
本文记述膜壳科膜壳属绦虫二新种,即卷尾膜壳绦虫HyMEnOlEPISCHIbIAESP.nOV.和三宝鸟膜壳绦虫H.AbunduSSP.nOV.。卷尾膜壳绦虫标本采自福州的黑发冠卷尾CHIbIAHOTEnTOTAbrEVIrOSTrIS;三宝鸟膜壳绦虫标本采自福州的三宝鸟EurySTOMuSOrIEnTAlISAbunduS,均为肠道寄生虫。模式标本均保存于厦门大学寄生动物研究室。he present paper deals with two new species of the genus Hymenolepis belonging to the family Hymenolepididae, collected from birds in Fujian Province, China.Holotypes and paratypes are deposited in Parasitology Laboratory, Xiamen University (Measure in mm).Hymenolepis chibiae sp.nov. (Figs.14)Host Chibia hottentotta brevirostris.Location Small intestine.Location Fuzhou (26° 05′ N,119° 18′E),Fujian Province.Description Worm of small size.Strobila 5763 in length and 08070903 in maximum width.Genital pores regularly opening at anterior part of the lateral margin of the segment, inclined to the middle.Scolex, 01530167 in width and 01010103 in length; Rostellum, 00240033 in width and 00710080 in length, with 10 rostellar hooks, each hook measures 00350038 in length, likes a spanner.Suckers 4, roundish or elliptical, without spines, 00590067×00530060.Testes 3, elliptical, 01070121×00980104,arranged in triangle, two antiporal and one poral.Cirrus pouch, Pearshaped, 01370149 in length and 00580066 in width, with the bottom of the pouch crosses the ventral longitudinal excretory ducts.External seminal vesicle, 00990107 in length and 00510060 in width.Internal seminal vesicle, 00680077 in length and 00290035 in width.Female genital organs situated at the middle of the segment.Ovary, fanlike, with many branches along the edge.Vitelline gland compact, with fingerlike branches along the edge, posterior to ovary.Seminal receptacle pearlike 01570164 in length and 00690076 in width.Reproductive cavity obvious.Uterus, saclike, when fully gravid, over reaching excretory stems laterally.Eggs, 00390045×00290034.Oncospheres, 00210024×00130017.Length of embryo hooks.00100012.Discussion The new species resembles Hymenolepis fringillarum Rudolphi, 1809, but differs from the latter species mainly by the smaller size of the scolex, larger rostellar hook, smaller external seminal vesicle and larger reproductive cavity.Hymenolepis abundus sp.nov. (Figs.58)Host Eurystomus orientalis abundus.Location Small intestine.Locality Fuzhou (26° 15′N, 119° 18′E) , Fujian Province.Description Worm of small size, strobila 1850 in length and 08141022 in maximum width.Neck present, 01600185 in width and 02030224 in length.Immature proglottides.01860407×00180296; mature, 04230668×03070380;gravid, 07421022×03930401.A single set of reproductive organs per proglottid.Genital pore regularly opening at the middle of the lateral margin of the proglottid. Scolex, 02370263 in width and 01980202 length.Suckers 4, roundish or elliptical, without spines, 00790087×00860094; rostellar hooks 12, 00240026 in length.Testes 3, roundish, 01160118 in diameter, arranged in triangle, two poral.Cirrus pouch, pearshaped, 01310169 in length and 00390048 in width.External seminal vesicle, 01010123 in length and 00330042 in width.Internal seminal vesicle, 00870096 in length and 00290036 in width.Cirrus unspined, ordinarily don′t stretch out of the segment.Female genital organs situated at the median of the progolttid.Ovary declined fanshaped, with irregularly branches along the edge, part of the ovary overlap on the testes.Vitelline gland nearly roundish, edge regular or slightly irregular, posterior to ovary.Seminal receptacle long saclike or pearlike.01560068 in length and 00500068 in width.Uterus, when fully gravid, saddle saclike.Eggs, 00400045×00330038.Oncosphere, 00210024×00160019.Embryo hook, 00120014 in length.Discussion The new species resembles Hymenolepis serpentulus Schrank, 1788 but differs from the latter species mainly by the number of rostellar hooks, position of genital pore, size of seminal receptacl博士点基

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