15 research outputs found


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    The Study on the Economy and Society of Modern Min River Basin (1861-1937)

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    本文关注的核心问题为闽江流域作为一经济区域在近代的变迁,其中尤以对经济变迁的考察为重点。在对流域经济变迁的诸要素如区位、交通、商品流通、市场结构、劳动力等展开描述的同时,本文也涉及对主要社会团体如商会、农会等在流域近代变迁过程中所起作用的研究。同时,本文还交叉运用经济地理学、发展经济学、区域经济学、港口经济学等相关学科的理论与方法对流域的社会与经济变迁过程加以说明。本文主要从以下几个方面来加以展开:一是从生态环境、水陆交通的角度来考察近代闽江流域经济与社会变迁的背景条件。二是从商品流通、市场结构、农业改良与近代产业的发展等角度考察流域的产业经济,指出近代闽江流域大规模的商品流通在客观上促成了流...The key issue that this thesis focuses on is the vicissitudes of the Min River Basin as a whole economic region in modern times, among which especially the economic vicissitudes are the focal point of the examination. On the basis of historical data the thesis represents the factors of the vicissitudes of the Basin’s economy, including location, communication, commodity circulation, market structu...学位:历史学博士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国近现代史学号:B20030202


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    The Interaction between the Immigrants and the Trade Network of the Chinese Businessmen Around the China Sea——Focusing on the South China Sea in the Modern Times

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    近代中国的海外移民在迁出地上主要集中于闽粤地区,在迁入地上主要集中于东南亚地区。在南中海地区,移民行为与华商的贸易网络一开始就紧密联系在一起,就源起上讲,两者几乎是同步进行的。在近代,一方面,移民行为使得华商跨国贸易网络不断扩展,同时也为网络规模的扩大提供了强有力的“外部经济”支持,另一方面,华商网络的存在使移民行为在新的关照下被赋予了新的内容和涵义,更进一步拓展了海外移民理论的研究。In Modern times most Overseas Chinese moved from Guangdong and Fujian to the Southeast Asian areas. In the South China Sea area, the action of migration from its start affiliated with the trade network of the Chinese businessmen. Regarding the origin, they had started at the same time. In the Modern times, on the one hand, the action of migration led to the expansion of the trade network of the Chinese businessmen and supplied the strong support as 'external economics' for the expansion of the network; on the other hand, the existence of the trade network of the Chinese businessmen endowed the action of migration with new content and meaning, which availed the further research into the theory of the overseas immigrants

    Yu Heping and the Study of History of Chinese Chambers of Commerce

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    On the External Market of China's Treaty Ports:With the Focus on Modern Fuzhou

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    关于中国近代通商口岸城市的研究,学界一般强调开埠通商后外部国际市场对城市发展的推动作用,进而着重关注口岸城市与腹地经济的有效互动。然而,从长时期的角度来看,近代口岸城市的发展是与其参与海洋亚洲的建构息息相关的。以福州为例,长久以来,借着亚洲内部的贸易关系,琉球与台湾成为福州城市与港口发展最深刻的历史记忆。然而自19世纪下半叶开始,随着开埠通商,与更大的国际市场建立联系,福州的发展反而形成了一种偏离。在丧失传统亚洲外部市场之后,福州及其腹地都被迫转向“内在“,表现出极大的内向性发展。As to the modern China's treaty port cities,scholars generally emphasize the impetus of external international market on their development,and focus on the effective interaction between the cities and their hinterlands.From the historical perspective,however,the development of the urban and port areas of Fuzhou has had a close relation with its participation to the construction of the marine Asia.Because of the Asian internal trade,Ryukyu and Taiwan had become the most profound historical memory for the development of Fuzhou urban and port areas for a long time.Yet since the nineteenth century,with the port opening and the relations set up with the bigger international market,this development had deviated.After the loss of traditional Asian external market,Fuzhou and its hinterland were forced to turn to the "inner" self.国家社会科学基金项目“近代环南中海华人跨国组织与闽粤社会研究”(09CZS030);教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目“近代闽江流域社会经济研究(1861-1937)”(09YJC770043);福建省社会科学规划项目“区域、市场、政府:近代闽江流域发展研究”(2008C025

    A Study of Post-war Repatriation of Burma Returned Overseas Chinese in Wartime:From the Perspective of State-Society Relations

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    二战结束后,受太平洋战争影响而返回中国避难的大量缅甸华侨急需返缅恢复旧业。但由于战后国际关系的演变,缅甸新政府对华侨返缅设置了重重阻碍,这一群体遂大量滞留中国,散布于广东、广西、福建、云南、贵州等省,且集中于广州、汕头、厦门、福州、昆明等地。为寻求成功返缅复员,这一群体以侨团的形式积极游走于联合国相关组织、各国政府与各地方社会之间。面对当时的国民政府,缅甸归侨所组织的社团最大限度地发挥了其"侨"和"社会团体"的特性,也成功地显示了归侨团体在形塑近代"国家—社会"关系时的独特作用。与此同时,国民政府战后社会重建时的低效和无力在此过程中被折射无遗。After the end of World War II,a large number of Burma Overseas Chinese who returned to China to seek refuge in the Pacific War were in urgent need of returning to Burma for reinstatement. However,due to the influence of the evolution of international relations after World War II,this group was largely stranded in China. They were scattered in Guangzhou,Shantou,Xiamen,Fuzhou,Kunming and other cities in Guangdong,Fujian,Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.In order to seek a successful return to Burma,this group,in the form of an Overseas Chinese Association,was active between the relevant UN organizations,governments and local communities. Faced with the Kuomintang Government,the associations organized by the group gave full play to their"overseas Chinese"and"social group"characteristics and demonstrated the uniqueness of the Overseas Chinese Associations in shaping modern "state-society"relations. In this process,the inefficiency and weakness of the Kuomintang government in the post-war social reconstruction were totally refracted.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助“国家与社会视野下的缅侨复员:以战后外交和社会重建为中心(1945—1948)”(20720151022); 福建省教育厅社科研究项目“民国福建归侨社团研究”(JA13014S