites infected with Moniezea benedeni. and no any cysticercoid or metacestode were found from them.国家自然科学基金;国家教委博士点基