A Study of Post-war Repatriation of Burma Returned Overseas Chinese in Wartime:From the Perspective of State-Society Relations


二战结束后,受太平洋战争影响而返回中国避难的大量缅甸华侨急需返缅恢复旧业。但由于战后国际关系的演变,缅甸新政府对华侨返缅设置了重重阻碍,这一群体遂大量滞留中国,散布于广东、广西、福建、云南、贵州等省,且集中于广州、汕头、厦门、福州、昆明等地。为寻求成功返缅复员,这一群体以侨团的形式积极游走于联合国相关组织、各国政府与各地方社会之间。面对当时的国民政府,缅甸归侨所组织的社团最大限度地发挥了其"侨"和"社会团体"的特性,也成功地显示了归侨团体在形塑近代"国家—社会"关系时的独特作用。与此同时,国民政府战后社会重建时的低效和无力在此过程中被折射无遗。After the end of World War II,a large number of Burma Overseas Chinese who returned to China to seek refuge in the Pacific War were in urgent need of returning to Burma for reinstatement. However,due to the influence of the evolution of international relations after World War II,this group was largely stranded in China. They were scattered in Guangzhou,Shantou,Xiamen,Fuzhou,Kunming and other cities in Guangdong,Fujian,Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.In order to seek a successful return to Burma,this group,in the form of an Overseas Chinese Association,was active between the relevant UN organizations,governments and local communities. Faced with the Kuomintang Government,the associations organized by the group gave full play to their"overseas Chinese"and"social group"characteristics and demonstrated the uniqueness of the Overseas Chinese Associations in shaping modern "state-society"relations. In this process,the inefficiency and weakness of the Kuomintang government in the post-war social reconstruction were totally refracted.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助“国家与社会视野下的缅侨复员:以战后外交和社会重建为中心(1945—1948)”(20720151022); 福建省教育厅社科研究项目“民国福建归侨社团研究”(JA13014S

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